The role of man in raising his children

June 25, 2009 11:21am CST
I`am a very actively involved father. When I'm not at the slave factory(work), I try to spend as much time as possible with my kids. But for some reason the majority of society see mothers as being more important in the raising of a child. But I think we are equall. Each parent has different vital elements to share with their child. I`am sure I would have still turned out to be a good, kind person if i was only raised by my mother. But I`am a much more rounded person because of the love and support I recieved from both of my parents. I`am trying to make others realise just how important dads are in raising a happy and well educated child. I currently have a blog all about my experience as a dad. Feel free to visit it at Or just add your comments here
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13 responses
@divkris (1156)
• India
25 Jun 09
It is good to know that there are dads like you who take time for their kids. In such cases, yes dads do play an important role in a kids life. But most of the cases dads seem to be making money and interested only in the professional life that they lose track of what the children are doing at home. This is why mother is given a higher status in the society because of her nurturing nature. I think you kids must be really proud to have a dad like you. Goodluck and all the best!
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• United States
25 Jun 09
Everyone knows how important the father's influence on the child can be. A child does grow up better with BOTH parents around, or if one parent is gone for whatever reason, a stand in figure would do. I have a single mom neighbor, but her brother, her children's uncle, is very active in their lives and as a result, I think that is helping the kids right there. The child's needs for his or her father is separate and distinct. For him, the father and mother together make up his/her whole world, built with love, security and care. I think men may feel a bit lost when it comes to their kids. For a lot of men, being a father doesn't come as naturally as being a mom can come to a woman. Women spend 9 months bonding with their child as they gestate the pregnancy. When the child is born, the mother feels an instant connection due to what she's been through. I think with men, it may take a while. I know my husband was deathly afraid of holding our newborn daughter after she was born. My husband is a big, strong man and he was worried about breaking our child. He wasn't used to having something so small and fragile around him. Something ALL parents neeed to remember is this: Be a person your child respects. Don't blindly cross limits just to be his/her friend. What you need to be is a friendly but stern parent. Someone who is not judgmental but whose judgment he can trust. Someone who is not authoritative but whose authority s/he can rely on. Just be there for your child as a parent no matter what.
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25 Jun 09
Love your way of thinking. Particularly women having the extra chance to bond during pregnancy and the bother having a important role with your neighbors kids. It is very true that children need both a strong female and male role model.
1 person likes this
• India
26 Jun 09
i am so glad that you are making an effort to be more actively involved in your kid’s upbringing. Just because babies are naturally close to mothers, we all tend to think that the bulk of responsibility in child rearing rests on the mother and fathers are seen as making awkward efforts now and then or maybe they are involved in particular areas but not the whole process. However, with more and more mothers working for various reasons, it would really serve the entire family better if fathers take on a more active role.
@agv0419 (3021)
• Philippines
26 Jun 09
Father should also involved in raising children. Being a good father to your children is a responsibility. My father is not like that he never closed to us. We don't have a good relationship to him. We grew up that my mother is always there for us unlike my Father he don't understands us especially me. We had a misunderstandings and fights.
@don_naces (464)
• Philippines
26 Jun 09
Both the father and mother are important in raising children. They have great influences with regard to building self-confidence, forming their good values, realizing their value in life, and amny more. Nowadays, mothers are always seen raising their children because the fathers are very busy in their works. But their are fathers who are staying at home because tehir wives are having jobs. If only one of the parents is resposible in raising their children, children may not realize the values of each one of them. The father must always show to their children he must be very responsible not only in giving the family their financial needs but also in terms of emotional needs.
26 Jun 09
As this is only the second article i have written in Mylot, i`am shocked at how many responses it has had, and i just wanted to thank you all. And my blog has never been so busy. If you habent visited it yet, feel free to @
@Seppy1984 (2145)
• United States
25 Jun 09
Very well said, I also agree with you that the children needs both parents. As for me I am the stay-home-mom, and my hubby is the working father. So for me I feel that our boys gets well enough time to learn from me. I am all the time encouraging my hubby to get involved more with the boys then what he is. He works from 5 am to 3:30 p.m. I so I do understand that he is tired but when he only does stuff with the boys for only about 4 hours, it hurts me because I feel that the children learns the most from the fathers. Us mothers teach them the colors,numbers,ABC'S,and how to be well behaved at home when it comes to cleaning and chores and getting along with others. I feel you fathers are the main teacher because you are the ones that teaches the children how to be very well hard worker and what to expect from life when it is time to work and go out into the world. Not only that but it is you fathers that teaches your children to be respectful to their mothers and yet to be respected them self. So yes I feel that it is very well important for both mother and father to be very active. Plus the biggest of all it takes both parents to teach the children what love is by showing it. So when you and your wife is loving and caring toward each other that is the biggest learning gift that a parent could ever give to their children. I have to say that both my parents were very active with my siblings and I. My dad tought us to respect our mother and my mother tought us not to take things for granted at home and that it is everyone works together to get stuff done and not just mom doing it all. So I give credit to you and all fathers out there that are very well active in their childrens lives. Happy Mylotting
• United States
26 Jun 09
See that is the thing "Afraid of getting something wrong". It does not matter if you are the mother or the father, we all make mistakes... There is no manual that comes with kids, so everything is a trial by error and listen to what others have experienced with their children.. When I was handed my baby boy the first time I was so scared that I was going to hold him wrong.. Everything was all new to me.. Just because I didn't share my fears did not mean they were not there.. I just kept at it until I got it right.. And that is what I am doing now, and he is three.. sorry wasn't trying to go off on you or anything like that.. It just gets me frustrated when someone says it is because of fear.. Look at it from both sides.. The fathers and then the mothers side.. Then you can see the whole picture.. It is quite different.
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26 Jun 09
YES, I AGREE both parents are scared
25 Jun 09
I`am by no means an expert on children. But may I suggest something to get him more involved. You should try leaving him alone with the kids regularly. Obviously you will have time to go out and enjoy yourself. But more importantly, he will bond more with his children. Plus the more times he is left to cope on his own, the more confidant he will be about looking after them. Sometimes dads just have a lack of faith in their ability to look after their kids and are just scared of getting things wrong.
@threnos (216)
• Canada
25 Jun 09
You seem like a very awesome dad! I don't think it is fair for society to decide that a mother is more important in a child's life. I was raised by a single mom but she always went by the rules and taught me and my sister that it was the love that was important not if a parent was a woman or a man. As long as a parent loves and cares for their child they are a fantastic parent!
25 Jun 09
sounds like your mum did a great job
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
26 Jun 09
i can't agree more with you on this matter... i believe that dad also plays a very important part in raising the children... in fact, i am closer to my dad compare to my mum and i don't know what will happen if i don't have my dad... he raised and educated me to be the person i am today and i am eternally grateful to him... take care and have a nice day...
@kellys3ps (3723)
• United States
26 Jun 09
My husband has always taken a very active role in raising our children. I think involved fathers are extremely important in the upbringing of children.
• United States
25 Jun 09
Oh I know how important fathers are but I just struggle to see the numbers and numbers of men who waive this opportunity and instead turn "Fatherhood" into being just about a paycheck. I believe my father loved us, he built our house himself, gave of a great home--was on the PTA, brought us to skate night twice a week but emotionally he was just not there! It turned in my mind as my father being worth nothing more than the paycheck.
@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
26 Jun 09
The roles of each parent in a child's life is very important, one is no greater then the other.. I am a single mother that is trying to raise my son, but I do try to get his father to spend quality time with him.. Well he is one of those fathers that would rather grab the remote then to spend quality time with his son.. Don't get me wrong my son was planned and his father and I were married for 5 years before we had him.. We both were talking about children as long as I can remember.. He just does not like all of the work that is involved with raising a child.. I am soo happy that there is some fathers out there that want to be in their children life and take on the challenges of raising them alone.. I give you major props for that...
@candy2306 (576)
• India
26 Jun 09
Hi, I'm so happy to get to know you! No one can replace the love of a daddy. You're doing a great job. I agree with you of society's mind that mother's being more important. I think that's becayse those olden days, the father used to get drunk and not return home on time. Or harras the mother and abuse the children. In years, that have changed but the thought of mother's being more important became stronger. But ,who cares! Why you worry about the society, all you want to impress and get loved is from your childrena and NOT the society! I'm sure, nowadays people know about men's being a good role model for their children, it's just tnot said loudly, that's all! I'm happy for your kids and keep up your good work Daddy!
• India
26 Jun 09
I appreciate you. Fathers have a far greater role today in bringing up children. But most of the fathers dont realise this. In this regard, i really appreciate you. I read in a article that children brought up by father have a greater I.Q than children brought up by mom. Wife should encourage dad's vital role in bringup the child. Since in today's world mother is also working, father has to take care of the child.
25 Jun 09
BOTH parents, together or separately, make a HUGE impact on children. I was raised by my parents, still married today, and very grateful for the values that they have instilled in me. But, without my father, I question the work ethic and determination that I would have. My mother is a very kind and loving woman, but raised in a society where women stayed home to care for their families. While I think that it's great for women to have the opportunity to do so, we live in a time where it takes 2 incomes to support most families. Now that I am a mother, I can first hand see the importance that both parents play, especially the father. Kudos to you for being such a great dad!