When Texting, Do You Use Abbreviations, Or Full Words And Sentences?

June 28, 2009 11:35pm CST
Even though it takes longer, when I send a text message, I use full words and sentences. It always drives me nuts to receive messages like the hollowing. R U @ the prty? Wen r u going 2 b there? DRIVES ME NUTS!!! How do you text?
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24 responses
@deejean06 (1952)
• United States
29 Jun 09
Hi danish...I use full text when texting. It takes me longer to understand the abbreviated lingo so I just don't use it - that may be silly but it's just me!
• United States
29 Jun 09
U wld hate txtin me den. I shrtn evrythin! It comes frm havin a ph dat didn't alow many charactrs n 1 txt, so n ordr 2 get evrythin I wntd 2 say n a msg, I had to shrtn d wrds. It does folo a logic tho. I drp silent letrs, duble letrs, n vowels dat d brain wil automaticaly put n usualy. It took a wile, bt my whole fam undrstnds my txts nw! Except 4 my uncl. He is dyslexic, n d shrtnin confuses him. So I hav to remembr 2 txt him n ful wrds. You know what, that was so hard to do on the keyboard instead of my phone!
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@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
29 Jun 09
This is a funny discussion! My son has a friend who will type out everything. The funny thing is, he might use my sons phone and text someone pretending to be my son, but everyone knows it is him because he uses the works and proper english using puncuation too. I text with abbreviations. I don't have time to go threw and text every letter and full sentence. I would actually much rather call, but for some reason my kids don't answer the phone, but will answer a text.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
29 Jun 09
You have to learn a second language when you text! the "shorthand" for texting is massive! I really hate it but have realized I have started doing it to.. but because I hate it! I want to get it done and over with! Things like "tomorrow" is 2maro" and "before" is "B4". Granted lot of these are what I used when I used to do "shorthand" while taking dictation and taking notes at my job and at school, but that was cause I had to keep up with the verbal speaking speed. Now.. that is the way texting is. My daughter is a HEAVY texter and I sometimes really have to figure her language, but other times, Iknow exactly what she is saying. And leaving out silent letters and using a letter for a word or just not using a word that can be left out...like "R U there yet?" and "will B ther soon" (no I) and "bcoz" for "because" and so many more. My daughter got her 9 year old daughter a cell phone for christmas due to a divorce and wanting her to have communication wherever she is.. and the GD was texting me...her spelling is not always right as she is just learning all that but I found that I was so used to abbreviations when I'd text that there I was sending her mispelled words! So I made myself stop abbreviating when I text her cause I thought if she sees these misspelled words, and types misspelled words back.. she is going to start writting those misspelled words and that is going to mess her up at school as she continues to learn and spell words. She learned the wrong spelling in texting, and it will be hard to change that to the right way. Texting is so over rated.. so is Twitter. Got something to say.. call me!
• United States
29 Jun 09
I am the same way. I will spell out every word, capitalize where it needs to be and punctuate appropriately. I call the people who text "thumbsters" because they type with their thumbs. Sloppy sentence structure is a huge pet peeve of mine and when people do it I go nuts too.
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• Australia
29 Jun 09
I use abbreviations
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
29 Jun 09
Before there was texting and computer-speak, I hated short forms. I don't even address envelopes shortening the name of the province. I always write it out. When texting, I usually spell everything out, except maybe words like "cuz". Since I'm limited in characters in my texts, if I have something long to say (I only text my daughters) I might use short forms but then, for some reason, they don't understand what I am saying. LOL! I guess they're used to their mother spelling things out. Besides, what are we teaching our children by using text-speak? Our kids can't spell anymore. They can't even write very well because of the use of computers. I blame the schooling for that because once computers became very popular teachers insisted kids have their reports typed, even in elementary school. That doesn't make sense to me.
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• United States
29 Jun 09
I rarely text but when I do, I use complete sentences. Most shorthand I can't figure out.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
29 Jun 09
I try to always use whole words in my text unless I am in a really big hurry. I also do it if I think I will run out of room at the end of my text also. I do not like to do it or read it either though.
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@ElicBxn (63795)
• United States
29 Jun 09
I mostly use full words, I can see why people use "txt spk" but I don't like it
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@youless (112871)
• Guangzhou, China
12 Oct 09
At first, I have to let you know that I am unable to respond to your new discussion. There is something wrong with Mylot. I can't respond to any new discussions. But at least I can respond to your old discussion. I hope this problem will be solved soon. I like to use full words and sentences to type SMS and I seldom type in abbreviations. As it seems to be better and friendly. I love China
• Australia
10 Oct 09
I abbreviate where I can but only because it's faster...I have a phone that has a qwerty keypad so you'd think I'd go back to writing the way I would on a computer but hey, I guess it's just something I've gotten used to.
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
29 Jun 09
I use full words and sentences when I text because I would rather take the time to spell it all out than chance the message being misinterpreted somehow. I don't mind getting abbreviated texts once in a while, but I preder to read the actual words.
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• United States
12 Oct 09
I tend to use full words and sentences, only because it really bothers me when I read something that is incomplete and ridiculously incorrect in grammar. It's a pet peeve of mine, I guess, although my grammar is far from perfect.
• India
17 Jul 09
I Use the Automatic Way of Messaging Words ... It has A set Pattern of Typing the words ..... Whether I Like It or not ....... They Form Full words By themSelves ....... So I have No Choice ... Do lot more On MyLot ........ Thank You ..
• United States
17 Jul 09
The only time that I will use abbreviations is when if i don't, the text message will go over two pages, because then it will be sent as 2 texts, and I just try to be respectful of the fact that people only have so much capacity on their phone, or have to pay for texts.....I do get irritated though by people who do it just because they are too lazy to type it all out.
• United States
4 Jul 09
I use both depending on the conversation. If I feel the need to write out the full word then I will but if I'm just asking a person where they are or seeing what they are doing then I'll abbreviate. It doesn't bother me at all using abbreviations.
• United States
7 Jul 09
I used to text like that. short and simple. lol but yeah i realized that some people wouldn't understand some of the words. just like my husband.haha. but since i got my sidekick phone which has the full qwerty keyboard it makes my texting so easy.now i use full words and sentences,sometimes when i text i would make about 3 text messages in one topic.haha.i guess when im mad or i am at work and can't answer the phone.
@xenrey (32)
• Philippines
17 Jul 09
I'm not fast at texting but I always write full words and sentences. But I rarely text people, I just call when there something I want to talk about.
@licelotd (54)
• United States
17 Jul 09
I use full words but sometimes I used abbreviations like wher r u @? or ttyl! But when i text in spanish i have to use full words cause i can't abbreviate! lol