Do hard times bring out the best or worste in people ?

@missbdoll (1165)
June 29, 2009 8:34am CST
In these hard times, with a lot of people doing it tough financialy do people tend to pull together, and have more understanding of each other, or do you think it's more like "everyome for themselves. I know this is a simplistic view, and everyone is different, but you you think in general it brings out the best or worst in human nature ? Does it cause more dishonesty and scams, throw people feeling desperate.Or do people try to pull together ? What's your thoughts.
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20 responses
@balasri (26537)
• India
24 Jan 10
Bad times is the nature's way of culling the bad elements from the society.The fittest and the best learn from the hard times though in a hard way.They always learn from their follies and get freshen up to face the future with a focused mind to avoid the mistakes they have committed in the past.
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
28 Dec 09
Yes, it does. When people are place in a situation that is quite hard, it always brings out the best or worst in a person. That is generally what people tend to do, its either they do the easy way no matter what the circumstances are, whether its moral or not. Some also find ways and solve the problem with their head up high. Some just surrender and stop pursuing. No matter what they do, it always brings out their true color.
• United States
30 Jun 09
I've noticed alot more aggression with people. i work at a hair salon and woman who come in are crazy with the discounts. They get really angry if the price isnt what they think it should be. Yet they still feel the need to buy this high end product. Alot of the people that come in are very well off, yet still pinching pennies. They just get nasty. I know that happens alot anyways, but i notice it alot more lately. People with kids are extremely stressed out. And the parents are tyring to pay the bills, live comfortably and on top of it are stressed because the kids sense the stress and react to it. I've noticed the stress levels rising with people, and depression as well. I think that people who have it rough will be more aggressive and for themselves, but those with a tight knit family and love will reach out more.
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
14 Aug 09
I think it depends on the persons attitude. There are people who will excel when times are rough or when they are pressured. There are also those that easily break down and surrender when they are faced with such hard situation.
• Philippines
30 Jun 09
both in difference sense. You could learn both during hardtimes. Me, i learned a lot especially during hardtimes because there i learned to evaluate myself and the decision i have made and rebuild myself to become a better person. Also it can also means the worst since you are down and all
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
30 Jun 09
Hi, I think hard times and how a person reacts is the best way to judge the true nature of an individual. If the person is positive and sensible , he will try to do his best and look for ways to face the hardships. Whereas a negative person will immediately try to blame others for the hard times. I have seen many people at their worst during hard or bad times, it is very few who are able to face it in the right manner..
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
29 Jun 09
i think it really depends on the individuals... overall, i think it doesn't really change much here... may be people become more frugal in spending their money and doesn't want to spend on unnecessary items anymore... also, they become more aware in using the utilities as well to cut down on bills... that's all... take care and have a nice day...
@alindahaw (1219)
• Philippines
30 Jun 09
It depends on the kind of people that we are talking about. I know of a few people who can handle stress very well. They see the bright side of things and they do what is best for everyone in times of crisis. On the other hand, I also know a few people who breakdown under stress and would get nasty if they get what they want.
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
29 Jun 09
well, It helps me understand more about how worth the penny is and how much should I save if I don't do this and that. I totally change my spending habit, and save much more now... however, it is still hard for me cuz I have only one income. I still praying for two income as we used to have... I hope everything will getting better soon. For me, I change my spending habit and dont really go out like I used to. and dont limited my hubby on spending and myself also.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
30 Jun 09
It all depends on the person and their integrity. I think most people will pull together and help each other. The others....well that is probably their nature anyway and it just gets more noticable in hard times.
@Archie0 (5652)
29 Jun 09
I think time brings both the good as well as the worst of a person ot depends on what he/she is going through worst times when a person shows up is when he becomes selfish and good times are when a person becomes to self centered so both are in general a human's selfish nature to prove his best or worst.
@marguicha (225701)
• Chile
29 Jun 09
I imagine there are all sorts of people in this world. But I have been blessed to know wonderful human beings. I have a close, caring, family; I have the very best of friends, I have a couple of lovely daughters and 5 grandchildren. Sometimes, when I´m depressed, I see everything in black and I tend to think that noone cares. Then, after one minute I am shown that I was wrong. I think most of us, humans, are basically decent people. I do think though that, if we are this lucky, we should "pay" some of it back. Yesterday I placed a post here about a United Nation site that gives rice to hungry children if we earn it by playing a game. Please check the site It takes about 10 minutes to give enough rice to feed one person with rice as staple food. Take care.
@kabudel (175)
• Philippines
29 Jun 09
It's definitely up to that person's outlook in life. If that person is patient and understands what being optimistic is, then the best will come out; that person will definitely consider the current situation a challenge... But if one is impatient and greedy, then dishonesty and scam is a good way for them to go. Well, I hope we all realize that this is just a challenge and any problem's got its own solution. =)
• India
29 Jun 09
I firmly believe tough times never last but tough people do .Its the time when everything is not smooth sailing one's ability and pedigree gets tested incessantly . Its what separate the men from the boys Sometimes tough times are necessary to trim the extra flab or to flush out the trash from the system Also when the going gets tough people gets to realize who are his or her real well wishers and who are actually rats who will vacate the ship at the slightest sign of trouble
• India
29 Jun 09
Well Buddy a tough call to answer and it depends completely on the person who is present in that situation. If the person has high positive attitude he is surely going to get the best of himself and if he is not that strong at heart then he will surely have to face it and it might get the worst out of him. it is an individuals question and in my case i will surely be depressed for some days and after that i will get the best out of my self and i will rock there after.. good Luck. Take care. Keep Smiling.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
29 Jun 09
I think that it just depends. I've seen a lot of things that look like scams, but I couldn't tell you whether there are more or less of them now that the economy is bad. Of course these things I've see online and not out in the real world. I think that communities pull together to help one another, but globally I'm so sure if they do or not. I think that it can bring out the best in people but if under pressure in tension, it can bring out the worst. It just depends on how a person works under pressure as to whether or not people's behaviors change for the good, or get worse.
• Philippines
29 Jun 09
hard times can bring out either the best or the worst in person. Some people become their best - strong, courageous, patient and resourceful. Some people may become their worst during the hardest times - greedy, violent, defensive and irritable. It really depends on how a person looks at the situation.
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
29 Jun 09
For me it has made me more understanding to others struggles and things they are going through, I do know of others that just do not care and act as if they are superior to everyone regardless of the times. I would hope that it would be the other way around for most...
@tundeemma (894)
• South Africa
29 Jun 09
i think the hard times are bringing both the best and the worst out of everyone, it only depends on how people tajke such challenges, some people have become wiser in managing their little available resources while some are just going made over every situation, its just a way to access people's natural resistance to different situations
@faisai (1138)
• Hong Kong
29 Jun 09
I don't know whether people in general will be better or worse but I believe that we can now know who are the good ones among the bad ones. When things are getting good, many "friends" will appear around us who seem to be nice to us. It is only during the difficult times that we can know how one really treat the relationship with us: whether they are really doing good or pretending to be good to take advantage on us.