Do you get mad when jaywalkers occupy roads while you drive?

@jshekhar (1562)
July 4, 2009 1:44pm CST
I was going to the market today with my mom and there was this guy who was walking casually in the middle of the street with his friend. I blew the horn gently to overtake but he just did not listen. I kept getting closer and closer but he was just too busy with his gossiping to hear the horn. I decided to teach him a lesson and deliberately rammed the car into him, although I had cut down on the speed to about 20-30 kmph. The moment the front of my car got him behind the knees, he lost balance and then turned back in anger. Before he could utter a word, I gave him a piece of my mind and then he did not say anything and retired to a corner. Has this happened to you? Was I right in doing it? Do you get irritated when people do this while you drive?
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13 responses
@gcorp09 (940)
• Singapore
5 Jul 09
Well, I do not drive, but I often sit besides my husband when he drives. Over here in my country, people do also jaywalk as well. For us, we will usually horn the jaywalkers when we saw them from a distance away. Most of them will quicken their pace to cross the road. Only a small minority will still continue to walk slowly to the other side of the road. My husband usually had to slow down in order to prevent hitting these people. We do get mad at this type of jaywalkers. They behave as though they own the road, and sometimes even walk in the center of the road. Well, I do think that sometimes if you had done all to get their attention, but they did not get it, it's in a way "good" to teach them a lesson, by just stopping just in front of them. We don't have such experience though, as they did finish crossing the road when we pass by them in slow cruising speed... It's quite irritating when people just take their own sweet time crossing the road, especially when you are in a rush of time to go somewhere.
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@jshekhar (1562)
• India
5 Jul 09
Hello gcorp, Thanks for taking out time to respond. Actually in my case, the jaywalkers were not crossing the road. In fact they were going in the same direction as me. I tried to warn them several times by blowing out horn loudly but they just would not step on the pavement. It was then that I decided to give them a gentle push. Have a good day!
@jshekhar (1562)
• India
5 Jul 09
Hello gcorp, Thanks for taking out time to respond. Actually in my case, the jaywalkers were not crossing the road. In fact they were going in the same direction as me. I tried to warn them several times by blowing out horn loudly but they just would not step on the pavement. It was then that I decided to give them a gentle push. Have a good day!
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@jshekhar (1562)
• India
5 Jul 09
Hello gcorp, Thanks for taking out time to respond. Actually in my case, the jaywalkers were not crossing the road. In fact they were going in the same direction as me. I tried to warn them several times by blowing out horn loudly but they just would not step on the pavement. It was then that I decided to give them a gentle push. Have a good day!
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• United States
5 Jul 09
You hit someone? On purpose? You really need to get control of your road rage!
• United States
5 Jul 09
I don't know where you are from, but here in Texas, you would have gone to jail, for intentionally hitting a jay walker.
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@jshekhar (1562)
• India
5 Jul 09
Hello Shirley, I know I sounded like someone who can't control his anger but its not like that. Actually I had been honking at the person for a good 30 seconds and he would just continue walking in front of my car. It really did get irritating and I hit him just forcefully enough to make him aware of it, not to hurt him. Thanks for responding.
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• India
6 Jul 09
This is an regular phenomenon in the Indian roads. Even when we sound our horn the people do not even bother to move. What to do, that is the Indian mentality. In India the roads are for the pedesterians and the cattle. This is because we do not have a foot path for the pedestrians, and wherever there is a foot path, it is taken over by vendors. You are lucky, the man you hit retired to a corner, some times they break the wind shield of the car or they break the head light or something like that.
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@jshekhar (1562)
• India
6 Jul 09
Hello Ramesh, Thanks for the feedback. I do think that may be I got over the line a little bit but then, I wasn't really afraid of having my windshield broken or something. It was because this is Delhi and the incident appeared in "my area". Had the man tried something smart, we were 3 people in the car to take care of him ;) Cheers!
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
4 Jul 09
I think when you go to the court of law you will always win your case. Remember you are taxed for driving on the road and that itself is a valid point to win your case while jaywalkers are not supposed to occupy the road meant for cars as he is a free walker, not licensed to walk in the middle of the road when there are traffic. I can't tolerate jaywalkers who are not bothered with other road users. I normally will blast my horn and raise the accelerator to warn him to clear off the road.
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@jshekhar (1562)
• India
7 Jul 09
Thanks a lot, Zandi, You are probably the only person who's supported me so far for my act. I've nothing against others but they somehow made me feel guilty. I believe if everyone uses his bit of common sense, such instances can be easily avoided. Thanks for supporting me, Cheers!
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
7 Jul 09
Thank you for the BR. Another feather to my cap.
@rdadey (484)
• Canada
5 Jul 09
There's always a problem with walkers here where I live. Brazen kids will walk side by side as far out on the road as there are kids. On girl that lives here is famous for doing that and it is irritating, I've told her parents but they just laugh it off. She's old enough to drive now and I pity anyone who tries what she use to do when she comes barreling down the road, she drives like a lunatic. I wouldn't touch anyone wiyh a car, it's asking for trouble. The law here says the pedestrian has the right of way. It's up to law enforcement to fine anyone for jay walking. That seems like a forgotten law. When I was 6 years old, three of us were running home for lunch from school. We ran out around some older kids who were walking in the road and the RCMP came along and saw it. We ended up getting letters sent home to our parents and that was a big thing back over 40 years ago. Never got in trouble at home but never ran out in the road anymore after that.
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@jshekhar (1562)
• India
6 Jul 09
hello Rdadey, It is a real pity that jaywalkers hardly get punished for breaking the law but a car driver will have more chances of landing up in jail when he breaks the law to somewhat the same extent, isn't it?however, we have to live with it all the time.
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• Philippines
5 Jul 09
I don't have a car but I a really annoyed whenever people seem to occupy the road even if the sidewalk is clear of vendors and other stuff. I don't think that what you did with the passersby is correct since it is against the rule of man and the rule of God to hurt other people no matter what is your reason and no matter how small is your intention.
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@jshekhar (1562)
• India
6 Jul 09
Hello Entrepinoy, Thank you for your concern and feedback. Yes, I think I was a bit impatient and unethical. Hurting that man seriously was not on my agenda but still, I did not have any right to hit him. Cheers!
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@OConnell87 (1042)
4 Jul 09
this hasn't happened to me, but these days you cant do that because you can easily be sued for touching someone the wrong way, if he didnt hear i would just beep the horn louder and louder till he moved because an accident could be caused by you having to cut your speed
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@jshekhar (1562)
• India
7 Jul 09
Hello friend, I understand your point of view but I had been trying to do that for a long time. The person was walking right in front of my car and in the same direction for more than 20 metres, with me blowing horn all the time.. what do I do in such a situation?? Thanks for responding.
@lazeebee (5461)
• Malaysia
5 Jul 09
Hi Jshekhar, these are usually inconsiderate people, who feel that they are kings of the road; so cars must give way to them, despite the fact that it is them who are obstructing traffic. However, be careful about 'ramming' them down. Over here, we have people like them, who deliberately obstruct traffic, testing your patience. If your car should even touch them a bit, they will pretend to have serious injuries (broken kneecaps or whatever), raise a hoohah, and try to get money out from you. I get very irritated, annoyed, angry with these morons, but the only thing I can do, is lean hard on my horn, and hope it will annoy and embarass them as well.
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@jshekhar (1562)
• India
6 Jul 09
Hello Lazeebee, yeah, you are right. Those kinds of people are here as well, who would scream and shout and threaten to call the police at the earliest possible opportunity, in an effort to extract money. However, I was lucky that in my case the victim wasn't like that.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
4 Jul 09
here we dont to much have that problem. if we run into someone we would probably go to jail for one thing. for another most people know if they step out in front of a car, most likely they will get ran over
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@jshekhar (1562)
• India
7 Jul 09
Hello Bon, Yeah, it is the best scenario to have, when you do not have to confront such a situation. However, things are a bit different here and I am sick of such idiots.
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
5 Jul 09
Has this happened to you?No, I do not drive. Or been hit by a car because I was blocking the road Was I right in doing it?My opinion is no, what if you have lost control of your car and done more damage than what you just did? Do you get irritated when people do this while you drive?I do not drive, I do not get irritated, I get upset when people let their dogs run, and cross the streets, it is weird to me that I lost a dog this year, and I had him on a leash when he got run over, to me it is very upsetting to see dogs cross the street like that.
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@jshekhar (1562)
• India
6 Jul 09
Hello Shelly B, Thanks for your concern and making me aware of how things might have gone worse had I lost control even a wee bit. sorry to hear about your dog. I hope you have recovered a bit from that. Cheers!
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@zhuhuifen46 (3483)
• China
5 Jul 09
I agree it is hard to control temper in such cases. Some people just ignor when and how they should walk on the roads. In stead of using the pedestrian, they walk on the streets, and some bicyclers like to talk in parallel taking a big portion of the road. The car drivers are the victims of taking a lion share responsibility, so in whatever situation, control of temper is needed just for their own sake.
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@jshekhar (1562)
• India
6 Jul 09
Thank you for your advice, friend. yeah, the bicycle riders are another headache.I tried to control my temper but somehow I decided to take law into my own hands, which was wrong. Cheers!
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@hsofyan (3446)
• Jakarta, Indonesia
4 Jul 09
I also never experienced it, but I do not dare to strike. I only sound the horn and shouting.
@jshekhar (1562)
• India
7 Jul 09
Hello hsofyan, the point I am trying to make is that sounding horn loudly just did not work and the person kept on walking in front of my left headlight for a distance of more than 20 metres.. and he was walking in the same direction as mine!
@doryvien (2284)
• United States
5 Jul 09
In my country where most prefer to take the public transport due to bad traffic, this is very common - people crossing the streets even when they see bold letters saying 'No Jaywalking". It's annoying, yes, and it's tempting to do that sometimes, but I won't even dare try. If you bump another person with your car even if it's his fault, you will still be the one liable for physical injury resulting from reckless imprudence, and you're sure to end up in jail and pay the damages caused to that person.
@jshekhar (1562)
• India
6 Jul 09
Hello doryvien, Thanks for the advice. And yeah, when I think about that incident now I think I took it over the line a bit. I should have been more patient probably.
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