If you find a cockroatch in your house you will kill him or just go out, ?

July 6, 2009 1:04pm CST
I can say that i hate this small and ugly creature, but i can t kill them. I am sick, but in same time i don t want kill them, i don t know why. I don t scream, i am mature person, but i want to say that every time when i saw a cockroatch i am afraid and i imagine if i find one in my bed...you can imagine? I live in a house, with a lot of trees and plants, and every day i see spiders, and other insects, and i am not afraid...but i hate cockroatch. You will kill them?
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48 responses
• United States
6 Jul 09
I also hate cackroatches I can't stand looking at one I have killed them but it makes me feal like trouging up so O rather put powder os somehting so I don't have to scuatch them. I hate when I see one and if I ever do see one I would put the powder all over the house. I lived in a place before that is had many and when I saw them I told my husband that I was not moving in until they were go I was pregnant at the time. So it took me a week to get reed of them because I put those bombs two times and also some powder and at the end before I moved in I cleand and they were hundrens of them big and small. And after I moved in I put those little things that look like houses I don't know how people lived there I never imagined that I would find that mnay but I'm glad that I got reed of them. And I also hate flys, and ant that is if they are in the house outside I don't mind that mutch. Happy mylotting
@agv0419 (3021)
• Philippines
7 Jul 09
If I saw a cockroach I kill them because they are a pest. They can stand poison of the insecticides. I'm tired of spraying them because they can still live. They can still survive the atomic bomb or the radiation according to the show that I watched. My hair is raising when they crawling in my body and I'm really scared of that. I hate this creature very much.
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
6 Jul 09
I hate and sick of them the same way, but whenever I see them then I have to kill it cuz if you don't and let it goes, it will bring more families in your house. They are very smart to come back in the same house if you dont believe me. I will use my shoes or other subject to kill it... lolz
• United States
7 Jul 09
Yes, I hate them too, and if I ever see one, I'm going to kill it, it don't matter to me, because they can multiply like crazy, and pretty soon you'll have them all over your house and they're hard to get rid of and I think they're gross...yuck.
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
11 Jul 09
Certainly I would and have on many occasions killed them. I can't stand them I hate them and if we leave them alone they will just keep multiplying more and more..of them. SO it is best to make sure you get rid of them so they won't be crawling in your bed..into your clothes,hair,ears,nose,mouth while your sleeping..or causing dangerous allergies which they do and can make you sick..
@silverglint (2000)
• Philippines
23 Jul 09
My husband hates cockroaches. He says that they are very dirty that is why he doesn't want anything to do with them. Not even killing them. He can't bear having their insides splat out hehehe He would rather use his slippers to sweep the cockroach out the door or maybe chase after them with an insect spray
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
11 Jul 09
Of course I would kill it LOL I don't like to kill anything. I am known to go around in the sidewalk, just so I won't step in a line of ants. But if I found a roach in my house, you bet I would kill it. And would immediately get something to kill all the roaches that I wasn't seeing :) I know that it isn't the fault of those poor bugs, but I really don't want them in my house. I could overlook a spider.. maybe. But not a roach. My bad :)
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
10 Jul 09
Tag me a insect murder. I kill all bugs. They have thousand of babies so why not. We will never wipe them out of existance by killing a few. They carry illnesses and grems. The ones i dont kill, my cats will. I seen them looking for bugs. I havent seen any roaches in the place im living now but there are alot of spiders and these things call earwicks(?). I dread them as much as roaches. I work cleaning for a guy that owns a couple of apt bldgs. He installed a couple of wall mounted ash trays on the outside of the entrances. Thoses earwicks love thoses ash trays. Ewww! i kill em all. They really gather on those ash trays. Its creepy.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
8 Jul 09
Personally if I was to ever see a Cockroach here in my Condo, I would be freaking for sure. I would find a way to remove him, and then spray some spray in here to hopefully kill any remnants left by him as well. I used to live in an area where Cockroaches were in peopls's places that were filthy and they are quite grouse for sure. I hope honestly to never have to see one ever again for sure.
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
8 Jul 09
Funny how most insects don't freak me out. Now when it comes to roaches, ewww, they freak me out. Every time I came in contact with one, it wasn't a fun occasion. I have had them fly at me, fall on my head from the ceiling. Hum, would I kill them, heck yea I would kill them. They are nasty things that doesn't serve no purpose. I just have to be careful not to step on any if I'm outside my house.
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
8 Jul 09
I have no problem killing annoying bugs. I am sure God has no problem as no matter how many you kill, there are so many more. They have been around longer than humans and will still be here when we are all gone!
@Ritchelle (3790)
• Philippines
8 Jul 09
it depends where i found the cockroach. if it is close to the bedroom then off goes the insect killer of my slippers . anywhere else in the house then the cockroach is free to live .
@larish (2239)
• Philippines
8 Jul 09
I would definitely kill it instead of the cockcroach bitting me. lol. I would sometimes use an insecticide or worst I will us my slippers to slap the cackcroach. I also want to prevent their reproduction so by hook or by crook I really have to get rid of the cockcroach. oopsh, only when it is in my territory but if I saw it somewhere else like at a friend's house or while walking the street, I won't mind them. It will be insane on my part to go after them at those times.lol
@anislhr (70)
• Oman
9 Jul 09
I am living here in Oman-gulf and as u know in desert their is so many cockroach and other like these which is uncontrollable. So when i see anyone from these i immediately kill them with any hard thing. I hate them.
@AAnshu (115)
10 Jul 09
I, too, can't kill such creatures nomatter how creepy they are. Of all the spooky insects cockroaches are the ugliest. But i still can't get me into killing them. I am afraid of all kinds of flying and jumping insects(except spiders), and the one who makes noises are the worst. And having one of them in bed? Well, i don't have to imagine that cause only last night i was awake till 12 trying to remove a cricket form my bed. It was so scary. I told u i don't like jumping and noise making insects and in the stillness of the night all i could hear was its frightening sound. I tried to put it in a glass but it just jumped and jumped frightning me every time. I didn't wanted to wake my parents who were already asleep. But then i had to call my mother. And she just swept it out with a broom. It was over in a minute. I was so stunned. Why didn't i think of that. Then i finally got into my bed. It would have been lot easier if i had just killed it. But i just can't kill anything.
@Ammudoll (549)
• India
8 Jul 09
I can't kill them it doesn't mean that I like but I don't like touching them with my legs or hands, I do not want them to be in my home so I hit Mortein spray or chock piece kind of other object which is used to kill the insects like cockroaches and ants. As soon as we turn off the lights they all come along with their families and neighbours I think in to our kitchen LOL. My mom kills them with her legs or any other object. Yakk
@a_manick (879)
• India
7 Jul 09
Certainly,If i see a cockroach,i will run towards the broom,give the cockroach a few pats,thats all,its nomore .I hate cockroaches,its a disgusting creature moving over everything it finds.
@soulgurl (153)
• Malaysia
7 Jul 09
Yes I will kill and I will not hesitate to spray the living daylights out of them! I cant stand the sight of them as they give me the creeps.They are a pest and are not healthy to have around the house especially around food. I dont have to imagine them being on my bed as it really did happen to me once a long time ago. It really got to me and from then on I religiously check my bed for them before I sleep.
• United States
7 Jul 09
Yea I would kill them. I'm not scared or afraid of them, but it is one of billions of insects in the world. They breed like crazy, so killing them is just a part of their natural selection. There will be more. I don't see it as cruel or unjust, just a part of life.
@mzj033y (185)
• United States
7 Jul 09
If I see a roach in my apartment I'll probably kill it. I have no fear of insects but I have a fear for cats. Gives me shiver if I ever encounter them. But yea I would kill it because I don't want it to spread. I live in an apartment in NYC and you probably know living in the city is not all that nice with rats and roaches so to keep clean and to live in a safer enviroment for me that is I would kill it.
@tbmorris1 (158)
• United States
7 Jul 09
It would be a natural reflex for me to have it killed. They freak me out, so unless I'm the only one available to kill it, I'll volunteer my husband to do it! I'm sure there are millions(I know...even more than that, but let's not dwell on the negative) more of them out there, so it won't hurt their "roach-kind" if I kill a few here and there. If I do see them though, it makes me feel like I need to clean. I end up throwing away all kinds of paper and stuff. They freak me out so much that they send me into a cleaning frenzy to make sure there is nothing in our house for them to live off of!
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
7 Jul 09
Cockroaches are the critter most adapted to life on our planet. I will not kill one, it needs a home as much as I do, I might chase it out...Actually I do not think I have ever seen one in person. I know that if you drop one from any height it will land and scuttle away. Doesn't fall fast enough to be squished, they were here long before Us, and they will be here long after we kill ourselves off. Cheers.