Does it irritates you???

July 6, 2009 3:11pm CST
Hi friends, there are some people who make sound while drinking some thing like soup, tea, coffee etc. I don't like those types of sound. These sound irritates me and some times it feels like some one is making fun of me and it makes me angry. I feel like slapping him or her on the face. To I advice them not to drink like that because it is a bad manner. If he or she does the same after my advice then I make fun of him or her in front of every one so that he or she never repeats this thing again. Do you feel like the same like me?? What do you do to stop him or her doing that??
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23 responses
@kruxius (204)
• Portugal
6 Jul 09
Man absolutely YES!!! That kinda sounds irritates me soooo much i really cant support that!!! Is the sounds that people makes while drinking or eating something you know when that people make noise while drinking or shewing something bahh its soo rude and bad manners i don't like that things nor a bit!! Be happy try to ignore!!!
2 people like this
• United States
6 Jul 09
Slurping in our culture is considered rude. I also cannot stand to hear people crunch their food! ugh!!I would ask the person kindly to please stop the rude noise and then if they don't, I would move tables or leave.
• India
6 Jul 09
Most of the people who make that kind of noise the don't able to here that noise how it sounds like. If you let them know how it sounds like, then they might stop doing that. So the best way that you can let them know is that, you also start slurping with a higher noise than that of him or her. Or you can try this you record his or her voice in your mobile phone and make him or her hear that sound and this will make him or her to stop that irritating sound..
• United States
6 Jul 09
Good ideas!!! Thanks... I may need to try it soon!
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
6 Jul 09
Oh I hate to hear people slurp like a drain over soup or drinks and it would put me off my own drink or food to have to listen to it. I don't know that it would be possible to stop an adult from doing this, I suspect you have to catch the person while still a child and teach them the right way and that such things are not acceptable. I definitely wouldn't join that person again if food or drinks were involved.
• India
6 Jul 09
I think we don't expect these type of bad manners from adults, but if they do the same it is better for us to let them know about it in a polite way..
@abanerji (1026)
• India
7 Jul 09
drinking in this way is rude and it is also shows that the person is uncultured. even i get irritated when someone does this in front of me. if i know the person well then i make it a point to tell the person that this is not a good habit but if i don't know thhe person then i get indifferent towards it.
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• United States
6 Jul 09
I don't like the sound either, but I also don't like to make fun of people. They would just turn around and make fun of me and it would never end. Personally, I would just tell them that it irritates me (nicely, of course) and then, if they didn't try to stop slurping in front of me, I wouldn't stay around them when they were drinking. How important is it to you? You have to pick your battles.
• India
6 Jul 09
It is not that i like to make fun of others, it is that I made a request and he denied it. That is what hurts me so to make him or her stop that i make fun of him or her. If he make fun of me in return then it is his or her bad luck, because he or she does not know that it was for his or her betterment only. By the way thanks for your response...
@Dinny20 (69)
• Portugal
7 Jul 09
Yeah that irritates me so much and like you say I will love to slap him or her and I'll humiliate him or her in front of everyone and many times they make fun but I'l come to fight in that moment and break his/her face but just in that moment I would think in a way to stop him/her because in the real life,in that moment I don't know what I would do but I would become furious and kill him/her there
• Malaysia
7 Jul 09
Slurping is not a very good thing to do when you are on the dining table.In my culture it is not a good thing and it is considered quite rude. Making noises when you eat just distracts others. As for me, I am quite okay with everything so I don't really feel irritated by these but for others i am sure they will be quite irritated.
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@tuyakiki (3016)
• India
7 Jul 09
Slurping in my custom is considered as an ill table manner..A person should not do it.. Crunching the food is also another dirty habit.One should have foods keeping the mouth shut.I cannot stand all these things and I prefer not sitting next to such a person who is having this habits.
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@liviurus (190)
• Romania
7 Jul 09
If it's an old guy I'll let him go because of the aging physiology they can't do anything about it. If it's a youngster, well I would make fun of him even make him feel bad and telling him that he/she looks like a stupid pig...or some other thing. Most of the time they stop. If not, I could call the boy/girl friend and tell him what he/she does. That always does it.
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@pickoy (733)
• Philippines
7 Jul 09
It irritates me as well. At times I get impatient with my husband when he chews and drinks like a dog... and whenever he makes sound while using his spoon on his plate. It's awful. Ewe... I just try to tell him not to, but I also get tired of it, reminding him not to do it. I guess, there's no way to cut a bad habit if the person is unwilling. Although I'm not ready to accept it, from time to time I get annoyed and when I'm really exhausted from work I just let it go... but like you said, its irritating.
@candy2306 (576)
• India
7 Jul 09
Irritating, annoying, disgusting! I wonder why this people don't really realize that it's so rude to behave as such in public! I've came across many men (sorry guys), who love slurping their coffee or tea. Eating food with mouth open, and crunch and munch!! Yuck! Please friends, for those who have this behavior please change.. It's not decent and please respect the companion next to you.
• India
7 Jul 09
It does irritate to hear all those noises while having your own meal.. But i feel these are manners which cannot be thought when somebody has become old doing it all their life. In such cases its better to shut your own ears and have your meal quietly. If you have your kids then definately they should be taught all the table manners so that nobody gets irriated by your children behavior. Rest of the world we have no right to tell them how to eat and drink.
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@miche681 (73)
• United States
7 Jul 09
Oh yeah, bugs the crap out of me to hear people eat. Funny story my step-mom is Korean, 1st time my dad ate with her family he did it very quietly. Well her family got pretty upset with him because to them not slurpping your soup was a sign of disrespect. :-) However, still bugs the crap out of me. LOL
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@banakd (5)
• United States
7 Jul 09
T totally agree, it is the most disgusting habit or manner a person could have, I cant sit in front of a person that is doing that even if it was my mom. The best way is just to tell the person straight forward STOP IT, DON'T DO THAT please and believe me they won't be bothered they will just stop doing it, because deep inside they know it is bad manner but they do it any way until some one says no. That my personal opinion, I've never had trouble with any one that I have told hem or her to stop doing that even if they are people that I have just met at a friend house or any other place at the eating table.
@alindahaw (1219)
• Philippines
7 Jul 09
A lot of people slurp their soup making some really annoying sound. A lot of people find that slurping sound really rude and annoying. Although I do not like to hear those sluping sounds while I am eating, I haven't really tried telling people to stop slurping yet. LOL I mean, if they just let me eat in peace, they can eat their own food in anyway they want. Fortunately, most of the time, I don't get to hear those sluping sounds often...
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• United States
6 Jul 09
Something I was taught when growing up and that was "chew with your mouth closed." If I was caught chewing with my mouth open or slurping, my mother most certainly called me out on it. She taught me that it was rude and that I could control it by chewing with my mouth closed and not slurping when I drink. A person can definitely hear themselves slurp. So yes, this does irritate me. My sister-in-law actually hates hearing herself chew, so of course she has an issue hearing other people do it as well. Oh, and here is an example of a time I almost slugged a person over the head for crunching loud: My husband and I went to the movies and the guy behind us was crunching handfuls of popcorn very loudly. I didn't even know crunching that loud was humanly possible. My husband and I both turned around and looked at him to see how this was possible and saw that he was stuffing his mouth and definitely not chewing with his mouth closed. We decided to move up a few rows and so did some folks around us because they were also annoyed. Throughout half of this movie, we could still hear this guy crunching really loud. Eventually, someone around us went to find an usher and the usher had to tell him that his loud crunching was disturbing others around him. He then got quiet, so we found that it was possible for him to not do that and what was amazing was that the girl with him was not phased. Thought I would enlighten you with that :)
• United States
7 Jul 09
I feel the same way I think it is so rude to make sounds when eating or drinking. when I first met my husband he made sounds but I got him out of that. some people is ok with smacking and slurping but I was raised totally different and I too want to slap a person crazy when I hear them do that LOL
@tonyllenium (6251)
• Italy
6 Jul 09
ehehe in reality it does not irritate me too much if somebody will make this stranges ounds while having their soup!!Surely it is not so polite but i think if somebody near me doing this i will say nothing..may be it should be a bit strange and crazy but i won't ask him to quit would be embarassing for me too!!
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@dodo19 (47364)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
6 Jul 09
I really can't stand it, when people slurp, while eating soup, drinking tea, or something like that. I don't know why, but i just can't stand it, when people do this sort of thing. There's just something about it, which really annoys and irritates me. I do try to block it out, but sometimes, it's just useless. I guess that it's just one of those things that I can't stand.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
12 Jul 09
LOL..yes..these things do irritate me. I am pretty big on manners and as a child that was the first thing I learned not to do. It is irritating and it embarrasses me if someone does it. I do understand the occasional accident but for someone to do it over and over...I feel like you do.