Teenagers that want to have a baby

@maximax8 (31044)
United Kingdom
July 10, 2009 6:49am CST
Two teenagers each want to have a baby so a television program will try to put them off. One is 14 years old and the other is 16 years old. The 16 year old did have an abortion when she was 14. They have to work in a hair dressers and a kitchen then look after two dolls which act like real babies. The teenagers decide that looking after a baby is too hard work. They think maybe it is better to get a job and save up for a nice place to live. I have met some excellent teenage parents. Do you think that some teens want to have a baby and that pregnancy is planned rather than a surprise? What you you think of the experiment to put the teens off becoming mothers?
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19 responses
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
11 Jul 09
I think it is great that children are given the chance to see what it is like to have to take care of a baby without actually having one first. I think that when a teen winds up pregnant, it is because they didn't think about the consequences of their actions and they regret their action. Not to say that all teen parents are bad, but most are not really prepared for the responsibility. I think in most cases, the pregnancy is a surprise.
@kristih (25)
• United States
11 Jul 09
There are teenagers that are rather surprised when they found out they are preggers. Unfortunately one of the scariest things in our schools today are what is called pregnancy pacts. These girls make pacts together (kinda like a best friends for life thing I guess) to have a baby all at the same time. They don't realize all that that entails. They think that it will be easy and rewarding and that they will have someone that will love them no matter what and someone that will need them. On some points this is correct but it also does take a lot of work. I am all for programs that teach teenagers, boys and girls, what being a parent is like.
@mipen2006 (5528)
• Australia
11 Jul 09
Hello max, I have never been a fan of reality television, and this sounds like it is trying to take it to a new low. If teens want to have a baby, and they honestly love their partner, and are mature enough, then OK, let them. Don't put them on TV and try to disuade them. To me this is commercial rubbish, and could have lasting effect on the teens. Enough ranting ffrom me for now.
@tuckersheri (1327)
• United States
11 Jul 09
Teen pregnacies is not a smart idea. Teens are young and most look at babies and relize they are cute and cuddly, but don't look at the big picture. Taking care of a child requires alot of time, patience, money and care. Not to mention alot of responsibility. Teens when thinking about teen pregnacy don't look at all the problems and hardships because in reality they are too young to be even thinking about it. Teens are not grown adults and should not have kids as teens. It's a major strain on there bodies as well. Teens should think twice before even concidering it.
@mynestegg (519)
• Philippines
11 Jul 09
I've watched an episode like this on the Tyra Bank show. They're kids. They might be missing love and caring and think that having a baby would mean having someone who is sure to love you. They forget about all the hard work. However, I think it is rather harsh to have TV teach this to our children. That's a parent's job. We should really think about requiring a license for parenthood. If we keep producing people like this, imagine what the future would look like?
• United States
11 Jul 09
Well I know back in the day that people who are in relationships who take it to "second base" usually arent prepared for the moment and pregnancy usually just happens. I remember seeing so many pregnant teens it was like a fashion statement because everyone had one. Sometimes they may be planned out but only the having the baby part. Many teens do not realize the how hard it will be to support the baby and what they have to do to care for it. If you stay with your parents you are just putting a burden on them. So if your a teen think everything through not just the having the baby part and chances are you will not have the same mindset as you did before. You will realize that a baby can and will change your life in both negative and positive ways.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
10 Jul 09
I think that some teenagers think that once they have the baby, that mother is there to take care of him or her, so they decide to get pregnant because they have a built in babysitter. If the teenager knows that her parents would disapprove, her mother will likely kick her out of the house or take her to the nearest home for unwed mothers, make arrangements with an adoption agency, or more likely to drive her to the abortion clinic, she is not as likely to get pregnant. That of course, does not stop the ones who want their boyfriend to marry them and take them away from all this or the ones who think the boyfriend will marry them - as in my case - but in mine, it was the home for unwed mothers because I was taken there as soon as the doctor said I was pregnant and from there it was adoption. But now things are different, I was made to feel shameful for having s*x before marriage (let alone getting pregnant) but now there is no shame in that, God is now out of the picture, and the mothers of these girls are more interested in having a grand child, then in telling the girl to wait until marriage. Yet if the girl realizes that she might have to take care of the baby herself, then she will decide not to have the baby and wait. The thing is these programs will discourage the ones who do not know if their mothers will babysit for them to have a baby, but not the ones who already have jobs, who are taking care of younger brothers and sisters, or babysitting. So they only work in a limited capacity. But it does how the reality.
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
10 Jul 09
I think this is a good way to teach teenager about how hard it is to take care of a baby... so that they would be discouraged into getting into that sort of situation... of course there are some who are like mature enough to have one... but financially speaking... one can only be ready to have a child when he/she can provide all the child's needs...
@latsmom (824)
10 Jul 09
I think some teenagers do catch pregnant on purpose, sometimes it is to escape abuse at home, and other times with the mis conception that it will be easy. I think that any teen who wants to have a baby should be given the chance to be around someone who is struggling. yes babies are cute, but they are also hard work and cost a lot of money. I have two children myself and bring them up on my own, I would not have it any other way but I think that I would have found it harder to cope had I had my children younger.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
10 Jul 09
Here in our local highschool it is an assignment in childcare class for teens to take care of those life like babys. Yes, I think it could be an eye-opener for some.I think that some teens would be potientially good parents but I also think that teens are too young. They need to get an education and a decent job first. Yes, some do manage to make the best of it but what a difficult road.
@jshekhar (1562)
• India
10 Jul 09
Even thinking of a baby in one's teens is madness, according to me. I mean, not only teens, you have to be at least 20+ to have the right kind of brains to think about these sensitive things.It is a responsibility of a lifetime and these decisions should be taken from a mature head, not just out of excitement. I do believe that most of the teenage pregnancies are unplanned and it happens due to carelessness.
• United States
10 Jul 09
I think it varies. Most see it as a way of getting there parents attention. But they don't realize all the work that it takes to raise a child. I was 21 drinking and working and all that stuff normal people do when they turn 21, then I got me an apartment and ended up getting pregnant within 6 months of moving in. So I moved out of the apartment and back in with my mom. Though she was shocked when she found out I was pregnant she doesn't regret it. I seen the pregnant at 16 show on MTV or atleast I think that is what it is on and the grandparents were there but she was having to do all the work. And I understand there point, but I also think that its the grandparents job to raise there child in the right manner to know how to raise a child them selves. And she didnt seems to know everything about what to do and what not and the grandmother, which was her mother wouldn't step in and help her. I know there are ways of doing things, and then there are ways. But forcing her to do something that they obviously didn't do is not right in my eyes. The reason I say that is because if they had been doing there job she wouldn't have ended up pregnant at 16. So, I think its as much punishment on her parents as well as her. Not that I regret having my little girl and my mom eventually came around to the fact that I wasn't giving her up because i didn't know who the father was. She was okay with everything by the time kathryn was born. She was the one there with me in labor from the get go and the rest of my family put me at an outcast because I wasn't married but most of them are now divorced and separated. Anyways, I think teenagers need a full year of classes on becoming parents where they do a few weeks on each age so they can have a better understanding what raising a child is like. Because just because they have a baby doesn't mean they know what to do. It's not just changing diapers or just feeding them, its raising them until they are of age to raise themselves. I think some of them feel like they have to do this in order to get out of the place they are living in because some parents would rather kick them out than deal with it like mine did. My mom wouldn't change anything for the world. She gets to see kathryn whenever she wants because we live with her and kathryn knows at the end of the day who is going to be there for her when no one else is and thats all that matters in the end.
@lulu1220 (1006)
• United States
10 Jul 09
If the experiment was successful, then it is a great idea. I think some teens think about how cure babies are and the cute clothes they wear. They don't think about the time, effort and money it takes to have a child. Besides they should enjoy being a teen now. The time will never come again.
• India
10 Jul 09
too much responsibility is really dengarous. so be prepared before acepting the responsibility.sp before having a baby parents should be prepared and not in surprise.
@nancyrowina (3850)
10 Jul 09
I think it's a good idea as some teenagers don't realise just how life changing and hard having a baby is, that's not to say they can't make good parents but they've given up one of the happiest and freest times of their lives. If you ask a teenage mother 3 months after giving birth how she feels about teen pregnancy the answer is different to the one you'd get asking them before they were pregnant.
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
10 Jul 09
I do think that some teens plan to get pregnant, in fact there was a pact among teens in a Northern State for all of them to get pregnant at the same time so that their children could grow up together. I think it is very sad that teens are playing such a dangerous game with the lives of babies, and themselves. they have no idea what being a parent means and what it can do to their lives.
@fheroan (615)
• Philippines
10 Jul 09
i think its not right to put teens in experiment in becoming mothers because they're not objects which we can just do anything we want.. they are persons like us who have their freewill.. it will be really hard for teens to become mothers or parents because its not the suitable age for them to have a family..you know, they're still growing and maturing..
@ashia101 (203)
• Philippines
10 Jul 09
I think most teenage pregnancies are a product of carelessness. Who would want to have a baby when you haven't finish you studies yet? They have a low paying job, and they are not emotionally prepared for it. Maybe others handle it well but their still kids.
@RIJUL01 (24)
• India
10 Jul 09
they can come to net for jobs