My dear lady friends..I need your help....nothing against you guys and if you
By moondancer
@moondancer (7431)
United States
July 10, 2009 12:34pm CST
can help that would be great. I am in Canada, so I'm a long way from home. I am having bad pains in my lower stomach.. mostly on the whole right side. I even hurt in my back. This is entirely different from the other medical issues I have.
I've been hurting for 2 days. A little bit ago I went to the bathroom. I was totally surprised to see blood in my urine
. I have had a hysterectomy about 27 years ago, so I know it has nothing to do with the woman things.
I want to wait until after I get home next weekend to see my doctor. I sure hope I can hold out until then. I am feeling tired a lot and hurting so much.
Has anything like this happened to you or someone that you know? If it has, what was wrong? Why did it happen? If not at all, do you have any thoughts as to what it can be?
Thank you for your response.

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22 responses
@mcelhenney (481)
• United States
11 Jul 09
I don't know what could be causing your pain..Do you hurt around your waist" It could be your kidney..I really don't know if that would cause blood in the urine or not I had a bad kidney on my left side years ago.I hurt so bad around my waist,front and back. I could not stand anything around my waist,I don't remember anything about blood in the urine though..I think you should try to see a doctor there and not wait until you get home.It could be some kind of infection..I hope the pain will go away and that you will get better.Please see a doctor there..I don't think you should wait.I will be praying that it is nothing too serious..
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
12 Jul 09
Thank you for sharing your story with me. I do not hurt so much in my waist area although it does go up that far. The worst of it is in the lower area around my hip bone and across my lower stomach and my back. Some times I have a sharp pain in my left side.
They do not accept my insurance up here and I do not have the cash to pay them. I have seen them before in the ER, they wanted me to pay cash since they did not take my insurance and I live out of country.
As long as I don't get worse then I will wait until I get home. I just may go to the ER when I get there.
Try not to worry. If I get worse I will see someone here.
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@mcelhenney (481)
• United States
12 Jul 09
Hi moondancer,,This is something that can be really serious..You should see a doctor right away..If you hurt on your side it is your kidney,,I'm thinking..If I can help in any way at all let me know..I know you don't get to spend much time with Britt, but you need to get some help now instead of waiting..Have you told Britt yet? Tell Britt,,please..I almost waited too late when I had the kidney infection,,you know how I am about going to doctors..Please get help..If you need money let me know..Love to you and Britt...
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@mcelhenney (481)
• United States
28 Jul 09
Hello moondancer,
I hope you are much better..
Thanks for the best response..
Love and many Blessings to you.
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
10 Jul 09
Moondancer, I don't see how you can wait till you get home before seeing a doctor. This sounds like something serious. If you have a kidney infection or bladder infection and it goes untreated, you can get yourself into a very very serious mess, girl. You're bleeding. That's a very serious sign! Get yourself to the nearest Emergency Room, please. Any doctor would tell you that you should come in, now. Please go.
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
10 Jul 09
Nova, I just can't go now. I have strived for 2 months to get up here to meet with sparks. It was not easy trying to get the guys jobs lined up with time off for us to do this. I want to spend this time with my husband and leave tonight for Edmonton to meet up with sparks and her hubby. I just can't put this off right now.
I will see how it goes and if it is not gone or it is worse I will see about going somewhere on Monday.
Thank you so much for you concern and suggestion.
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
12 Jul 09
Leenie, I have no way to go anywhere. My husband is at work. I'm in a small next to nothing place near man camps and oil fields.
This started happening olny little bit before we were to leave to meet sparks in Edmonton.
As long as I don't seem to get worse then I'll wait until I get home next Sunday.
If I really have to I will seek out help up here.
I plan to go to the ER when I get home or the doctor the next day. If I get worse and can not find help here then I will reschedule my flight to go home sooner.
Thank you for responding.
@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
11 Jul 09
Go to a clinic. It may only take a short wait. They will get you started on some Meds. and you may be feeling a whole lot better before you meet up with Sparks. Don't wait!!! Waiting is the wrong answer. Ask a pharmacist in the area if there is a walk in clinic. Go, have a urine test and be on your way.
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
11 Jul 09
sorry I have never experienced something like that. the only time I bleed is during my period. another poster has said what I wanted to say, that you are not supposed to wait. there must be a clinic you can go to tonight or early morning. I don't know anyone else that experienced the same. it sounds like something about bladder infection. I hope this is nothing serious. don't drive alone, if possible. if no one can't be there for you, ask a neighbor to help. I'm sure someone will help you get to the nearest clinic. you've been in pain for 2 days, don't wait a single hour more.

@moondancer (7431)
• United States
14 Jul 09
After my meeting with sparks and her hubby, when coming back to my husbands apartment here in Canada I have dne nothing but sleep. After getting up I have not had the blood in my urine anymore. I still have the pain. I'm glad that laying down and sleeping so much the blood has stopped. So I will continue to lay down a lot, or as much as I can so maybe it won't start back up until I have to leave for the airport and a days worth of traveling(over 12 hours). Then when I get home on Sunday morning then I can see what I have to do, if it's go to the ER I will.
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
12 Jul 09
If I was some plac that I knew a person there or that there was a clinic or something close by I would go. I'm way out where the oil fields are, with mancamps and not a lot of anything else. It is called the end of the road for a reason, lol. As long as I don't get worse I will do my best to hold on until I get home on Sunday next week.
Thank you so much for responding.
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
13 Jul 09
ok sorry you wrote you are in canada so I thought you have health care
I missed the part when you said you are away from home lol
I still hope it's nothing serious, the weekend has passed I hope you get help

@sid556 (30953)
• United States
28 Jul 09
It actually sounds like a kidney infection...A serious one. As I type, I'm just noticing this was posted 3 weeks ago so I hope that all is well with you. I am like you...I procrastinate terrible when it comes to going to the doctors. I probably would have gone out and bought a gallon of cranberry juice and hoped for the best. I also would not give that same advise to someone else because it probably is not the best advice. Since this is after the fact...I hope that you are doing better and whatever it was has been cleared up, moondancer. 

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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
28 Jul 09
Thank you for your thoughts and response. I have been home for a week now and I went to the doctor on Wednesday last week. She did three tests and sent them off to the lab. The results were negative on them all, one was for cancer. SO I'm very pleased to know this.
She gave me an antibiotic to take and I'm taking them. I feel better now but I may never know what the problem was, even though my doctor asked if I have ever had kidney stones. I told her no, but thought that is what the problem might be.
@Citychic (4067)
• United States
10 Jul 09
Hello my canadian friend, I'm not trying to frighten you but it sounds as if you have something major going on with your body. You need to see a physician immmediately and don't wait, the longer you wait the more damage that could possibly happen. Call your local place of emergency and do it as soon as possible. My prayers will be going with you. Happy mylot!

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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
10 Jul 09
I'm trying to hang in there and get through this weekend. I have worked to hard and done too much to get up her to be with my husband for a couple of weeks and to meet up with sparks and her husband tomorrow.
I'm trying hard not to worry too much about this but to just get through the weekend.
Thank you for your concern and response.
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
10 Jul 09
I have had UT's many times. I know how that is with me. I've even had bladder infections. I drink lots of water, infact it is about all I drink. I'm at a loose as to what is going on.
Thank you for your post.
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
12 Jul 09
I am with my husbandin an apartment just has the bare minimum things there. I will figure out a way to have a hot compress. I do believe that I can wet a towel and put it in the microwave and wrap another around that to use as a heat pd.
@mzz663 (2772)
• United States
11 Jul 09
You might have a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) my daughter was getting these. Little bit of a fever, too? If you can't get to a Dr. or ahold of some anti biotics, try drinking alot of water, cranberry juice (or there are cranberry supplements you can take) and tylenol for the pain.
Hope you start feeling better and can enjoy your time away from home!
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
12 Jul 09
Thank you so much! I too have had UTI's and bladder infections. I have a feeling that this is a kidney problem, but I could be wrong. I already take a pain pill 5 times a day and us a pain patch that works for 24 hours but they only take away a small portion of the pain.
I am trying to enjoy my "vacation", I'm doing the bes I can under the circumstances.
I only have a week to go and then I will be leaving for home. I will be there next Sunday an can call my doctor Monday to see her.
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
11 Jul 09

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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
12 Jul 09
Hello anette and thank you for responding to my little problem. I don't mind seeing another doctor, it's just thst they do not take my insurance here, thy want cash because I live out of country.
But the bad part is that we are in a part of the country where the oil fields are way up nort and there are mancamps and a few other things but no medical facilities. If I get worse I will try o find something. Otherwise I will wait until I get home. It's just a week.
@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
10 Jul 09
I think the best thing to do, is go see a doctor. Don't wait another week.
Just to make yourself less stress. Because if you start getting stressed about it, you might make it worse. Keep calm. The only way to do that is to go to a doctor.
You take care, get well fast.

@moondancer (7431)
• United States
10 Jul 09
I'm not at home, heck I'm not even in the country that I live in. I have been up here before and had to go to the ER, I had an ambulance bill and hospital bill because they do not accept my insurance up here. I had to pay all of that out of pocket.
My husband and I are leaving as soon as he comes in to go meet up with Sparks (another My Lotter)and her hubby and this has been planned for a couple of months. Her husband got time off from work. They left early this morning to get there today. So backing out on this is not something I feel that I can do. Not when everyone has bent over backwards to make this happen for Sparks and me.
I was just hoping that maybe someone had had this problem before and might have an idea what it is.
This way I can see what I need to do once I get back Sunday night. I can always pay for my flight to be changed and leave earlier for home in the states.
I figured if it got worse then I would see what I can do.
Thank you so much for responding.
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
12 Jul 09
Thank you Marg, I am a calm type of person. I take things as they come and deal with them usually in a methadical manner. I am not too worried about this right now. If I start bleeding worse than I am not or the pain gets more intense then I will have to seek help.
@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
10 Jul 09
Yes I understand your situation. But nature does not always do what we want.
If something happens to you, your hubby will feel bad, because he did not know.
I advise you to talk to your hubby. Maybe you could just visit a doctor in the near.
Or if the bleeding does not get worse, you could wait until you get home.
But whatever you do, please be careful. Take care.

@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
13 Jul 09
Sounds serious. Dont wait. Blood in anything is not good. I only knw one person that had this and she found out she had bladder cancer. Dont mean to scare you but i'd go asap.
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
14 Jul 09
Thank you for responding to my post. I do appreciate you letting m know this. I don't scare easily so don't worry. I will go if I get any worse.
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
12 Jul 09
I understand what you are saying, trust me I am worried but I'm not letting it make me crazy. I sm doing my best to be calm about this because I am in another country, not my on. They do not accept my medical insurance.
I hardly ever get to see my husband and having to go to the hospital and possibly be put in is not what I want while I am here with him. He worries way too much about me and he needs his mind on his job, not on me.
I know that when I get home I can got to the ER if I have to. My doctor will take me in right away on the day that I call her, she always has.
Therefore I am trying to hold out until I get back to the states.
As long as this problem stays the same and gets no worse I will wait. If it gets worseI will see what can be done up here in Canada.
Thank you for your reply.
@khayshenz (1384)
• United States
10 Jul 09
So you've had UT before huh? And you don't think this is UT?
Well, can you raise your knee towards your abdomen? Either knees. If it's too painful to raise the left or right knee - then it'll highly likely be appendicitis. In that case - you need to see a doctor ASAP - and get that thing removed before it ruptures and caused more bad stuff internally.
Hope that helps a little. Try webmd - it's helped me in trying to determine if the symptoms are serious or what-not. Take care, miss.
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
11 Jul 09
This was informative. I'm not suppose to have my appendix anymore but I tried what you said. No pain at all with the left and some not a lot with the right. But my right is hurting bad.
I do have some good news, for now There is not much bleeding. In fact, you can hardly tell it now. I hope it will be okay, whatever is going on until I get home in a week and a half, I'll go to my docotr then.
Thank you so much for your help and the info.
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
16 Jul 09
I'm drinking lots of water...are yo kidding me ecercise is the last thing I can do...I hurt way too much to be able to do that. If I move or walk or anything I get worse.
Thank you for responding and for the advice.
@pyre82 (103)
• Philippines
11 Jul 09
my friend, I think you need to see a doctor immediately. i also had my urinary Tract infections that i almost think the end of the world for me. T'was too painful but the ordinary symptoms were not present so the doctor thought i'm pregnant for i throw up and feel nausea that time only to found out that it was a rare case of tract infection. I need to take 3 medicine at the same time. gosh! im so broke when it happened to me. for it needs to be cure for it may result to some other illness.
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
12 Jul 09
Pyre, I'm so sorry to hear that you have been so sick. I hope that you are well now. As for me, I kind of have the same problem. I don't have the money t pay for heath care here in Canada and they will not accept my medical insurance.
I am trying to wait for another week until I get home, then I will call my doctor to get in to see her. She always gets me right in that day. If I get worse or the bleeding gets worse then I will seek out help up here.
Thank you for sharing your story with me.
@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
12 Jul 09
You could call your doctor today and get some advice maybe? I'm sure there is an answering service and in case of emergency instructions.
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
14 Jul 09
Any time I call my doctor about anything they want me to come in or go to the ER. I'm not in the states to go to her. I'm in Canada and I know she would say to go to the ER. They just want to cover themselves because anytime if something were bad wrong and tey did not tell me to be seen then they could be in trouble.
Thank you for the suggestion and reply.
@ellie333 (21016)
10 Jul 09
Hi Moondancer, Sorry to hear that you are in pain but as I am not a doctor I really can't say but I would say kidneys or urinary tract infection as this can give that sort of pain and blood in the urine is something I had to check when my eldest daughter had HSP for two years after to make sure her kidneys were okay. Is there a local cottage hospital you could drop into whilst in Canada to get a urine sample tested. I would do this if you can as the sooner you get antibiotics to treat the better as this sort of infection can be very painful. Healing huggles. Ellie :D

@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
11 Jul 09
I see I'm a day late but if you have not seen a doctor yet, then GO see one now. It could be a severe bladdar infection which is extremely painful. Does it burn when you urinate? If so it sounds like a bladdar or kidney infection, neither of which you can resolve without a doctor. You could even have appendisitis and your appendix may burst. Don't wait till you get home. Please go now. Hugsss
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
12 Jul 09
Thank you for replying, I have had an apendectomy, so I know it's not that. I do not burn or hurt going to the bathroom, I don't even have a problem trying to go. I'm as usual, I'm just hurting like crazy and the blood comes off and on in my urine. I do, after thinking about it think I might have a kidney stone or something going on in that region. It is staying the same so far and as long as it does I a going to try to make it home and see my doctor. When I call her on Monday a week from now she will get me in that day.
Again thank you.
@EsmeraldaB (309)
• United States
11 Jul 09
go see a doctor!!!!!!!!!!!!
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
12 Jul 09
Thank you for responding. I will go as soon as I can, unless I get worse or bleed more than I a now. I will the seek help here, somewhere. I can not pay cash and they do not take my insurance here. I know have been here before and went to the ER.
@easyflow90 (147)
• United States
11 Jul 09
Most likely I would say something is going on in one of your kidneys. Did you get hit in that area recently? I know if you get hit there it can make you piss blood. A comment above said drink cranberry juice and I believe you should do that but probably if you can go to a local pharmacy and talk to someone there about it. If its kidney related they might give you something for it but then again they might tell you to go to the doctor since you are pissing out blood. I would take the advice of seeing a doctor because if you wait to long and its your kidney you can run into some serious problems down the road and I dont think whomever is with you would really mind that you miss maybe part of a day or so to get this checked out since they would probably care about your health more than time being spent together while your in pain.
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
28 Jul 09
Thank you for your response. I dealt with this until I got home. I went to the doctor and she did a few tests they had to be sent off to labs. But they all showed normal. I went on Wednesday after I got home. I was hurting still but no more blood at this time.
I was asked if I had ever had kidney stones by my doctor. I said no. But thats is what I thought it might be, the results all came in negative which means I'm just as lost now as to what it was as I was then.
I'm taking an antibiotic and donig much better.
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
14 Jul 09
I don't think i can or any one else help you with that accurately. better have a check up with a doctor. great day
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
14 Jul 09
I know, I just hopd that someone might have had the same symptoms and what they foud out it was so I might have an idea what mine might be. Thanks for responding.