One True Church.

@Pose123 (21635)
July 12, 2009 2:02pm CST
I have a friend who attends a Christian church that began in the Philippines in 1915 and which teaches that they alone are the one true church. They are absolutely convinced that only those who are baptised into that church can go to heaven. After having met some of these people I realize that they are often well educated and otherwise intelligent people. It brought back memories of when I was a young man and was first introduced to the Mormons. I am more than ever convinced that people can be taught to believe anything, especially if they are indoctrinated from early childhood. These people will take infants to church sometimes as early as 7 AM. It does seem to be working very well for them because they have almost perfect attendance, even among teenagers. I never cease to be amazed at the workings of the human mind. Do you think that it is something like mass hypnosis when people are told over and over again that something is true? Perhaps that the reason we grow old and die is because we have all been told that it must happen. What do you think? Have we all been brainwashed and will it ever end?
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24 responses
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
12 Jul 09
Of course they have 100% attendance. If they didn't go every Sunday they'd go to HELL! Of course the ones that get smart & quit don't count on the attendance ratings.
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
13 Jul 09
Because too many think the golden rule is " Put as much gold into your pocket as possible". That goes for many of the religious leaders too.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Jul 09
Hi uath, Thank you for responding, unfortunately not enough get smart after being brainwashed that way. Why couldn't we all just teach the golden rule and try our best to follow it? Blessings.
@TravisE (440)
• United States
12 Jul 09
I think they are absolutely right that theirs is the one true church. Of course that statement can be made of every church. Your one true church is the one you call church. The one true church is the church were we learn about, and of, the Truth. That true church is right here, right now, no matter what that may be.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Jul 09
Hi TravisE, Thank you for responding. Most Christians that I know certainly don't think that way but to each his own I suppose. Blessings.
@TravisE (440)
• United States
13 Jul 09
Well, I guess it's a good thing I am not only a Christian. Cheers!
@Celanith (2327)
• United States
13 Jul 09
I have this to say having been raised with a varied belief system that was quite colorful and varied to say the least and since having been in different church groups and religious orders some which turned out to be cults. First there is one true church but I don't think we have yet got to where it really exists. It exists in part here and there. Revelations talks about the spirit talking to the "CHURCHES" and pretty much it has to do with the different attitudes of any religious group. Some are lazy, and laid back, some are zealous, some in between, some lack love, some worship idols more than God etc. Well to know what the true church is don't go to any specific church but go to the Written and Inspired word called the bible. Pray and ask God to open your eyes to what and who and where his true church is. The Holy Spirit the comforter Chist said he would leave us with will help us. I know on earth there is not ONE single TRUE church organization or group of people because though some churches show some things God wants they don't show other things God wants. None are perfect. What you will see is people with different attitudes and ways of doing things. Some are sincere, genuine and have complete faith. The True Church is found in your heart and the willingness to accept and follow God, to repent and accept Christ as our Savior and do show in your works, actions, behavior and lifestyle your willing to do as God asks you to do and to trust God completely without doubt, without question and believe. Then you will be part of his true Church which you will find here and there and all over the world. No specific Religous Church group that I have seen thus far has all the things God said his TRUE church is supposed to have. This is why we need Christ to return so he can show us exactly what we are doing wrong and start doing things as God wants us to do them. Until then we will not find any specific true church on earth.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Jul 09
Hi Celanith, Thank you for commenting and for your thoughts. Blessings.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
13 Jul 09
Our Church also says we are the one true church, but so is every church that we have ecclesiastical fellowship with. That is we all believe in infant baptism, the Holy Trinity, Christ is preached and not man, etc. But when you speak of mass hypnosis, you are saying that all the churches are wrong, not just the false churches where they do not believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, but the true churches and therefore you also reject God and any other belief. And to put it further, you are also say that if a child is taught from small not to lie, then being taught to lie is wrong and therefore you can do anything you wan. Oh we grow old and die is because over six thousand or more years ago, there was this couple in this beautiful garden, there was this serpent who then had legs, and a voice that was able to talk to the woman. And they ate the forbidden fruit.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Jul 09
Hi suspenseful, Thank you for commenting and for your thoughts. I would like to say though that because a child isn't taken to church does not mean that he is taught to lie or cheat or do any of those things. No religion has a monopoly on teaching children how to live in our society, in fact every criminal I have heard of had some religious background. Even Hitler, at one time considered becoming a priest. It's okay to have your beliefs but not all churches think that they are the only church that is right. As I'm sure you know I think the Adam and Eve story is a myth and we have all been brainwashed to a certain extent. No one is able to follow the teachings of Jesus which for me says that we have never really understood what he was trying to tell us. Think of how much better this world would be today if his followers had been able to follow the golden rule alone. Blessings.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
12 Jul 09
In some ways we are all constantly brainwashed, our reality is such a small part of the whole and yet to us it is often everything. Even compared to our earth we are nothing but grains of sand, that glow at night.
• United States
13 Jul 09
My husband's Dad's church had the same belief! Wonder which one of the thousands that think they are the only one is right? Anyway, I've always seen taking your kids to church from the time they are born as a type of mind control. It's definitely the best way to keep them from thinking for themselves. Trouble is, parents only see it as doing their Christian duty, not that they are limiting their children. It's like the church thinks, "Quick, get them while they're young before they can chose differently!" I have, too, seen that it doesn't hinder intelligence, at least in terms of school success. But I have often seen it limit one's ability to think for themselves, and limit critical thinking skills. Not always, of course. Cults have shown time and time again that if you come up with a story and teach it as true, others will believe it. Children are the easiest to manipulate, and that's why several target them. The question is, how big does a group have to be before it's no longer a cult? Hmm.... One thing is for sure. As long as humans exist, so will cults, religions, and other varying beliefs of every type, not just religious. "Brainwashing" is never going away, because we always want to convince others that WE are right. The human mind does have some great power over our bodies that we aren't aware of, but I doubt we can stop aging. I can't see the harm however, so I guess it's worth a try!
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Jul 09
Hi Improbability, Thank you for such a great response. I understand that there are more than twenty thousand denominations that are based on the Bible, it is really quite amazing, isn't it? Personally, I'm convinced that there is no church anywhere that thinks as Jesus did. Everything that he tried to teach people has either been lost, changed or is ignored by most Christians. In reality, human nature makes it very difficult to love our enemies or turn the other cheek. It is clear that we misunderstand the true meaning of his teachings. Blessings.
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
15 Jul 09
Everyone wants to feel they are special and they are the ones who know the meaning. Its up to God to decide who is righteous and who isn't. David was one of the biggest sinners in the bible but he had faith, even when Saul seeked to end his life he had opportunities to kill him but didn't because he trusted that God would handle it. If he had killed him he would have been an outlaw forever but he had patients and in the end he gained everything. Too often people want that reward now and forget its not about them but about how you treat each other because that's what counts. Your sins aren't any better than the next mans and I haven't met anyone on this planet yet that is truly an overcomer of the world so far, at least that I have noticed. As far as mass hypnosis me and my son was talking about the very same thing what if we would never grow old if we just stopped believing we were meant to age? I do think worry adds years to our lives and eating the wrong food and bad habits. I have noticed people who are mentally handicapped seem to look much younger than we do, including myself in non mentally challenged hope you don't mind. As far as if its a good thing or bad thing I would have to say its a toss up I look at most teens today and they have no ambition, no drive and no personal integrity. Maybe our loose society is brain washing them to live life without any purpose but to want more material things so why I don't think its the best path maybe a well balanced life of physical and spiritual is the medium humanity needs. I don't see humanity coming to some great self awareness on the path we are on right now. Wanting more and more till there is nothing left.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
15 Jul 09
Hi EvanHunter, Thank you for that very thoughtful response. Not many people take the time to think these things through. It is very true that everyone wants to feel special and I've always felt that believing in something gives a person comfort. Of course, I don't like to see people being taken advantage of or judged and treated differently because of something that they have no control over. Blessings.
@Mirita (2668)
• United States
13 Jul 09
I think that we all have this need to believe in something magical and religion usually give us hope. As long as we don't take it to an extreme is fine. It would be silly to think that God belongs to only a certain group of people ,but I guess is easy to brainwashed people who are so narrow minded.
@Mirita (2668)
• United States
13 Jul 09
I know it really makes no sense!
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
12 Jul 09
Look what Jim Jones did so many years ago.....all those people drank koolaid laced with cyanide giving up their lives just because he told them to. Look at Hitler....and others that have such strong personalities that they can take over where others have failed...I do believe that some people can be brainwashed...and giving your scernario of dying because we believe we should, might be something that we have been lead to believe....When I reached menopause I saw a doctor on Oprah (though I don't watch her often) that said you can make it the best or worse time of your was a conscience decision. Well I decided to make it the best time of my life and I have gone all this time without having symptons like other women have! (no flashes etc) Could be you have it right!
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Jul 09
Hi jillhill, Thank you for commenting and you make some very good points. I'm sure that thousands, if not millions, of others have wondered about the effect of brainwashing on the body aging and finally dying. Many people have proven that the mind can do great things that most would think impossible. It sounds like you have done quite well yourself. Did you know that as a young man, Hitler considered becoming a priest? Personally, I think that children should be taught the golden rule and let decide for themselves when they are adults as to following any particular religion. Blessings.
@Gordano (795)
• United States
13 Jul 09
I realize that they are often well educated and otherwise intelligent people. I can assure you that no body told them that they go the church on Sunday, Just because the emperor Constantine in On March 7, 321 A.D. passed his famous national Sunday law: "On the venerable Day of the Sun let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed. In the country, however, persons engaged in agriculture may freely and lawfully continue their pursuits; because it often happens that another day is not so suitable for grain-sowing or for vine-planting; lest by neglecting the proper moment for such operations the bounty of heaven should be lost." and I can assure you that None of Them Can prove using the Bible alone that Sunday was mentioned as a Day of rest instead of the weekly Sabbath, But all of them seems to be indoctrinated from early childhood as you said. Best Regards
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
14 Jul 09
Hi Gordano, Thank you for responding. I had never heard of Constantine's national Sunday law. Blessings.
• United States
13 Jul 09
In the days of Jesus there were two religions, Christianity and Pagans!!! Constantine was worried about the following and combined the 2 religions and that!!! became the Catholic church...How Jesus must be feeling to know that His beliefs have been twisted and perverted...out of that came all the rest.......It is ashame that people do NOT pick up the Bible and read for themselves instead of letting another person tell them How to Believe....The Bible is SOOOOOOOOOO clear!!! God Bless Everyone....see you ALL in heaven....
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• Philippines
16 Jul 09
that is MIND PRESET. most religious beliefs are like that. a child can grow up with a belief that is not of his own, but a belief of his parents or others. he can be convicted with that belief. but if he grew up, and had his own mind, most probably he would develop beliefs from his own reason and distinction. If that's the case, and he disregard his own belief and choose otherwise others' belief, it's NOT GOOD. Trials of faith may come and sure he will not survive. No one can enter the heaven holding OTHERS' BELIEFS. The bible said, in Romans 14:5, "Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind."
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
16 Jul 09
Hi goriomoriones. Thank you for commenting. Blessings.
@calyxus (825)
• Philippines
13 Jul 09
I believe the "church" you are talking about is a cult. There is no true church on earth, not even a true religion. Only a true faith. I feel sorry for those people you mentioned, maybe they are just brainwashed. I really hate people who do that to others...
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Jul 09
Hi calyxus, Thank you for commenting. I don't hate anyone as they were probably brainwashed themselves, but I do feel sorry for them. I guess the day will come when more people will rebel against such notions. Blessings.
@calyxus (825)
• Philippines
14 Jul 09
I feel sorry for them, too. I hope they will just realize what is it they had been lured in. It would be great if we could help them but sometimes, they themselves won't like being talked to about being brainwashed. God bless you, too.
@John4Christ (1597)
• India
19 Jul 09
I think no one can come to a conclusion that theirs is the "One True Church"....... 1 Corinthians 3:16 says:- Don't you know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? And 1 Corinthians 6:19 says:- Don't you know that your body is a temple that belongs to the Holy Spirit? What I can make out fro the bible is that we have a holy church within our body and we don't need any external structure for us have a gateway towards heaven......if I keep the temple within my body clean I can rest be assured that I will be in heaven with god someday....... I am a roman catholic and I got to church on every Sundays......Some people try to convince me with the same above quoted scripture that if the temple is within ourselves then why go to church, but then even Jesus went into the synagogues to pray, I feel it is a holy place and you feel good to pray in such places.......but then you should not make it a ideology that one can go to heaven ONLY if you go to that particular church.......I am not too sure but I have never read such a thing in the bible.....and I follow only what is written in the bible I take it as my concordance.......
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
19 Jul 09
Hi John4Christ, You seem to be very sincere in your thinking and not judging of others, that in my opinion is good. Thank you for your response. Blessings.
• United States
13 Jul 09
I am a Christian also...I have been in several different denominations and find that the one that suits me believes in Repentance,Baptism, and the infilling of the Holy Ghost as in the days of Jesus...I think if you have these 3 Basics then the Holy Ghost will lead you where you need to go....Love to all.........
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Jul 09
Hi landerson, Thank you for commenting. Most people need to believe in something and I have no problem with that. You have found the denomination that suits you best but you probably don't believe that everyone who refuses to join that particular church will go to hell. We are all different but I wonder how some people can believe that only a few thousand who join their particular church are God's chosen people. Blessings
• United States
13 Jul 09
I think alot of people will be SURPRISED to see who made it to and NOT only a few will make it!!!!!!!!! Gods Grace IS Sufficient!!!!!!!! Have a Blessed week.......
@trixyteddy (1070)
• India
13 Jul 09
I don't know how they manage it, but I read and believe in the Living Bible. so I won't argue on the topic.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Jul 09
Hi trixyteddy, Thank you for commenting. Blessings.
• United States
13 Jul 09
ask your friend if they will be lonely in heaven without; Simon Peter, John (the Baptist), Matthew & Mark, Luke...or any of the other apostles (born before 1915. I'm especially curios about Mary too, so find out and let us know where all them went. Then of course there is; Moses, Isaiah, St. Paul, Mohammad, Martin Luther, Calvin, Gandhi...gosh, I don't think I would want any part of "their" heaven!!
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Jul 09
Hi mikedotcom, Thank you for commenting. Since there are probably less than a hundred thousand people in their church, I wonder about a lot of people. I think though that they feel they are one with the early church, so some of the people you mention would be there. Blessings.
@cobra1368 (702)
• United States
13 Jul 09
Yes, it is brainwashing, and it will end when you take a step back and see your situation as an outsider and decide to end it. If you have doubts and see problems in your current situation, you need to take steps to resolve those problems. Do your own research! I think that many people, young and old, stay with what they have been taught all their lives because A) that is all they know, and B) out of fear. They have been taught all of the bad things that will happen to them if they stray, so they stay out of fear. I grew up Lutheran. My family truly believed that the Lutherans were the only ones who had it right. Not only that, but even that the Missouri-Synod Lutherans were the only ones who were right! It is very narrow-minded thinking, and as soon as I was out of my family's house, I started going down my own path. I respect others for their own personal beliefs; however, the close-mindedness and brainwashing I received throughout my childhood does not continue to work for me. I chose to break free and find my own way. I encourage every single person on this planet to do the same. If you step back and do your research, and you still end up where you are today, then good for you. Obviously you are on the right path for yourself and feel you are where you belong!
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Jul 09
Hi cobra, Thank you for commenting. You have clearly thought things out very well. Blessings.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
13 Jul 09
Everyone believes what they choose to believe. You perhaps believe that everyone has been brainwashed. That is just as much a belief as what the Christians and Mormons teach. Do you believe yourself to be wrong? Similarly, why would you expect the Christian church to believe they are wrong? Or the Mormons to believe they are wrong? If either believed their church wasn't the true belief system, they likely wouldn't be going to that church, would they? Have you ever heard of a church, or religion, which said "we are not the one true Church!"? Of course not, and I'd wager if you did it would be pretty empty place. Of course, it will end.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Jul 09
Hi andy, Thank you for commenting and you make some good points. Religion is of course a very sensitive subject and I guess we are all brain washed to a certain extent. However, all churches don't believe that they alone are the true church, they disagree on some issues with others but often work together. I feel that when people learn to think for themselves such groups will lose their power over them. Blessings.
@Dansoy (32)
• Philippines
13 Jul 09
There are several Christian churches who believes that there kind of religion is the only salvation from the eternal sins. Indoctrination, mass hypnosis, brainwashing or whatever way we want to call it, are one of the simple equipments to keep your faith intact. But I guess everything boils down to one thing - focus & dedication to your faith. You know, religion or churches though how much interesting it is, are the kind of subject I don't want to delve deeply. This is one of the most delicate and sensitive subject mankind has made. This is a never ending story. But what matters most is your Faith....I believe....
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Jul 09
Hi Dansoy, Thank you for responding and for your comments. I agree that this is one of the most delicate and sensitive issues and I can understand you not wanting to say much. I love to write and talk about religion, spirituality and such things but there are only a few of my friends that I can openly discuss such things with. I guess that I may have hurt some feelings on times, especially here because sometimes I am too blunt. I really have no wish to hurt anyone as I know that many people find comfort in religion. I do find it strange though that some people will believe almost anything.Blessings.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
13 Jul 09
Every church do claim they are the only one true church,but,we have to observe and listen to their teachings,was it all bible based or just explained from their own opinions.Being educated doesnt matter with religion,what matters most is,are they practising what is written in the bible?...sometimes it is easy to judge people from their looks,set aside the profession,it is not what matter's with regards of true religion or not.Satan will never disguise in any bad looks to decieve people.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
19 Jul 09
Hi jaiho, Sorry, but I somehow missed your comment earlier. Thanks for your thoughts. Blessings.