By emma412
@emma412 (1156)
United States
July 12, 2009 10:20pm CST
I am 8 days overdue with my second baby right now. I am so miserable! My first was 6 days early so this is particularly hard for me. I was hoping for another early baby! I am headed to the doctor tomorrow morning to talk induction. I am kind of disappointed, I wanted this baby to come naturally. My in-laws are leaving in two days in it's quite possible they're not going to get to meet the baby.
Anyone else been overdue before? How long? Did they induce you or did it happen on its own?
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15 responses
@babykeka80 (2084)
• United States
13 Jul 09
I was 8 days early with my first baby and 7 days late with my second. Both times I went to the doctor and they had scheduled to induce me and went ahead and stripped my membranes. I went into labor within 24hrs with both. You should ask them to try it. It is not pleasant when they do it but it did help me. With my second daughter I was showing signs of contractions almost immediately afterwards. They did it then hooked me up to a monitor because they said my water was "bulging" I was having some small contractions within the hour. No worries baby will be here soon enough and at this point it will probably be natural. The doctor is definitely not going to make you wait too much longer because baby could get too big.
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@emma412 (1156)
• United States
13 Jul 09
I will see tomorrow what they have planned! Did they strip your membranes by hand or use the hook? I'm nervous to see what they are going to decide on. This baby was already a full pound bigger than my first a week ago. So I hope they decide to start this tomorrow!
@babykeka80 (2084)
• United States
13 Jul 09
They did it by hand but it worked. Please let us know what they chose to do. I am sure you will have a new baby in the next day or so.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
15 Jul 09
I was early with my first two children so when my due date arrived for my third baby I felt miserable. She was due on 25th June and it was my birthday in early July. I read a to term baby arrives between 37 and 41 weeks pregnancy. Before 42 weeks a midwife might give a sweep of the membranes to see if labor will begin. If that doesn't work a doctor might want to give an induction. I like to keep things natural. I visited my midwife at 39 weeks 6 days. She asked if I wanted a sweep so I said no thank you. I told her I would book a reflexology session. I had a session of the foot touching and found it like a relaxing massage. It made my labor start in 48 hours time. My baby girl was born two days late. Good luck. I hope you will have an easy labor.
@dreamr802 (985)
• United States
14 Jul 09
My mom was 12 days overdue with me. She said she was miserable. But in the end it worked out for the best because if I wasn't late my brother and I would've had the same birthday and be 6 years apart (me older). My mom was 6 days late with my sister and my brother was on time. My cousin had her baby induced she said it wasn't bad because the rest of the birth was natural. I hope for the best and hope that your baby is gorgeous and healthy :-)
@littleone3 (2063)
13 Jul 09
I know how you feel I was 7 days overdue with my youngest son I was also like you and hoping that he would have come early or on time as my other four children had all been more or less on time.
I was due to go into hospital to be induced on the Monday but went into labour on the Friday before so did not have to be induced in the end.
I hope that everything works out well for you.
@jashley1 (746)
• United States
14 Jul 09
Hi there!
I was never overdue (with three children), however, I was induced twice. You never know though, I've had several friends who ended up going into natural labor the morning of their scheduled inducing date! Do you already have someone to do your new birth announcements? I'm not trying to "sell" you anything, but I do invitations as my business and also custom made birth announcements, and with you already having your first, I'm sure you realize how super expensive the ones that come in your delivery pack are! Mine are usually around only $.65 a piece and are custom made to your liking! My site is www.creativeinspirations4u.webs.com if you are interested! Also does anyone know how to change your website address in your profile? I haven't been on here in quite a while and I can't seem to figure out how to go about doing that! Anyway, I hope that your delivery goes well and that you have a beautiful healthy child! From experience I can warn you though, that induced deliveries (in my case) were both very long! About 24 hours each!
@cheekysuze (254)
• United States
13 Jul 09
Both of my kids were 10 days overdue. Both were induced. I was absolutely miserable, but I kindof knew they would be late. I just had a feeling, like the feeling I had when I knew I was pregnant but the test hadn't proved it yet.
Induction isn't so bad. Labor goes faster than it generally does naturally; however, it can also be more painful. The epidural was my friend both times.
Good luck! Hang in there. Your little bundle of joy will be here any time now!
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
13 Jul 09
I was 7 days late with my son. After a few days of walking and trying to do everything under the sun, my next appointment came and they gave me an option. I opted to get induced. The day I went into be induced, I was in very very mild labor. I ended up being induced to help along the process. I am pregnant now with #2 and if I go a few days over, I have no problem being induced again.
Some people say that being induced makes the process more painful. I don't know if it was because I had started going into labor or what, but a few years later I had a problem with my kidney and the pain from that was way worse that any of the labor pains I had before the Epidural.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
13 Jul 09
I am sorry to hear that. I went in to have my child on the day they predicted but they sent me home with false labor. I had to wait just two more days and then she was ready to come out. I would have been miserable to wait longer also.
@hairypits (294)
13 Jul 09
Hiya, I sympathise with you. My first was 13 days late and I was induced in the end. The membrane sweep didn't work so they gave me the petocin (go go juice!) which eventually worked after 36 hours and my waters broke on their own.
I ended up in active labour for 13 hours but he was worth it in the end. He's still laid back to this day at 3 and a half!
@kryzell (921)
• Philippines
13 Jul 09
Hi emma412! My first baby was more than a week delayed. So I undersand how anxious you are right now.
Regarding my case, I still opted to give birth naturally. My doctor decided to monitor any progress, and check on the baby's well being from time to time. She said, as long as all other factors are okay, we can still wait a few more days. But, if there's any sign that either the baby or my condition is at risk, then she will be forced to induce me. The good thing is, everything went well for me... the amniotic fluid was still enough... and the baby and me are safe enough for us to wait a few more days. I gave birth normally.
I hope everything will be well with you and your baby. Don't be too anxious, it will affect your baby. Just make sure to check with your doctor to make sure everything is well.
@tamsuder610 (157)
• Jamaica
13 Jul 09
My first child was overdue by 2 days and they didn't induce me luckily because, my son came on the third day. Sometimes when you're very excited and all it seems to send a signal to the baby and they delay the time in which they should arrive. Just relax in my opinion and make nature take it course although everybody is different. You beautiful baby will soon arrive when they feel too. Hope this makes you feel better.
@emmasmomma89 (266)
• United States
13 Jul 09
i was never overdue with mine, but i went to the doctor and he told me she would be late, and i cried. I did everything i could to get her out. Then finally my sister made this mac and cheese with a bunch of hot peppers in it, and i went into labor right there. I had her 4 hours after going into labor, so id try eating something really spicy, it might help. But my older sister had 3 babies back to back, the first was on time, the second was 2 weeks late, and they had to induce her. He was almost ten pounds, and she said the induction was the hardest thing shes ever done. she said the contractions are so much worse than doing it natural, and the epidural didnt even help anything. Her 3rd was really early, by about a month and a half, and he was induced too because he was already 8 and a half pounds at a month in a half, and my sister kept going into early labor, so instead of stopping it another 8 times, the doctor induced her. Im not really sure why on that one, but she said that induction was harder than the one before, because they gave her the epidural, but put it in the wrong spot and she went into a coma, so they had to take it out and give her something else to wake her up. I dont think i would want to be induced. I know how hard it is to be pregnant in the first place, and im sorry youre so late. All i wanted at the end of my pregnancy was the baby out, so i know how you feel. I would try some really spicy food, or walk up and down the stairs. Thats what i did. and jumped up and down. Eventually i went into labor. But im pregnant now with my 2nd, and im being scheduled for an induction because my husband is in afghanistan, and can only be home the very end of december, and im due early january, so im hoping its not as bad as my sister says.
@veron1015 (18)
• Japan
13 Jul 09
My son was 11 days overdue. While waiting for the birth the doctor realised that
pelvis bone was not suitable for natural birth. So I had a planned caserian section.
I would suggest that you relax and let the baby decides when to come out and whether
he or she wants to meet the grandparents. LOL...
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
13 Jul 09
Both my kids were early, thank goodness. Being pregnant during the summer is hard enough. I couldn't imagine being overdue on top of it. UGH!
Oh, and both labors happened naturally.
I hope your baby arrives soon enough so that your in-laws get to see their new grandchild. Good luck (again)!