What Would You Do if It Turned Out that Obama isn't Eligible to be President?

@ParaTed2k (22940)
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
July 15, 2009 2:36pm CST
This isn't a discussion about if you think he is or isn't. I'm more interested in hearing what you would do if he isn't. Would it matter to you? Would you back him and continue to support him as president? Would you acknowledge that he can't be president, but ask the person taking his place to pardon him? If you would ant him pardoned would it be because you don't think he should be further punished for the circumstances of his birth? Or would you want him pardoned to save the nation from the spectacle of a trial and sentencing? What would you do if he and the majority of the House, Senate and even We the People came out in support of him remaining in office? What would you do if the Supreme Court ruled that he is president and will remain such? Whether you support him or not, would you put him above the Constitution, or demand the Constitution be honored? Would you be willing to take up arms in support of him, or in support of the US Constitution? What would you do if other nations refused to recognize any president other than Barrack Obama? These are the questions that every American will have tone will be forced to deal with if it turns out that he isn't eligible.
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26 responses
@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
15 Jul 09
He should be arrested for lying to the American people.Then we would have to have a new election.Let's face it,we don't want that moron Biden as our President either.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
16 Jul 09
That's part of the thing, Shy. If he isn't eligible then none of the bills he signed would be valid. The money that has been allocated would not be payable at all. There would be no budget, the GM and Chrysler deals would be dissolved. None of his executive orders would be valid anymore. Nothing he has done as president would be in force any longer.
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@jonakyl (493)
• United States
16 Jul 09
Oneid, we wouldn't and shouldn't have a new election. Biden was rightfully elected as Vice-President and would and should become President in the even Obama is removed from office. If the people don't like Biden, they should have thought of that before they elected him as Vice-President.
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@oneshy (18)
• United States
16 Jul 09
If he is not a citizen he should be removed from office and be forced to repay the 1.8 trillion he has cost us so far. He should be removed any way for incompetence. But he's even a better actor than Clinton.
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• United States
15 Jul 09
I think if he tried to cover up, which he obvioulsy has, not only about this but other things as well, he does not deserve to sit in the highest office in this country. Period end of discussion on that. As for what should be done with him, hey if they will put Martha Stewart in prison for what she alledgly did, why not O'Bama? To me what he has done is much worse, he has chosen to deceive a nation, not just stock holders of a company. It was said they were making an example of Martha, well isn't it time that these crooked politicians have an example of what can happen to them, and should? JMHO, Marilyn
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
15 Jul 09
In order to pardon him, he'd have to be convicted of something. Just because he isn't eligible, it doesn't automatically follow that there was deliberate fraud on his part or that he'd be tried and convicted if there were. If it were proven that he wasn't eligible, I'd support him being removed from office and replaced by the Vice President. Really there should also be a new election then, but I'd hate to see all that money spent when the economy's so crappy.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
16 Jul 09
Biden wouldn't be able to take the office since he would be named as runningmate by someone ineligible to run in the first place. It woud be as if you or I chose him. The next in line would be Pelosi, so unless it could be proven that she knew about the conspiracy, she would be the next in line. (heaven forbid) ;~D
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
17 Jul 09
[b]Hussy, it isn't because Obama wasn't born here that he goes to great lengths to hide his BC; it's because it has ink smudges on it, therefore it's not pretty & neat enough. And we all know how he likes to look really sharp... You know, the more I think on it, the more I think I'm--for the first time--forced to agree with Jesse Jackson, Race Pimp Extraordinaire...I, too, would like to nip that (bleep) in the (biscuits). Maggiepie "WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?" [/b]
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@jonakyl (493)
• United States
16 Jul 09
I don't think Biden would be removed from office. Whatever semantics you want to use, he was elected as the Vice-President and if the President is no longer able to fulfill his duties, then the Vice-President assumes the office. There should be no new election, we'll have another one in 3 1/2 years. Biden was rightfully elected Vice-President and should rightfully become President in the event that Obama is removed from office. We as a people can't say we don't want Biden as President. We elected him (we as a people, not we having this discussion) to be where he is. If Obama is removed, Biden is immediately sworn in as President. The only way that Biden can be legally removed from office is if it can be proven that he knew, without a doubt, that Obama was committing fraud. Just thinking about it, or suspecting it would not be enough.
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• United States
16 Jul 09
I would simply move to Belize and let you Americans trash out your own garbage. I have never seen so much garbage in my life. Why don't people get on to something positive and try to rebuild the country instead of finding any way they can to drag it down to lower than the sewer. Surely there are better things to do rather than tearing everything down. This is how countries fail and civilizations collapse. There is so much in fighting, it would be easy for the wrong element to take over. Read about Germany prior to WW II. But they just don't get it - There is a level of ignorance and a lack of patriotism that is astounding in this country. The more time spent on tearing each other apart means less time trying to rebuild. Don't they care about their country?
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
20 Jul 09
Yes, we bicker, we argue, we even name call and trash each other.. but when you look at it, we still go to work, pay our bills, and keep the home fires burning. Don't think that just because we fight like children we aren't willing to live, work and play together too.
@N4life (851)
• United States
17 Jul 09
Many people who hideing behind this "I support the Constitution" argument are so caught up in partisanship and angry that Obama won that they hate Obama more than they care for the wellfare of the American people. Anti-Obamabots have become a cult in and of themselves. If they really cared about the Constitution so much they would be looking strongly into lies we were told by the Bush admnistration yet somehow they find ways to dismiss this. It is about hate and sour grapes.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
24 Sep 09
Obama isn't rebuilding America, he is systematically dismanteling our country, brick by brick. As for dragging our country down into the sewer....it's been in the sewer for decades. As for the 'wrong' element to take over...look around you. They have already. I agree...all the name calling and finger pointing is not helping. We do need to realize that we are being 'prompted' by the media in a slick way to think of these issues as partisan; some don't go along with that way of thinking and realize that this goes much deeper than Republican vs. Democratic. And Your comparison to Germanany prior to WWII is interesting, I've felt that way too. I do feel there is one big difference...American's have had a history of liberty and will not give it up as easy as the Germans did under Hitler.
• United States
15 Jul 09
1st I would not want him pardoned, that would be slapping his wrist and saying no, no. It would not be about punishing him for his place of birth so much as punishing him for breaking the law. I would also want any who knew about it to be tried in court also. 2nd The Constitution in my opinion must be followed, other wise what is the point. 3rd who cares if other nations do not want us to have a legal president, it is not their country, besides if they like him so much then they can have him. All that being said, I wish they would just get it over with and show some proof either yes or no, and then we could realy deal with it or get over it.
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• United States
16 Jul 09
My fear of this whole thing that is if he is truly and American citizen the next step for some on here would be it is a cover-up and the saga shall continue. I do have one question for you as far as the statement of pressing charges on anyone that knew, how on earth do you prove what someone knows without that person admitting to it. Parated to answer your question I would back up the constitution if it came down to him not being a citizen. I think that if things are done out of malice and deciet should also be punished in a court of law. I happen to be an Obama supporter and I think you already know this, but I think we were all under the assumption that stuff like this was already taken care of before he began his campagne. I think in the end we will see a long form birth certificate, but only time will tell for sure.
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• United States
16 Jul 09
To answer your question about how to prove if someone knew with out their admitting to it: His wife knows the truth as do other family members and close friends of the family. But you are right it would be hard to prove. I was not a supporter and did not vote for him, but I do support him as the President because I feel that anyone voted into office deserves the support of the people after elections have taken place. My views about this particular topic extend to anyone who might lie about such things not just him. And you are right, I was under the assumption that these things had to be proven before you actually ran for the office. If this is not the case then the rules should be upheld to make it the case. I again just wish that he would step up and give the proof. I mean how hard is it?
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
26 Sep 09
@grammasnook, can any Obama supporter out there come up with one plausible, believable reason WHY, out of all our 44 presidents, Obama NEEDS to hide all is pertinent documents? From birth certificate, to kindergarten records all the way to his college records and law review papers? What possible scenario could there be for such a thing in a public servant? Why spend upwards of a million dollars doing that? Please, please, please clue me in! And then tell me why an intelligent person such as yourself hasn't asked this question of him?
• United States
15 Jul 09
i wpold leave the country and go to tokyo where thier is a lot of fun. but im also happy that we all have a first black president of the united states
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
16 Jul 09
I really couldn't tell you honestly how I'd react if that were found to be true. I do know that I'd be pretty darn upset to think that he could go thru the entire elcetion process to this point and not be found out until he was already elected. It is not as if they didn't have plenty of time to figure this out long before now. I really am thinking that he has to be legit or it would not have gone this far.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
17 Jul 09
[b]You'd think so, but the fact is, he has NOT BEEN VETTED. This is well-documented. AND he has spent (some say millions, I've heard over $800,000) mucho dinero to keep his BC from being seen, put up a forged Birth NOTIFICATION Certificate on his website (which, even if not forged, wouldn't prove his citizenship, as Hawaii handed those out to non-citizens then, & his mom wasn't old enough--by law--to claim citizenship rights for him). This kind of document has much less info on it than the actual BC does...doctor's name, hospital, etc. He has a grandmother (who has since been silenced somehow) living in Kenya who says--adamantly!--that she was there when he was born in KENYA. Also, at least one man who went to Kenya to inspect paperwork & talk to his relatives was tossed out by the Kenyan PTBs. There's more, lots more, in this cover-up, & his arrogance in addressing those with these concerns is monumental. His disregard for the Constitution is obvious in all he does--so much for his oath to protect & uphold it. I'm just sayin'.... Maggiepie "WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?"[/b]
• United States
16 Jul 09
I don't see how the Supreme Court could allow him to remain President if it were proven he was not born within the United States since the Constitution has clearly limited the office to a natural born citizen. The law would have been broken and they'd be a party to it. Maybe that's why they don't want to hear the case against Obama. Can you imagine the hoopla if it happened?
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
17 Jul 09
I don't know anything about how everyone would act, including myself. I do know, however, that every single person in the United States of America should feel utterly ashamed for not finding out about a man running to be our President. By and large, we were all too celebrity obsessed, positively or negatively, and only cared about the hype and not the man. If you opposed him, you should have opposed harder. If you supported him, you should seek theraphy. Putting your faith in someone you know NOTHING about is reckless. Attacking those that sought to find out about your idol is outright shameful. Of course, he might be an American-born citizen, and to that end, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. So if it does turn out that he's not, I take my crow with hot sauce and plenty of egg on the side to smear in my face. It's a good meal to eat while the shame washes over.
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@K46620 (1986)
• United States
16 Jul 09
I would expect that he be removed from office. Also since he was a fraud, all of his actions and appointments would become null and void. Also we would need to find who else knew about it but hid the info and prosecute them too. It would be a big mess for sure.
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@andy77e (5156)
• United States
16 Jul 09
I don't think most of America cares. Americans seem more interested in government giving them free stuff, in violation of the constitution, than having a legitimate president. Thus if the constitution doesn't matter on government handout, I doubt they would care if Obama wasn't a constitutional president.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
17 Jul 09
[b]You should study closely the history of our first revolution. MOST of us didn't want one, you know. A handful of "radical Conservatives" did, however, & soon the rest of the nation was forced to join or get caught in the ensuing crossfire. As more & more people saw the possibility of freedom (& lower taxes), more helped. But it was NEVER the vast majority. The rest just went along, hoping to be left alone. That's almost always how things like this are done, by the way. Maggiepie "WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?"[/b]
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
24 Sep 09
I'm sorry I didn't find this discussion three months ago. lol He won't be found inelligable. Even though he should be, it won't happen. There is to much at stake. Heck, when Bill Clinton lied under oath...we were to whimpy to impeach him, for the sake of the country btw..how nice for Bill. If he is found inelligable....there may be those who would rise up and demand a trial/impeachment....but there are FEMA camps waiting for them. Face it guys, we're screwed.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
24 Sep 09
Actually, Clinton was impeached. But you're right, while Congress did find him guilty of lying under oath, they were too wimpy to remove him from office over it. I think there is some truth to what you say though. Whether he is or isn't eligible, the powers that be might not allow it to be proven, simply because they don't give a crap about it.
@candy2306 (576)
• India
16 Jul 09
If he isn't that I believe he should step down and let the eligible one stay get there! It's not right to break the Constitutions. Not even the President should break the law of the country. No matter who supports him, he should step down with full of honour!
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@jonakyl (493)
• United States
16 Jul 09
I would expect that he be removed from office, and Biden immediately sworn is as the Vice-President. Unless there is a legal/constitutional basis for nullifying laws signed under Obama, I would support they remain in place as they were signed by a sworn in president. Any senators/representatives who continue to support Obama should be voted out of office during the next elections for not upholding the Constitution as they were sworn to do. The supreme court justices should be removed from the bench if they say he should remain in office for the same reasons. I hope it doesn't come to taking up arms, unlike the Revolutionary War and Civil War that has been discussed earlier, I think there are much larger groups of people who would take up arms to overthrow a tyrannical government, which is what it would have become. I would support them as fully as possible.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
20 Jul 09
It would be a violation of the US Constitution to allow any of his decisions to stand... since he never had the authority to make any of them.
@jonakyl (493)
• United States
16 Jul 09
My reply was hypothetical. I don't believe he will be found ineligible.
@Bevsue (251)
• United States
16 Jul 09
He would not be eligible and would have to be prosecuted for his crimes and all those who allowed it to happen--and there are many I am sure-- would also have to be made to answer for the deception and fraud. Until we make people answer for their misdeeds we will aways continue to get dishonourable and criminal people in office. If Obama lied and swindled his way into office he should be punished. Also Cheney and Bush, for their own misdeeds. Until the American people stand up and demand ethical behaviour in their politicians there will be nothing but liars and theives in office. The American people bestowed a great honor on this man, they elected him to the most important job in the world at this time. He just thumbs his nose at us...
@nzinky (822)
• United States
17 Jul 09
If is proven that he isn't eligible to be President then he should be thrown in jail and all the money he's made doing this time he should have to pay back including all the money that he spent getting this stimulas package through.... Cause when you knowingly break the law that's where he should be....and anyone that knew he wasn't a real citizen should also be sent to jail that includes his wife..and any of the people that helped him pull off this faud.......The way he is trying to tear this country makes a person wonder what side of the law he is on and what ever bills he put in doing this time should be taken off the books.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
20 Jul 09
Thanks! What would you suggest we do to keep him from spilling all the US secrets he knows?
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
16 Jul 09
IO would hope that he stands trial and that since he deliberately kept this deception from the American people, that he be punished to the whole extent of the law. I also, since I am Canadian, and if the government of my country decide to back him anyway, voice my opposition whatever way I can. And I would be disappointed that my country actually believed that a man who should not be president is the legal president of the States because of multiculturalism.
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
15 Jul 09
If it is proved that he is not eligible, The office should be taken away from him and he should have to face his actions, because he knew what he was doing is wrong. I would be in support of up holding the Constitution.
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@dadafra (14)
• Nigeria
16 Jul 09
It would not matter to me. I think he is one of the best men for the job. Right noe he is what America need.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
20 Jul 09
Of course it wouldn't matter to you, it wouldn't be your constitution at risk.
• United States
16 Jul 09
I would be dancin'.....dancin' in the street. I don't support him. Never did. Never will. I think his going forth with getting elected, even when he KNEW he wasn't eligible, and spending all the money to block the truth coming out, deserve punishment to the full extent of the law. His cohorts who helped him ALSO deserve punishment. I support the Constitution. I don't really care if the other countries don't recognize the new person or not. THEY don't have a say in our voting process and THEY don't have to live here. I've already told every elected official I can find tha I will vote them out of office if they don't start working FOR the people.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
16 Jul 09
They don't have a say in who our president is, but they do have a say in who they will and won't talk to. It could cause international incidences from simple treaty negotiations to well.. in the worst case scenario, war.
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• United States
16 Jul 09
Unless it is a country we get very little from or send very little to, that would be sort of stupid. I say we yank all our people home, close our borders and impose bans on importing AND exporting to any country who gets silly about it. When they get hit in the moneybags, they'd stop being high and mighty.
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