Some real good loving!

@Citychic (4067)
United States
July 15, 2009 10:56pm CST
Hey Mylotters, I am on my way to sleep but I had to think of something that I knew would get your attention. So I thought of this topic, to get your attention and to also make you laugh and think about the last time when you had some real good loving. Okay I"m not talking about some little ordinary, wham bam thank you ma'am type action. I'm wanting to know, when was the last time that you had some real good loving, lols, have fun with this you guys and give me something funny to read when I come back, lols. Good night all!
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6 responses
• United States
17 Jul 09
i dont wanna get to into to many details.... and also for the most part dont wanna change anyones opinion about me......but my last time was about 3 weeks ago, i was at a party into someones camp...i was kinda makin my way around the circles of people then BAM!!!! i saw her....i knew for sure i had hit on her...she was a piece of work.....brunett....big beautiful brown eyes....hour glass figure....awwww maaaannnn....(sorry) anyways we talked for a while....had a few and then i relized that...hey ...wait a sec...we have somethin goin here....something behond my original intentions...four hours went by of jus me and her...openin up about everything...i knew here almost as well as i knew myself that night....i started actually havin real feelings for her....anyways all the smooth sailing led to something obvious...and man was it great...perfect...emaculate... there is always a downside to stories like this....and i hate to say it but i learned an importain lesson that night...the next mourning i woke my buddies camp...she was note no nothin..i was lost...i felt something more than your usual one night stand...later i had talked with one of her freinds and they told me that she really liked me...jus she aint ready to commit( which isnt what i want be happy with freinds) needless to say i havnt spoke to her since...and i regret ever havin one night stands...
@Citychic (4067)
• United States
17 Jul 09
Some real good loving.......... Hey William, if you want it that bad you ought to just go after it. That is what I would do if I were in your situation. Sometimes you have to go after what you want and say to heck with what everybody else thinks. If she was with you once it was because she was testing out the waters......... So now it's up to you to make the next move, seems like to me. Wishing you the best, happy mylot!
@wergild (189)
• Philippines
16 Jul 09
If you talk anout intimacy maybe I can share one.:-) Me and my girl spent an overnight stay in some motel. I came out of the bathroom naked and she was gone. she hid all my clothes and she texted me that I should run to the poo because someone was bothering her. Imagine to my chagrin running naked to the pool only to find out it was a joke. She just wanted to prove to her friends that I'll do anything for her hahaha.
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@Citychic (4067)
• United States
16 Jul 09
Some real good loving....... Well actually I was just talking about a time when someone really cared enough about you to make everything really nice for you then when you came to see what it was, it was such a big surprise and they spent their time making sure that everything was very pleasureable just for you. Well usually it's the guys that are doing it like this for us ladies but ladies can do it too. That is what I meant by Some real good loving. Everything was totally done for you. But anyhow your story was pretty funny so thanks for sharing it. Happy mylot!
@mikokre (132)
• Nigeria
18 Jul 09
The only time i had that kind of attension was when my mother was alive. It was from my parents. Besides then nothing for me. But i had a girlfriend who kind of gave me something like that but it wasn't as that.
• Canada
16 Jul 09
My last time for good lovin' was when I was eighteen. At least back then I was beautiful and sassy and felt like I had the world by the tail. Now I don't even recognize the person I was back then. I wish I was her again and that I had her spunk again.
@Citychic (4067)
• United States
17 Jul 09
Hey Doglady, I agree with agrant and I couldn't have said it any better myself. Just put let your hair down and go put on a little make up. Then look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you are beautiful. Then go after that tall handsome hunk. When you find him you need to give him all the loving that you've been denying yourself of for the past few years. I know exactly what you are saying, you may not be the same woman as you were at eighteen but you still have needs and so do other people out there. He's out there for you, you simply have to start believing more in yourself, that you are worthy, capable and courageous enough to handle what you get. Wishing you all the best, happy mylot!
• Canada
18 Jul 09
Thanks for the advice, I know I'm capable and strong, I just have to convince my family I deserve to be happy. That's hard to do because they think I should stay where I am. They don't think I'm capable or strong
• Jamaica
17 Jul 09
Well my friend all you need to do is just let down your hair again and find a good looking strong and sexy man that can really give you some good stamina and then you will that person again, just try it, trust me it will work it is a good feeling. I love feeling such thing.
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@aharter (16)
• United States
16 Jul 09
My husband decided that he was going to get a babysitter for a few days and take me on a romantic getaway. The hotel that he had chosen was under a little bit of repair b/c some pipes had burst in the laundry room upstairs. But, we decided to stay anyway. We went shopping for some intimate things to make the night better. When we came back we hopped into the hot tub. But, we added a few bubbles before we got in. Before we knew it we were fighting back the laughter and the bubbles. It was a night that we will never forget. =0)
@Citychic (4067)
• United States
16 Jul 09
Some real good loving............ Sounds like you and your hubby really do know how to have a good time. It's so important for a married couple to get their time away together. Hope you have many more great experiences, similar to or better than the last one. Happy mylot!
@agrant24 (38)
• Jamaica
17 Jul 09
I have got some last weekend and I feel like I want to demand some right now but unfortunately he is not here now, I just have to wait until tomorrow night to get some. Good night and I hope you get some tonight. bye
@Citychic (4067)
• United States
17 Jul 09
Some real good loving........ Wished that I could my friend but unfortunately the timing seems to be a bit off. Anyways I'm happy that you are getting your piece of the American pie as someone close to me would call it, lols. Anyhow, I have lots of volunteers that would want to get close with me like that but I'm not ready to make that kind of serious commitment and I just don't do one nighters. I'm the type that is a lifer, tee hee hee!