New Poll Shows Widespread Support for 2012 Palin Presidential Run
By AnjaP
@Rollo1 (16679)
Boston, Massachusetts
July 20, 2009 8:30am CST
Amidst the many discussions about Sarah Palin and the media's fascination with finding more and more allegedly scandalous stories about her (even though most of them appear to be the product of overactive imaginations) one might get a sense that the American people dislike her intensely and that her political career is now and permanently over.
But it appears that it's really just the media that hates Palin, because this Rasmussen poll shows that 42% of Americans favor her in a presidential race against Obama.
RASMUSSEN 2012 poll released at 10:30AM ET
Obama 45% Romney 45%
Obama 48% Palin 42%
Personally, I think that the more the media goes after her with their petty and nasty attempts to smear her, the more the American people will get behind her. The mainstream media also risks losing credibility with the American people, because they are pretty savvy and can tell real reporting from a witch hunt.
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14 responses
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
20 Jul 09
I agree 1000%, she should run in 20012. As a matter of fact I don't think any other republican should run against her. That way Obama will get his two terms as president and the country will get back on track.

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
22 Jul 09
Actually, it was when Bush was in office that those of us who disagreed with his policies were told we weren't patriotic and that if we didn't agree with the Iraq War we didn't support our troops and if we didn't agree with the Patriot Act or warrantless wiretapping we must have something to hide.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
21 Jul 09
Well, I keep getting told that since Obama is the elected president that I must support him and all he does, cause that's my patriotic duty. So, I guess if the unthinkable happens and Palin is elected president in 2012, you guys will all support her and say nice things about her because that's the American way.
If you base your estimation of how many people support Palin on the stories in the media, you have to assume that she has no chance to be elected. The problem is that a lot of people might not do what the media tells them to do, just try to prepare yourselves.
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
21 Jul 09
Rollo, I can't see the American people making someone president who couldn't even run the state of Alaska. If you can't handle the press up there, then how can expect her to deal with the real press. Who would vote for someone that is a quitter?
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@K46620 (1986)
• United States
21 Jul 09
You would never know with how the media treats her. As the reality sets in and Obama's numbers come down, I think she will have a better chance of winning.
However I don't think Palin would be my first pick for 2012, I would like to see someone more like Ron Paul in Office, he takes the Constitution a lot more seriously like the rest of our politicians should be doing.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
22 Jul 09
Although she may not be the best pick for 2012, the important lesson here is that the media has lost a lot of its power to shape opinion. They keep hammering at her and trying to make her look foolish but people are not falling into line as they had planned. It's a good thing when people decide for themselves instead of following along.

@cotton0821 (259)
• United States
20 Jul 09
I think Palin could help the Republican party the most by using her popularity to raise money and get attention for some other Republican candidate in the 2012 election.
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@bdugas (3578)
• United States
21 Jul 09
I hope she does run in 2012, if I am still here I will vote for her, I have always believed that she is what Washington needed, to straighten them out, she is not one to think of the job as a popularity contest, as i think Obama looks at it, nor is she power hungry which we all know Obama is. She is there to work for the American people. That would be some thing Washington wouldn't be used to, or approve of. We need to pay more attention to what is going on and make sure that we imform our senators and representives of how we feel about certain bills they are trying to pass. I think too many of us just sit back and don't take an active part in letting our senators know how we feel and that is how they get to pass the bills and laws that they do, no one cares until it is done. The media will always go after her as they are afraid of her. She is running close in that poll,a nd the more damage Obama does to this country over the next 3 and a half years the more the people will want someone like her in office.
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@bdugas (3578)
• United States
21 Jul 09
I been around a long time and I know that when you got someone that is a fast talker and making promises they don't know if they can keep before they even get into office you are looking for trouble. He promise a lot that he could in no way do after he was elected. Wouldn't it be better than to stand and make promises, wait till you get in office see what is really wrong then tell the people that you will try to change it. You are right when you say that Washington needs someone that owes nothing to them, but where will you get someone like that. I wanted someone in office that I could go to bed at night and hopefully know that they was doing their best to keep us safe, unfortuntly I don't think Obama can do that. I know cause I had to fight my brother and son that they though here was new meat and they could change things with their new ideas. But what I see now is a power hungry man that wants to control, he is sticking his nose into a lot of things that he needs to stay out of in people's private lives. My son got a rude awakening when the job he is on, and was told would never pull out of usa, ask 2 to take retirement or they would be let go, and ask if any others was willing to quit so that they didnt have to move out of the country. Another 4 years of him what will this country become.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
21 Jul 09
The "people" elected (I feel like that should be in quotes too) Obama on his promise to make politics in Washington open and transparent. Instead, he has sealed records, fired an independent Inspector General who found fraud being committed by a close friend of Obama and it's politics as usual with this administration. If the people really want someone who will change the face of Washington, they need an outsider who is not beholden to Washington ties, owes no Washington favors and who will obey the law and the Constitution of the US. Obama is as transparent as butterscotch pudding. We, the people, are feeling a bit deceived.

@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
20 Jul 09
Actually, he is even with Romney, if you will notice. Plus, this is at a time when he still has high numbers for personal popularity. However, his numbers on individual issues and policies are tanking. People may still like Obama personally, but a whole lot fewer want him to continue to be the president.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
20 Jul 09

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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
20 Jul 09
I am waiting a few months when Obama will be further down. I did hate that witch hunt against Sarah Palin and how the media praised Obama as the savior of mankind, the man on whom the world rotated, the sun that shines in the sky. Right now Obama still has his minions and his popularity, but wait a few months after the recession deepens and anyone else would look good. That 42 percent that Palin gets might increase gradually and would be a good contender for the presidency.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
20 Jul 09
Even if she never runs for president, it's important to note that the media is failing in its attempt to tell us what to think and whom we should like. There can be no doubt in anyone's mind that they have gone out of their way and pulled out all the stops trying to destroy one woman that they must fear very greatly. That fear is what clues me in to her potential. They would never fear her so much if she had no chance and was, as they claim, politically spent.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
22 Jul 09
One thing I'm curious about with this "feud" between Palin and the media; how would a President Palin deal with the press? Would she speak only to Fox News reporters and maybe Rush Limbaugh?
Seriously, I sometimes feel like I'm bashing my head against a brick wall whenever a discussion about Palin comes up. I DON'T "hate" her, as I've said many times. I don't find her particularly likable and I don't think I could trust her but it isn't the media that shaped my opinion. Did the media somehow edit her resignation speech to make it seem that she was barely coherent or is it just those of us who saw it that way are somehow lacking? I tend to believe that if she continues to attack the media and play the victim that will cause more of a backlash against her. Sure, she's been made fun of and there have been unfair stories told and written about her. Do you really think she's the first or only political figure this has happened to?
I'm probably just getting myself into more trouble here with Palin fans so I'd better quit while I'm ahead...or not (ahead, that is!)! I'd just like to add that I don't think her support is or will ever be "widespread" enough for her to win a national election. Could she win the GOP nomination? Possibly but that's not for me to say. In my opinion she doesn't have what it takes to be President and that isn't necessarily an "attack" because there are very few people who do!
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
22 Jul 09
I wouldn't call 42% "very few people". It's actually more than the number of Americans who think the country is on the right track. Regardless of whether she would be the best candidate, in this particular poll with her pitted against Obama, she garnered 42% to his 48%. That's pretty good against a sitting president who is only a few months into his term.
I have heard you say several times that you thought her resignation speech was incoherent, but that shouldn't be a worry. If she were president, she would have speechwriters and a teleprompter to make her look more professional, just like Obama has.
As I pointed out to someone on another thread, there was a story on Palin on the Huffington Post, and the entire page was littered with links to blogs and stories about Sarah Palin and even a slideshow of pictures of Palin where you could go to vote for the picture you found most embarrassing. Listen, it's the left that is making a spectacle of itself by trying to make a spectacle of her. Does anyone really feel proud of the Perez Hilton approach to commentary? Take a photo and make fun of it? There's little journalistic integrity involved in the way they cover their stories on Sarah Palin and their immaturity shows. Just sayin'...
And don't worry, you may not be the only person around here with an aching head. The brick wall has two sides, remember.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
20 Jul 09
Well I don't think Palin has much of a chance at a presidential run after leaving her job with over a year left. I do think that Republicans are well in line to win the next election though. It's really just a matter of who gets the primary win. I think Romney would mop the floor with Obama if the economy is still struggling in 2012. I actually think Romney would have won this year if he'd won in the primaries because he clearly has a better business background and more knowledge about the economy than Obama.
Still, we really have no idea who will surface in the next three years. At this point 4 years ago Rudy Giuliani was the clear front runner for the 2008 election and Obama had just finished winning a virtually unopposed senate election after using loopholes to prevent other democrats from running against him in the primaries.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
20 Jul 09
Romney is not only strong economically, but he can point to his own success with health care reform in Masssachusetts. He made health insurance mandatory, and for those not covered under an employer or in economic hardship, there was the public option through the state with subsidized premiums. He has already reformed health care without the staggering costs of the Obama plan.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
22 Jul 09
Taskr, you and I are in total agreement with this one. I have a lot of confidence in Mitt Romney...he has a proven track record of real accomplishments and I hope he runs again in 2012. Palin can make all the speeches she wants to between now and then...and blame the bad ole media for her downfall...but the truth is that her claims have been bloated from the start. She "took on" big oil. Kinda makes it sound like she went over there and beat them with a baseball bat when all she really did was to refuse to honor the agreements of her predecessor and raise taxes on them. Then she gave some of the extra income the state was generating to the citizens of Alaska but she's also left the state holding the financial bag for the natural gas pipeline.
@us2owls (1681)
• United States
20 Jul 09
I personally hope that Palin doesn't run in 2012. Romney would be my choice at this point in time but then who knows who will pop up in the next 3 years. Schwarznegger could run if you don't have to produce a legal US birth certificate - LOL
@SocialSocietyNews (107)
• United States
20 Jul 09
This is How the thinking is in Washington as soon as someone wins the American Presidency instead of concentrating on getting things done and done properly as Possible with togetherness and in a Bi-Party fashion and doing things that brings All Americans together as a Nation of People and all who stands for what She truly
Is about and all about the Business and this is time for serious business since the Changing of the Presidency and even before then.
Just because some want this current Presidency to fail all Americans and True Americans do not want to see that happen one of the reason's is because they know That at anytime an American Presidency fails the entire Nation failed then we can Forget All the talk about winning the war at home or abroad.
Because with that kind of Behavior it only helps and Empower America's true Enemies can't you see or hear who your true enemies are? Well anyone with that kind of behavioral thinking and doing are having and Needing More than a Dr. Phil Moment.
So what's the point the point is this kind of thinking is destructive and self Destructive It can only boil down to you are your own worst enemy therefore Defeating all your purposes for doing so and at the same time any intended Purposes in the future so better luck with that the next time.
Are You saying That Sarah Palin could withstand all this that has been going on in the Whitehouse and World Politics and take care of a big family life all at the same time? If that is the case the Sarah Palin is tough and deserve to be our commander and chief because the current commander and chief has not gotten it done from what the statistics and polls are saying right now.
Only thing I have notice about his Presidency is the first lady and him with a lot of hair turning grayer and grayer at a rapid pace now that is the race that is interesting to me no offense but I want to know will he have a head full of gray from the time he took office or will he have the economy get betting first or will his hair be completely gray in the next three months?
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
20 Jul 09
I think that to say we are all hoping the president fails is making it seem as if we are hoping for the worst and against the best interest of the country. That is simply not true.
Those who disagree with Obama's policies believe that his policies are bad for the country. It is America we care about, and the direction our country takes. To believe that the current president is taking her down the wrong path is not disloyal to our country, it is being loyal to what America means to us and what she stands for.
When Bush was president, no one was called disloyal because they disagreed with his policies.
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@SocialSocietyNews (107)
• United States
20 Jul 09
P.S. We wish good luck to Sarah and her supporting team in victory
On their embarked political odyssey:o)
@happyness3 (394)
• United States
20 Jul 09
I am from Alaska, and have had the priveledge of voting for Sarah twice in the past, and I would do it again in a heartbeat. She is a smart woman who doesn't play the politics game. She does what is best for the people. People suddenly started realizing that maybe she wasn't this big idiot when she spoke out against Obamas health care fiasco. I am happy that the rest of the nation is finally starting to see that she has a good head on her shoulders. No, she wasn't raised in politics, and says some funny things that are miscronstrued as her babbling. But how would normal people sound if they suddenly had to take the stage on a national spotlight. I hope she runs in 2012, cause she's got my vote!
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
21 Jul 09
Hey, if you're from Alaska, aren't you supposed to feel abandoned and ripped off that your governor resigned? Glad to hear the Alaskan side of things, we have so many here that believe that all Alaskans hate her too. I know that many in that state understand completely the difficulties she has faced and stand with her whatever she decides to do in the future.