Color Difference, am i a racist or ....

@megaplaza (1441)
July 21, 2009 1:30pm CST
Just today i found a news on yahoo website that once again confirm the existence of racism and discrimination against blacks. A black american havard professor was arrested at his home when he attempted to break his door and was later released. That by the way read the full story at;_ylt=AuVoCCuZ6JKOFswHy.hqjMKs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTJ1NXNma29tBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMDkwNzIxL3VzX2hhcnZhcmRfc2Nob2xhcl9kaXNvcmRlcmx5BGNwb3MDMwRwb3MDOQRzZWMDeW5fdG9wX3N0b3J5BHNsawNjaGFyZ2VzZHJvcHA- , last year Nigerian uk born football player, Victor Anichebe was harassed in a store while shopping with a friend and the police later apologise after giving him bruises. Philip Emeagwali a nigeria computer scientist in his website, narrated how he was denied the recognition he deserves for two year when the whites gave him a wrong timer that he used in his supercomputer that he used to solve 1 of the 20 grand challenges presented by U.S government in the 80's and how the white sees him as anti-christ. I have met alot of people online, though not here, that tagged me a black monkey. We might be having nice conversation which usually turn sour whenever i tell them that am from nigeria. Recently, barcelona top scorer for over 5 seasons was asked to leave the club on thd ground that he has won every trophy with the club, why must it be the camerounian that will leave, there are other whites there that have also won all those trophies with the club. Even some mylotter refer to obama as a black alien, i have proofs of that, and some questions his eligibility as U.S. President. Even my country is been called SCAM, someone here told me that from my president to my fellow citizens are fraudster and this saddens my heart.There are countless acts of racism out there for all to see and yet some people denies it existence. Some time last year, i started a discussion "white or black" and i was called a racist for highlighting racist acts happening in our world. Maybe blacks are inferior to white, thats why they use white to represent good or God and black to represent evil or satan. I have a message for all those that calls me a racist, i am a black mercenary fighting for the survival and liberation of my race. And to all racist out there or those that praticf racism unknowingly am not asking you to love me or to hate me more, just treat me like a human being just like your fellow white. If anybody here says that there is nothing like racism then you have to kill me first, though even in death i still know that the white aren't the same with me. Finally, am asking does taking note of racial acts and educating people about it and fighting for the liberation of my people makes me a racist.
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10 responses
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
21 Jul 09
Yes, racism still exists, even in your country I would dare say. This is not in question. But to say it is stil rampantly and viirulently institutional is a bit of a stretch. At least in my country. I don't know how you think you can look at a few cherry picked news articles and make such bold assumptions about a country you don't even live in. I would never presume to know all about your society based on a few news articles. what makes you a racist? I have seen a number of your posts. You assign a racial element to every thing, even in posts that have nothing to do with race. You automaticly assume when we critisize OUR president (notice the emphasis on OUR) that it is because of race. You know very little about U.S. politics and government, so you default to assuming our issues must be racialy based. THAT in itself denotes a racist mentality. Rasicm exists, it always has and always will. It has been that way since the birth of self aware beings on this planet. But perpetuating it by calling racisms in every situation does not do the cause any good, it only hurts it. I understand you want to see it stamped out, as do ALL of us here. but you do the cause no good if you are jumping at boogie men and shadows behind every corner.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
21 Jul 09
Here is an example of a statement you made in a recent discussion, a discussion having NOTHING to do with race. ". megaplaza (908) ranked 4,396 out of 5,787 in politics 7 days ago *****, i can understand your frustrations. One you are not a democrat, two you are not black, three you are not from kenyan. Wat does the constitution say about eligibility. U just said that ur country is crap, Obama inherited crap and we all know that craps aren't easy to fix. Writing 1 million post here aren't going to change anything."
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@megaplaza (1441)
• Nigeria
21 Jul 09
Hi xfahctor, i made that statement cause some referred to Obama as a black alien from kenyan occupying the post of american president. I don't live in america and from what am seeing i don't wish to and i hope i won't. But remember that i will use any means necessary apart from violence to defend my race. Am proud to be black. In terms of racism, my country is better than yours, atleast we don't have KKK-like organization that lynch and maim whites like these people do in ur country. Why did those skinhead wanted to assasinated obama before election, why not McCain? I used to love your country, but not anymore. U.S.A is biased and has double standards.
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@megaplaza (1441)
• Nigeria
21 Jul 09
Am a racist just like nelson mandela, malcom x, muhammed ali, marcus garvey, and the rest of them. Nelson Mandela was thrown into jail for 27 year for opposing apartheid rule peacefully in south africa. Others were maimed. When the whites were manipulating and ruling africa, were they born in africa, did they show us their birth certificate and why did they kill, maim, detain or send into exile those voices that rose against them. Was that what the constitution said and here everyday people talk craps about Obama's eligibility and their double standard constitution. You can beat a child as much as you want and can, but you may not be able to stop him from cry. I have been beaten by whites and am cry, now does that may me the beater.
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@LiveLove (443)
• United States
22 Jul 09
You are not a "racist". I have stated that in a previous post that I do not believe in races and that we are all humans with different cultural identities. However,as a American I can say that the US does have fairly prejudice people IN POSITIONS OF POWER. Fortunately, their numbers are few but there actions are numerous. I would like also to mention to you that the "god" that the world originally worshiped was black. A belief in one deity started in Khemet (Greeks later called it it Egypt "Land of the Blacks"). There were Black idols and statues that were praised. Then came "White Supremacy" thought that hid the truth with white lies. "White Supremacy" is fairly contemporary if you look at when Europa finally branched out on its on. Most of the few prejudice individuals that you speak of have a inferiority complex and still believe in false truths that their old teachers taught them. No one is inferior to anyone, period. I don't think albinism should count as a case for "superiority" ( The pale skin came from people who migrated from what is now called Africa to the Caucus Mountains adapting to the cold environment) nor should melanin in skin because of its natural defense from heat and sun damage. There needs to be an end of falsch information being taught in schools and adults and their children going with what people from the past said rather than finding out for themselves. Nothing against word of mouth as long as its accurate. I wont respond directly to replies because I took off the e-mail notification. I can respond to messages. If you need evidence of anything that I stated above that wasn't opinion then I will gladly give it.
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@megaplaza (1441)
• Nigeria
22 Jul 09
Well said, what i see everyday are people telling that it is all well now and that there is no racism and that there is little they can do about slavery, apartheid and other acts of racisms that happened years ago. What about saying the truth, let people know that blacks started civilization, blacks had the first university, whites used to come to africa to learn, and lots more. What i want is let straighten the history, lets stop arresting blacks when they do nothing, let give them job with equal pay like the whites, lets stop referring to them as black alien. I was stunned when some mylotter call Obama, a black alien from kenya, i can't imagine myself making that comment about whites. That means whites own this world and blacks are alien. Am black and am not alien and i call back or attack anyone that calls me a black alien.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
24 Jul 09
Mr. Obama is called an alein because he is NOT a citizen of America. Having been born in Kenya he is not Constitutionally qualified to be elected president of the USA. He is not called an alein because of racism. Just because he is black does not automatically make him a bad man...but NEITHER does it make him a good man. People on here do not want him removed from the presidency because of his race. They want he removed because he is not abiding by our highest law, the Constitution. I feel sad for you see what is wrong in your country. Fight against the greed and corruption of your leaders, your countrymen and leave the corruption in America to Americans. I am not against you...until YOU come against me. Do you not see that hate only breeds more hate and solves nothing.
• United States
22 Jul 09
You are not a racist if you are fighting for your people's rights. What makes you a racist is when you disregard other races and believe that your race is better than other races.
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@jedijo (33)
• United States
22 Jul 09
You sound highly irate, and I can't say that I blame you. I once thought that America was getting over the stupidity of this problem but lately in the news, it has again reared its ugly head. I am wondering if it is because of the state of our economy and so many people are feeling desperate, because we have a black president who truely seems to care about the common man, or has it always been laying in wait for an opportunity to appear. I have never been able to read the book Roots or watch the movie, because of the way the white man - no matter where they are from - has always felt superior to all others. It didn't start with snatching the people in Africa, it started back in biblical times. It does make one wonder.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
24 Jul 09
If we are going to understand the problem of racism in our world we have to start with the truth. The white man did institute a very ugly system of slavery in the west. No one denies that who has any intelligence. BUT the truth of the matter Africans, themselves, sold their own people to the white and Portugese slave traders. EVERYONE had a hand in this awful institution. And it was driven more by GREED for money and wealth more so than by hatred or racism. It was a common practice for Kings of one tribe to take slaves of an enemy tribe long before the white man came into Africa. The white race only took advantage of what was already happening. It is just as wrong to belittle and demean the whites with it is to do so to the blacks or other peoples. It never ceases to amaze me that hatred is ok coming from the blacks....but held up as an example of racism if it is seen in the whites. Do you not see a problem with that?
• Canada
22 Jul 09
unfortunately racism still exists.I see people as they are not the color of thier skin.We are all human beings and that is enough.I'am white but i choose to be color blind and I accept everyone.
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@megaplaza (1441)
• Nigeria
22 Jul 09
Thanks, may God bless you. I hate it when people tell me that there is no racism, am say that am spread hate. Thanks for calling a spade, a spade.
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• India
22 Jul 09
Racism has always been around by people who are so sick to differentiate our single race of humans. . Whats annoying is it still prevails after so many ages of advancement. There always are dividers who score their chance of filling minds of innocent people brainwashing them to believe that they are superior and to look upo the rest as inferior. . Thats sad ..:(
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@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
21 Jul 09
My belief is that God is the judge. It won't matter what race you are, we all are responsible to live with respect for ourselves and each other. God is the one who knows the heart of each man. It is sad that anyone would vote for any man, for the wrong reasons. It is sad when men are judged for race instead of who they are and what they do . What is the fruit of a man's works? There is rightous judgement and it can be used. The planet needs to be saved. It will be saved with love not hate. We are loosing water and food supplies and facing global warming ect. People , all races, need to understand that hate, greed, and all that destructive thinking is destroying the world. If people do not get this, and begin to change, there won't be a world for any race. We have been destroying the food supplies in the oceans. Our water is full of hormones and chemicals. Meat is full of hormones and the air is polluted. There is no perfect race and we are all humans who need to live on this earth and try to make it better. What are we passing on to the future generations? Just imagine what teamwork could do.
• India
22 Jul 09
Team work? who are all willing to do a teamwork? you and some have interests... but what about the rest? U are mentioning about teamwork? But what about the remnants who are still considering few races as a crap... care about the present generation. if it's good, then future too will be a pleasant one..... Do care about the present...
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
24 Jul 09
If you read that article about the professor that broke in his home, unless the police saw photos of him on the mantle place, they would have had no idea that he lived there. And they did ask for his id as they would have had a white person who broke into their own home. However, being a white person, I would have shown my id immediately and not assumed that I was so important that I was always right. Also I think with the affirmative action in the States, many whites feel that they have to be sure that the black person did not get where he was because of affirmative action. It is when you put something that think it will help but it back fires. And there are some black people who resent whites so much, that they try to scam them, as in the Nigerian scam. I have also noticed that when I used to live in Vancouver, B.C. many Chinese would not let us ordinary white people know where the real Chinese restaurants were because they thought we were inferior. Oh yes blacks can sing, us whites can't. In Tv shows here in North America, the black person can say he goes to church and believes in God, but the only religion that a white person can make people good about him is belief in Buddha. As for Obama I do not know if it is a black thing or not, to say that "I do not need proof to show that I was born in the United States" or to show one's id. So there are racists on both sides and my idea is someone who beats someone up for no reason or says that all blacks are --- or all whites are --- or you cannot trust a ---- because there are bad people on both sides. I think that many acts of racism is not because a person feels superior to the person of another ethnic group, but because they feel inferior. For instance, blacks seem to win in sports, whites are clumsy, therefore instead of saying "well I will try to improve something I am good at," some whites start to say blacks are not as bright as or never could be, etc. So the point is to not make the person feel so inferior that he lashes back. Oh and I can sing and I am white and I go to church and believe in God. By about that Nigerian scam if it is from Nigeria, I guess the police over in your country are doing all they can to throw the perpetrators in jail. As for those Nigerian scams,
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
24 Jul 09
It is just as wrong for blacks to say they are superior to whites as it is for whites to say they are superior to blacks. There are theives in Nigeria and there are theives in is ignorance no matter what color does it. Do you not see that hatred breeds only more hatred. The REAL root of this awful hatred in the human race, is satan...and guess what? He's not black and he's not white...he is an angel and determined to kill and destroy as many human beings as he can...and you are playing right into his hands with YOUR hatred of whites. You don't overcome hate with hate...only LOVE conquers hate.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
24 Jul 09
Color of skin is a sensitive topic. Racism is very sad and nobody should have to suffer that. All people, no matter their color, have feelings. I treat all people the same, with respect and an interest in what their lives are like. I really enjoy making friends from different countries. I am really keen on traveling. I think you are wise to take note of racial acts. You want the best for your home country and you want to educate people. Rather than a racist you are an educator.
@megaplaza (1441)
• Nigeria
24 Jul 09
Thanks, alot of people don't understand, some believe that racism is no more. Yet everyday we see it happen. A ghanian born in italy playing football for italy and at inter milan receive racial chant from opponent's fans, they were calling him a monkey and even here in mylot people refer to Obama as a black alien from kenya. All am asking from people is equal treatment to all, regardless of their color. Am not saying like or dislike other races, just treat them like you do those from your race. Thanks for your understanding.
@nonersays (3336)
• United States
22 Jul 09
For what its worth my husband (a white man) had a police officer come to our door when she saw him hop over the fence into our back yard. It was only becsue I was home and told them he was my husband and belonged there that he didn't get arrested. Racism is still out there, sadly, but people seem blind to the fact that it works both ways. I work with a black man who openly dislikes white people, and EVERYTHING is about race to him.
@megaplaza (1441)
• Nigeria
22 Jul 09
Maybe am wrong, but i will never like anyone that belittles me or hate me unjustly just because of my color. All am saying is that alot of history and stories need to be rewritten.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
24 Jul 09
Trouble is you see hate where there is none. And are imagining people are against you because you are black. When all they are doing is pointing out your rudeness and the hatred that exists in what you write. Do you not see that hate breeds hate and only LOVE overcomes hatred? You say you are raised a Christian. Have you not read the words of Christ?