People who are nice

@savypat (20216)
United States
July 22, 2009 3:36pm CST
I keep running into nice people. Yesterday I was in line for car registration and when I drove into the slot I realized that the man was just ready to close for a break, He very nicely went ahead and helped me. Since I am not experienced in doing this, I needed help with everything so it took him extra time, he was so kind I wish I could have done more than just a thank you. I have been trying to pay more attention to the little things people do to help me and the more I notice the more seems to be happening. Have you noticed any extra help lately?
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22 responses
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
23 Jul 09
You know I notice really nice people because they really stand out! Unfortunately there are so many that are not! I took my cat to the vet a couple of weeks ago. I was feeling quite distressed because I was very worried for my 13 year old cat and how much the whole exercise was going to cost. The receptionist at the clinic was so nice and understanding; she gave me a discount and reassurance that my feline would be okay and she even carried him to the car for me! You could see that her manner was genuine and I will not forget her kindness any time soon. We need more like her and the lovely man who helped you with your car registration; bless them!
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
23 Jul 09
I got service like that from a sales person so I sent a short note to her Boss. I don't know what happened but it made me feel good.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
24 Jul 09
That's a nice idea. I may just do that too. Thanks...
@tigeraunt (6326)
• Philippines
25 Jul 09
it always makes life easy when you get to meet people that are nice. i wish there are more everywhere like the person that you met. if you feel that your thank you isnt enough, would bringing him/her a gift or a snack do? its the least you can do together with the thank you.
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
25 Jul 09
Many people are embarrassed when you over thank them for just being nice, I know I am. So it's a fine line we walk when acknowledging these things.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
24 Jul 09
Hi savypat, If I might just state the obvious, nice people meet nice people. I know it doesn't always happen that way but when you expect people to be kind and considerate, they usually are. Of course, it happens the other way to, some people always think that others are out to take advantage of them. Being suspicious of people and there motives is not a good way to make friends. Blessings.
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
25 Jul 09
Mind set is the secret, the more you set your mind to notice these small nice things the more your will find. Thannks
• United States
23 Jul 09
There are many nice people in this world, unfortunately, we often don't take the time to notice, and we can easily regard the nice things people do as acts that should be done anyway, so why go out of our way to say "thank you". Unfortunately, that way of thinking is the way the world is going. I try hard every day to say 'thank you' for any nice thing people do, even if it's as small as leaving a door open for me. We need to look at the good things people do, and acknowledge it. It would not only make them feel good, but us as well.
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
23 Jul 09
Keep noticing that is what keeps good things going. Thanks
• United States
23 Jul 09 that u mention it...i was in line at the grocery store today with my freind and i only got a couple freind on the other hand had filled her kart with her weekly groceries....a man in front of had two carts full and seemed to be in a hurry.....he kindly told me to go ahead jus as my freind was coming up behind friend was behind him and he kindly asked if she was with me...she sed yes, but go ahead givin the fact that he had so many things...he told her to go ahead of him because he was gonna take a while....i seen this as very nice givin that it was obvious that hewas in a hurry....then on the walk home wwe were walking and two diffrent people in cars at diffrent times let us and her found this strange that everyone wasd being so nice...usually you have to wait for all the traffic to pass because everyone is in a hurry to go to work or school...ever since then it seemed like everyone was being extra nice today....must be one of them im glad that your day was as full of kindness as mine was....
@savypat (20216)
• United States
23 Jul 09
The thing was you took notice and that is what is important. Pass it on, that is what I try to do.
• Canada
23 Jul 09
You know that's a really great story, it's very rare that you find nice people around. I myself try to be nice and usually people are in such a rush they don't notice. I do reward niceness when it happens to me. I just wish more people would do it the world would be a better place if people were nice to one another.
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
23 Jul 09
Don't give up keep on sending good energy into the world. A smile, a thank you just a little help all add up. Thanks
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
23 Jul 09
When you are nice to others, naturally you'll be blessed with people coming to help you. It is a kind of karma. It is nice that you have found nice people around you. I have not been out of my house of late so have not seek help from others.
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
23 Jul 09
But don' you think the kindness you get on mylot counts? I do. Thanks
@roberten (3128)
• United States
23 Jul 09
Small bits of kindness are all around if you look hard enough to see them. Just this morning my daughter and I were on our way to the bus stop while it was raining and this kind lady stopped her car so we could cross the road. Earlier, I had to call a customer care center about an error they made and I got pretty annoyed by the unsatisfactory help I was getting, but this lady remained very professional throughout the call. I said what I had to say and then thanked her for her service. Little angels pop up everywhere, you just have to take time to appreciate them.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
23 Jul 09
A lot depends on you the fact that you were upset and still able to appreciate someone else's point of view made that a good thing.
• India
23 Jul 09
Even i think people are really nice around us.....their goodness can be know in their small small help which they do like if we ask for an address then people really stand wiht me for a minute until i completely clear about the way i mean that`s really great.....
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
23 Jul 09
Keep noticing this is what encourages the energy to keep flowing. Thanks
@tomjoad (551)
• Philippines
23 Jul 09
well since it's a big world out there i'm pretty sure i'm bound to meet nice person. i guess it just makes you feel great if a person really helped you. in fact, if there was anything you could for them too i'm sure you wouldn't deny it. i'm glad you have such a positive outlook in life. there are indeed lots of nice people out there. i do hope that when people meet me, they'll feel the same way too. wouldn't that be lovely?
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
23 Jul 09
You know it's not a chance thing, if you give off a nice energy you will attract people who want to be nice. Thanks
• Philippines
23 Jul 09
It's wonderful to know that this world is still not short for people who do nice things for others. it's good to be thankful of the service given to you, but it's a greater thing if you would do the same for others. like PAY IT FORWARD. If someone did something good to you, do a good thing to someone else too. Believe me, it's better that recognizing a good deed. have a great day!
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
23 Jul 09
Great advice, Thanks
@shams74 (85)
• India
23 Jul 09
Hi, I know a lot of nice people exist in this world. But due to the present circumstances people are not willing to trust one another. If someone tries to do something nice the first thought that comes to our mind is that why is the man being so kind and helpful. He must be wanting something. Even people do not trust the person next door. I myself have not met any such nice person of late. But it was nice to hear that you came across such a nice human being. I hope you keep on meeting such people in future also.
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
23 Jul 09
Why not be the first, just do one small nice thing for anyone you meet, pay it forward and pass it on. Even if it's just a smile or a thank you. Open a door comment on something positive, just one small thing and go on.
• Malaysia
23 Jul 09
Sometimes in life, it is such a thing that makes the day a little brighter, softer and kinder. I have met people like this. And I have enjoyed the little kindness, gesture shown. Totally appreciate it. It makes you warm inside, huh? :) They brighten our day. I got an extra piece of wedge from the road side seller recently. :) I have always depended on the kindness of strangers. ;p
@savypat (20216)
• United States
23 Jul 09
Just keep on noticing, this way you attract what you want. Thanks
• United States
23 Jul 09
Karma is a good thing. I have found that if I treat a person with kindness, that it will come back to me in the end. Maybe not by that person, but someone will make my day. I would want to be treated with kindness, so I treat others with kindness. I am in a tuffy, but I really don't want the family to see that we are struggling day-to-day, but in the end things become easier. I found that even running some errands for someone will bring some type of reward. Although, the reward is not what I am seeking when doing something helpful for some one else, it is helpful. I have had friends buy groceries for no reason. I have had gifts given to the family when we least expected it. I have received help from more people than I could have immagined and I could not be any more gracious then a "Thankyou" myself. Good Luck
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
23 Jul 09
If you can keep you positive energy up good things will continue to happen. Blessing to you and your family.
@GardenGerty (162496)
• United States
23 Jul 09
I meet nice people all the time. I cannot think of a specific, but I know that they are everywhere. I do think that the more you acknowledge the good, the easier it is to see it.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
23 Jul 09
You are right just keep the energy flowing. Thanks
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
22 Jul 09
Yes, there are many very nice people in this world. I had the good opportunity to meet people who are so kind and helpful. Here is one time I met a very kind person. It was on one of my travels abroad. I was at one train station for the very first time. I knew I have to take a taxi to get to my hotel, but had no idea where the taxi stand was. So, I had to ask one person standing at the exit of the station. He pointed where the taxi stand was. Relizing that I needed help with some heavy luggage, he just lifted up my two really heavy cases and led me to the taxi stand. Oh, that was really so kind, and so helpful ! I just couldn't thank him enough ! That was a show of sympathy ! One of the nicest people I have ever met !
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
23 Jul 09
It always means more when you are in a situation where you are unsure. Help than takes on an even greater meaning.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
23 Jul 09
Hi pat! I do know what you mean! I sometimes wish that I could give people something for being so much kinder then they have to! That is the way that I am! There are so few people in the world today that are willing to go that extra little bit just because! It really is a sad thing too! I wish I could say that I do notice people being extra nice lately, but sadly I can't! Especially here in NY where everyone is always in such a big hurry to get things done and over with!
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
23 Jul 09
When we were teen age we use to see how many people we could get to smile just be smiling at them. We had to travel back and forth to school by commercial bus and had to wait in stations. So we had great opportunity, since we were brother and sister and always together it was safe, I don't know if this would be safe today, but you could smile at folks you meet in the store or other places where people have to slow up. Keep count and let me know?
• United States
23 Jul 09
Good for you - that was great - doesn't stuff like that just make your day? I haven't noticed anything extra lately because, for the most part, I have stuff like that happen to me all the time. I don't know if it's the way I look or where I live or what but people just seem to always want to go out of their way for me! And that in turn makes me want to go out of my way for people whenever I can. Maybe my life is just one big "pay it forward" project!!
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
23 Jul 09
you have the secret keep on passing it along. Thanks
@grace118224 (1038)
• China
23 Jul 09
i take my 5-month-old son around everywhere for a walk every day . i did meet a lot of nice people . They are very nice to my son and keep giving a lot of advice to me about how to take good care of babies . i really appreciate what they have done for us .
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
23 Jul 09
There is nothing like a happy baby to bring joy. Thanks
• United States
23 Jul 09
Even a small kind gesture can turn someone's day around. I try and do as many nice things for people as possibly can. It makes me happy to see other people happy.
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
23 Jul 09
It makes me happy also. Thanks