At what age?
By x_Jo_x
@x_Jo_x (1040)
July 23, 2009 2:10pm CST
What age do you think a child should be allowed their own laptops and mobile phones? My little sister is only 6 but becuase she has two older siblings who have their own laptop and mobiles she is already saying she wants her own, and feels sad that she doesnt have her own already. Obviously she isnt going to get her own till she is older, me and my mum let her use our's but supervised to play games and things. Was just wondering at what age everybody else let their kids have their own phone and laptops or get your own? I dont remember getting mine till i was about 12/14 years old. I think it todays society children need mobile phones a bit younger than they used to, for safety reasons. what do you all think?
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18 responses
@CraftyCorner (5600)
• United States
23 Jul 09
I don't think that a child should have a computer until later teens as a computer is not a toy. There is serious danger on the Internet and the web, and so called filter software is bunk at protection against a determined pedo or teen out to do what he or she should not be doing.
Should a child use a computer? In the family room with supervision to do homework, yes. Children need far more supervision than most of them are getting. Too many parents are completely out to lunch on this issue.
Fireflies, that is a kind of phone that lets children call a set number of phone numbers such as Mom, Dad, two other emergency numbers, those are probably a good idea for elementary school kids maybe. If they walk home alone, give them a Firefly if you must. Keep your cellphone tuned into that Firefly.
Cell phones are not a good idea for young children, middle schoolers, or some high schoolers as they can get addictive, thus getting in the way of the educational process. Ignore the moaning! Some kids actually loose sleep over them, taking calls 24 hours a day - seven days a week. If you do give the high schooler the mobile, have the mobile on the kitchen counter or out of the bedroom at bedtime. If balked, take it away.

@CraftyCorner (5600)
• United States
24 Jul 09
Your very welcome. And good luck navigating the communication minefields!
@x_Jo_x (1040)
24 Jul 09
I 100% agree about the internet thing. A young child especially shouldnt be allowed to just freely talk to who they like on the internet or go on any website they like. Its sick to think about, but there are pedo's out there, and a young child wouldnt necessarily pick up on the fact there was something "Strange" about them till its too late or been going on a while. I think with things like the internet it should definatly be monitored. That phone sounds good! Id never heard of a phone with just that before, so thank you for mentioning it! And yep, i sometimes still spend way too much time on my phone! I think with phones (within reason!) they should be allowed a tiny bit more freedom on. They should be set limits and boundaries. If they then break those, they have to suffer the consiquences (whether that be they get the phone taken away completly, lose other privaleges or grounded or something) That is another important lesson to learn in life. You make your own desicions, and take the consiquences of your own actions. Although i think taking it away at night is definatly the sensible thing to do! Just because they are less easy to monitor, and to avoid any temptations they might have! Thanks for the comment!
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@KupoSin (680)
• United States
23 Jul 09
i donttihnk children really need to own a laptop. maybe a cell phoen for emergencies. i remember when i was a kid we didnt even know what a cell phone is. now i see kids younger and younger carrying cell phones, texting and constantly chatting.
as for laptops, i dont think at that age they really need to use a laptop. most of their work is still paper based and doenst require it. all it does is promote kids' attention from outside play to inside on the computer
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@x_Jo_x (1040)
24 Jul 09
Yep i see kids that are so young these days with phones! I never had a phone at that age either, i managed fine without it. But i guess times are changing these days. The laptop thing, i think most younger kids still need to get a better understanding of paper based work! And yeah they should be outside aswell. An hour or so monitored computer time, to play games or something i think is ok. Thanks for the comment!
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@neknek (249)
• Philippines
23 Jul 09
for mobile phones.. i got my own when i was 11. i think the right age would be 11-13. someone younger won't really have much use for it (since i assume they mainly go to school and a friends house). and for having their own laptops, 15 and up. sharing a laptop/desktop pc is fine (and recommended) when a person is younger so someone can monitor their activities.
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@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
23 Jul 09
When they can pay for it themselves. Kids do not need their own computers the family one is good enough. Computers may make life easier but they are an extra, a treat so to say. Life will go on if they share with the family. Also if they share your computer you have say on what and where they go online. Do not believe every child is an angle not to mention even a little slip up can take them god knows where. Cell phones fall in this category as well. Stop spoiling these kids make them work for it. Phones are not a needed item. Yes it is nice they can call from where the bus stop? If your child is to young to be left somewhere that a phone is not in the vicinity then don't leave them there. Or stay with them. we did not have laptops or cell phones and I am not that old. we survived and to tell the truth we are better for it. Kids today get everything handed to them and in return the expect everyone to give them what they want. They do not need accessories. Yes these are our rules in our home. Yes my kids do chores and they help pay for their classes they wish to take. They do this by raking yards, helping weed the neighbors gardens and making and selling string bracelets. They are 8 and 10 and have an actual concept of how money works. A very important life skill.
Sorry to rant but the fact that people believe we need to give our kids everything is a stone in my shoe.
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@x_Jo_x (1040)
23 Jul 09
Yep that sounds fair! I agree, but think that as a present or something on a special occasion - like a birthday or something, is ok. As long as over all in the childs life and upbringing they have learnt to appreciate things like that. Kids today are growing up with these things and maybe taking for granted what we never had at that age. And your kids sound very well behaved! You must have done a great job raising them! Thank you for the comment!
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
24 Jul 09
They have their moments just like all kids and we do give them things like video games for holidays and birthdays it is just that so many people give their kids things under the guise of "needed" that are really not a necessity. I didn't mean to rant but after a weekend with some family who do give their kids everything including the 4 yr. wit his own computer and cell phone (4 yr. olds do not need a phone at all in my book) and the way that they just believe things should be handed to them drives me crazy.
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@Nic7389 (186)
24 Jul 09
i've had my own computer since i was about 10, but i always wanted one before that. its really helped me though because now, i am fairly good with them. mobile phones is a different thing altogether, i think they teach young people how to be UNsociable especially playing games and texting, if they start too young they wont learn the art of a basic conversation
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@busybren (258)
• United States
23 Jul 09
I don't know that my opinion is necessary, because I do not have children. I do however have many neices and a nephew and I'm definitely concerned about their well being. I agree with most of you who have said that a cellphone is necessary for emergency purposes, however a computer or laptop is not. I believe in constant checks to ensure the cellular device is being used appropriately (i.e. limitation on text messages, because children see their friends at school, they do not need to have long conversations through text till the next day) and not being abused for things such as music or internet purposes.
Now the computer/laptop....I believe it's a necessity for children to get a feel for the use of computer technology, but TOTALLY MONITORED for a minimal amount of their day. Besides, kids need to be playing outside, getting exercise and enjoying being social with other children.
I do not believe a child should have their OWN laptop at such a young age. I think if they want a luxury such as that, they need to earn the money or earn the item. Responsibility builds character too!
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@x_Jo_x (1040)
24 Jul 09
Dont be silly, of course your opinion is necessary! Whether you have kids or not, your imput is still valued! You were a child once, and you have views (Very good ones!) on the matter, so they should be shared! And thank you for sharing! I dont have my own children either, just my sister. But yep i agree with what you said. I think they need to understand just what technology is, and know how to use it but not actually use it freely. Its like learning to ride a bike, or to swim or something. Just because you know how to do it, doesnt necessarily mean you do it all the time! But definatly monitored is important, and they definatly do need excersise and some time to just be kids!! They will have plenty of time to be stuck infront of a computer screen when they are older, and wishing they didnt have a phone when it is ringing constantly with work issues or something! Then they will be saying they wish they didnt have one haha =p And yep the earning of the money is definatly an important thing. I remember my mum saying my little sister thought money came from shops lol, like when you buy something you know they give you change? Well she thought the "Change" was how you got money! She definalty needed to learn a few things lol! But shes got the idea now. That is a something they are going to need a hell of a lot in their life! When better to learn it than when they are young?!
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@dfinster (3528)
• United States
23 Jul 09
I agree with you that in today's times we need to give the mobile phones to kids who are a lot younger than we would normally think about...but for emergencies only type rules. These kids now days know how to text and in a lot of cases that's how they all communicate on a minute by minute basis which can be very expensive and distracting. Kids need the technology of today but it does need need to be monitored closely for cost and safety.
@x_Jo_x (1040)
23 Jul 09
Yep definatly, youre so right. They shouldnt be allowed to just have them all the time at such a young age. I think just for times when you are not going to be around them, or they are going out with friends or something. Just so they have a way of contacting you if need be. But definatly for safety and cost, it should be taken away when it isnt needed, then as they get older they slowely get it for longer and longer. That sounds like a fair deal to me anyway lol. Thanks for the response!
@kaguvkov (1318)
• Davao, Philippines
24 Jul 09
It is a hard question but I think I will let any children carry cell phones as long as they already know how to use it. It is really important now a days to have a communication especially children. Some important or emergency calls can now be aware of the parents because kids do use mobile phone already.
@shegunx (33)
• Indonesia
23 Jul 09
I gave my kid a phone cell when he at 4 years old, when he had learn alphabet (sometimes he learn to open the menu by remembered the pic) but now he is 5 years old and he can make a call, send a sms, playing games by him self.
I had introduce my laptop since he was 3 years old, but he had broken it down hehehe, but now he can use my PC, microsoft word, excel, browsing for on line games......
I love my kid
@rosekiss (30413)
• Eugene, Oregon
13 Aug 09
I think the teen years is soon enough, and that it all depends on their maturity. My grandson is 14 and has both a laptop and a cell phone. He shouldn't have them as he is not responsible enough, as his cell phone had to be replaced as he broke the first one. Also the laptop is one I had so it isn't new, but he isn't responsible for it either, as he broke the charger part of it, and his dad had to buy him another one. My middle grandson has a desktop computer but no cellphone, even though he wants one. My other grandson also has a desktop, but my son won't let him use it without supervision. He doesn't have a cell phone as he is only 10. I just think that if they get them to young, they just aren't responsible enough. My kdis never had cell phonse or computers when they were growing up. Now that they are married and out of the house, they do, but that is very different. I am against kids having them to young. Take care and happy mylotting. 

@grace118224 (1038)
• China
24 Jul 09
This question really confuses me . i got my first mobile at my second year after i worked . i got my computer 4 years after i worked. It would be ok for us to get mobile and computer so late. But nowadays everything is advanced. Young people need mobile to contact teacher and parent.Young people are smart enough to learn and play from the computer . i don't know whether it's good for young children. Maybe it's necessary for them now.
@niebloomj (20)
• United States
23 Jul 09
I believe for normal purposes if someone isn't going to be alone at any time it is not necessary to have a phone and it certainly isn't necessary to have texting. I don't believe phones are needed until 16-18 unless you walk home from school or are will be away from your parents for more than a week. As for computers go your own laptop isn't needed unless a school requires it. I for one started using a computer at the age of three and ended up being a computer programer but computers aren't a necessity until around the age of 13. Though I would say having a computer at an early age has changed my life because back then there was no internet, only games and I only had educational games. Due to the fact that I played these games I succeeded in math class and got very far in my life. Back on the phone issue when i was young in 3rd grade one girl had a cell phone in my school. She is to this day made fun of.
@x_Jo_x (1040)
24 Jul 09
Yeah i was going to say using computers at a young age might mean that you got a more technological job with computers because you would be very good with them. lol poor girl that got made fun of! I guess when you are so young it isnt really necessary to have a phone. Kids were maybe a bit jealous though?
@vxscar (8)
• United States
24 Jul 09
i think kids need a phone at about the age of 11 but they dont ever need a computer if their family has one. If your going to definately get one for the girl i'd say 13/14 years old for a computer, because thats when shes gonan start talking to boys and be a teen and all. But a laptop isn't really necessary for a kid
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
24 Jul 09
I do believe that the age 6 is a bit young for a laptop or for even a mobile phone. I didn't get my first mobile phone until like I was 21. But as you say today children need mobile phones much younger. I believe if you are going. To give a mobil phone to a young child maube young enough is like 7 or 8 and then it should be a prepaid phone. Because once they have used up the minutes on the phone they can't use the phone and if they need the minutes and then you can just add minutes into the phone. I used to work for a cell phone company and I have had many of people calling in about high bills and the main reason because they're child had gone over the minutes and used other things on the phone. So if you are going to give a phone to a young child then its best to give a prepaid so they don't run up the minutes and give you a very high bill.
I believe the best age to give a child a laptop is maybe like 15 or 16 and put certain type of restrictions on a laptop. But a 6 year old with a lap top that's a new one for me. I would probably buy her a toy laptop and she'd probably be happy with that she probably is just looking at the look of a laptop. There may be some cool things that she can do on her toy laptop. You can probably find some in the store I'm not sure.
@pranavpillai93 (267)
• India
24 Jul 09
If u start considering society then children will need all those things that they ever wanted. Why should you buy her a mobile for her safety when you can always be with her? And you might also know that mobile phones are dangerous for kid's health. This was proven in a scientific research. Children are more prone to this than adults. Mobile phones harm their brain directly and this can result in brain tumors, breakdowns etc. My advise is that you should try at your best to not to get her a cell phone. Try some alternatives for the cell phone that she demands. I mean, you can get her gaming gadgets like psp go, nintendo ds etc. As she gets more involved with this she might stop demanding for mobile phones.
About the laptop, I would give a thumbs up! I myself got my first computer when I was of age 3 and I believe it has not done me any harm. Anyway it's the computer age and buying her one will practically do no harm. But just supervise her when she uses it. She can play learning games, puzzles and can also increase her typing skills. This might also do her good for her future. You can also compel her to play games outside with her friends or sisters. Or even you could play with her and this would give you extra exercise too!;)
@Sweeten (159)
• United States
24 Jul 09
I would say around their preteen years because they are generally experiencing the world more and more and you wouldnt want your kid going around to the movies and hanging out with their friends without some way to contact you, so the cell phone is pretty much a must. The laptop however is only neccissary when they are going to college a family computer will pretty much work until then in my opinion.
@jamiemnichols (5)
• United States
24 Jul 09
I gave my daughter her own labtop at the age of 3 however we didn't get her a brand new one or one that she could damage and we be out of alot of money, me and her father also set controls on it where she could only get on certain websites unless we okayed it with a password, as for the cell phone she has one from at&t where she can only call five numbers in which we program into it. I do agree with you that I didn't get my own until I got out of my parents house and paid for them however in todays world they will need this knowledge alot sooner then we did