I'm beyond disgusted..... Some people are so undeserving of being called human.
By James72
@James72 (26790)
July 24, 2009 1:39am CST
I just read the following news story regarding the rape and assault of an 8 year old girl by four young boys aged 9 - 14: http://au.news.yahoo.com/a/-/newshome/5748555
The assault itself is horrifying and especially when you consider the age of the girl and the age of the offenders, but what really tugged at my heart strings AND angered me immensely was the following statement by the little girl's father:
"The father told the case worker and an officer in her presence that he didn't want her back. He said 'Take her, I don't want her,'" police Sgt. Andy Hill said.
I'm absolutely DISGUSTED by this comment. This poor little girl was lured to a shed with the promise of some chewing gum and was raped and assaulted. She is EIGHT years old for God's sake and her father is abandoning her for bringing shame to the family???
Wouldn't you love 5 minutes alone with a piece of shite like this so called "father"?
I wish many blessings and prayers for this poor little girl and I hope she ends up with a loving, caring family that will treat her the way she deserves to be treated.
I'm not sure what to ask here to make this a discussion other than wanting to know if you find this as disgusting as I do? I wonder what will happen to these 4 boys too? They'll end up lost in the system I guess. How the heck do boys that young get ideas like this anyway? The world is such a scary place at times. 

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38 responses
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
24 Jul 09
I an deeply disturbed by this incident James. there is no justification in the behaviors of the minors and the adult person. How can the father disown the little girl of no apparent fault of hers? This is beyond my comprehension. Human psyche is strange beyond my understanding. How can the same media influence people in a good and in a bad way. It's subjective and I think upbringing has a lot to do with this. Still I am shocked!
Now, if the girl goes wayward, who are we going to blame!!??
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Jul 09
Me too mimpi and it was a sobering start to my day to open up the news site I check every morning to see this story.
No sane human being could place the blame on an 8 year old child in a situation like this, yet this is exactly what's happened. This so called "father" deserves to rot in a festering pit somewhere. The boys who dod this should be forced to sit alongside him in that pit for an eternity too. The whole situation is heart breaking and absolutely disgusting in every way. All we can hope is that this poor little girl gets all the love and support she needs to make it through this and to have a fighting chance of as normal a life as possible moving forward.

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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
24 Jul 09
That would be ideal for the people like them. And all the little girl now need if love and support and my prayers are for her. i just wish she gets support from her family and society. She is just a 8 year old for God's sake!
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Jul 09
This is what's so heartbreaking about the situation. An 8 year old child looks to their parents for love, support and guidance. Where is all of that in this instance? There ISN'T any and the family's reputation is more important to this man than the welfare of his child. It's so sad. 

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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
24 Jul 09
As you say James there is something beyond disgust in this. I find it utterly chilling when young children can committ a crime like this, it seems infinitely more shocking than if the same crime was committed by adults although of course that would be just as horrendous. The poor girl will be scarred for life, she will never be able to trust anyone again and the way her father has treated her is going to do infinite damage to her and she WILL feel the shame he is putting on her by their culture and she will probably blame herself for this and feel that she has deserved her fathers disapprobation of her. These cultural beliefs are reinforced early and she will feel that she has let her family down and not understand that the world in general would actually feel sympathy for her and disgust at what she has suffered plus the fathers actions.
We would have all probably sympathised with the father here if he had reacted by taking the law into his own hands and sought revenge on these children who are beyond contempt no matter their age. In the UK 2 children who made headlines by killing an infant and torturing him have now been released under new identities and never paid any real price for their crime.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Jul 09
The youngest of these boys was 9 years old for God's sake! There's no question that he was probably influenced heavily by the older children to some degree, but still!
I can't even bring myself to imagine what this poor little girl is going through right now. An extremely traumatic event has occured that she probably dpesn't even fully understand and then the people that are supposed to love and protect her have now turned their backs on her. The "father" doesn't deserve the right to call himself a human being in my opinion and should be drawn and quartered. He should also be sent back to the country he came from because mindsets like his are unacceptable in a civilized society. I'm familiar with the Bolger case too and that was a horrific case in itself. I hope that the boys that raped this poor little girl are NOT given the same concessions the two murderous little scumbags that killed James Bolger received because they don't deserve any leniency EVER.

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@ledongrp (36)
• United States
28 Jul 09
It is truly a shame and a statement of how women and children are valued. The father ,being more worried about his "honor", should be indicted for the crime as well. I know the world is a different place but society has to adapt new methods of sheltering our youth. "If they want to act like adults ....treat them like adults and let the punishment fit the crime."
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@alokn99 (5717)
• India
24 Jul 09
It's shocking and apalling. Both on the animal like behaviour of the boys and the way the father has turned the young girl. It's a scary world allright James. Crimes like these are o the increase. Why ? I suppose the reasons are many, from upbringing, influences and so on. At the same time, what should be done to bring a fear of reprisal into minds of young people who have deviated from the norms of decent upbringing and society. Do you constantly drill into them the need to keep away from negative influences and thoughts or do you have a strong deterrent ? And though this may be the way certain ethnic communities deal with thier children who they think bring shame to thier family, they need to be made to understand the qualities of being human. No matter what thier beliefs or ways of living, you cannot treat a small girl especially your daughter in that way. If there is any time that she needs the support of the family most it is now. I hope too that she is taken care of well.
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
24 Jul 09
That is a deeply disturbing story of horrific content. I feel incredibly sorry for the 8 year girl. I imagine she will be scared and frightened for the rest of her life. The boys aged between 9 and 14 are shameful and horrible. I hope that they are put away despite their young ages. That sort of behavior is sick and totally unacceptable. Her father said something awful. He should be loving and caring towards his daughter. She was a young victim that had something terribly horrific and nasty happen to her. She didn't have any choice and suffered greatly.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Jul 09
My heart is breaking for this little girl too.
This is one instance where I believe the boys that did these should be tried as adults and never released from jail. EVER. her so called father should be locked up as well and also sterilised so he can't have any more children. To think that a parent can be this way towards their own child after such a horrendous event is gut wrenching.
I hope with all my heart that this little girl gets the help. love and support she needs because the journey ahead for her is going to be a very bumpy one.

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@savak03 (6684)
• United States
24 Jul 09
I have to say that I blame television and the parents that use the idiot box as a baby sitter without caring what their kids are watching.
When I was a teenager I baby sat for this one one family who had a 9 year old boy and 3 year old girl. One day, fortunately not while I was sitting for them, this little boy took his 3 year old sister and traded her for his neighbors 3 year old sister and these boys took them to an old car sitting in the neighbor hood and raped them. Knowing their father though I was not surprised since he made a pass at me. Kids learn from watching the actions of the people around them. If their parents have no morals then they won't either.
I still blame TV the most though.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Jul 09
What a horrible situation and how tragic for the little girls. I bet the "father" never once considered his own influences at all too.
I agree totally that kids are ultimately a product of their environment and they'll copy a lot of what they see without always even knowing what the heck it is they're actually doing or saying. But rape??? Maybe this is where TV and movies play a part. The internet too I guess. Parents need to be far more hands-on with their children and be more aware of what they have access to. If people aren't prepared to be there for their children and to nurture them positively and directly, then they never should've had kids in the first place.

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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
24 Jul 09
Hello my dear one! I'm sorry to come back to such a horrible discussion.
No matter what that peice of donkey doo does now that child will always carry two sets of scars.... and the deepest cut has to be that from the father. Yeah, a couple of minutes alone with him, a pair of scissors, and a bottle of super glue would suit me fine. (If that loses anyone research Bobbitt)
What kind of kids are we raising that boys that young would think this ok? And they are the future. You know all those movies that we used to laugh at like Judge Dredd where the people were lawless evil mobs? How long till we stop laughing and look at what the kids have become?
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Jul 09
Hi TLC. Yes, through a topic such as this one isn't really the best of ways for us to touch base is it?
I agree with you that the actions of this little girl's father will create one of the deepest scars of all. How disgusting that he would abandon her like this and become so heartless. A parent is supposed to love and support their child, not put their pride first! And the boys that did it? Lock them up and throw away the key. The fact that the youngest is only 9 is totally irrelevant. They should NEVER be released in my opinion. Situations like these appear to be more and more common these days and it's disgraceful that society has made things this way. 

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@jbrooks0127 (2324)
• United States
25 Jul 09
This is truly a horrible story. It is bad enough that these boys felt it okay to do this to this poor little girl but to be abandoned by her father because of it? That is truly unforgivable. The shame on his family comes from him alone. Shame on him and what ever happens to him will indeed be too good....
It is truly unforgivable of him.
I am not sure if this world has become far worse or if we just hear more of it now.
I feel very much if not more disgusted with any man that would do that.
I pray with you that somehow this girl is placed with some loving and understanding parents because this will be with her the rest of her life.

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
25 Jul 09
"I am not sure if this world has become far worse or if we just hear more of it now." This is a very interesting point jbrooks and I think you may be right here. The spread of information is much more rapid and far reaching these days, so there's definitely a chance that things like these always existed, but we just weren't aware.
The "father's" actions are just as depraved and disgustung as the boys who harmewd this poor and in many ways, his actions are even WORSE In my opinion. Who the heck turns their back on their own child like this? His judgement day will come and he deserves every single hardship and form of suffering that's due. May many blessings and much love rain down on this little girl from this point forward.

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@ShirleyBillingsley (1544)
• United States
25 Jul 09
I fully understand the digust. My daughter called me tonight, and told me that my grandson had been beaten. That was a week ago, and she decides to tell me tonight. He still has bruises from a week ago, and the man is still out walking around, and going about his usual business. What about my grandson? He will remember that for the rest of his life.

@James72 (26790)
• Australia
25 Jul 09
You have a big heart then Shirley and that little boy was very fortunate to have had you pass on by!
Some people just don't deserve the right to call themselves parents at all and are way too selfish to act in the best interests of children. This little girl's "father" is a solid example of this and he should never be allowed to father any more children.

@James72 (26790)
• Australia
25 Jul 09
I'm so sorry to be hearing this about your Grandson Shirley.
There are so many imbalances in society and you've just provided yet another validation of this. This little girl will be scarred for life, yet the perpetrators AND her "father" will continue on. The boys that did this are children themselves so will be freed eventually. This poor little girl will never be truly free and will be haunted by this event forever. 

@ShirleyBillingsley (1544)
• United States
25 Jul 09
There sure are imbalances in this world. I feel so bad for that little girl. And, her daddy, he is unstable or something. The audacity, to kick his little girl out, for something, that was not her fault to start with. Just sickening.
I found a little boy, wandering a road one time. The parents had thrown him out of the house. I was not even an adult myself, but i took him, and took care of him, until finally, they would let him come back home. There was no CPS back then.
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@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
25 Jul 09
this is such a horrific crime!!!
i cannot imagine what kind of life the little girl is going to lead. hopefully the authorities will put her through therapy sessions so that she won't go into a self-destructive spiral.
i don't know what is wrong with the father. a father's job is to protect the family, in this case the little girl. instead of offering support as he should, he is ostracizing her for something that is not her fault!!!
also, what is wrong with the other children? what on earth are their parents doing? they don't deserve to be parents too!!!

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
25 Jul 09
It sure IS horrific! The fact that she's only 8 years old is so tragic, yet it may also mean that because she's so young, with the right attention, therapy and ongoing support, she has a chance to lead a normal life from this point forward. God I hope so because this poor little girl needs all the help and love she cn get after an event like this one. The "father" on the other hand deserves nothing. He should be deported, sterilized and banished into a dark hole somewhere. What a horrible man he is and totally unworthy of having children.
The boys that committed this crime deserve to be shut away from society forever too. Their parents should be drawn and quartered as well. No child acts this way without some sort of negative influence in their life and there's bound to be some fault on the boys parental sides as well. 

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
25 Jul 09
It's difficult for me to comprehend how a parent can say this too, but it's not the first time this has happened and it won't be the last. It's a shocking reality for us all and I agree the man should be disposed of. They should do all they can to ensure he can never father any more children too as he's far from worthy.
All we can hope is that this little girl isn't just placed with a loving family and gets therapy and support; but is also moved somewhere new where she can start fresh with a lesser chance of gossiping and teasing. If she's able to start again in a place where no one knows her at all, things would be a lot better for her I feel.

@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
25 Jul 09
Hiya James..Personally, besides wanting to bash up the irresponsible dad of the little girl whom had been done like that, I was wondering too what kind of parents those young rapists have and how come they are brought with such a sick mind.
I think they should be punished with adult law, since they were willing to do crimes of the adult.Raping and assaulting are sick behaviors and I hope they rot in prison. I'm wonderind about the plight of the young girl as well.
What a selfish dad she has, whose only concern is the family name. I hate unhumane feelings and it's more sadder to know that the more advanced humans are in technology, the more backwards and animalistic one can be.
Thanks James for sharing us this news, even though it's hard to read..
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
25 Jul 09
I think these boys should be punished to the full extent of the law too and the fact that they're kids should be irrelevant. It was an adult act on their part, so why treat them like children now? I couldn't agree with you more on that one. As for this girl's so called "father", what a piece of crap he is. Yes, this isn't an easy story to read about at all and it was quite a shock for me to see it as it was one of the first news stories I read after waking up, but it's a harsh reality of the world we live in and our acknowledgment of injustices like these may lead people towards fixing things. God I hope so! Even one person saved as a result of knowing things like this is something! God bless the little girl. 

@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
24 Jul 09
I read this in the paper this morning and was debating whether to do a discussion about it myself.
I can't imagine what that poor little girl is going through as it is and then to be abandoned by her father as if anything about it is her fault. It's beyond awful.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Jul 09
I thought for some time before posting this discussion too actually, but I came to the conclusion that it might generate some positive thoughts and blessings for this little girl, so I went ahead with it. You're right in saying that it's beyond awful and I'm not even sure if there's a word that exists that would describe how disgusting this situation is.
This "father" deserves the worst the world has to offer and then some. That may sound harsh, but it's exactly how I feel.

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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
25 Jul 09
James, this is HORRIBLE!!! She may be lucky that she was removed from that home. Her Dad sounds like the kind that would mutilate her genitals in just a few years to make sure she didn't dishonor the family. To add even MORE insult to injury, these kids will be out of jail at 18 except for the 14 year old. Since he's being tried as an adult, he might get some time in jail. The other 3 will be out in the next 5-9 years. It is against the law here to hold a child past their 18th birthday. My guess is that by then they will be truly hardened criminals!!!
The judge gave a 34 year old man a 60 day sentence for repeatedly raping a 7 year old for 4 years. There are times I wonder what people are thinking. This judge explained himself. I think he needs to be removed from the bench!!!
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
25 Jul 09
This would have to be one of the most ridiculous and frustrating sentencing examples I've ever read! 60 days??? That Judge DEFINITELY needs to removed from the system. This is ridiculous. As for the boys getting out when they're 18, this is one such instance where I feel this is wrong too. The 2 boys that murdered James Bolger are now free and living with new identities, yet litle James Bolger's life is gone forever. It's disgusting. I'm all for rehabilitation, but some crimes like these are inexcusable and the perpetrators should NEVER be released. I don't care if they were children at the time of the offence or not. If they're capable of things like this as a child, what the heck are they going to be like as adults after being in the system for many years??? 

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
26 Jul 09
I don't understand either LadyM and it's unlikely that ANY of us ever will.
The legal system especially is so flawed in many countries and you see ridiculous sentences handed down concerning both major AND minor offences. It all seems to come down to who has the best legal representation, not what's right or wrong and it's despicable.
And plea bargaining??? This is the most frustrating one of them all I reckon. Admit you did it, show some remorse and next thing you know, the concept of "maximum sentence" goes for a complete toss.

@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
26 Jul 09
I was looking for a link to another example when I found that one. I cannot imagine the horror that family felt when the judge gave him 60 days. Can you imagine how scared that 14 year old child must be??? She was put through 4 years of hell only to find out that it could happen again at any time!!! I used to believe in rehabilitation, but have seen with my own eyes that maybe 1 out of 10,000 can be rehabilitated. In the meantime the 9,999 can leave behind a lot of carnage. I feel for the 1 person who could be rehabilitated that has to sit in jail, but I see more danger in letting the other 9,999 out of jail. It has been medically proven that children don't know the difference between right & wrong until their early 20s. With that being said, i feel that if they have the urge to rape, they have the knowledge to know the difference between right & wrong. How we can protect the child that has the urge to be a criminal??? I just don't understand!!!
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
25 Jul 09
Horrible event! And the reaction of the father is horrendous. How could he turn on his child after she was brutally assaulted in such a horrible way? Hard to understand! I don't care what culture he grew up in. Disgusting! As you also hoped, hopefully someone will show her the humanity she deserves. This world is full of disgusting things. May God's kingdom soon come to end these occunces for ever!
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
25 Jul 09
Even "horrible" could be considered too soft a word to describe a situation like this one. What kind of culture puts pride before a child? It's so, so sad and defies logic on so many levels. May God also guide this little girl into the loving arms of people who will care for her forever. 

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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
25 Jul 09
I'm reminded of these encouraging and comforting words;
Psalm 27:10 (Amplified Bible)
10Although my father and my mother have forsaken me, yet the Lord will take me up [adopt me as His child].(A)
Psalm 27:10 (New Century Version)
10 If my father and mother leave me,
the Lord will take me in.
Psalm 27:10 (Darby Translation)
10For had my father and my mother forsaken me, then had Jehovah taken me up.
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@cobra1368 (702)
• United States
24 Jul 09
That is so sad.
I can't say that I understand their culture, but I have heard of that before. It makes no sense to me why the girl would be at fault in the family's eyes. However, women are not even close to equal to men over in many of those African countries. Many women and girls are brutalized on a daily basis BY male members of their family, and this is accepted behavior over there. The men are the bosses and the women must do as they are told.
If they are in the wrong place at the wrong time, shame on them for being there! It is completely ridiculous, but that is the way it is over there.
I am with you - I hope that girl is placed with a loving family and gets a second chance at a great life. And I hope karma comes back to bite those boys in the a$$.

@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Jul 09
AS far as I'm concerned, we shouldn't even HAVE to try and understand a cultural mindset that discriminates against what's best for a child.
The horrifying thing here is that although this family is from Liberia in West Africa, they're living in the USA! They get given a new beginning in a welcoming country and look at the negative ways of thinking they bring? It's despicable to have a mindset like this and totally unacceptable. Karma ALWAYS comes full circle and those boys and this girl's father will get what's coming that's for sure. Let us all hope and pray that this poor little girl ends up with people that love her and care for her in every way.

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@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
25 Jul 09
Yes James *sigh*…the world is indeed so scary specially for little girls who are overwhelmed over the change in their physical, mental and surrounding people at all times for no fault of their own. You know, how some people say ‘girls mature faster than boys’…as if that’s a fault of the girl’s…that’s the way society still treats the girl child…as a burden to be caged and protected until she can be handed over to a male for legal consumption. But I am sure all is not lost, otherwise society would have crumbled down…she will definitely find a loving and caring foster home.
As for the boys, another sad story I’m sure…as you said, they might be well lost in the system but I’m sure, if given a chance, they too have their story to tell.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
25 Jul 09
And to think that this little girl is only 8 years old! She'd have a very limited understanding of what the heck has happened and then has to face her own family abandoning here as well?
These boys may have a story to tell, sure, but I don't ever want to hear it to be honest. They're an absolute disgrace and should be removed from society for as long as the law allows. If I had it my way, they'd never live freely again, but this is unlikely to be the case as they;re only kids themselves. It's all so tragic many levels. I do hope she's found a loving family and can have a chance at life that's positive and will help to heal these deep scars sooner rather than later.

@polachicago (18716)
• United States
25 Jul 09
I am speechless. This father shouldn't be named father. This is horrible and I hope this girl is going to be taken for adoption. My pray is with the girl. With horrible crime and parents like hers, where is she going to find love she needs now more than ever...those parents are worst than animals...
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
25 Jul 09
I couldn't agree more. What a scumbag this so called "father" is.
I too hope that the little girl ends up with an unbelievably loving and caring family because this is what she deserves. Her "father" should be smacked around a bit and then deported. It's disgusting to think that he's chosen pride and reputation over his own child. 

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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
24 Jul 09
This entire story is shocking on all sides. These are little kids. Like you said...even the boys...how in the world do they get such crazy thoughts? And that little girl? Even if placed with a wonderful family, nothing will ever erase the scars from the rape or the rejection from her father. And that father
....can't find words for him.

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Jul 09
The more I interact within this discussion, the more heartbroken I become.
The question you've just raised is the most important one of all. HOW the heck do kids come up with the ideas to act in this way??? Society as a whole ahs a lot to answer for because situations like these are becoming more common. And the "father"? May he rot in purgatory for an eternity. It's absolutely disgraceful to think that someone would put their family reputation before the best interests of their own child.

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@neknek (249)
• Philippines
24 Jul 09
OMG. this is so disturbing. for pete's sake they are kids! at 11-12 i was still running around and playing with kids my age. what the.. and what kind of father is that? if you're just going to treat your child like scum you don't deserve to be one..oh, what a poor girl. the boys are minors, will they be charged? coz here in our country underaged offenders are just being send off to a social welfare service... God..
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Jul 09
Me too neknek. I was climbing trees, building forts and riding bikes! I didn't even have the courage to TALK to girls let alone lure them into sheds to assault them. It's so disheartening to see how things have changed.
The boys that did this WILL be charged, no question. The problem though is that they'll probably be released as adults after being even further damaged by the "system" along the way. I say lock them up and keep them locked up forever. The father should be locked up or deported too as he doesn't even deserve to call himself a parent. 

@voldrox (7191)
• India
24 Jul 09
sick ones those young kids, what in the world made them do that! poor girl, i feel so bad for her, worse than those kids is her dad, i so much pity that girl after reading this discussion, this is reality! what have people become... that girl needs love and support at such a terrible time, and her father is so pathetic...how did he avoid her own daughter when she most needed her family, no one ever deserves to be treated like that... absolutely no one... and she is just eight years old
... oh what must be going through her, that man has done very wrong and God is watching him... i hope no one ever has to go through something as evil and vicious as that!... this world is such a ghastly place sometimes, i can only pray for this world to become a better place...

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Jul 09
Having to face realities like these is a very difficult thing to do.
How can a parent possibly justify being this way towards their own child? I'm so sad to read about situations like these and to think that young boys are capable of such attocities is equally as disturbing. God WILL judge this man for his actions one day, of this I'm sure. Hopefully God will also watch over this little girl and guide her into the arms of people that will love her and care for her so that she has a good chance of living a happy life from this point forward.

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@Nic7389 (186)
24 Jul 09
this makes me sick, 14 years old? the boy should be strung up and stoned. the little girls father is shameful but what sort of parents could raise a child that does a thing like that at the age of 14! or any age for that matter.
the poor girl was 8 years old, clearly didnt understand what was going on and the boy brutally assaulted her. her father says he doesn't want her back but that makes him as bad as the attacker. the girls life is in ruins and she's only 8. all i can say is that i wish her the best in recovering and getting back to normal, and she deserves a loving family that will treat her the way she deserves. the way any 8 year old deserves
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Jul 09
The scary thing here Nic is that the OLDEST boy was 14! The youngest rapist was only 9 years old!
You're very right in pointing out that this poor little girl probably has no idea what the heck happened and now she also has to deal with being alone because of her backwards thinking family. It's disgusting and heartbreaking to see that she can't even rely on her own family to carry her through such a horrific situation.
May many blessings and much love fill her life from this point forward as she so rightfully deserves.

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