Do you Pay enough Taxes??

United States
July 26, 2009 8:46pm CST
Maybe you laughed at this question. I almost put it under the Humor topic but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Seriously. We have people here in America and I am sure in other countries who vote for people who Promise to raise their taxes. We have a Vice President now who said during the campaign that Paying taxes is Patriotic! So I guess the more taxes you pay the bigger Patriot you are. I remember that when GWBush was trying to get his tax cuts passed, Garry Trudeau, author of the "Doonesbury" comic wrote a strip with a Jr High school teacher telling his class that the Republicans were "Afraid" to raise taxes. Nana nana nana. Recently when Rush Limbaugh said he was leaving New York for good because of yet another tax hike, The Governor of that state said that if he had known it would make Rush Leave he would have raised them sooner. Now I have heard some Moronic statements come from the mouths of Politicians before but let's just say, I'm glad this guy isn't MY Governor. New Yorkers pay as much as 55% of there earnings to Federal, State and Local Taxes. And since when does The NYT use Thehuffingtonpost as a source? Especially when they can always go to Limbaughs' website and cut/paste the transcript right from the show. Anyway. Over the weekend I read in a free weekly paper (you know, The ones that have actual journalists working for them) A list of taxes that we in America pay. He listed 45 Different taxes. And you might think "Well certainly I don't pay all of those taxes." Oh yes you do, amigo. Well actually if you are here illegally then you would be exempt. These taxes are built in to the prices we pay for goods and services we use everyday. They are also subtracted from the pay we receive for the work we do. Here are some highlights from this list. feel free to pass it on.(Actually, I decided to type out the entire list.) Accounts Receivable Tax Building Permit Tax CDL license tax Cigarette tax Corporate Income tax Dog License tax Federal Income tax Federal Unemployment tax Fishing License Tax Food License tax Fuel Permit Tax Gasoline tax Hunting License Tax Inheritance Tax Inventory tax IRS Interest Charges(Tax On Tax) IRS Penalties.(Tax on Tax) Liqu0r Tax Luxury tax Marriage Tax Medicare tax Property tax Real Estate tax Service Charge taxes Social Security Tax Road Usage Tax(Truckers)Which means we only pay for it when we buy something that was delivered in a truck. Sales tax RV Tax School Tax State Income Tax State Unemployment Tax Telephone Federal Excise Tax Telephone Federal Universal service fee(Tax On Tax) Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Tax Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge tax Telephone Recurring and Non recurring Charges Tax (Scratches Head) Telephone State and Local Tax Telephone Usage Charge Tax Utility tax Vehicle License Registration Tax (Buy It Once Pay tax on it every year) Vehicle Sales Tax (Remember, You have already paid income tax on the money you are using to purchase that vehicle.) Watercraft Registration tax Well Permit tax Workers Compensation Tax I'm sure we can Think up a few more but right now my head is spinning. I hope you have a good week at work because the Government is in deep doo doo and they need all the money you can get. So Work Hard Comrade!!! Until Next time. Mole Hill
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17 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
27 Jul 09
Yup we pay all these taxes and most things we buy are trucked in well I should say every thing we buy is trucked in. THeir saying is if you bought it a truck brought it. A couple I say on my property tax trhing I get every year . tax for liabrary . tax for indejents (SP) School taxes, we dont have nayone going to school yet and havent for the 10 years we have lived here but we get taxed for it. and this year even tho prperty value went way way down taxes went up!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
29 Jul 09
yes they are and I have always found them curtious
• United States
29 Jul 09
Truckers are the life blood of the nation and they don't get nearly the regognition that they should. Unless they cut you off on the highway
@jsitko (1169)
• United States
27 Jul 09
Don't forget Privilege tax. We have that here in Pa, it is a tax because you have a job. It is a privilege to have a job, I could not believe that one when I was dumb enough to move to Pa 13 years ago. (I am not a big fan of PA) It was a $10 tax they took out of your first paycheck of a job. You have to pay it 1 time a year in Jan.If you change jobs you need to have proof that you already paid the tax or else you will get charged again. Now, the tax is $52. It went from $10 to $52, a big jump.
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@jsitko (1169)
• United States
29 Jul 09
It is incredible what this state is doing right now. They will increase our state tax another 1% and they are still meeting everyday to settle the state's budget. Since they have not settled the budget which was due July 01, none of the sate workers are getting paid right now. They have been working since July 01 for free. They will get their pay retro but in the mean time they are getting behind in bills, having to take out loans (interest free as long as they pay it back when they get paid). Increase our taxes, highway tolls and don't pay your state workers. What's next??
• United States
29 Jul 09
Great you are working now give us $10. Wait, no, make that $52. WOW! and people keep voting for these same people??? That is what mystifies me.
@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
29 Jul 09
Then they wanna have a "special" election next week in my city to raise the city sales taxes, I'm sorry you've been taxing for years and if you cannot find out ways to use the money wisely then you're not getting any increase. I'm definitely voting NO on the tax. I think people need to be more responsible for the money they are given. Thank you! P.
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• United States
29 Jul 09
I heard a Pastor talking about money management once who said, "I gave my son 50 cents and came back an hour later saying he lost it and could he have a Dollar!" It seems the people running things today aren't much different from this little kid.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
27 Jul 09
That's so ridiculous. And the income tax was supposed to be a temporary measure, and no more than 1% of a person's gross income. Look at it now!!! I'm all for the TEA parties (Taxed Enough Already!). I think they are trying to destroy the middle class and drive the wealthy away. Then they'll have a nation of worker bees that depends on the government for everything because the drones are just barely getting by. We'll be Marxist within a couple of years if the people don't wake up and start screaming.
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• United States
28 Jul 09
This is true dragon54u. Except that instead of destroying the Middle and Wealthy themselves, They get the uneducated (since they went to public schools) sheeple to do it for them. The goal of liberalism is illiterate, unarmed Peasants. Just like they good old days before The Revolutionary War.
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
27 Jul 09
That is incredible. I know about the income type taxes and sales taxes, but if you don't have a car or some of the other things listed, do you still pay on those? I think it is ridiculous that the government wants to raise taxes. I can see the point when there is not enough money to pay the teachers or fix the schools, but why should we have to fund a war or pay interest on money that has been borrowed from the fed? Thanks for bringing up such an interesting topic.
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• United States
27 Jul 09
the thing is whenever they decide that we aren't paying enough taxes, It's always the Schools, Police and Firemen that need the money. It's never the Governors perks or the City Commissioners' raises. There always seems to be enough money for that. In Miami, a bunch of Cops had to take concessions and wage cuts to keep from being laid off. But the County commissioners Didn't have to worry about their pay being cut. And they are the ones who can't figure out how to run a budget!!! I think WE should be the ones who vote on their raises, Not them. It's plain and simple extortion. "You either pay us more money or we lay of these cops and teachers." Except we don't actually get a choice.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
28 Jul 09
It is pretty sad when cops have to give up some of their pay in order to keep their jobs. I am working on becoming certified to be a teacher. I think that I would rather work for a little less money and have a job than to not have a job at all. I have never had a job that pays as well as the average entry level teacher makes so I don't think I would complain about that. Have a great day!!!
@Iggy0001 (21)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
27 Jul 09
You are paying taxes, because government expands a little more and more. More government more taxes. Politicians are incapable people, who suck their way to the top and taxpayer are paying their incompetence.
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• United States
29 Jul 09
"...suck their way to the top.." Elegantly put. "More government more taxes." ...And less freedom. And welcome to myLot Iggy0001
@Idlewild (6090)
• United States
29 Jul 09
Taxes are much higher in other countries than in the U.S. Those are lot of taxes that you list, but it's not as if every person pays every one of them. I'm not even sure that list is up to date: it lists "luxury tax," but that was repealed years ago. Social Security tax, workers' comp tax, Medicare tax, etc.- those are pretty clear: you pay into them so you can collect benefits if you get injured on the job, and retire, and have health insurance when you're old. The ones that drive me nuts is all the telephone taxes. My basic phone service costs $25 a month even if I don't make a single call. And why in the world should I pay a charge on my land line phone to subsidize 411 service for *cell phone* users? Let 'em pay for it themselves!
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@mipen2006 (5528)
• Australia
27 Jul 09
Sounds just like here in Australia. I'm on the pension now so I'm through with taxes. Hey, just a minute, what about everything you buy, and the gas you use, what about whenyou have to pay someone to do some work for you. Done with paying taxes, NO WAY!!!
1 person likes this
• United States
27 Jul 09
Someone gets it.
1 person likes this
• United States
27 Jul 09
we have a few more-some per usage,some permanent: yard sale tax (pre paid),scrap metal tax,paved driveway tax (although cobble is not taxed),14 different taxes on water..hotel taxes(per bed),renting a room tax (this means in your own home)first for having a boarder and then again as income at the end of the goes on..
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@mzz663 (2772)
• United States
30 Jul 09
Great topic! What always got me was that when you get your paycheck, they take taxes out, when you buy something, you pay taxes AGAIN and then, just when you thought you paid ENOUGH taxes, you have to do your yearly taxes! Isn't that supposedly one of the reasons we fought for our independence that everyone celebrates on july 4th?? Overtaxed and not seeing much returns as far as any public services....if the gov't can take care and give everyone in the military decent benefits, why can't something like that be incorporated into the rest of the country? Probably because no one would need a job with benefits and they wouldn't have enough people in the military.....Alot of people tend to join AFTER they get married and are expecting a baby, that's when they start looking for a steady job with steady pay and benefits. Anyways....Happy Taxpaying!! ;)
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
27 Jul 09
It is amazing how much we pay for taxes.....we are taxed on everything....It's unbelieveable.....thanks for pointing it out though because sometimes we just take things for granted...and mindlessly pay all those taxes without even thinking of them!
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
27 Jul 09
There is no doubt we are very strong Patriots in this household, we pay our share and then some. We own a lot of vacant property and it all gets taxes. Besides those we pay the same hidden ones as everyone else.
@kellyjeanne (1576)
• United States
28 Jul 09
I think it's an outrage and completely absurd to pay taxes for services and such that I never use. For example, I don't smoke and never have. Why should I pay taxes on that? I think that taxes are a necessity and don't mind paying some, but, all these?? It's like the U.S. government is using us as scapegoats!!! Thanks for the info Mole Hill. Purrs, Catwoman=^..^= & Mija
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@checkmail (2039)
• India
27 Jul 09
Hello morethanamolehill this is checkmail and don't go so much deep in the taxation issue, as currently i am still earning below the tax paying limit.But as my income will increase to pay the taxes i will prefer to pay it regularly and loyaly, as it refelects in our as well as our country's growth and prosperity.So avaoiding taxes is really an crime, its better to pay off the taxes.
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@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
27 Jul 09
It is alarming how much we pay in different types of taxes or those that are disguised as other charges. At least Texas had no Income Tax- yet.
• United States
28 Jul 09
Well, that would be a state issue not federal.
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Jul 09
Actually, I should have worded it differently. (or as Obama's teleprompter puts it, "I should have calibrated my words differently") All states Will have to have an income tax in order to pay for it.
• United States
28 Jul 09
They're saying if we get Obama Care then All states will have Income tax. That's the liberal version of "equality".
@BarBaraPrz (48706)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
27 Jul 09
Those telephone taxes sound Orwellian...
• United States
27 Jul 09
Seven different shades of Orwellian... And most of them SHOULD be included in the price of service.
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@BarBaraPrz (48706)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
28 Jul 09
I especially like the "recurring and non-recurring charges" tax... just about covers everything.
• Philippines
27 Jul 09
well actually here in phillipines have taxes anywhere.. but the president here is have law to stop to taxes.. actually when i was work last year in a company... company deducted a taxes and its too much and i hate dat rules