Have you experience any rejection in your life?

@jlamela (4898)
July 27, 2009 1:12am CST
I often experience rejection. I don't know why. I always make it a point to understand the people around me and supported their life in every way but what I often get from them is rejection. It's terribly upsetting.
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9 responses
@themdno (402)
• United States
27 Jul 09
Everybody gets rejected now and then, don't let it bother you. Don't dwell on the rejections, dwell on the success that you have. Everybody is going to have to face rejection of some kind, all through out their life. I think that if you feel like the type of person that is rejected a lot, you'll probably be rejected more, just from having that mentality.
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@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
27 Jul 09
hmm.. i guess there have been a few times wherein i was rejected, by a school i applied to, by friends whom i seek help from, by loved ones whome turned their backs on me... and all... i guess it is pretty normal.
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@rosapai (254)
• Philippines
27 Jul 09
It really hurts when we get rejected, sometimes ignored. But it only matter if the person rejecting us is important to us. Or when we really want something but we cannot have it/them. Sometimes we just have to let the hurt wash over us and then think for while and then move on. What is important is that we try again, never give up... sooner or later we will gain what we want in life. I always try to drum into my myself when I get rejected... God has a better plan for me. That helps me a lot.
@agv0419 (3022)
• Philippines
27 Jul 09
Many times I'm experienced rejections sometimes I don't want to exist in this world anymore. All my life I'm been hurting and I had no life. Sometimes I'm easily gets irritated because of this. I don't want to tell my problems and my health issues to someone because I always gets rejected.
@sarcasms (120)
• India
29 Jul 09
im truly sry fr u ....but this is life and rejection is a part of it......so u shldnt be wrried abt it its just tht u shld be more careful arnd ppl more observant i guess .........and u shldnt feel bad abt it coz it happens to most of us but wen u find tht specail person then it all worth it i guess.....smtimes ppl frm the fear of rejection stop socialising but thts not the way to go abt it u shld socialise wotht he right ppl and tht u can judge by seeing there actions........dont wrry always be happy.........have fun
• New Zealand
27 Jul 09
Everyday. It's a part of life we must deal with. I didn't make the waterpolo team I should have been in because I missed the trials, I now have to play with people who don't now the basic things about the game. This was something that cut me deep. I don't worry about it I just play in the hope to make it into the next team. A girl a few weeks a go who I thought I had a chance with didn't feel the same way. It hurt but something I deal with. I get over things quickly. Me and the girl are still friends and I'm over my feelings.
• United States
27 Jul 09
Rejection is a natural part of life. Everyone gets rejected. And its all a matter of how you take it in. Some people get upset because they dont like getting rejected and they dont understand why. Other people will laugh at rejection, because, say you walk up to a guy and he rejects you, if you laugh and walk away, it will effect him way more than you know.
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@ucue2008 (924)
• Malaysia
27 Jul 09
Me too, I remember after i graduated college, I went for an interview for many many times and I keep getting rejection even though once I have been said that I will get the job. I'm scared of rejection so that's why whenever I can, I will do anything that I can by myself, and it make me a very defensive person, do not like to ask help from people, but I guess rejection is a part of life, whether we like it or not, in some part of life, we will encounter it.
@sunil_008 (1269)
• India
27 Jul 09
i know it really hurts a lot.i never had any such feelings before the first world war.but after the first world war i started to feeel like people don't really care about me.as if they don't like me to be with them.and when the second world war stared i get hurt again and this time severely with never to forget thing... well that ws the philosophy of save earth project. in relationships i never felt the rejection thinguntil now.but yes i have faced huge opposition and debating thing with all my relationships.if that is called as rejection too then yes i am been rejected everywhere...
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
27 Jul 09
In this life no matter how we show our best and do our best to help our loved ones or friends,it's not always being appreciated.Just do what you think is right and good my friend.If people around you rejects you after what you have done,there is God that sees all those things and will reward you at the end. Don't be sad,be happy that you are always there to help them. Have a good day