Sad, depressed, no friends, no girlfriend, nothing even in second life!
By uchuukeiji
@uchuukeiji (33)
July 27, 2009 1:29am CST
Please help me...
I cant support this anymore. My life is a total failure :(
Since i was a kid, my mother never left me alone. She was overprotecting me everytime. No girlfriend, no parties, no friends, nothing!
Now i'm an adult, 24 yrs old almost 25 and i have no friends. All people i meet they just take advantage of my knowledge (i'm a very good computer technician) and just sweep me away.
I have no girlfriend too. Some weeks ago i had posted about an older girl than me. I have nothing, neither her, nothing.
My life is sad, i like to be alone but sometimes i feel very bad about it. And today, now is one of those moments.
I thought i could meet nicer person in virtual world (second life). But after meeting a girl, she just leave me alone and preferred going with her friends, (just the same as real life) and leave me alone.
Im sick of this life, please tell me what to do. And God is no valid answer please T-T Please tell me what to do. I want to socialize with people but i cant!
thanks in advance and sorry for wasting your time by reading this i hope you help me please
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17 responses
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
27 Jul 09
Ok listen carefully you are not alone. There are people all over the world that has the same problem and feeling as you do. What you need to do is think positive and go out a mingle. You can meet people at the store, library, mall, on the job, or you can even go with these online dating services. Where they match you up with different people and you pick the most compatiable. Such as or Good luck and remember you are not alone. You just have to reach out.
@agv0419 (3021)
• Philippines
27 Jul 09
Loneliness always makes us depressed don't worry so much about that you can meet a girl that loves you in the future. My life is also boring I don't have social life and I don't want to meet my friends anymore because I feel that they don't understand me. No one care about my problems I'm dealing it with my own. I think what you need is understanding and love if you have family they can help you. In my case even if my family can't understand what I'm going through. I easily gets irritated in small things I think that's the effect of my depression in life.
@hagirl (1295)
• United States
28 Jul 09
I am married, but I would be more than happy to be your friend. Sometimes just having someone to talk to helps in these times. It is like one of your responsers said use your computer knowledge to your advantage. It looks like you have a great start. Look how many people have responded to your cry for help. We are all friends here at mylot. Although we are making money to respond, we still pick what to respond too. If you would like you can add me to your freinds list. There are sites you can actually go on that are legite to find singles in your area. Maybe you can try one of them. Thank-you for your time to read my response. God will bless you, but sometimes he is not as fast as we want him to be. Trust me i know all about that.
@foreigntradecareer (166)
• China
28 Jul 09
Well, you are two year older than me. I kind of have the same fellings with you.
Alough I have a beautiful girl friend right now, we don't live together while separating from each other, what's more it is only myself working and living in a unfamiliar city. Always I would feel nothing but longly especially in the night,sadness, depressiion, lonelyness always come to bother me. Fortunately, I am a positive guy and I would like accomdate the environment to challange myself. Therefore, I feel much better right now. Finally, I take the pleasure to advise you to calm down and try to catch up your spoon. I can handle this, I believe you might do better.
@bricknj223 (5)
• United States
28 Jul 09
Well dude, you sound depressed, which you have every right to be. But if you continue to be depressed, then you aren't gonna make progress. You should try to meet people by going out to public places. Go to events that you like, if you like a band, go to a concert and talk to people. And if that fails, go to a bar and talk to someone.
@Kowgirl (3490)
• United States
27 Jul 09
I do not believe anyone is a failure. Everything we do or don't do has a reason.
Think back to the things you think you have failed at then try to learn
from them. Do NOT give up. Try making friends with people who have the same interest as you, like a co-worker. Find groups of people who are single at your church, YMCA, Gym or other places where singles hang out. To have friends you must first learn to be a friend. I'm sure you can find what you are looking for if you get out more often. Go ahed and ask that girl, you have eying, if she would like to go out for a drink (coffee, tea whatever she likes)and some good conversation. Ask around to see what her intrest are so you can be up to speed on the subjects.
Be friendly with people and smile at them. Remember the old saying "Smile and the world smiles with you; cry, and you cry alone" Try it, you may get a nice surprise...and a few new friends. I'm sure you will find a few right here at Mylot. Friendship is give and take, the more you give the more you receive.
@prashanthalva (2272)
• India
27 Jul 09
Depression Is Something that Gets To You If you Let It come to You .. You Have to start Believing Yourself .. You Are The Best People Want To Talk To You .. People Love You .. You Should Be Filled With Positive Energy All Around you .. Feel Good About yourself And You Will See The World Change With You .. Thank You For Listening to Me ..
@daryljane (3406)
• Philippines
27 Jul 09
I think its time for you to STEP UP and stop thinking that youre a failure. And for crying out loud, youre not teenager anymore for your mom to to tell you what to do and what not. If she keeps hovering over your failures and you continue to listen to her, its not going to do you any good. Go out,have fun, stop telling other people your problems and that youre a failure, because some people doesnt like to listen to other people's problems, they have their own problems to think of. The more you think that youre a failure, the more it will drown you to being a failure. If youre good at computers, thats your edge. Im not good a computers, i still freak out when i have pc problems. But thats the least of my worries. Think positive, theres are other less fortunate people in the world, think about your gifts and what you can do for the better instead of whinning over what youve done wrong. It wont do you any good. Stop looking for love, the more you keep searching for it, the more its hard to look around. Let things flow...
@maikarumike (457)
• Malaysia
27 Jul 09
life is good and life is full of surprises. think of it in a positive manner, your life is like these because there are reasons behind it, no girlfriend, perhaps you are not ready to be hurted just parties, perhaps it would be bad if you always party and wasted a huge amount of cash see, think positive and it would turn out well alright!
@calyxus (825)
• Philippines
27 Jul 09
The best advice I could give, dude, is to break free.
You know, just let go of your inhibitions, break free from your mother's grip...
and flow with the world, have fun under the sun.
Do the things you wanna do, but haven't gotten to.
See, you have a great talent, use it. If you think people just use you because of your skills, then show them you're better than that!
You can do it.

@myc_phs (62)
• Philippines
27 Jul 09
Hi there! Don't be too depressed about life. Why not turn these negative things into positive? Like your mother dictating your life, she just wants whats best for you. Why not talk to her about it? Let her see you in a new life, that you can live your life on your own without her dictating you around. She may not like it at first but if you prove to her you can do it, surely, she'll understand you. As for not having friends, I think it is impossible. Each one of us has a friend in someway. We just need to trust them. Why not try to have a chat with your colleagues? They are with you always or talk to your neighbors, they surely know you and keep your communications with them always. It is only through constant communication you can find friends. Best friends are not made overnight, we must earn their trust so we must trust them too. As for girlfriend...don't worry about it. My sister is 26 already but she never had any boyfriend before and she doesn't mind it. She believes that someone destined for her will come along the way. The same goes to you too. Someone who will love you and care for you is out there. You just need to be patient enough to look around. Life is how we make it, so, cheer up!
@richardling (43)
• Malaysia
27 Jul 09
Cheer up, friend. Life goes on. Do you have any hobby? I am a person who is not truly good at socializing with people. However, I have hobbies, photography and music. Same hobby brings you friends who are having same interest as you. Find a church, perhaps people there can help you. They are friendly.
@koalapenguin (2707)
• Philippines
27 Jul 09
Wow. what a nice story from a guy like you. I think its time to tell your mom that you need to find yourself and have fun. Not allowing to have friends or parties is really terrible! what a life you got there.
My parents are strict too but loosens up when we earn our own money. I think you're old enough to have control of your life. so good luck!

@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
27 Jul 09
ha. you are feeling so depressed all right but that sure is because you think you are alone in this life... i have been through worst in my life when i was your age, even younger than your current age. (well that was just 3 years ago) and my friends all left me when i had nothing at the age of 18... and so on... you should have more faith in God. believe in yourself.. believe that more is in store for you, that you are not bound for failure and you will sure enjoy your life, make it to the fullest and live your life they it should be lived.
@phillip_shiny (2330)
• India
27 Jul 09
Hi Dear,
U have came to a great place.
I am 27 and i have suffered a lot in my life with my body conditions. I was also working as a computer technician. And now i have left the job due to my illness and feeling lonely at home. But God is consoling me with thru His words. Dont give up with God. God is the source for everything and every happening in this universe. But we should have the faith in Him that the happenings are for good. He reveals that in time.
The only thing we need to wait upon the Lord. Dont loose hope and confidence in you. Do good and love others. U are already loved by everyone when u love others.
@Johnny3xMayhem (72)
• United States
27 Jul 09
Dude. I feel you. I do.
I'm 19, and I used to be like that.
You were under someone elses mold, and now its time for you to break out!I mean, you dont need a complete overhaul, but I say, go out more often, meet and greet with people who share your interests. You say your good with computers, thats great! Find a way to incorporate that into meeting people.
And I agree, god is not a valid answer.
And your not a total failure, the way you were raised was very old school!
But this is the modern age my friend, the age of guys in girl jeans and long hair!Your 24, a great time to invent who you are. Not to young, but not old.
Go out, have fun, make some mistakes, live! And if all else fails!Go to a bar and party dude!