I Don't Believe In "Religious Truth," I Believe In Common Sense!!!
@danishcanadian (28955)
July 27, 2009 2:36am CST
how can there be truth to religion, when "God's" message, if there is a God, has been corrupted by humans, for so long?
I come from a "Christian" family, but one which has members on four sides of the same fense, if you will, with four very different versions of Christianity, and one that is so "out there" to the other three, that they claim that that religion is not Christian at all, when it's a Christian religion, it just believes in a "third book." Members of that particular religion will know what I mean.
Anyway, all of these religions have had some problem or other with the other, and I am stuck in the middle, mainly because two are from my own family, and two are from my husband's family.
So here's what I'm thinking, and here is how I pray.
My prayer.
There may well be something bigger out there. I think there is, but I don't know what that power is. If something does indeed exist, may that spirit's good will be done, so that only the best will happen.
It could be God (for the record I happen to think that Christians, Muslims, and Jews believe in the same god, even though the Muslim word is Allah, and Jews don't believe in the new testiment), and that is the God I grew up with, but with humans passing the message down and some corrupting it to fit their own evil agendas (remember it only takes one bad apple to spoil the barrel when you don't know which apple is the bad one) who is to say what is, and what isn't?
I believe that whatever that greater power is, it was meant to be a mystery, one whose blessings should bring us together, but a mystery who divides us, all because of HUMAN NATURE!!!
What do you think?
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16 responses
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
28 Jul 09
I believe that organized religion is a weapon of mass destruction. I think that we would stand a far better chance at finding out how life started if the religious right would quit halting all scientific progress.
I also believe that religion is a joke, a power play, used to keep society in order. I urge everyone reading this to see Bill Maher in "Religilous" and the movie zeitgeist at zeitgeistmovie.com. Follow the part about the birth sequence of "jesus christ". It shows all the similarities of all previous gods and how obvious it is that the story of christ was purely astrological.
Too many evil things have happened in the name of religion. All churches should be taxed, and should not be allowed to engage in political movements.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
29 Jul 09
WOW! it's no wonder you're so knowledgeable about God and religion. You get you information from the world of make believe.
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
29 Jul 09
Here is another great website: thevenusproject.com
Their aim is a utopic life, where they do away with the monetary system and lead a sustainable life using green methods. It is very fascinating, and could be achieved.

@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
27 Jul 09
I am so glad that I was raised up in the Bible and the King James version...and know it quite well. These last 20 years or so... I have personally witnessed the world being brought into the church instead of the church being brought in to the world. So many churches are now so "socially corrent" , "politically correct" and not much more than a fashion show on sunday mornings. I'll never forget the time I walked into a church that I was familiar with and the person the did the greeting at the door was a woman... dressed like she missed her turn at the strip show place down the street. Yet here she was..greeting people as they came in the door of the church and handing them the bulletin.
And most preachers have been preaching about profit more than how to live a christian life. Their platform is more... give to the church (so he himself can have all the fine things in life) and you will profit. Yet not one of them has seen a bad day where they didn't know if they'd have money to feed their kids or even know what unemployment is..other than contagious so they don't want to be around anyone that is unemployed.
They have twisted and puled the Bible apart to try to prove it false so much that half the time, those doing it, don't even know the real story about what htey are dealing with. So many rewrites and versions of the Bible...they have made the Bible be so general..it has losts is power of education and information it has. Go back to the King James version and learn it the right way. I watch those shows on the DIscovery channel where they are trying to "prove things that happened in the BIble" when really they are trying to disprove them.. and every single time.. the scientists and all come up with... yes it very well could have happened exactly as it said it did in the Bible....even the parting of the Red Sea!
People have adjusted the Bible to acommodate the world and then preach it that way... instead of making their lives accomodate the Bible. To much of the world in the churches... not enough of the church in the world
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
27 Jul 09
A rose by any other name? I agree too much arguing goes on and the point is missed when it comes to different religions and factions of that religion.
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@gitfiddleplayer (10362)
• United States
30 Jul 09
That is why the church was invented. God wanted people to come together to hear the word of the lord and then to go out and tell people about him. The rules set in place are from God and the Old Testament, the New Testament doesn't have any rules except for the 10 commandments, and those are pretty simple to live by. I would take a bible to the next religious discussion and ask both sides to show me where they think they are right.
@thebeing (657)
• Romania
30 Jul 09
the 10 commandments are from the OLD testament. The new testament brings NO new rules whatsoever. Maybe you should read the Bible more carefuly, before making statements about it.
And the church was invented to control mankind, and to guide it only to serve it's goals. History and the present tell us that, and the future will, too.
God doesn't WANT you to go to church and listen to a man read from a book. God wants you to be a good man/woman.
@gitfiddleplayer (10362)
• United States
31 Jul 09
Huh? I was hoping that the person who started this discussion would respond. I think you tried to insult me but I'm not sure.
@phildozer (284)
• United States
27 Jul 09
Im creating a new religion called Philism. Bascially, I dont know why were here, I dont know how we came to do, and I dont think any of us will ever know, and therefore our focus should not be on this, but rather what we can do with the time that we are sure that we have on this Earth.
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@foreigntradecareer (166)
• China
28 Jul 09
Well, in my view, everyone has the authority to chose his/her religious, they take their religious as their belief or truth. So those who do not believe in religious should respect those who believe religious and it also does make sence in contrast.

@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
29 Jul 09
From where did unalienable or inalienable rights come? These are rights that can neither be taken away or given away. So who gave us these rights? Certainly not man. Wouldn't these rights have to have come from a higher power? So who could it be? Maybe it was Bill Maher. No, it couldn't be him since he's almost human. Why don't you tell me who gave us these rights. I'm sure you know since you get all your religious knowledge from Hollywood.
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
28 Jul 09
I think if people need to believe in a higher power, then great, more power to them. But when that belief starts infringing or endangering others' lives, or their inalienable rights, that religion has become abused.
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
29 Jul 09
You have the right to use the internet right now and respond to me. I have the right to respond back. In certain countries, you are not permitted to use the internet freely, nor have free media. That is governed by man, under the pretense of how god wants things.
We are all born of this earth, having evolved into what we are, life is around us, and in us. The human body hosts several parasites, yeasts, fungi.
We are natural, and we are all entitled to the pursuit of happiness, so long as we are not taking someone else's right to the pursuit of happiness away.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
29 Jul 09
I believe alot of us are divided from our beliefs also. I thought we were all created as one but that does not hold true either. Soem people have it better than others even though they work just as hard or believe in the same things also.
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
31 Jul 09
Cash is king, baby.
Churches bring in a ridiculous sum of tax exempt money each year, and all they do is squander it oppressing other people.
Religion was created to keep people under the command of politics. And, I am in the states. I'd be scared in the sticter countries after seeing how warped the religious crazies are out here.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
28 Jul 09
If everyone used common sense the world would be a much better place. Lets face it - Religion has had 2000 years to make a difference, and has failed Miserably. If in fact religion was a world force, wouldn't it be recognized, and appreciated as such?
How many times has it saved the world from war, or saved a nation from starvation, and or genocide? Has it uncovered even one Great Physical Truth? Religion is a has-been of Medieval Times when people looked to the church for direction. In turn the Church burned Witches at the Stake, because they threatened Parochial Authority. Of late, the Church is covering for its Priests, Pastors, Bishops and Rectors found fiddling with the children of it's Parishioners. Does this make any common sense?
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
28 Jul 09
I'm with you. If there is a God, he/she has no religion...
@Kofficup (150)
• Philippines
28 Jul 09
I am not a RELIGIOUS person, I have my spirituality practiced within me but in most cases as a creature in this earth's surface I am a person who believe on COMMON SENSE and in this manner spirituality follows. Christianity is only a state of mind that other people thought to save them from whatever sins they have committed. So I think those who commits mistakes against other people are religious believers because they will just pray for their sins and do the same thing again and again because they felt they've been forgiven.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
28 Jul 09
I think you should take religion out of it and study the word of God. God was not meant to be a mystery. He has revealed Himself to us through his word. You're right about some corrupting the word, "to fit their own evil agendas," and that is why you should study for yourself. It's not God's word that divides us but our sinful nature.
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
29 Jul 09
So, did you pop open a snapple and share it with god? I mean, you two seem so close. How did he have time to reveal himself to you through his word? Because a book told you so? The bible has been rewritten time and time again, by man.
Have you ever questioned it? I mean, with all the things that are considered sins, such as eating shellfish? Have you ever eaten shrimp before? According to the bible, you are going to burn if you have.
There was a really interesting movie called The Gods Must Be Crazy. A general synopsis is that a chopper was flying over a tribal community and a coke bottle fell out and landed on the ground. The citizens did not know it fell from a helicopter. They believe god had given them the coke bottle. They had never seen anything of the like before. They worshipped and revered it.
Anyone outside looking in would see what a farce it was. The same could be said for the bible. It has been rumoured that Shakespeare even contributed to a version of it, with a sentence beginning with the word "shake" and ending with "spear"
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
31 Jul 09
Nice dilemna you bring up. It does make one think and question. I think common sense only makes sense if it is based on truth. If common sense is based on falsehood then it won't make any sense. There is and there has to be religious truth, though there is a lot of falsehood and deception too. Religious truth like true science does exist, though we have to sift through a lot to get to the truth. The laws in the universe are very precise, that's why we can sent a spaceship to Mars and because of precise calculations are able to figure out the way for it to get there.
From my observations, God helps everyone who is sincerely interested in the truth to find it. They need to have three qualities: honesty, spiritual hunger for righteousness, and humility.
Jesus, who is respected by all religions did trithfully say:
Matthew 7:7-11 (New International Version)
Ask, Seek, Knock 7"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.
9"Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? 10Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? 11If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!
I will stake my life on this religoius and common sense truth!
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
27 Jul 09
My mom was an Agnostic and my dad was a Baptist.By the time I was born , they didn't go to church regularly.I was able to choose and I chose Judaism.Like you I believe that you that the essence of G-d is to suppose to be a mystery.I believe that G-d and Allah are the same Being.There are many paths. Pick one and be faithful.And if your path doesn't include a religion or aG-d,that's fine too.
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
27 Jul 09
Well, my friend, that is the problem with all religions and everything, really. People tend to distort things sometimes out of ignorance, sometimes for their own profit. Every person sees things trough their own perspectives, which means that if 10 people read the same book.. there will be 10 different perspectives right there.
Not even counting on the scribe that made a mistake while copying the book and then had to change it just a bit to cover it up LOL
Yes it is human nature. As it is the fact that everyone always things that what they have is the real thing, the truth - actually the only truth - and are too narrow minded to even understand the concept that there can be more than one truth. Then they will fight for it with all they have, because they have to defend it. I'm not sure why, but that's the way it is.
Like you I think that those things should bring us together, not separate us, but .... we didn't evolve that much yet :)