This Is It!!What Should I Do Now??Your Opinion Is Badly Needed!!

customer service - This Is It!!What Should I Do Now??Your Opinion Is Badly Needed!!
July 27, 2009 9:45am CST
As what I have promised to members who replied in my previous discussion, I will update you all on what will happen. Before I go further, let me express my appreciation to everyone who responded in my previous discussion.As I was discussing in my previous discussion, I was ask by my manager to be his assistant manager, but the problem is I will not be receiving any increase in my salary. Now, after all the advices that I got from all mylot members and to my closest friends, i came up already in one decision, and that is not to take the offer,may people says that I will be just adding burden to myself without getting anything. Just this afternoon, a big problem happened in the office, my manager was given a memo and will be suspended for 15 days for violating some rules in the company. Now, he talk to me again and tell what happen, he told me that he will be leaving all the jobs that he left to me. When I heard it, I felt my world will already end. i was really surprised. when I already had a decision, this thing happen. What should I do now? Will I say no to him? Should I resign Should I go already with the position? What do you think? share your opinion.I attached my previous discussion for those did not read the previous discussion so that you can relate to what i am saying:
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14 responses
@calyxus (825)
• Philippines
27 Jul 09
What have you gotten yourself into this time, my friend? Whew! I can feel the weight of responsibility on your shoulders. But honestly, if I were in your shoes, I will grab the position your boss left. If he trusts that you can handle it, then it spells one thing: You are fit for the job. Just don't think about the salary right now, not yet, just show them all that you can do it. Impress your supervisors, you'll see, the pay will eventually get to you. Who knows, you will be the next SM of your company.
• Philippines
27 Jul 09
Thank you so much for your response. But we are in the situation that we really have to earn money, we are in the same field or same industry. you know that our job is not permanent. Anytime we can be out of the company. And I am already enjoying the position of being a top CSR of th year.
@calyxus (825)
• Philippines
27 Jul 09
So you're the top CSR of the year... Good job! I haven't known that. LOL Uhm.. About the "permanent" thing, I think it depends on the company you are in. LOL Well, why don't you try my company?
• Philippines
27 Jul 09
I can't leave this company. I can see that i have a future here but to the position being offer, I am just quite surprise,I need more exposure and experience to the said job. i hope i can do it!
@anaida1 (43)
• India
28 Jul 09
Hey Sweety! Your problem is pretty big and if you ask me, taking a decision is going to be tough. But at the end of the day, what you want, is all that matters. Now look, you did not want the job because you won't get a raise. Fair enough. But think, if you do have the capability to handle the stuff, if you can takeover the responsibility and give results, you will be actually proving your worth to the company and your boss. This will directly affect your credibility as a dedicated employee and my friend, hard work never goes waste. We are upto our necks in recession. As it is, people are getting sacked! And you are getting an opportunity to show your commiment and worth!!! Go ahead and do it!!! That's what I will always buck you up for! Bye sweety..!
• Philippines
28 Jul 09
Thank you for the encouragement. I already started this morning,it is actually quite hard to adjust on my previous job to my current job. But I believe I can do it. I know a lot of people is just around to help me with my concern.
• India
29 Jul 09
Congratulations sweety, And I do hope you will be fabulous with the job. Just keep going and if there are any troubles, share them..!! You are right!! We are all here to pat your back!!!!! Cheers!!
@bfarrier1 (2082)
• United States
28 Jul 09
Stand your ground now before you take on any more responsiblity you should be paid for it so just say NO unless you really want this job then I would still ask for a pay increase because you will be taking on more work.Maybe you can get your managers job and have his salary.Good luck at whatever you decide to do.
• Philippines
28 Jul 09
I also want that to happen due to the recession that is happening right now, but a I have tried to confirm, its not possible, maybe when my manager came back,then he endorsed me for another position, maybe that will be the time that i will be receiving an increase in my salary.
@jlamela (4897)
• Philippines
28 Jul 09
It seems your working environment is always involved in troubles. Better not to accept that position and just concentrate on your daily tasks to spare yourself from further trouble and conflict. Do not resign just because you are in deep confusion whether to accept your friend's proposal or not, it is a very unreasonable excuse, considering the recession our world is currently facing now. Try to appear calm and go on with your life in your current job.
• Philippines
28 Jul 09
Okay, that is a good advice. But this time, I have no choice but to accept the position, I was appointed. Not to boastfully say, I was the only employee who is qualified for the said position.
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
27 Jul 09
As a former assistant manager, I think you better think real hard about taking that job. If you aren't getting an increase in pay why would you want to take it? You want more stress? You don't want to be the assistant manager if the manager is getting in trouble. When things happen, he will then blame you and the company will just get rid of you. What is the point? Everything rolls down hill and it usually lands on the assistant manager, not the manager. An assistant manager usually does everything even though the manager promises you won't. The assistant manager will get in trouble, not the manager. Good luck with that. If you want to help him you could "take on more responsibilities" just while he is gone but you don't want to be in charge. Things are going to come up missing and the management is going to be wiped out and you don't want to be a part of it.
• Philippines
28 Jul 09
This is a wonderful advice coming from you. I really appreciate it. Thank you for sharing your experience. But the question here is what can i do? This is not to boastfully say, I am the only person who is qualified for the position.I have no choice this time, just this afternoon, I just a paper indicating the things that I have to do while my manager is out.
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
28 Jul 09
Then your choices are say yes to Assistant Manager position, so no to the position, quit, do what they gave you to do without accepting position - they will find another assistant manager, or do what they ask and never mention the position again. They will probably let you keep doing everything because the economy is so bad they won't want to pay an extra salary. That is why the manager offered you the position without an increase in pay. While the manager is out maybe you should ask the higher ups if you would get a raise if you accept the assistant managers position. Sometimes the manager is just trying to make his bottom line look better without raises.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
28 Jul 09
Wow, this is really unfair to you. To expect you to do more of a job for the same amount of pay is just not right. If they expect you to do your manger's job for the next 15 days while he is suspended, you should be given some kind of a reward, either a bonus check or a gift certificate or something. From what I've read there is a lot of problems in the company and if you feel it is a viable option, I think I'd resign.
• Philippines
28 Jul 09
I am also expecting to have that, but as I already confirmed, I will not be getting anything but the name "assistant manager", that is the only reward that I will be holding for 5 days. Sounds unfair but I cannot do something because I was just appointed. thanks for sharing your point of view.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
27 Jul 09
woww... i think it is entirely up to you whether you want to help out your manager or not... for me, if it is just a temporary thing, i will do it as it will add to my experience as well... i love to learn new things and i will grab every opportunities that come to me when it comes to learning new things... but again, it is your decision... good luck... take care and have a nice day...
• Philippines
28 Jul 09
Yes, it is an additional experience to me, but if I am going to analyze the job is not really easy. I still prefer to be a customer service representative which I get to enjoy it. But this time, I got no choice but to accept the offer.
• India
28 Jul 09
So this means that by accepting this order, you would still have to work extra for no extra money??!! it seems providence is hell bent on making you learn things and gather experience LOL…hmmm seemed to be cornered now…what does your gf say? Personally, I don’t think resignation is a very good option in these times of recession and job scarcity but if you have the financial back-up, you can of course go ahead and resign.
@chaime (1152)
• Philippines
29 Jul 09
Oh my goodness, that is not good at all. First and foremost, your manager cannot leave you the work he's leaving behind. I suggest you talk to upper management before making any decisions. Plus I do not think it will be his decision since as you said he's already suspended, so I think your best move will be to talk to upper management and ask them what will happen and talk to them regarding what the manager told you. If you are only an agent and haven't accepted the so-called promotion, I don't think that you are required to follow what your manager said. Talk to the upper hierarchy and then go from there. Now if you believe that upper management will agree with the manager, clear to them the terms and conditions of accepting the responsibilities, if they will not make it clear, I think resignation is your next option. So far I think you have proven yourself capable, so you can easily transfer to another agency or company asap. And if your present company is a good one, I think they will not let unfairness rule over their company.
@snowy22315 (186982)
• United States
27 Jul 09
Sounds like there are alot of problems in that office what you do is entirely up to you. You might want to help them out temporarily and look for something new, because it sounds like if you stay there you are going to get walked on and taken advantage of. It sounds like a very difficult situation good luck with whatever you choose to do.
• Philippines
27 Jul 09
Yes, i am actually in a difficult situation. I don't know if I will grab the opportunity, will I get something rewarding. i think none.I am really confused if I should really have to grab it!
@srganesh (6339)
• India
28 Jul 09
From the very beginning I was telling you to accept this offer so that you gain a superior position and good exposure.Now even as you have decided not to take it,you are forced to have it.Take it as god's will and accept it and prove your potential.Who knows,you can be posted as the manager itself and rewarded with good more salary.That is what I feel and suggest.Cheers!
• United States
27 Jul 09
You should go to whom ever it is above your manager and talk to them. Find out the whole story and go from there. Taking your managers responsibilities could make you an accomplice to something you do not want to be involved in. In fact the first offer could be part of the grounds for the suspension. Find out the whole story.
• Philippines
28 Jul 09
I already did that today and it was confirmed that my salary won't increase. It would still remain the same. Thanks for sharing your point of view.
• Indonesia
27 Jul 09
Ok.. I hope it's the best decision for you. Waw! what a surprising news! Will you get some extra bonuses or higher salary if you help him on this one? but be careful because it looks like your manager's reputation not really good in that company.. But I think nothing wrong with help your manager and at least it's only for 15 days and you can win his heart and not dissapointed him for the second times.. Again, all decision is in your hand^^,, Nice discussion pics,,congratulations!
• Philippines
28 Jul 09
I won't get any bonuses in this situation. What will I get is an additional workload. Instead of going home at six o'clock in the afternoon as the usual end of my shift, I might go home by eight or nine o'clock in the evening. Oh! it is really hard.I hope I can do it. Thanks for the advice.
• Philippines
28 Jul 09
It is true if your going to accept the position without any increase in your salary is a burden in your part. You said that your manager is suspended for 15 days, yes automatically all his/her pending job will transfer to you especially if you were his secretary. But you can talk to your manager tell him/her your side and opinion if they can divide the task or he will assign one person to his/her work that has less load in the office. Do not resign on your present job its hard to get hire especially now a days. If you go accept the position make it sure that you talk with your manager and the HRD personel and discuss your opinion. If they agree on your opinion and they increase the salary, accept the job but make sure that you were prepare on the task your going to face. But if your not ready to accept the position even though they increase you salary. I should say you have to think it over. And again talk with your HRD personel and they are the one who will decide to where they going to give the job of your manager. Do not jump on any decision that you will regret in your employment. The HRD Personnel will help you to solve tha problem and the problem of your manager is not your problem but it is the administration of the company.