You Can't Be Serious...................?

Regina, Saskatchewan
July 28, 2009 2:23pm CST
This morning, I, among others, received a 'friends request' for another website. The SICK part of this request, is that it was sent in the REAL name of a now deceased mylotter. Friends and family of this beloved user are outraged and yes, hurt, that her name could be used in this way. Like, really, what's the damn point?! The person responsible can't seriously think such a thing is funny, or that the requests they sent would be taken seriously by those who knew the lady in quesiton. But this sicko made a big mistake. To ME, they sent their request to a protected email address only a certain number of people have. So I WILL track this person down and they WILL think twice before they tangle with me any further. Because, sad to say............the person responsible is a fellow mylotter. SO. I have emailed admin about them. I have asked them to watch this discussion and take note of the people who report it. I have asked them to compare those names against my friends list........... So be warned you, who are responsible for using the REAL name of our beloved former user in such a way. Your own identity is NOT protected enough to get away from ME! But I am more subtle than you and you will NOT know when I will be RIGHT BEHIND YOU ready to strike you down! Fellow would this make YOU feel if it happened to you?
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35 responses
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
28 Jul 09
WTF????? That goes beyond retarded. That is just incredibly SICK! What the hell was this person thinking? Have they lost all of their faculties? I do hope that you catch up to this "person" and deal with them any damned way that you wish
5 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 Jul 09
It has taken me so long (and I don't think I'm finished yet.....) to get over Bella's loss. And now this. I can't tell you how many shades of angry and disgusted I am, but I'm sure you can imagine!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 Jul 09
And how many times have I said "Never piss off a redhead"!? LOL
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
28 Jul 09
Yes, unfortunately, I can imagine
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
28 Jul 09
I just can not believe there are such sick People about, have these People no heart, no compassion for others I just do not get it, how can someone be so cruel and cold hearted, I am sorry Spark, but I am speechless, I know there are nasty People about, but not to this extend, it makes me so mad I haven't got the energy to let Rip (sick again) but I will say this Whoever you are, you are one evil, nasty, cruel and terrible B
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
28 Jul 09
Oh no tell Annie I am so sorry and my thoughts are with her give her my Love and Hugs I will do as they say as it has hit me a bit hard this time, that is why I have to take my Steroids and that and all my other Meds to I rattle when I walk lol I will be fine, please you do not need the extra worry but I know you would have told me of if you would have found out and I had not told you, but I have to be honest I do wish it would leave me alone to for while Big Hugs and do Not worry
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 Jul 09
Hello my darling, and why are you sick again? I really MUST email you more often! My bad! Yes this person is sick. Beyond sick, if they think this is acceptable behaviour. But I will find out who they are, and they will pay! I just hear Bella now saying, "You go girl!" She would HATE this!
4 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 Jul 09
Oh Gabs, such pain you live with! You do as your Nurse says, get some rest and take care of yourself. I know you can't help what is happening, but damn, I wish it would all just give you a break and leave you alone for awhile! As for this person desecrating Bella's worries. I'll find them and make them pay. Our own AnnieOakley here just buried her mother yesterday, and today she opens her computer to a 'friends' request from our deceased Bella! Can you imagine how she felt? Sure you can. And it's horrible in the extreme and not to be tolerated.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
28 Jul 09
Not again??? Seriously, this is getting WAY beyond a joke now (not that it was ever one in the first place of course) I can understand your disgust and your anger 100% and I hope they're gone ASAP.
4 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 Jul 09
Whomever this troll is James, they WILL be found and they WILL be dealt with. As you say, 'this getting WAY beyond a 'joke' now'. Just when people (myself included) were finally coming to terms with the loss of our Bella, THIS has to happen again. Even her father got a 'friends' request. Can you imagine how that made him feel? Some people should just be shot at birth!
7 people like this
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
28 Jul 09
It's beyond messed up and the person doing it is nothing short of sick in the head. Karma will get 'em eventually too!
3 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 Jul 09
Nothing wrong with giving Karma a hand...............
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
28 Jul 09
It would make me feel absolutely the same way that you do. I have not gotten a request from this person. If he or she is going down "her" list (our friends) then they will come to me as well. I will report this jerk too and find them or help in this effort to get rid of them. I have wondered for some time if the stalker you have is someone pretending to be your friend. But you and I have had so much going on as of late to bring this thought to your attention. I was going to when things settled down. It is so very sad that someone has the where-with-all and the guts to do something like this. it's a shame really. This person and others like him/her needs to just go some place else where this type of thing is is not okay here. I'm so sorry that this has happened to you. This is one of the main things you could have done without. We all can.
4 people like this
• United States
28 Jul 09
I feel so badly for her father and any other family this happens to, but you are included into that group as she was your best friend and you were hers. I hope you find this tart and we all can give them the boot from here.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 Jul 09
Me too....................
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 Jul 09
You're right moonbeam. It is someone 'pretending' to be my friend. I know my friends pretty well, so it won't be such a stretch to identify this person now that they have made the mistake of using the wrong email address to send their 'friend request' for the website they are now impersonating Bella on.... The hubs is upset too, so he's letting me have time on the computer to deal with what's happened. Will email you later you.
5 people like this
@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
28 Jul 09
Daffy, This didn't happen to me but I am so angry. Send me an email and show me this persons name and what he did, please.I haven't spent as much time on Mylot as I want for physical reasons. I am so disgusted by this person very sick behavior. I'd be afraid to know what he does outside of Mylot and other internet sites. Mylot is the only site I go to for the most part. Take him down Daff. Once I get his user name, I'll be happy to help report him. Hugsss leenie
4 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 Jul 09
Thanks Louie. I'll email you asap............
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
28 Jul 09
I need to review this with you to make sure i understand. You got a friend's request. I don't think I know what that is. From someone impersonating your deceased friend. So have they opened an account with her name? If so how did they find her name? If this is what happened, and really no matter what happened, I am sorry it upset you. Blesssings
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
28 Jul 09
I you want send my this person's name and I'll remove him from my friends list if he's on there. I don't know any other way to help.
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
29 Jul 09
was going to ask the same thing savy asked how did this person know deceased's real name? hope you find this person and nail him, literally ... got a big hammer ready
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 Jul 09
I don't have the name yet...........still working on narrowing down the 'suspects'. But no worries, will put the word out when I do have a name. Thanks Pat.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
28 Jul 09
this is very upsetting for you so sorry this happened hope Mylot can find them and ban them for good.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
29 Jul 09
oh no! wel lets go kick some booty!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 Jul 09
Me too Lakota. It's Bella's father I feel the most sorry for. He was targeted too. How awful for him!
4 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
29 Jul 09
You got my vote! lol
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
28 Jul 09
Are you freakin' serious? If you saw the discussion, I lost an online friend recently and it's freaky enough that somebody's using her computer and I can still see her online sometimes, but this really sux. I hope you DO track them down. Geez...
3 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 Jul 09
Yes I did see that, and if memory serves, I responded. Knowing that Bella's family were targeted is what really got my goat over this. And I know if she were here, she would be moving mountains herself to get this person I will.
6 people like this
• United States
29 Jul 09
U go girl & get their sorry a$$. Thar is very sick, sorry & ridiculous. I don't understand how people can be so cruel but know that they can. I'm sorry, sparks, i know that had to be quite a shocker to u. If i can help- u out let me know.
3 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
29 Jul 09
I thought I'd lived long enough to be unshockable you know? Apparently not. I'll get in touch with you if there's anything you can do, but in the meantime I'm not idle and doing quite a bit to find answers. Thanks sweets........
1 person likes this
29 Jul 09
poeple like this person are sick and need to taken off mylot my thought go out to the family of the person who is no longer with us and hope you get the person that has done this sick thing
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
29 Jul 09
Hello coatsworth and welcome to the lot. The person responsible showed up here and is not banned, so that's one small triumph.......
• Regina, Saskatchewan
29 Jul 09
Damn typo! LOL What I meant to type is "is NOW banned..." Sorry.
29 Jul 09
there is only one thing l can say about that is YES!
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@kprofgames (3089)
• United States
1 Aug 09
Lordy. Well it's being delt with and the right people know what to watch. For crying out loud - don't people have anything better to do with their time???
2 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
1 Aug 09
Yep they do. I'm not a Yahoo fan myself, but now that Microsoft and Yahoo have gotten so cosy, I'm not have a choice! LOL
• United States
1 Aug 09
I don't even know how I got started. Think Goodie did actually and then it can get addictive. Met some great people there Sparky, but the games get old hat and frequent breaks are needed. I need a time out!! LMAO
2 people like this
• United States
1 Aug 09
I'm saying I'm off and on yahoo a lot because of some contacts we can all interact there together. And just as people with nothing better to do with their time, a few of my friends there were copy catted so we found out they weren't who we thought they were. Online games get really old Sparky.
2 people like this
• United States
29 Jul 09
that sick baztard is still pulling this crap why I would like to hang them up by their balls!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
29 Jul 09
I think it's a woman, but hey, nipples work too! lol I can't say for certain it's the same person that did this on facebook, but I wouldn't be surprised. I AM pretty certain though, it's someone on my protected email address contact list, which narrows the field down to three possibles..... Will let everyone know as soon as I am certain which it is.
3 people like this
• United States
29 Jul 09
I have had some requests in here to add new friend, no emails though. I don't like how this happens, others praying on these heart felt times. There are others that may have just joined and chose that name. Now they wouldn't be emailing any of you for a add request, unless it was someone that just likes to inflict more pain into those that truly cared. I am sorry that someone is doing to you all. I pray that you all will be able to get through this and don't feed into this and become angry. Some times the best way to deal is not give it publication because that is just what some of these persons are looking for. The attention.
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• United States
30 Jul 09
I am very impressed and I know that someone has really crossed the line, actually more than one? Is there something in the air?
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
30 Jul 09
Hey George.........I've been doing a lot of thinking and searching and deducting, and before I wrote this discussion I had pretty much narrowed the field of possibles. It pays to 'know one's enemy' so to speak, and I knew that the wording of this discussion would provoke the 'possibles' into flaunting their ego with a reply. If admin has paid attention, they will have the IP address and I'll have the culprit by the keyboard.........Too bad this strategy doesn't work on our regular trollites! LOL
• Regina, Saskatchewan
29 Jul 09
I agree that in the normal course of events feeding the egos of trolls like this is better left not done. But in this case, this person needed to be provoked and they indeed showed up here and gave themselves away. They have been banned and admin has the ability to track their IP address and I'm hoping they will share it with me so I can stop them on other sites on the net where they are doing this.
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@olydove (1209)
• United States
29 Jul 09
Ok after reading your discussion and at least half of the responses here I've done a bit of thinking and this is my suspicion. First please let me say I didn't get the honor of knowing Bella as I just joined mylot 3 months ago, and I am very sorry that a good person has passed on. I can tell Bella was a good person because I've been interacting with a few people that responded here to your discussion off and on now for 2 years over at yuwie and those few are awesome people too. From their responses it tells me that Bella was indeed a good person, and it's terrible that some wack job would take advantage of her passing this way. Now on to my suspicions. 1: It's someone that is very smart when it comes to computers and knows how to set trojans and viruses to spy on people and get their information, or an admin or staff member, or family member of Bellas that would have had access to her private email address and password. Reason I say this is because now when you join sites, many of them use that open id thing so that you can log into your email account via the site, and select your contacts that you want to invite. So whomever it is knows Bellas original email addy and password, they used that to get her contact list and have been working from there. 2: I believe there are laws against this and if I was her father I would be taking someone to court and pressing charges for stolen identity, impersination, harassment, whatever they can hammer this sicko with. 3: I understand completely your anger and frustration, this is just wrong on all levels for someone to do something like this. However for future reference you might want to leave things like "I have emailed admin about them. I have asked them to watch this discussion and take note of the people who report it. I have asked them to compare those names against my friends list" out of your discussion because now this wack job knows that you have contacted mylot, and they might be watching for him etc.. so he will be extremely careful not to get caught. There are still ways to catch him though. This is what should be done. 1: Her father or another relative that can handle matters regarding Bella needs to contact the internet crime complaint center. They work with the FBI in most cases. He needs to explain what happened and the proper authorities can then request that whatever site this person sent the invitation for, provide the ip address, and all proper computer identifying information to find out exactly who this person is and prosecute them. Here is the link to the Internet Crime Complaint Center. 2: Everyone that received an invitation needs to take a screen shot of the invitation showing the date and time it was received. Then they need to email that to her father and he needs to keep it all on file so that if and when they do catch this person.. there is picture proof. 3: I also recommend he contact his local police department to see what kind of advice they might be able to offer. Good luck and I pray they catch this jerk and he or she gets what they deserve.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
29 Jul 09
Thanks for the link and all the good advice (most of which I've already acted on) olydove. I only have to disagree with letting the person responsible know that I had taken other measures (contacting admin about this thread). I did that deliberately to let them know I was serious and not to be messed with, and it worked. They came out in the open on page 4, response #35. When you have been here long enough sweets, you too will begin to understand how minds like this work and what needs to be done to suss them out or make them reveal themselves. lol They are SO stupid thinking they can hide behind a user name and remain untouchable.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
29 Jul 09
I did, and I sent it to mylot admin. I also have it in my files and will willing pass it on to anyone who asks.............
@olydove (1209)
• United States
29 Jul 09
Sparks hun I think when they banned whomever it was they deleted his/her confession aka the original number 35, because now this one is number 35 35. myLot reputation of 95/100. snowy22315 (7373) ranked 328 out of 363 in sparkofinsanity 3 hours ago I think that is apretty lousy thing to do. I would think it was in very poor taste and should not be done at all. I think in this case the old adage proves true. "It takes all kinds." I dont know what their motivation could be for that. It doesn't look like snowy did anything wrong there. I hope someone, anyone got a screen shot of the confession right?
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@snowy22315 (186971)
• United States
29 Jul 09
I think that is apretty lousy thing to do. I would think it was in very poor taste and should not be done at all. I think in this case the old adage proves true. "It takes all kinds." I dont know what their motivation could be for that.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
29 Jul 09
Some 'kinds' should be shot at birth then eh snowy? I just can't imagine, in my wildest dreams doing something like this no matter how much I may dislike someone.......whowever is doing this must really hate me and my friends and Bella's family, or they are just one terribly sick puppy that needs to be put out of it's misery.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
29 Jul 09
Snowy, you poor thing! LOL Admin has removed the orginal #35 post by garblinggarlic and moved you up, so now I'm telling everyone what happened and that you are NOT the culprit. If anyone gives you any flack, let me know ok?
@Bethany1202 (3431)
• United States
29 Jul 09
That is sick. Who would want to do something like that? It is hurtful and brings up bad memories, and it's not funny at all. You're completely right and I hope you find out who did this! This person should be banned from the internet (which cannot happen...) or at least this site if possible. Sorry you had to experience this. Best wishes, and hope you find that demon who sent that out soon!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
29 Jul 09
Hi Bethany. The person responsible admitted it in response #35 here. They are now banned from the lot, and if admin accedes to my request and gives me their IP address, I will see that they are banned from the other sites they are active on in Bella's name. Hugs....
• Regina, Saskatchewan
29 Jul 09
Hi Bethany.........admin has deleted the original #35 post by garblinggarlic. So ignore my referring you to it as Snowy is NOT the culprit.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
29 Jul 09
Hey sparks~ Just when I thought that people couldn't sink any lower. I don't go to any other sites except the Lot and this is just one of the reasons. I just don't trust them and putting too much personal info out there. I am so sorry to hear that some sicko would stoop so low as to use dear sweet Bella's name in vein. That is beyond sadistic and I do hope you find out who did it and make them pay! I am sorry that I won't be here to find out! I am leaving in one hour for the airport to go to Florida to see my Mom so this is the last discussion I will be able to respond to until I get back on 8/7! Please take care of yourseld and do let me know what happens. You have my email addy. There isn't any computer at Mom's, but I may try to get to the library to check in if possible. Hugs & Love, Opal
2 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
29 Jul 09
Gonna miss you Opal. I hope you had a safe flight and things are well with your mom. The troll responsible came out in the open on page 4, response #35. They are now banned, but I got in touch with admin here immediately and asked them for the IP address so I can pass it on to other sites where they are active under Bella's name and to her family so they also can take action. I hope admin pays attention and does as I ask. Will keep you updated, so haunt that library! LOL
• Regina, Saskatchewan
29 Jul 09
Opal, admin has removed the original #35 and moved everyone up, so Snowy is now #35, but she is NOT the culprit.
• United States
29 Jul 09
I can't beleive that some jerk is doing this AGAIN! How would I feel? I'd feel exactly as you do, disgusted and angry. Send me a link if you like and I will report it as well. I'm sorry that this person is tearing open barely healed wounds again, my thoughts are with you and all of Bella's friends and family who are targetted again by this new wave of cruelty.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
29 Jul 09
Hey kitty. I can't be sure it's the same person that did this on Facebook right after Bella passed away. But the person responsible for this latest outrage, actually showed up on this thread and admitted it! See response #35 above. They are now banned, but as you and I know, that's not the end of it............
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
29 Jul 09
AK, admin has removed the original #35 post by garblinggarlic and moved everyone up, so poor Snowy is now #35, but she is NOT the culprit. I have a screen shot however of the original post and have sent it to admin asking for the IP address of garblinggarlic..........
• United States
29 Jul 09
Sparks- Send me a pm of the specifics please. As for what I would do? The very same thing you are doing. It is disrespectful, hurtful, and down right inappropriate (to keep it nice here and not violate TOS with words I cannot say). I am not sure what would possess someone to think that it was remotely humorous, it goes beyond "bad taste". I'm not sure what site it was on, but I'd report it to the head of the company, not just the traditional routes. I'd actually make a few phone calls. I would then file an FBI report, and provide them with all of the appropriate documentation. Have you and family notified local authorities? I assume you all have. I think you've done the right thing letting fellow Mylotters know exactly what was going on. Namaste-Anora
2 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
29 Jul 09
What happened is pretty simple really Anora. This sicko has set up an account on at least one website I know of (and is probably the same person who did it on facebook) in the real name of our beloved Bella and then sent invites to all Bella's friends and some relatives to join her on that site. Even Bella's father got one! In my case the invite was sent to an email address I have in another name (my pen name that I write under), and one that I haven't had active in several months. So it follows that this person would only have this address if they were on my contact list for that address, and only certain mylotters (and my editors) have that address, so it also follows the person is a mylotter. I have emailed the webmaster of the site the invite came from, and should hear from them within the next two days. Will keep everyone posted...........
2 people like this
• United States
31 Jul 09
I'm glad this was cleared up before I got this notification. Thanks for being so active Sparks and keeping us all aware of what goes on.
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• United States
29 Jul 09
Could it be another person with the same name? I also understand identity theft but what could that person be trying to reap out of taking the name if it indeed is not their own?
• Regina, Saskatchewan
29 Jul 09
Hi canadamom (I'm from Canada and a mom too! lol), and welcome to the lot. Unfortunately in this case, no it's not someone with the same name. It's a deliberate act to hurt me and my friends and Bella's family. See response #35 on this thread..........
• Regina, Saskatchewan
29 Jul 09
Sorry Canadamom, but you should know admin has removed the original #35 post by the troll and moved everyone up a number. Snowy is now #35, but she is NOT the culprit.