A Picture Worth a Thousand Words
By AnjaP
@Rollo1 (16679)
Boston, Massachusetts
July 31, 2009 5:34pm CST
And I promise to keep my words few and to the point. If you haven't seen this picture, published on the official White House blog, you need to see it. Here is a link to article about it on AmericanThinker.com
It's a photo of Obama, Professor Gates and Sgt Crowley leaving the White House after the "Beer Summit". Obama strides on ahead by several paces while it is the white cop who assist the elderly Professor Gates down the steps as he negotiates with his cane.
Remember, Gates is Obama's friend, yet he doesn't stop to help him. Crowley is the cop that Gates accused of racism, and yet he is there to lend a helping hand.
What is there to say? As the article states, his body language says it all.
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22 responses
@grammasnook (1871)
• United States
1 Aug 09
Are you for real? Trying to paint Obama as a non caring individual shame shame. I can look at the picture and say well the president gave them some time for a few words alone without being in front of him. Or perhaps he just excused himself because one of his daughters called him. There can be many interpetations to this picture. Who knows but I find it amazing how people try to pull everything motion he takes apart.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
1 Aug 09
I showed it to someone without saying a word, and said "what does this picture say to you?" He said that it showed Obama very far ahead, already down the stairs, not even noticing the guy with the cane and it makes him look self-absorbed.
I think only those who want to continually see the best in Obama see anything else. It is what it is, and yet I have had people make up three or four scenarios to explain it.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
1 Aug 09
I am sure that if enough people think the photo is bad, he'll come up with some before and after that explains it all. I think it's very clear and not huge leap. He skipped on ahead and the cop helped his handicapped friend down the stairs while Obama gives not a second glance.
And once again, please note that this is not a photo from the media that tries to make Obama look bad. This is an official White House photo that they think makes him look good! So, if it needed explanation, I am sure they would have supplied it. But they are all so blind to the implications in their Obama-besotted state, they can't even see how bad this looks.
@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
1 Aug 09
Well, just like the supposed photo of Pres. Obama looking at that girl's backside turned out to be just a single clip from a video that could be used to indicate something else (he was just turning to help the woman behind him down the steps), so this could be only a small part of the whole picture. Again, to take this and make overt assumptions on it's overall meaning is a serious extrapolation of a minimum of evidence. That doesn't mean the photo looks good - it means that without the before and after, you only have a part of the picture, literally.
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
1 Aug 09
I think the article's assessment is wrong and an extreme extrapolition of what is seen in the photo, but I can see why they would take that perspective. It does appear to be bad form on President Obama's case to have seemingly ignored the needs of the elderly Gates he so vocally defended previously. But, in his defense, all I can say (and it isn't a good defense, I'll admit) is that we are all guilty on occasion of acting without thinking at some point. We've all done something that can be viewed as entirely different than we consciously think of ourselves. So, to take this one photo and assume it represents his entire perspective is a stretch that is probably best not to pursue.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
1 Aug 09
I wouldn't dream of not responding, that would be inconsiderate.
Maybe Obama had this one inconsiderate moment, one small oversight in a life dedicated to others. And of course, his White House staff had this tiny oversight in not realizing that instead of making Obama look like the great healer of rifts, it showed his real interest lies only in himself and so they proudly posted it on the White House blog.
Nobody took this photo and tried to make up some story about it. Obama himself thinks this photo makes him look like somebody very special and he is so unthinking and uncaring he didn't think for a moment that it makes him look very callous and uncaring.
You have to admit this was a huge miscalculation on their part.
@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
1 Aug 09
I'll admit that their use of that photo was probably miscalculation on their part given the previous out of context response to the G8 (or whatever #) summit photo, but huge? No - just unwittingly playing into the hands of those will will find fault if Obama says the color of the sky is azure when others say it's cerulean.
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
1 Aug 09
I am taking pictures every single day, hundreds of pictures. I can tell you that I can take pictures to embarrassed everyone I want, but I don't do it....
Picture can flip everything around, special with our media...I wouldn't trust single shot as any prove...one second is not the whole story...
I can create horror form romantic session if I want....I wish media let it go...
My friend is working in very popular TV station...I know too much and all I can tell you, the true is so much manipulated by journalists...
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
1 Aug 09
Maybe the WANTED to show the Sgt. helping Gates to show the friendliness and courtesy between them? It could actually be that the President and whoever took the photo weren't thinking of how it would look for Obama. Nah...my bad, I'm sure it's simply proof that Obama is a rude, arrogant thug...lol!
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@spicysweetie21 (2572)
• United States
1 Aug 09
Like many have already pointed out, its a still photo, not a video...Obama could have already asked Gates if he needed help and Gates could have said no, but Crowley might have felt that he did..maybe Obama wanted to give the two space to talk alone, there is no telling what was really going on....I can only give my personal perspective,I personally know a lot of disabled people, but still they are disabled, and most of the time, they do not like or feel like they need help, there was nothing wrong with Crowley helping Gates, but since Gates and Obama are friends, and judging from Gates personality, there might be an understanding between him and Barack of "I don't need help, I can do this on my own".
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@spicysweetie21 (2572)
• United States
3 Aug 09
Yes actually there is a way to see something else, I am wondering if you read my whole post Rollo? if so, then I guess if someone snapped a shot of me walking ahead of my uncle who uses a cane but hates help, then I would be categorized as feeling that I am the most important person? Or when my friend with Down Syndrome refuses my help to communicate and so I stand back, then if a photo is snapped of me doing that, then I just must be an egocentric biatch that only things of myself???? Its a snapped photo, so nothing is ever obvious, your view is just as speculating as everyone elses.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
1 Aug 09
Other people here speculated that many Obama had to rush off to some important thing or that his daughter called for him or that Obama held the door for the other two and so he couldn't get the arm of his friend. Yeah, we could all write a thousand scripts to explain it, but it is what it is. Obama walking ahead, being the main focus, front and center, taking his place of importance. Seriously, there's no way to see anything else. But the stories are very creative.

@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
1 Aug 09
I said this BEFORE the election, and I still believe it, so I am going to say it again...OBAMA IS A SNAKE. He is only out to further his own socialist agendas. He doesn't give a crap about anyone or anything but what he wants, even though he does manage to put on a good show now and then. The quicker we get him out of office, the better off this country will be.
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@bdugas (3578)
• United States
1 Aug 09
Amen, Golden, I totally agree with you, he could care less about any of us and the whites especially. He is worse than a snake, I think that is why he is wanting to get rid of the older people in this world, as they know what he is and if he only has to deal with the younger ones, he can make them believe what he is doing is right. I have never seen a president more stuck on himself than this one, this is no popularity contest, yes look at him, the man is old and no farther use to society, this is just what we will get when his health care package goes through.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
1 Aug 09
I don't think it goes so far as having an agenda against the elderly in this case. In this particular moment, Obama is just very pleased with himself and showing the world that he has brought the world to a post-racial state once again. That's why he's in front, he's so important.
As to healthcare, it makes sense to him. The most money on healthcare is spent in the last year of life. If he can get everyone some quality end-of-life counseling, he can get them to off themselves before they get too costly. He needs to save the money for younger people. It's a callous and calculated attitude.
@phildozer (284)
• United States
1 Aug 09
remember that picture of obama and sarkozy supposedly checking out the womans butt that was released a couple months ago?
When the video of that same scene was circulated, it was clear that the picture was taken at a in-opportune moment.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
1 Aug 09
Well, I saw that video and I still think he looked.
But what moment does this picture miss? The moment when Obama tried to help his friend down the stairs but Crowley shoved him aside and took over? Come on, he walked ahead and didn't even think about his friend and the stairs.
@phildozer (284)
• United States
1 Aug 09
I feel bad even responding to this because its just sooooo pointless, but here it goes.
Im just guessing here, but maybe obama opened the door for them, then they proceeded down the stairs, and naturally since Crowley was on the non cane side of gates, opposite obama, he would be the one to help gates down the stairs, as it would be a bit awkward from obama to cut in front of crowley just to help gates down the stairs, or to help him down the stairs with his cane side.
Im going to guess that next time you post it will be something important? maybe about the socialist way that the president blows his nose? Im looking forward to it.
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@fec139 (810)
• United States
20 Aug 09
The article is so obviously written by a white supremicist [stating that Crowley is the only class-act] Republican. And since you agree with this drivel, you are so obviously a Republican Obama-basher yourself. And to call this a self-defined racist incident shows the racism of the article's author.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
20 Aug 09
Do you check under the bed and in the closet for racists before you go to sleep at night? To see racism in this article shows just a bit of paranoia. And if you think this discussion bashes Obama, you should read the ones where I discuss his socialist policies.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
1 Aug 09
Could it possibly be that Sgt. Crowley simply beat the President to it regarding helping the professor down the steps? IF that was the case should Obama have "fought" the police officer for the job of helping his friend so he could have taken flack for that as well...lol?
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@spicysweetie21 (2572)
• United States
3 Aug 09
If they are friends and know each other well they might, and it is not a rude gesture, many disabled people don't like their friends to help them, and this is a still photo, we have no idea what happened before this. Obama was two, maybe 3 steps at the most, ahead of them, its a still photo that is being blown out of proportion in this thread.

@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
2 Aug 09
I comments on that for as a reactions on the matter how police authorities made an arrest without informing the person, before they hand cup it. The problem is that the police, never ask the person. It shows that they violate the Bills of rights. Where stated that "no person shall be deprive of life, liberty or property without due process of law".
They are depriving the rights of that persons so, they should be liable for their actions. Those police officer must learn the basic right of any person...
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
2 Aug 09
How could you know that they didn't inform the person? Did you read the police report? Do you know what it was he was arrested for? Due process comes through the courts, that doesn't happen until after you are arrested, so basically you're saying no one can be arrested without a court order?
The professor broke the law, he was a disorderly person causing a disturbance and the officer did warn him to calm down but he refused to do so.
You should check the facts before making such a decision. Even the president had to admit he was wrong.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
3 Aug 09
That's my views my friend. As I watch on CNN, there is a mistake of facts of the police authorities about that matter. The President, admit that he is mistakenly said things that is not proper because he is the President. But if he is not the President, I think he is not do that...
This is my opinion my friend...
@Sweetchariot (1718)
• United States
1 Aug 09
Unfortunately, while the picture may say a thousand words to those who weren't there, I don't place too much thought on the pictures. It seemed that Obama was on his way to something, and he may not have realized what he just did. If you keep reading in this article, you will see the picture of George Bush being very kind to the elderly guy, (sorry forgot who he was)...and everybody hated George Bush, when he was President.
So, let's face we have many fickle people in this country who will grab on to anything that they can point a finger at. If Obama had helped the gentleman down the stairs, than everyone would be saying that he was siding with another black guy.
For me, unless I can get into the minds of these people, and know what they were really thinking, when they did something...I tend to leave the picture analyzing to the experts, who certainly are not the reporters.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
1 Aug 09
To think that helping an elderly man down the stairs would be viewed as just him "helping another black guy" is assuming racism on the part of everyone. That's not at all what I would think. I don't think it looks like he is on his way somewhere, just several strides ahead and in the center of the picture. Looks like what they thought was a nice photo-op. It's how you treat people that shows your character.
@homeshoppers (6166)
• Philippines
1 Aug 09
i guess the person behind that articles is already paranoid... well it also show about wrong judgment.. like what u've said gate accused crowley for being a racist and yet his the one who gave a helping hand...
u cant just people through action or words coz theres something behind it...
u will only know whose the real person is if both of u live in one roof.. its easy to pretend outside but how can u sure about the real him...
besides, nobody's perfect.. what matter is the president can do great things for his people...
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
1 Aug 09
I don't think he's paranoid at all, most people who see it think the same way. He could do great things for his people, but I think he's interested in doing great things for himself. Maybe I am not sure if he knows that the American people are his people, he seems to want to apologize to the world for us and doesn't care much what the American people want.

@milagrosdavila47 (107)
• United States
1 Aug 09
I hope nobody gets offended but I'm sorry I am just so tired how everybody grabs onto somethings and drags it out until there's nothing left. Maybe he had a lapse of judgement in not helping his "friend". Maybe the photographer should've taken the picture a few minutes earlier or a few minutes later when everyone was together. Maybe the White House never should've released that particular photo. Whatever!!! Shouldn't our main concern be how he runs this country?? Why do we as a people nitpick on every little thing he does. Not just him but other high image people as well.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
1 Aug 09
Obama saw a press conference. Obama could become a gold medal sprinter if there was a press conference at the end of the 100m track.
Interesting that the racist cop is helping the professor down the stairs. If the police officer was racist he would have pushed to professor down the stairs.
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@bdugas (3578)
• United States
1 Aug 09
Yep I too think it speaks for it's self, that he has no time to waste helping an elderly person. And that goes for all of us baby boomers that he thinks is about to retire and suck off the Social Security that WE as baby boomers paid into it. His health care as I seen in one story, is that the elderly will cost the country too much, we should be done away with. Obama is a pig looking for power to take over the United States and as he slips us more and more into a bind people need to open their eyes and see what is happening. I actually don't believe he cares about anyone but himself. As the pic shows he has to be out in front for the cameras, and let Gates fend for himself.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
1 Aug 09
Too funny! Maybe there were no butts around for him to (not) leer at. Lets puts the photo from the link next to it!
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@mommaj (23112)
• United States
1 Aug 09
The picture of the woman says it all. The man beside of him snickering. If I was that woman I would ask for a private visit. Once we met I would show him the picture and punch him! His poor wife! We thought Clinton was bad, he won't hold a candle by the time Obama is done!

@irishidid (8687)
• United States
1 Aug 09
So maybe Obama really wasn't helping that woman down the stairs in the ogling pictures? If he wouldn't do it for his elderly friend Gates, he wouldn't do so for a woman.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
1 Aug 09
What is this particular picture posted on the White House blog supposed to say? It's supposed to say that the white cop and the black professor are now good buddies and that Obama, the peacemaker, is responsible for it.
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@psychotaz206 (2086)
• United States
1 Aug 09
it is a stuped pic i don't realy say anything because ita a still shot now if it was a movie or something then yes it would say something because we will see more but a pic means nothing at all/
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