i hate my job.

United States
August 1, 2009 10:59pm CST
Ugh why do some jobs have to suck so much? My job has great hours and good pay, but I guess its just the people I work with. I have a co worker thats a real jerk and thinks shes way batter than me. The sad part is that its just her and I working, and wwe have to work with eachother. She's really stuck up and gets so mad if I ask her a question, or if I make a mistake. I don'y see why she's like that. She also likes to critisize me and asks me personal questions, only to nit pick at every response I give her. It's really getting on my nerves. The worst part is, if I tell her anything about being uncomfortable or back up my opinoin on something, she gets all pissed off and says " I'm just curious." She makes my so upset because tries to belittle me, especially in front of other co workers. She loves to make fun of me, and i'm sure she talks crap about me behind my back. She also likes to try to get me to do things, and she then tries to get me in trouble.Oh, and the best part is when she tries to take credit for things that I do or that I find out about. She's constantly telling me about how I cant trust anybody, and that everyone is going to try to take advantage of me. Well I guess she included herself with those people, huh? I guess I just can't understand why she's so bitter and mean. Its like, she's nice to me sometimes, but only when she wants me to do stuff for her. She also like to lie alot, and she likes to catch me when i'm off guard. For instance, she tells me she's going to do something, that wal i'll be unprepared, then when she's about to do it she tells me she wont and i have to. The worst part is that its a high pressure job and what I have to do has to be done on the spot, and I get no time to think or prepare myself and she know that. She does that because she knows I get flustered, which causes me to choke in front of the client. Oh, and then she tells me about how horrible I do during the session. The worst part I guess is that this woman has absolutely no tact. I mean she literally tells me, "You need the trainig, etc.. because you suck at your job." and other crap like that. What makes me mad is that for one, i'm doing my job just fine, and two, even if I am doing as horrible as she claims i'm doing, she doesn't have to be so rude about it. She also has a tendancy to show up late to important meetings, so she sends me ahead and I have to run everything, then she claims she cant say or do anything because she missed the first half and doesn't knwo what's going on. Also, she totally flat out lies to out boss! Our boss is in another state, so shes not there to monitor us. Well, she'll leave her desk for hours to go do who knows what, so when she has to report all her work and doesn't have anything to show for the day, she lies and makes up excuses. Does anyone else work with someone like this??
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13 responses
@ucue2008 (923)
• Malaysia
6 Aug 09
Wow, you know, patient has great rewards. One day, her bluff will be out and don't worry you will get all the rewards that you deserve. What goes around will comes around. Same like someone I know, she so proud and treated me in a bad manner, and now bad things happen to her. That's why I believe everything that happens has a reason and rewards, whether good or bad. Be strong ok.
• China
3 Aug 09
You are experiencing the same situation that I have go through not very long before. Fews months ago I got a job yet after about one month's work, I just found that it was really boring and I kind of dislike the way the manager treat their empolyees, therefore, I just quit the job and find a new one, and now I'm working happily.
@nangel78 (1454)
• United States
2 Aug 09
I currently work with some less than pleasant people. I keep to myself and avoid them as much as I can. I only talk to them when I have to about business related questions. Otherwise, I do not feel my personal life is any of their business. My health is more certainly none of their business either unless it affects the job and they are going to have to help out with my duties. I am happier keeping to myself and not having people in my business.
• Qatar
2 Aug 09
OMG !! why she does all things to you ? she got to be nuts and mental crazy !! and she just crossed the line, you have to be strong and show her your personality not letting her make fun of you while you are silent, nooo you have to solve this problem coz she is control freak :( just do the same she does to you , be good in your work and do stuff to let her scared from you by getting angry in anything like she does ,show her how you become angry and believe me she would be really good then try that one day and let me know ok ??
• Canada
2 Aug 09
Everywhere job you get theres always gonna be someone to be challenging you. Think of it as a positive thing because the more that person challenges you the more you better yourself. Sometimes you just have to suck it up. It is what our society is, friends could be judging you or family members. Its all the same thing. You just have to learn how to use the negative vibes youve been getting and turn it to a POSITIVE! As an example, when Michael Jordan tried out for the High School basketball team...the coach told him he wasnt good enough and didn't make the cut. But look where he's at now. The point is there's always gonna be someone just like your co worker that's going to try to bring you down, at the same time theyre prob not even aware of it...but all you gotta do is learn how to accept the feedbacks and just use it and turn it to a positive!
@Excelsus (16)
• United States
3 Aug 09
I have had jobs like that before, some co workers were hard on me for no reason at all, possibly hoping I would cave in overtime, maybe to test how I can handle the abuse, maybe to test if I was strong enough to be cool with them, there were other times where it was for the reason to cause me to give in and quit, or do something hoping I would be distracted from my work, or get fired for retaliating. Other times people would do that to others, I think for the main reason, competitive pay. It's a very stupid reason for doing such things, I know we're in hard times but why cut throat about it? This country has enough problems as is, and I've seen many good workers lose their jobs over things that make little to no sense. human beings are greedy int heir own way, we can only hope people can learn to work together and be satisfied for what they have, instead of trying for more than they should have. There are worse people out there who have nothing. I myself prefer to do freelancing jobs and work for myself in a way. No one to compete with, it's very hard finding the perfect job with even next to perfect workmates.
@marty3888 (2355)
• Acme, Michigan
2 Aug 09
Not anymore. Not because I don't want to, because she fired me. The thing is, for six years I worked there and got nothing but great reviews, raises, compliments etc. Then this manager came in and our manager got transfered. I made 3 mistakes and I believe she wanted me gone. And 3 years later, she did. But everything single mistake, I got written up. In the mean time, she did alot of the things you described. And I never saw it coming. Then, she tried to take away my unemployment. All I can say is, stick it out as long as you can. If you need the money I'm not sure there's much you can do. If it was me, I'd start looking for something else, even if it pays less. What happened to me could happen to you. Andwith the job market the way it is, you need something. But even if it pays 4 or 5 thousand dollars less, life is so much easier and so much nicer to live. But don't quit until you get offered another job.
@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
2 Aug 09
hello grlsntgry, School, church, work and even in the community where we live, there is always a person that is not worth to be our friend or shall I see can never be trusted. I think that is part already in our life. Even our family, relatives and friends for that matter. It's all up to us how to deal with such kind of person. Better take them as a challenge for if we treat them as an enemy everytime we see them is a disaster. Don't let them affect us. Ignore them, that way they will be the one to be bothered not you/me. Do the opposite - reverse pshychology.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Aug 09
I had a coworker who was just like that but I was lu cky that I had at least six other coworkers who were just like family. if I were you I would give notice and in spare time find a job with people who are not nitpickers like your fellow worker. wor king under the conditions you are in must be hell and any o ther job even with less pay and with congenial people would be so much better for you, its just not worth it for you to have to work with someone like your coworker. good luck. let us know what y ou do about this miserable situation. hatley
@jojorv (201)
• Philippines
2 Aug 09
my advice. fight fire with fire or just leave that company. even if you leave your company, there is a 50/50 chance of encountering that same kind of co-worker. but i rather take that risk than to burn yourself in your present hell.
• China
2 Aug 09
yes. i ever hate my job very much also. but that's the way we to earn our life and i have to work. finally i got the way to comfort myself that is this is only the job and not my carrer. i need this job to earn my life but not meet my target. so i can stay there.
@Andrepc13 (422)
• Jamaica
2 Aug 09
yes there alot of persons like that but i have learned a good technique wanna know lol... sure you do lol use this simple technique "Turn the tables" but how??? when she take credit for your work, do the same in return. when she make fun of you fight fire with fire, beat her at her own game then she will know you mean business, or you can simply wimp out lol and leave and she would win, but if you are tired of she always having th upper hand "turn the tables" you dont have to be like her, just do a series of actions that will make her back down and make sure you do it "ProfessionalY" so no cat fight lol. Also you indicated that the boss isnt there so you can just make her screw up and let the boss know as soon as possible. i know it might seem a bit drastic but people like those never back down until they know you mean business. i hope you get on with your job and don't let her bring you down to the point where you quit. happy mylotting
@kathorxe (43)
• Philippines
2 Aug 09
Don` t mind your jerk co-worker, she`s not paying you anyway. Just do your job, don`t let her flinch you. Sooner or later she`ll get tired of messing around with you.