Are you guilty of this?
By fruitcakeliz
@fruitcakeliz (2638)
United States
August 4, 2009 8:45pm CST
Have you ever gone shopping in a store, picked up an item and put it in your cart thinking you were going to buy it, then later during your shopping trip changed your mind and just left it on the nearest shelf?
I am sure most people have. Even i have, and i work in a grocery store and am constantly having to "re-shop" items left behind by customers. Now i am not complaining about this in general, as it really isn't that big of a deal, and people can change their minds, but what bothers me is when it is a perishable item. I don't know how many times i have found packages of meat, fish, gallons of milk, or even ice cream just left on a shelf because someone decided they didn't want it.
This is such a waste and very inconsiderate in my opinion. (And people wonder why we have to raise prices on things, this is part of the reason, we have to be able to cover losses from un-sellable product) I am not insisting that people traipse all the way back through the store to return these items, just simply give them to the cashier when you go through the checkout lane and tell us you changed your mind and decided you don't want to purchase it today. This way we can have someone put it away properly and save it form just being thrown away. Or even leave it in another cooler or freezer you come across through out the store, this way the product will stay appropriatly refridgerated until an employee finds it.
Have you ever been guilty of this? What do you think about people who do this?
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43 responses
@photogopha (8)
• United States
5 Aug 09
I have been guilty a time or two UNTIL I had to do the re-shop myself. IF I decide I don't want an item, I either put it back myself, or let the cashier know I do not want it.
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@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
6 Aug 09
Yes, once one has the experiecen of being the person who ha to travel the store and put BACK a cart load of items, it really makes you realize what a pain it can be *lol*
@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
5 Aug 09
Very rarely, I may have done this, but never with anything perishable. My guilty conscience would never allow it. In fact hubby and I have been known to "rescue" abandoned perishables and put them back where they belong. I respect food too much to let it go to waste that way.
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@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
5 Aug 09
That is so kind of you, with the rescue missions! You certainly get an A+ customer rating in my book!
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
6 Aug 09
I get ticked off by coming across food that was obviously just left anywhere since the person changed their minds--especially perishable items. Even though most workers at supermarkets will check for this, still one doesn't know just how long the item was left sitting there...this could actually be dangerous if the food is a frozen type and has already defrosted
Okay I might be guilty of doing that, that is leaving something I changed my mind about, but only if it's a non-perishable item, like a box of cereal

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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
6 Aug 09
I remember one rather disgusting time...this store is no longer open, but it was an A&P supermarket...I'm surprised no one found this (I did)---someone had tucked a rater large piece of raw roast beef meat on the bottom shelf where soda stank to high mean no one found it save me? Ekkkkkk
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@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
6 Aug 09
We do try to look for and check for these items, but sometimes ifit is busy, we don't have time to go up and down evrey aisle regularly. and beleive it or not, some peopl HIDE the items, they will put them on a shelf and tuck them back behind other things on the shelf!
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@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
6 Aug 09
Ugggh..that really time i found a packe of sliced roast beef from the deli tht had been not only tucked behind product on the shelf, but was so far back it was actually falling in the little gap behind the shelf. the only reason i even started looking THAT deep in the shelf isbecause i could smell something nasty!
The only thing i can think about why maybe the store hadn't found that roast is because it was in the soda section. Soda and chips are usually stocked by vendors (pepsi sends in one of their peple to stock pepsi, frito lay the same) so the actual employees of the store don't delve into those shelves much, and the vendors..well..they usually don't feel as things like that are their problem, as they don't actually work FOR the store. That is gross though. I don't understand people.

@nrn2003 (661)
• United States
6 Aug 09
Well thank you very much :) it was strange because I remember posting to this discussion yesterday and then last night I went to walmart and noticed littlet hings like people leaving stuff everywhere. I do realize it causes a negative impact on any company.
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@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
6 Aug 09
Your practice is a very good one, wish more people would be as considerate as you. Shopper have a right to change their minds and not purchase an item if they decide they dont need it. The fact that you give them to the cashier to be taken care of properly gives you an A+ in my book!
@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
11 Aug 09
Yes, it can really make the store look cluttered. And believe me, we do try to keep on top of it, every time i walk down an aisle, i can pick up 3 or 4 things that were left there, then down that same aisle half an hour later, and find one or 2 more things!

@mama_bear (1118)
• Canada
6 Aug 09
okay i know that this will make me seem really bad, but i am guilty of something far worse. it is very hard to shop for toddlers sometimes you know, so anyways we were out looking for underoos for my niece. i found a good packet except that it has a mix of underoo designs, boy cut ones and regular ones. she does not quite like the boy cut ones so much, so i moved onto another packet, and did a switcheroo so that i had a complete packet of normal cut underoos for her. i will do anything for my sweetheart. also we tried to buy her some pyjamas. the packet that we had had bottoms that were too long and a perfect top. so again i mixed and matched, i however removed both remaining sets completely from their packets so that someone did not come along to buy them and discover that it was different sizes. hey if i am going to spend money then i want to actually make it worthwhile. and this hurts no one. chances are i shall do it again at some point. hey at least i did not shop lift.
oph and with ragrd to frozen or rifridgerated goods it all depends on whether i have gone shopping alone or not. if i am alone and strapped for time then i will put it in the nearest fridge. if not then i go and put it where it belongs, i abhor waste of anything.
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@mama_bear (1118)
• Canada
7 Aug 09
this is so true, i only refreeze in some other random freezer if i am alone and desperate. and as for the mix and match, you go girl, hey if you are going to pay for it, then you might as well get what you want right. and no one is really being harmed, because some faceless nameless corporate entity will just replenish the sets right!
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@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
11 Aug 09
I am torn on this LoL...i used ot think the same way, until i worked my way up to a management postion in my store. Now i have the opportunity to se how even small infractions such as this, really do affect sales and profit in a huge way when you look at the fact that htis happens evry day, in every store. Adds up at the end of a year.
But that still doesn't mean i am going to buy two sets, just so i can get ONE that fits me.
@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
6 Aug 09
Even i am guilty of that, i have done it with bra and underwear sets before, as i guess that with the size i need for bottoms, they figure i must be more "well-endowed" up top.....but the set was really cute and i wanted i mixed and matched to get the ones that would fit me.
And leaving it in ANY cooler or freezer is fine, as long as the product will remain cold, that is the important part, otherwise it is a waste!

@patofgold23 (5069)
• Philippines
5 Aug 09
lolz.........i was laughing when i read your discussion coz I always do that...i grab everything I see...then on my way to pay for it, I keep getting rid of things I dnt really need one by one, and even sort them out at the counter in case I run short of cash
@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
5 Aug 09
But at least in that case, if you get to the register and don't have enough to pay for everything, the employees of the store can put them away. We have all been in your situation too, not knowing what we want, grabbing some stuff, then realizing that we don't need some of what we got. I just ask people be responsible and not ruin items by leaving them out where they will melt, and thaw and go bad.
@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
6 Aug 09's all part of the job i supose. We deal. Anyone who works with customers of any kind has a certain type of customer they dread, that is just one of them *l*
@kendriajohnson (78)
• United States
5 Aug 09
Hey, I was laughing just thinking about all the times that I've done it; it really ISN'T funny, but you've gotta see the humor in it. Now that I think about it. I feel bad for the workers who have to put up with us unconcerned shoppers. (sad face)
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
6 Aug 09
I work in a store to and I do know just what you mean. I have put back a canned item or something but no...never a non-perishable like milk, cheese or something frozen. I guess I was raised with the whole ...think about all the people starving in africa...way of thinking. I just can't waste food like that. I see it all the time and it just angers me....I don't much care if they take the time to put it in the right spot...that is our job but please put it in a place where it won't spoil.
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@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
6 Aug 09
Amen Sister! (i had to check your profile to find out if brother or sister would be appropriate LoL)
@animegirl334 (3263)
• United States
8 Aug 09
I can't help but laugh at your post. i never knew people noticed these things but apparently they do with the number of responses you have. I'm sorry, I'm guilty. And I must admit I have offended more than once. I do somewhat realize that the workers have to restock them but grrr I didn't want to walk all the way across the store to put the item back and I try to convince myself its alright and there's no harm done. I'm so sorry and it was really inconsiderate for me. I also owe those Safeway, Walmart workers an apology. Next time its either the cash register or back on the shelf, I swear.
@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
8 Aug 09
Thanks for your vow to put things back properly in the future LoL. I too have been amazed at the amount of responses i have recieved. As i kept seeing the number creep up and up, i was hoping to finaly reach my goal of geting 50 responses to one topic i posted..and guess what? your resopnse did it! yay! LoL
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
6 Aug 09
I would be lying if I said I have never done it. I have but it is not something I do on a regular basis or anything I have done in years. I would only do it if I was in a hurry and didn't have time to take it back where it belongs. Usually I will go back to where I got it from and put it back properly. If it was a cold item or a freezer item I would at least take it to the nearest frozen area or refrigerated area even if I did not have time to put it back properly. I would not want the food to go to waste and would feel bad if I caused something to go bad. I have also given things to the cashier apologizing profusely, but at least they can put it with other stuff that needs to get put back.
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@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
6 Aug 09
thank you for being so responsible about it. The waste of food is a horrible thing. Thanks for responding.
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
8 Aug 09
Dear liz,
A BIG YES, I have done it BUT if it is a perishable
item, I will take the initiative to put it in the nearest
freezer / cooler that I could.
I tend to put the items back at their category but not at
the exact location that I originally took it!!
The reason of changing my mind is when I found another similar item
which has better offer, better promotion or I remembered I still
have stock at home..therefore the items may not be 'urgent '
or in need at the moment! Sometimes I do surrendered the items
to the cashier...the case being the vegetable have no price tag, etc!
All the best and do keep in touch!
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@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
8 Aug 09
Glad to hear most people will at least try to put cold items back in a cooler or freezer. As i have mentioned, of course you have the right to change your mind, just don't make waste!
@ChrysanTflower (1607)
• Indonesia
5 Aug 09
I ever do that, think that I wanna buy this candy but then change my mind because I prefer buy juice or other sweet things. I bring them back to its place but sometimes I change my mind near the cashier and it's too far to trip all the way back through the store but I don't mind doing it.. but my parents (I always shop with my parents) say it's not necessary and just left it on the nearest shelf. I feel guilty everytime I did it,,but my parents seems like didn't have any problem doing it. Of course we didn't do it to perishable items! You're right,it's a waste to left them not in the freezer! Cheer up doing your job and I hope all customer won't left things in unappropriated place anymore

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@ChrysanTflower (1607)
• Indonesia
5 Aug 09
Of course, your topic is fresh and interesting, I think.. Hope after read yours almost all people here won't left perishable items in not appropriate place anymore and good luck with your job

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@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
5 Aug 09
Thank you for trying to do the right thing. I have been working in retail for many years now and am pretty used to it, beleive me, i have seen odder things.
I have gotten so many responses to this topic in such a short time. It will make me happy to know that maybe at least one, if not all of the people who have read this will think twice about leaving perishable items around the store in odd places. Granted most of you say you woudln't do it with something that needs to stay refridgerated which is good...but maybe if someone sees someone else doing it, they can pass the fact that it is wasteful along and prevent it in the future!

@kevchua (1004)
• Malaysia
5 Aug 09
Well, I have done it many times - I mean changing my mind about buying an item after putting it in the shopping cart. However, if I don't need it, I'd put it back on the original shelf - provided it's not too far away from me :) I'm trying to cut that habit, though. So each time my wife and I go shopping, we have a list (but still end up buying more) so that we know what to buy.
People who just leave things at the nearest point instead of putting them back on the shelves are inconsiderate (guilty as charged) but the superstore or mall is probably too large for them to go all the way back, look for the correct aisle and return the goods there. Maybe some day, big malls need to provide a Segway for customers to scoot from aisle to aisle :)
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@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
5 Aug 09
I only feel it is inconsiderate if the item is going to go bad when left on a shelf, and the easiest way to take care of any item you choose not to purchase is to give it to the cashier at the register, and they will make sure it gets handled and returned properly.
About your comment on the segway, that made me laugh as today in the store i was working in the very last aisle, and a customer came up to me and asked where the salad dressings were. Unfortunately the salad dressing is located all the way down in the first aisle, about as far awy form where we were standing as you could get. I told the customer that if he knew what kind he was looking for, i would be happy to run down there and get it for him, and bring it to him whil he waited in line at the register, but he was unsure about what he wanted and wanted to look at the selection. He did say that i could hail him a taxi to give him a lift down there if possible though!
@kevchua (1004)
• Malaysia
5 Aug 09
I've seen customers leaving unwanted goods at the cashier. I guess grocery stores, shopping malls, hypermarkets are getting too large for us to move around on foot - one day, we might really see customers hopping on to the taxi just to get to the other end!! Or you'll see customers on Segways (this company's gonna be rich) :)
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@kendriajohnson (78)
• United States
5 Aug 09
It's true. I've been guilty many a times of this crime. Some days I know exactly what it is I want to buy. But other times, I just can't seem to get what I want and if I have a lot of time on my hands, I will walk through every aisle in the store, see something that I haven't seen in a while, put it in the cart, and go to the next aisle, see something else, put IT in the cart, take the last item out of the cart, and repeat these steps all over again. I know it's not right but I do it anyway. Please don't convict me, lol. We are just some lazy people who won't do things we don't have to do. If there's nobody standing there to give us THE EYE, we simply leave our undesirables and let someone else deal with it. I'm sorry but that's just the way we are. But for the record, I've NEVER left a perishable item; that's just taking it too far.
@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
5 Aug 09
I con't really care about finding jars or cans of things out of place in the store, it is only when it is meat or somethingthat is going to go bad if we don't find it quickly! So as long as you don't do this with perishable items, you are in the clear LoL
@kendriajohnson (78)
• United States
5 Aug 09
Whew...I guess I won't be prosecuted after all, LOL!
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@catherine1987 (5)
• China
6 Aug 09
I seldom did such kind of thing, because when I left the item which I changed my mind on the nesrest shelf,I felt guilty. Only when the shelf which the item really belongs to is too far and I really didn't want to get back. But now I think everyone should have responsibility and respect the work of people like you, so, I'll try my best to persuade my friends never do this thing.
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@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
6 Aug 09
At least with perishable items..that is where the real trouble comes in.
Thanks for responding....i feel like this has turned into a Public Service Announcement. If only i could get it on TV and appeal to an even wider amount of people!
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
5 Aug 09
Actually I don't do DIL does and it really bothers me.....If I have a question about if I really want it or not I leave it on the shelf it's supposed to be on then return before I check out....I would never dream of leaving a perishable item out where it could get ruined and I think it's rude too!
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@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
6 Aug 09
Exactly! I mean, as a customer do you want to be shopping through the store and come across a package of raw chicken that someone left on a shelf that s now getting warm and leaking juices everywhere? We as employess try to clean these items up as fast as we can, but sometimes we don't find them right away...and sometimes peopl actually HIDE them...and place them depp in the shelf behind other products so we don't find them for a very long time!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Aug 09
I have ocassionally left an item or two in a clothing store, but never in a grocery store as I know that a lot of perishable
foods are left where they might not be found for hours, thus costing the store extra. this gets passed on to us consumers
so when we are careless like that we are causing our own bills
to go up. I always tell the checker that I decided I did not]
want a certain item, and gave it to her so it could be reshelved. I have never worked in a grocery store but am appalled when people leave meat, ice cream and such on a shelf and just walk off. thats not right at all.
@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
6 Aug 09
I am glad you sympathize with us, who have worked in a grocery store! I know it can't be nice for a customer to be shopping in a store and find these products laying around. I am sure it makes them think negativly about the store, even though we try to clean up items like this as often as we find them.
@reesie (22)
• United States
5 Aug 09
I have picked up items and decided I wouldn't get it but most of the time I put them back where I got them from. I try to put them back because I do consider the employees there and how would I like it if I had to do that job.Even so as you say it also brings up the cost of items, which none of us wants. I have never put refrigerated products on a shelf.
people who do not put items back are inconsiderate to others.
@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
6 Aug 09
Very well put, it is an inconsiderate action. Not only to the employees, but to other customers who are trying to shop and can't find the jar of peanut butter they are looking for because someone put a box of cereal in front of it.
@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
6 Aug 09
Good for you. This is certainly the prefered way of dealing with a product you decide you don't want.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Aug 09
I've been guilty of putting an item down on the nearest shelf. But I've never left a perishable item somewhere where it could get ruined.
If I've got cheese in my cart and change my mind I've been known to shove it in the pop coolers by the checkout or juice in the dairy area, that kind of thing.
I've seen beef in the cereal aisle and that kind of thing and it absolutely makes me sick. How do I know where my meat has been before I bought it. How do I even know if it is safe. So in general, I think there should be a place at the front of the store to just put those things. Two different bins one for nonperishables and one for perishables. It will make restocking it easier for the employees and for the customers it will help cut down on loss and keep prices down.
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@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
6 Aug 09
In my store we do have something like this. We have a cart lined with totes labeled by aisle. If a customer decides they don't want an item, we toss it in the appropriate bin, and later on an emploee will re-shop these items. Except with perishable items. We send someone to put those back right away, but we would rathr do this than find them later after they have gone bad!
@kendriajohnson (78)
• United States
5 Aug 09
ATTENTION!!! To all of the supermarket employees who have to pick up items and replace them in their original locations, we customers owe you a sincere apology, and in the future, we mylotters who have responded to this discussion will all be more conscious of misplacing the store's goods from this point forward. (This is only for the truly apologetic mylotters, not those who don't care about Ms. Fruitcakeliz's discussion topic). (smily face)
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@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
6 Aug 09
Wow...i feel like i have really started something here *lol*. If only i had a way to make this a national issue! Oh well, even if i have just made a few people stop and think before doing it, it will be worth it *l*
now it makes me want to start another discussion on other annoying shopping habits *lol*