Health Care
@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
United States
August 4, 2009 8:46pm CST
What are all the problems associated with Health Care?
There is an economic factor...
a.) Who pays?
b.) Who doesn't pay?
c.) How much should each person pay?
There is a moral issue...
a.) Who should get treatment?
What about medical malpractice?
How much should a professional earn?
Should there be an insurance agency?
Should HIPA prevent the next of kin from following up on the care of each other?
We certainly need strong reform and now because our future depends on us getting this right.
How does Health Care effect Social Security?
What about Life Insurance?
What about Individual Retirement Accounts?
All of these things are interconnected and once we see how all the pieces fit together we should be able to come up with the only possible solution that is available and that would be to do what is best not only for our country but every other country around the globe.
All countries should be competing to discover and lead the way in presenting the best health care possible for each of their citizens so that all citizens around the world are getting the best treatment and care possible.
Otherwise the international community could ban together to enforce sanctions on countries that are committing human rights violations.
Is health care connected to how the judicial system of a country works?
8 responses
@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
11 Aug 09
In such matters, I find myself torn simultaneously in two very different directions, the ideal and the real I call them...
The ideal, in my mind, is such that medicine and education, along with scientific advancement, the advocacy of ethics, applications of positive psychology, etc., etc., become top priorities for humanity, and we give everyONE all the health care they may ever need--no exceptions. However, in our current economic and political situations this is just not feasible. And when one realizes that the world elite who practice such things as Malthusianism, Social Darwinism, with goals outlined such as those on the Georgia Guidestones--to eliminate 90% (or more) of the human population--in a day and age where we do have to recognize that population growth is enormous and SOMETHING must be done about it--one can't help but come to the conclusion that there's something sinister about those very elitists who don't like competition, who like Henry Kissinger, call the masses "feeders", promoting and pushing a socialized health care system... Even using unions to bully people into compliance--there's something rather "Brown shirt" about everything that's happening lately.

@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
12 Aug 09
I'm not even sure what to wish for anymore. The masses are so largely misled (as we all are, no matter how much "waking up" or research we do) and don't want much to think or act for themselves--most want to be "taken care of" , told what to do--in essence, the masses scream "shackle me!" And those of us who dissent--in the names of Love, Truth, Freedom, and Heaven Forbid--God--we are the vile ones ostracized...
Rev. David A. Reedy...
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
13 Aug 09
I hear ya loud and clear Rev. have you read that e-book by Gnosisquest, my friend Rasmus Gjesdal? Should I provide that link?
@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
12 Aug 09
Your perceptions ring in my ears and through the halls of my own mind, if money was not an issue would I care if others got what they needed? But since I have little money and those with much would prevent me from my basic needs I have to realize that my struggle is not with humanity but with humans that want to remove a majority of individuals with little or no regard to human rights.
Who are the elite?
Who goes to work but doesn't work?
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
5 Aug 09
THEy need to repair what we have now and leave the Government out of it.
DOctors shouldnt Charge some one $200 for first visit if they havent moved thier insurance to the state they are now living in.
When really its $75 for an office visit.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
10 Aug 09
I pay $10 for every docs visit and $20 every time I go to a specialist thats CHemo and heart docs.
THe one I was talking about just moved here and wanted to get a doc here while her stuff was getting moved to here and they wanted $200 for first visit knowing that she is on SS and is a very bad diabeteic she has a tube that gives the insulin 24 hours a day in her tummy and thats bad I just hope she gets Ins here soon!
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@saigonwarrior (1331)
• United States
5 Aug 09
Oh boy, my pet peeve. I was contemplating whether or not to comment on this subject or not because I didn't want to start ranting.
It seems that we live in the only country in the world that reward those that won't
I am not speaking of those that "can't" and I mean really "can't" work, let's face it, if you are sitting and typing on a computer all day, you can work. There ARE jobs for those that can type/work a computer. AND answer the phone.
I have a WAH job where I do just that and my husband works 40 hrs week. I KNOW of people, even family members that receive "free" health care, prescriptions, etc.
Because they have "no" income (haha) that's a funny one. Know anyone working for
cash and collecting benefits? Turn them in..nothing
Anyhow, my husband was ill at one point in time and was in the hospital for 2 weeks, the IC unit and YES, we have health care, he is a state employee. Well, that illness wiped out one of our savings accounts! Because WE had to pay a percentage. WOW! That's fair!
Work, pay your dues and still lose.
We know a few people that use the free clinic funded by the state in our area.
My husband was going to try and retire early and us use the free clinic until we
were old enough for medicare/medicaid or whatever it is you use at that age, but cannot have money in the bank, nor own property. So we must continue working to pay for our insurance until we die probably, while those that own nothing, have worked for nothing receive free health care! Well, if one of us become seriously ill, we probably won't own anything because we will probably have to sell everything that we own to pay for it!
What a racket.
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
9 Aug 09
You hit the nail squarely on the head and you see the problem so many people don't yet realize.
You work hard for your property but in the end the doctors and the insurance industry have the ability to take away all of you hard work, sweat, blood and tears in the repair of the damage that is a direct result from working hard most likely...
They create the bad Karma that will ensnare your existence.
Totally unfair! Criminal really!
@missybear (11391)
• United States
5 Aug 09
To make it short and sweet, I think the health care system in America really stinks.
I think everybody should be able to see a doctor regardless of there wealth, health, race, age and what ever other issues there are.
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
9 Aug 09
Hi Missy,
I see a lot of problems with our health care system and the effects that result in our economy being brought down as though we are at war against terrorism from the professionals that are destroying what could be a leading political force that is good for our whole world.
We certainly need people in the position of authority to hold everyone accountable to do what is right and not to lie...
@Quiplet (255)
• United States
8 Aug 09
That Life Insurance question is really a conundrum.
If we cut all monies (or even half) given to the UN and then gave as much (as little) as most countries toward the upkeep of the world's citizens... we'd be more able to take care of our own.
We provide more to the world than any other country. We get little to no thanks because we are still considered 'stingy' with our care. The world needs to stop being dependent upon the U.S. -
@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
9 Aug 09
That is an interesting thought...
I suggest we stop giving to the elite countries that can take care of their own, let us begin with Israel... They are self sufficient aren't they?
I'd love full disclosure on where all of our money goes, I'd like to follow that paper trail and then I'd like to see how the rest of the world stacks up to our economic system to figure out the best way to move forward and stop borrowing ourselves out of debt... What a ridiculous concept an oxymoron or hypocrisy if ever one was contrived.
@metamaterialo (34)
• Sweden
5 Aug 09
I think that the difference between EU and US health care systems is that in US the health care is BUSINESS and EU it's careing about health. if no one makes a lot of money form health care (that includes state itself), then they put more effort to preventing health problems at first place. but if its a big business then you can only play with the profit and revenue. and bigger the business the better for them - more room to play so to speak.
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
9 Aug 09
Nice response, you have identified a serious problem and we all have to take note as to who is helping and who are the people hurting each other.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
31 Aug 09
Are you really saying that everyone who is against government run health care should be treated like criminals? Please tell me I misunderstood here!
@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
31 Aug 09
What makes you think that being in opposition to something would make you a criminal? That is not what I would write into my book. But if you behave like a criminal in opposition then maybe you should be booked!
First you can not be ignorant to the facts.
Exposing malpractice stops criminal actions procedures and prosecutions. Covering up the truth is a crime!
@bizbux (11)
• United States
5 Aug 09
Let's start with AMERICA (USA) already has the best health care system in the WORLD..
There are lots of people coming to the US for their health care not leaving the US
for health care. Now there are a few select individuals who go out side of the US to get some of the so called unapproved treatments (some that are very good and then some not so good) but once again the US provides the best.
Even at my doctors office I have continually met people from Canada who come here to get treated and when you sit there and discuss the situation you begin to see we are fortunate to have a system that offers so much..
Now the bulk of all Americans somewhere in the area of 80% give or take a few say
they are very satisfied with their present health care programs.
The single biggest complaint.. it is a bit expensive.. and the
main reason for that is because of GOVERNMENT intervention.. consider this 90% of
all Americans have health care coverage the rest are a mix of those who don't want
it or due to certain circumstances have either lost it or never had it etc.. etc..
they still have coverage though as they can walk into any emergency room and cannot
be denied coverage. The UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT is not supposed to be in the health care business or for that matter they are not supposed to be in any kind of
BUSINESS(commerce) I don't know about you but I cannot afford OBAMA CARE, Company Bail Outs, Cash for Klunkers or any other frivolous wasteful spending programs. Our US Government is out of controll and does not care what we want or think as they are on a course to BANKRUPT this country and send it into a country of people who will have to depend on Government hand outs in order to survive..
Any way ENOUGH FOR NOW just check out the link below and watch it through to the end and you may get some of your health care questions answered and see the TRUTH about what they are trying to "RUSH" through before we even get a chance to see what they are trying to do.
@phildozer (284)
• United States
5 Aug 09
Actually the world health organization said in 2000 that we had a health care system ranked 37th in the world overall. Thats below such notable countries as #1 France #18 United Kingdoms and #30 Canada. Also, in 2000, we had the 3rd highest health care spending as a percent of GDP at 13.2 (only below the Marshall Island and Tuvalu). I honestly dont know if we can do much worse, to be honest.
The only reason why health care is such a tough sell, is because 250 million americans DO have adequate health care, and its difficult to convince them that theres something wrong if it only effects 15% of the population.
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@bizbux (11)
• United States
5 Aug 09
World Health Organization now there is a real credible group aren't they funded by the UN. or Consumer Reports.. (-:
The fact is these people do come here our biggest problem is to much government to
many lawyers and once again high costs due primarily to the aforementioned.
Why if we are so bad do they come here for their health care take a look at the UK,
Canada, the Netherlands, Cuba, get realistic I will stay here even if it is not
perfect sure there are some adjustments needed but not by our government running it
Hell they can not do any thing right. Just tell me One single program our government
has set up that works.. We are on the verge of going "Broke"
I want to spend my money on something that works for me I don't need the Government,
manned by people we supposedly hired remember they are supposed to be doing the peoples business not their own.., telling me what is best for me when they can't even balance a budget.
@Uroborus (908)
• Canada
5 Aug 09
bizbux, saying something with conviction, but without any data to back you up, doesn't make a good argument.
The UN is heavily supported by the USA and you do know the headquarters are in NewYork right? The UN report that was mentioned above was authored by many medical professionals, including many from the USA. The USA Health Care system was ranked 37th, based exactly on an evaluation of the criteria that were mentioned in th eoriginal post on this thread. So my question to you is this. Do you have any facts or data from scientifically conducted studies that support your claim that "the US has the best Health Care system in the world"? Or do you just think that the US has the best everything in the world?
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