Indo- China War!!!!! Is it possible????? - War a threat to mankind but what will be its consequences if a war took place.
August 5, 2009 1:13pm CST
Hello friends. As we all know China is deploying its forces continuously at Tibet borders to protect rage from Indian side and also to attack India if needed. Further, China is helping Pakistan(We all know our relations with Pak) in some way or the other. As China being a much powerful country both economically and in terms of military, this is really threatening for Indians. But, do you think this is really possible. And if such a war happens what would be its consequences??????????????
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15 responses
• United States
9 Aug 09
I don't think an Indo-Chinese (or Indo-Sino) war will happen any time soon. The main focus right now seems to be North Korea & trying to get them back to the six-nation talks the "Six Nations" being China, Russia, North Korea, South Korea, Japan, & The United States. If anything, I have a feeling that Korean War II might be a larger probability. Furthermore, ever war that China got directly involved in, they were attacked first in some way or another. From the responses & comments already posted, the border guards that the Chinese military have in place is to prevent Indians from crossing the border to cause unrest with Tibet wanting complete independence from Chinese rule. They have publicly accused the Dalai Llama of being the cause of the unrest there, & the border guards are supposedly there to stop him from sending people in to incite riots & such. As I said, it seems that China has never actually declared war, until attacked first in some way. This would mean that India would have to attack first. I doubt that would happen either. Even though China does have nuclear technology, like others said, so does India. Even then, I doubt that India would have built their own nuclear arsenal if Pakistan didn't. At the same time, Pakistan also has their own problems with the Taliban, & probably, their neighbor, Afghanistan. Another full-blown war would have heavy consequences because it seems that technology has advanced to the point that there would be no winners. If war did break out, China & North Korea would get attacked by South Korea, Japan, & I'm sure the united States, Great Britain, & other European countries would side with India. I don't know what Russia would do, & I'm also unsure what Pakistan & Bangladesh would do. All in all, it would probably be World War III, & probably the end to human civilation as we know it.
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• United States
9 Aug 09
Well- a long time ago, Buddhism was spread to China from India. Furthermore, it seems that the last few hundred years, it seems that the Chinese government has been having problems with buddhists. The Ching dynasty had been trying to get rid of the Shu Lim order, but have not succeeded. I'm unsure if there were any problems between the Ching dynasty & Chinese Muslims. I am unsure if Sun Yat Sen (who overthrew the Ching dynasty) or his successor, Chiang Kai Shek, had any problems with the relgious factions. However, when Chairman Ma took over in 1949, it seems that the internal conflicts Buddhists vs government started again, & this time, it seems to be government vs some of the established religions. I don't see any chance of war breaking out between China & India, but if it does, it might end up leading to an internal conflict within China, particularly an uprising of the religious factions & the pro-democracy movement. India probably will not attack first - that I agree with. There may be additional border skirmishes where no one would know who actually started it, but that would probably be all that would happen.
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• India
9 Aug 09
Thanks for your response KrazyKlingon. India is a very peaceful nation and all your thoughts that India could start a war are of no meaning. So, I do support you that the war is not going to happen directly b/w India and China but what if India and Pak fights (say) and China joins war with Pak, then it will be converted to World war 3 and if not atleast 90% civilizations would be over and for those who live it would be very difficult to reconstruct this world as such. happy Mylotting.
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• India
10 Aug 09
Thanks for your comments. And I do support that there are internal conflicts that Chinese provinces may face, but I could say that if even they happens, it would result in much of destruction. So, hope that China may not get in all these kind of civil wars. Hope for the best. Happy MyLotting.
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@subha12 (18441)
• India
6 Aug 09
it is heard in the media as the military and intelligence are speculating. Look China is always big brother of Pakistan. They will always be against India for whatever reason. Now in this era , all country will ultimately be reluctant to go in war, as most are nuclear effective. But the case is that both C & P are same.we can't trust them hard.
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• India
6 Aug 09
Yes you are right and we should be alert. Happy Mylotting.
• United States
10 Aug 09
I certainly hope they never war with eachother, because it would be a bloodbath for both sides and possibly cause a deadly conflict of global proportions. Both India and China are strong countries who also posses nuclear weapons. Other nations around the world would face a huge conflict of interest and find it nearly impossible to take a side to help either one since both have alliances and financial arrangements with many of the same countries or the countries one is allied with is allied with the alliance of the other. For instance, India is a friend to the United States, and we admire the freedom and democracy that is enjoyed there, but we owe China a TON of money, so we'd be in a very tough position if the two went to war. All we'd probably be able to do is send diplomatic entities in the hopes of brokering a peace agreement between the two.
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• United States
10 Aug 09
I agree, any war that begins with India vs. China will likely grow into a global conflict that could possibly destroy us all. It would not end well for ANYBODY.
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• India
10 Aug 09
I admit that America will be in good condition and will be with India in case of war, but as this very war will cause large amount of bloodbath, we must not hope so. And peace is all every body should want now. Because every country, be it India, America, Russia, China etc have so much of military power that in case of war nobody will stop and everybody has got capabilities to destroy a large piece of world. So, pray no war takes place. Happy MyLotting.
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@vinslounge (1295)
• India
5 Aug 09
Chinese Agression of 1962 is a different story as we were not militarily that equipped then. But now the story is different. We have enough power and resources to fight them out as we too are Nuclear armed country. Although there is a feeble possibility, China would never indulge in a direct war against India and it would form an indirect alliance with Pakistan. But anyways, there cannot be a war Vs India as it could destroy the entire Asian power as 3 neighbours are nuclearly armed. India, China and Pakistan are nuclear equipped nations and hence no country would think of waging a direct war as the country which is on the verge of defeat would definitely use its nuclear power to destroy the other country which can trigger the World War-3 and unfortunately if it takes place, then the Fourth world war would take place with BOWS & ARROWS as it would mark the end of inventions.
• India
8 Aug 09
The last quote was from Lord Mountbatten's saying after the World War -2 ended.
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• India
8 Aug 09
Ok thanks for that. Enjoy.
• India
6 Aug 09
I truly supports your fact that if third world war takes place all will be destroyed. I think your last quote is from some famous persons' diary. ALBERT EINSTEIN I think. Happy MyLotting!!!!!!!
@croamer (165)
• Taiwan
6 Aug 09
I'm a Chinese, I think it's not that possible as our chinese people love peace, in case it happened, I guess China may eat India, in that case... a super China will born. oh my god....
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• India
6 Aug 09
So you in a way blaming India about its power. But I dont want to fight with you as i am a firm believer of peace. And plz mind it that once a war broke out nobody will be left to eat another as then it will be converted to world war 3.
@croamer (165)
• Taiwan
7 Aug 09
Hey hey buddy, don't get me wrong, I just joking, I was not blaming Indian people. China-India has a very good relationship, and myself right now working in an Indian corporation, so don't worry, world war III won't happen.
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• India
6 Sep 09
HAHA my friend, definitely india and china have a good relation and so we too here at mylot. Happy myLottting
• China
6 Aug 09
I also don't believe that China will resort to war. Although China now deploy military forces in the Tibet boundary. However, India also has some responding actions. It may seem that the relationship between China and India again became tight, but China will be wise enough not taking a war and Chinese now regard all the Indians in China very well. But it is some Indians who have a hostile attitude to Chinese.
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• India
6 Aug 09
so, what do you think, Indian govt. should to to prevent this so called threat from China. Happy MyLotting.
• India
6 Aug 09
so, what do you think, Indian govt. should to to prevent this so called threat from China. Happy MyLotting.
• China
3 Sep 09
I agree to you, orientfish.
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@esteria (396)
• India
5 Aug 09
I actually do not believe a war is possible in this era. All the nations are firm in belief that the only wars to be fought are either internal or against terrorists. Indo-China wars have even less probability. India is no longer a threat to China as China knows now that india does not believe in world dominance. Also India has the strike power to destroy half of china in open war. No country in right mind picks up a fight against its close and powerful neighbor. There are less powerful and far countries that provide perfect targets.
• India
6 Aug 09
Thanks for your response. But, by seeing your response I think you are a believer of war(don't take it otherwise). You are saying that their are other weak targets but what is the need to attack any. And mind it, I think this is a saturation phase and if any war broke out it will definitely be converted into a world War. So, pray that no war takes place. Happy MyLotting!
@esteria (396)
• India
6 Aug 09
i am not a believer in war but i do believe that the whole world should be under a single impartial rule. So for that to exist in the world all the small nations should be merged to form one big one.
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@ptrikha_2 (47534)
• India
11 Aug 09
Well, theoretically this might seem a possibility . However,I think this would not happen as it would be a big drag on China ,it would isolate it internationally;with India being closer to USA as well as France and Germany than it was upto 15 to 20 years ago. Moreover ,India has Nuclear weapons which they might use in such a situation . Also,China has trouble with some terror outfits in some of its North Western parts . So,I think China would not engage in such acts .
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• India
11 Aug 09
Thanks for your responses and I agree with you that neither China nor India would like to indulge in such kind of situation as it would result in mass destruction. Happy MyLotting.
@vinslounge (1295)
• India
8 Aug 09
Let me once again make it clear that there would be no war between India and China since both are nuclearly armed and a country which is on the verge of defeat would definitely Resort to Nuclear attack which may destroy both the countries. If China wishes to establish its economic superiority and attack India, it may result in China too suffering the equivalent loss of India are both are equally powerful. As a result of the war, it may make Countries like JAPAN, MALAYSIA and SINGAPORE as Economic giants and not China or India. That is for sure. The only possibilty is an Indo-Pak war which is alway on the cards and nothing more. There can be no more INDO-CHINA war at any cost.
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• India
8 Aug 09
Thanks for your comments!! But even in the case of Indo-Pak war as you are assuming, there would be lot of destruction and may be China could join Pak side in that case. Again this will hamper whole world's economy. Happy MyLotting.
@wergild (189)
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
First and foremost I dont think a war is a possibility. Border skirmishes and minor armed altercation could be possible but i dont think igniting a full scale war is seemingly counter-productive for both military adversaries unless some genocidal idiot in Chine or India takes control of the government. These two countries have huge nuclear arsenal and that alone is a main deterrent to start a full scale war. With the good old Uncle Sam ready to side with the Indian government ( an American Fleet in the Indian Ocean is no coincidence), China would think twice before starting a war. Russia is no more and I dont think the Chinese commies can depend on North Korea or expect help from communist states in the world ( that is if there are still commies in the world. The Chinese government will not only be fighting a war in its indian front but she has to worry about the incursions in her Taiwan and Japan side. But should she decide to start a war, she better knock Indis out in two weeks before Obams start sending his wsr dogs via taiwan or south korea. Assuming US doesnt get involved, China will defeat India but not before exhausting her own military resources.
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• United States
10 Aug 09
America would face a huge conflict of interest if she took EITHER side in an Indian-Chinese conflict. While India is our friend and we admire that Indians enjoy democracy and freedom, we owe China A LOT of money, to take either side would be detrimental to American interests, I think many other nations would face a similar dilemma if put into a position of having to choose a side between India and China.
• India
6 Aug 09
But, I think their will surely be an intervention of America and in that case this war will turn into world war 3 and will be quite devastating. So, pray no war takes place. Happy MyLotting.
• India
6 Aug 09
Hi, friend. An Indian defense expert has recently expressed the possibility of an Indo-Chinese war in near future. But, I personally feel that no country in the world will dare to directly attack India at present, unless their rulers are really fool coz India is currently a big nuclear power. In such a case, if a country attacks India, it is possible that India may suffer huge loss, but the other country will also be in disaster. Secondly, the bunch of powerful countries monitoring the region will not let it happen. So, the possibility of a direct attack, and thus of a world war, is nearly completely ruled out. But, as we can see the increasing pressure from the north-east and northern Indian border, there is a possibility of a trespassing, that may result in a battle between India and China in near future, like that of KARGIL between India and Pakistan. A growing Chinese insecurity in global market due to rising Indian economic status may also prompt such a move by China. If a big war happens (whose possibility i already ruled out), it will be a disaster for everything, ranging from environment to life to property. But, if the much probable battle between India and China results, India will suffer more life, territory and property loss than China. But, it will be a break-down for the strong Chinese economy while less stronger Indian economy is quite robust to withstand it. Also, China will face a huge loss in its international political image. So, what i feel is China will not do it directly but it may be Pakistan again (with a support from the china), as the nonsense Pakistani administration can take such steps without caring for the huge loss it will suffer, as we have already seen in the past. But, these are all predictions. Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure, that we need to be alert. Happy Mylotting!!
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• India
6 Aug 09
Thanks for your comments and you are right that we need to be really alert. I would say that if a war took place then not only the two countries but many of the other countries will have to pay for it. Happy MyLotting.
@jiayiluo (28)
• China
6 Aug 09
I think it's impossible.China is not strong enough to open fire with other country.He should want to develop himself.
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• India
6 Aug 09
Thanks for you comment but I believe that someone may want to argue on this comment of yours. Happy MyLotting.
• China
10 Aug 09
That's impossible. Although recently India continue to strengthen its power of border military base but I suppose Indian government just wants to show that Indian army is stronger than before. Last day(or maybe today) Indian government and Chinese government had a meeting discussing their border problem. I believe both of the governments want to have a peaceful talk instead of gunfight. Anyway, if India and China really fight, we're still friends here in Mylot.LoL~
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• India
10 Aug 09
Thanks for your response. I truly agree with your comments but I think your last line is a bit debatable. If for say they both fights then I am sure that it will grow into World War 3 and results in demolition of 95% of civilizations. So, We may not also be there. So, if we wish to be friends forever, we should pray no such thing happens. Happy MyLotting.
• China
11 Aug 09
I say:"This is impossible!"
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• India
11 Aug 09
Thanks for your response and I agree with you on this partially. Although the possibility of such kind of mis-happening is very minimal, but who knows????? Happy MyLotting.
• India
5 Aug 09
Yeah.. there are problems in Indo - China relations.. But India will never indulge in a war unless they have no other choice! Becoz India always stands for world peace.. as the world history says. Thats why we are always engaged in discussions with other nations to make things into a compromise... Lets hope for the best and not for a war!
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• India
6 Aug 09
Yes hope for the best, but what if best doesn't happen. Happy MyLotting.