Do you wear seat belt when you are in the car? Helmet when on motorcycle?

@Iriene88 (5343)
August 8, 2009 2:50am CST
Malaysia has made it obligatory for all passengers to wear seat belts when in the car. If it was caught, the driver and passengers will be compounded. If it was caught 2nd time, the compound will be RM2000.00 For the motorbikes, the rider and pillion rider has to wear helmet at all time. But when riding in the villages or estate road, many ignore the laws. How is the situation in your country? Perhaps you can share what will be the actions taken or any experiences pertaining to this. It is aboslutely dangerous for not wearing seat belts. It can save lives... will share some stories at the comments later!
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56 responses
• Malaysia
10 Aug 09
Dear Iriene, it's an interesting topic of discussion & serve as a good 'reminder' too! Many many years ago, I and my second sister was on a trip to somewhere. It was raining heavily, the road are very slippery...I do not know why, when I was pressing on my car brake, the car spinning to the other side of the road. Thank God both of us had our safety belts on, no injuries at all. I always remind myself and my family members to wear their safety belts in the car at all time whenever the car are moving. It is better to take precaution than to regret later... All the best!
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@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
13 Aug 09
Dear gracefuldove, Thank God that both of you escaped unscratch. Wearing and fastened the seat belt properly is very critical during an emergency brake or during an accident! Some myLotters here share about the importance of seatbelts and is extremely IMPORTANT! SAFETY FIRST and always think of our love ones! Tks for sharing and all the best
@thokius (426)
• Austria
8 Aug 09
When I'm in a car (rarely) I do put on my seatbelt. But I don't enjoy doing it too much. In my country you have to wear a seatbelt no matter where you are sitting in the car. Otherwise you will get a fee. Not to mension if you have kids in the car without seatbelts.
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@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
12 Aug 09
Dear thokius, Glad to hear from you again.. So, it is mandatory in your country to wear seatbelt as long as you are in the car. If got caught, a fine will be they deduct points? In Malaysia, we are enforcing the law now, the fine will increase if it is being caught the second time! So, it is advisable to wear your seat belt at all time, it save money and safe lives too :) SAFETY FIRST and think for your love ones Tks and hope to hear from you again at my other topics :)
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
13 Aug 09
Dear Thok, Have a wonderful vacation and all the best! Will catch-up with you when you are back Take care :)
@thokius (426)
• Austria
13 Aug 09
Yes. You are deducted. By the way I'm going on vacation for a few days and I'll be back on 19th August. Until then have a nice day! Thok
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
17 Aug 09
hi iriene!^^ wearing a seatbelt is also a law too here in our country. but just like what you said, when in villages or provincial roads, many ignore the laws. most people only wear car seatbelts when in national roads. here in our town, motorcycle riders are penalized if they are caught not wearing a helmet. i would like to think that the authorities are strict in implementing the law but i see a lot of people passing by our municipal hall, the police station, riding motorcycles without wearing a helmet. and they are not arrested. actually i've violated that law too. lol i rode a motorcycle without a helmet. but i think there's no authority that saw me so we were not arrested.^^;; shame on me.
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
20 Aug 09
yeah, i've shared s secret. it's just between you and me okay??
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@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
17 Aug 09
Dear secretbear, You have shared your secret here... In actual fact, it is wise to wear and buckle the helmet when riding on a bike. Head injury is serious, therefore the local authority enforce the law. It is very useful during an emergency. I believe everyone have their be wise and decide for yourself. Always think "SAFETY FIRST" Thanks for sharing your views here, really appreciate it! All the best and take care :)
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@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
20 Aug 09
Dear secretbear, Your secret is safe with me.. But since it is on myLot public discussion..Oh OH Be happy , your identity is still safe with myLot... Take care, hope to hear your views on my latest topics! Happy myLotting and do keep in touch :)
@dreamr802 (985)
• United States
8 Aug 09
It's the law here to wear seatbelts in the car...I do wear a seatbelt if I'm in one of the front seats of the car or in the middle of the back seat. But if I'm behind one of the seats, I usually don't wear a seatbelt only because it is more comfortable that way. I've never been on a motorcycle before but I know that it isn't against the law to not wear a seatbelt.
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• United States
14 Aug 09
I just found out that in the state of Florida it is a law that anyone under the age of 18 and the people in the front seats of the car are required by law to wear their seatbelts. If you are over the age of 18 and in the back seat you aren't breaking the law in not wearing your seatbelt.
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@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
14 Aug 09
Hi, Tks for your prompt reply, really appreciate it! So, now I understand that Florida enforce that those seated infront must wear seat belts and it applies to those passengers below 18. Once 18 and above, they are matured enough to make their own wise decision whether to wear it or not! I truly hope they they will make a wise decision to fasten their seat belt while in a moving car especially on long distance travelling and on highways whereby most cars are speeding.. Btw, you are blessed to live in Florida, you can have vacations at wonderful theme parks. In August 2007, my family and I stayed at a resort near Walt Dinsney World, Orlando and we spend 6 nights there..that is the best theme park in the world. We enjoyed it very much. We managed to visit 'Holy Land Experience' too... All the best and do keep in touch, happy myLotting!
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
13 Aug 09
Dear dreamr, It seems many countries enforce the law on car driver to wear seat belt, and also on the front seat passenger. This is because if any accidents occur , the impact will me more on front seats. Anywhere, lately many statistic shows that seat belt saves lives during road accident. Therefore many countries now are promoting wearing seat belts wherever seated in the car at all times. SAFETY FIRST..take precaution! Tks for sharing and do keep in touch!
• United States
13 Aug 09
I always wear my seatbelt. United States law requires seatbelts to be worn. In addition, we have laws that require special car seats for kids under a certain age, which I am very strict about. Safety is most important and people drive like maniacs where I live!
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• United States
14 Aug 09
I'm so sorry to hear about your nephew. What an awful thing to go through. It's hard because my kids complain about being in their car seats for long periods of time. I remember as a kid they didn't have them and we were all over the back half of the car - switching sides, laying down, etc. But, as many accidents as I've seen and heard about, I'm very thankful for car seat laws!
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@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
17 Aug 09
Dear renita, Thanks for your prompt reply, really appreciate it! I do agree with you, especially travelling long distance, children tend to be restless. My son will get sleepy and start to sleep on my lap. With the seat belt buckle, it is very uncomfortable for him. I do not know how he managed it, he just adjust himself and slept.. I think he is too sleepy. It is advisable to stop and rest at the designated - rest & relax area to freshen up during a very long journey. In Malaysia, at he PLUS North-South Highway, and others too, they have quite a number of designated 'rest area'..where road users can stop and freshen-up, or perhaps stop for a meals or two. Get ready some activity like story book, coluring pencils with paper for children to occupy at the back seat when we travel. We used to play this game ' I spy with my eyes : ...' or if bigger children, we can encourage them to sharpen their mathematic adding skills...'for example ask them to add to get the total sum of the car plate number infront of your car. Plese do not aske the driver to participate, he needs to concentrate on the Let say the car number plate infront of you is WMM 1368, the answer will be : 18...who got ir right first is the winner..yeah! Have fun but do always remember "SAFETY FIRST!"
@doryvien (2284)
• United States
9 Aug 09
Hi Iriene, In my country wearing of seatbelt in the car and helmet on a motorcycle are both mandatory. I myself always put on the seatbelt when I drive, it's like something is not right when I'm behind the wheel and I'm not wearing the seatbelt. Also, My kids are always quick to remind me when they see I don't have it on. I don't ride motorcycles, I'm scared of them. A big percentage of road accidents in my country involve motorcycles, so I stay away from them as much as I can.
@doryvien (2284)
• United States
14 Aug 09
Hi Iriene, Didn't see you in a while, good you're back (or was I the one who was missing?) The law says the driver, front seat passenger(s) and the back seat passengers are required to wear seatbelts while the vehicle is running. But I've observed that this is not being enforced strictly, particularly on the ones sitting at the backseat. Kids 6yrs old and below are not allowed by law to sit in the front passenger seat, and a car seat is in think not required but encouraged. I remember my kids were squirmish when they were put in the car seat, so I resorted to placing them on my lap when we travel. There's no law prohibiting this but I know it can be dangerous.
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@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
14 Aug 09
Dear doryvien, Tks for your prompt reply..great to hear from you again! I was spending less time on myLot due to for the past 3 days, myLot was having system upgrade and system maintenance..thus the response or activity is slow and at times just disappeared. Quite a number of myLotters was worried about it. So, just relax & be cool, back and check, once the system okay, we start again! Do agree with you, many children do not like to sit on the 'child car seat'... Tks and do keep in touch..take care!
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
13 Aug 09
Dear doryvien, It is a good practice to wear seatbelts at all time when you are in the car. Your kids are so thoughtful and clever to remind you. Wonderful children :) Keep it up Btw, does those passengers seated behind need to wear safety belts too? How about children car seat, is it compulsory in the Philippines? SAFETY FIRST and always think for our love ones! Tks for sharing and do keep in touch!
@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
3 Dec 12
Of course I wear a seat belt whenever I travel by car, this is law in England as well. Even prior to the law I always used a seat belt providing that the vehicle actually had a seat belt fitted. I have made many car journeys without a seat belt in the past because they were not very common years ago, but I can not remember ever failing to use one when it has been available.
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@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
7 Dec 12
You are a good, responsible citizen and a courteous road user. Give a pat on your shoulder for having such a good habit. Keep it up! I too remembered when I was just a child, there are no seat belts fitted yet. Later only have seat belts for driver and the front seat passenger. As more cars and more safety features available, there are more safety awareness being prioritise.
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
7 Dec 12
Hi Asylum, I like your avatar, very jolly and in season :)
@redredrose (1105)
• United States
22 Nov 12
I have never been on a motorcycle in my life, but i do always wear a seat belt in the car. I wear it in the front seat all the time and only sometimes in the back because i feel the back seat is safer than the front seat. It the law to wear a seat belt in cars in all 50 states and if you do not you can get a ticket. Tho in some states it is not a law to wear a helmet on motorcycles and so some people don't do it and that is very dangerous. My hubby once was in a scooter accident and banged his head. Luckily he had a helmet on so the helmet got smashed and broken and not his head. I'm very thankful he had the helmet and wore it that day.
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@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
26 Nov 12
Dear redredrose, Thanks goodness your hubby wore the helmet. Wearing helmet and safety belt is for our own safety while we are on the road. This small gesture can save our lives. It is good that you have a this habit of wearing safety belt. Keep it up!
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
8 Aug 09
Good morning, Iriene. Yes, in the US it is a law that everyone must wear seat belts. If caught doing so, one must pay a fine to the courts. Each time you are caught not wearing a seat belt, the fine increases in amount. Children must also be in special car seats until they are a certain height and weight, or one is fined. As for motor cycles, each of our 50 states can make their own law on that. Some require helmets; some do not. But statistics show that many lives are saved by using seat belts, car seats for children, and wearing a helmet when on a motor cycle. Karen
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
8 Aug 09
Just wanted to make a quick correction, seatbelts, like motorcycle helmets, are not a national law, this is also a state thing, New Hampshire has no manditory seatbelt requirement for those over 18 (yay! my state!)
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@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
12 Aug 09
Dear Karen & xfahctor, I never knew that in the USA, the different states can make their own law on wearing seat belts & helmets . Even though wearing helmets and seat belts are quite annoying at times..but we must always put SAFETY as our main priority. It will save our lives and save being fine / summon too !! So, I will advise go for SAFETY FIRST.. Tks for sharing and all the best!
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• United States
13 Aug 09
Hello xF...I did not know that, so I learned something new today! Karen
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• New Zealand
9 Aug 09
Hi Iriene, I was raised to learn the importance of wearing a seatbelt and have worn one in a car as far back as I could remember. In New Zealand it is also illegal to be caught without a seatbelt. Here if you are over the age of 16 you are fined personally for not wearing a seatbelt even if you are not the driver. The driver is fined too. If the person is 15 years of younger the parents are fined. I have never ridden a moped or motorcycle but if I did I would definitely wear a helmet. Infact in New Zealand it is also against the law to ride a normal bicycle without a helmet and you are fined if you are caught without one.
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
13 Aug 09
Dear tabatha, It is wonderful to know that you have been raised to learn the importance of wearing a safety seat belt. You always obey the law as it is for our safety, good..keep it up! New Zealand is a very good country who puts their citizen SAFETY FIRST. It even enforce the law for the cyclist to wear a helmet! I am vey happy to hear about it.. In Malaysia there are no such laws imposed on cyclist, but I noticed those with mountain bikes, they really wear those helmets and other protection gears. I am honoured to be your friend keep in touch! All the best and happy myLotting!
• New Zealand
9 Aug 09
I have seen many people ride in cars without seatbelts here but have never seen anyone on a motorcyle without a helmet. In fact the motorcyclists here always wear alot of protection from full leather suits to proper motorcycle shoes. If you fall off a motorcyle it is possible to get badly injured. Oh forgot to comment on your other question, but I too would love to be your friend and if you ever visit New Zealand then I will be more than happy to show you around. Have a lovely day :-)
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@seanbryan (349)
• United Arab Emirates
12 Aug 09
hi iriene! I've learned my driving lessons abroad, the country where i am currently residing. here it is mandatory to wear seatbelts when driving and so with the passenger beside the driver. Anyone caught violating the law will be penalized to pay Dhs. 200 for first offense. For same reason and for my own safety I am always cautious not to violate driving rules and regulations here.
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@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
13 Aug 09
Dear seanbryan, Glad that you have a foreign licence, thus in future can apply for international driving license? So happy that you will always think for SAFETY FIRST , keep it up Does the country that you reside make it mandatory for those passengers sitting at the back seats to wear safety seat belts? Actually it is good everyone should fasten a seat belt while in a moving car. Tks and hope to hear from you on my other topics also
• United Arab Emirates
26 Aug 09
Hi iriene! It's been a long time, been busy this past two weeks as we had shifted to another apartment. No it's not mandatory to fasten seatbelts for passengers at the backseat only for the driver and passenger sitting in front. To add on, people here are fully aware of road regulations when driving as everybody had to pass several tests before having the license, won't you believe I took 10 road tests before I have it ... each time I fail I have to undergo another 1 week training which means i have to pay again for the training and the test. Imagine i paid ten folds plus the the fundamental training and it took me 5 months all in all. Lol....this is how precious and tedious having a driving license here. Good Day!
• India
24 Nov 12
We have same rules here too, i am sorry to tell you that many don't obey and face accident, here too if caught by traffic police , they are supposed to pay fine, but most bribe him and escape lol.
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@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
26 Nov 12
Dear Professor, yes it is very true that many people do ignore this law. They did not see the benefit of wearing safety belt and helmet. This small gesture can save their lives if accidents happen. Safety first! In my country people give bribes too especially for not wearing belt and for speeding.
@natliegleb (5173)
• India
2 Dec 12
when i am travelling for long time ,i tend to wear it for sure because it gives me a sense of confidence and the imbibed talent to drive with ease also or else the pressure will be mounting on me
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@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
3 Dec 12
It is good to know that you do wear seat belt when you drive long distance. Yes, SAFETY First! In case if there is any police block, you will not be given any tickets for not wearing seat belt. However, it is a good practice to wear the seat belt when you are in a moving vehicle whether you are the driver or a passenger. Keep it up.
@Badkid (235)
• Philippines
2 Dec 12
Yep of course it is important to wear seat belt or helmet..we should wear it for could save lives,but not all people like to wear it,they hate wearing it.just like my uncle,he dont like wearing seat belts when he's driving.
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@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
3 Dec 12
Yes, you are absolutely right! We should always put safety first. We should never compromise our safety when lives is concerned. Many people take things for granted and never knew the seriousness of it. I hope your uncle will remember to wear his seat belt the next time he drives. I too have an ex-colleague who she and her whole family do not wear seat belts at all. They only pulled the seat belt and fastened it one got road block by police...
• Philippines
22 Dec 11
Hi Iriene88! I always make sure that I use the seat belt whenever I drive. I do not want to get into trouble by not using the seat belt. I rarely ride a motorcycle. However, when I do, I make sure I use a helmet. You are right, it is dangerous for us not to use our seat belts or helmets. It's better to be safe than sorry.
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@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
28 Dec 11
YES, it's good to have this practical habit to wear safety seat belt whenever you are in the car. Keep it up! In Malaysia, we will be fine RM300 if we break this rule. It is for our own safety. You are absolutely right, "It's better to be safe than sorry."
@shaggin (74007)
• United States
9 Sep 09
Where I live its legal to ride a motorcycle without a helmet but you HAVE to wear a seat belt when in a car. In the state I live they cant pull you over and give you a ticket for being without a seat unless they site you for something else first such as speeding etc. In a way its a good thing that you have to wear your seat belt but in another way its like such an invasion of your rights. I ALWAYS wear my seat belt and if I see someone in my car doesnt have there seat belt on then I wont start the car until they put it on. I dont want to get a ticket and have to pay money just because someone didnt buckle up. That being said I don't want to feel guilty for the rest of my life for someone being killed from not wearing a seat belt if I got in an accident.
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
9 Sep 09
Dear shaggin, Give a pat on your shoulder..for practising a good habit! It is good to take precaution in case of emergency. I am very happy that you always fasten your safety seatbelts whenever you are in a car. It saves money and lives too. Keep it up! You have the right attitude! Tks for sharing & hope to hear your views on my other topics too:)
• United States
2 Jan 12
In my state we are required to wear a seat belt, they can pull you over for not wearing one. A helmet on the other hand is still optional for riding on motorcycles... seems a bit foolish not to wear one.
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@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
2 Jan 12
Hi, Optional for helmets ...hmmm, in Malaysia it is compulsory. However, many inner roads, small towns, villagers riding the motorcycle hardly wears one. No police will catch them, some even can carry two or more pillion riders
@haiershen (1080)
• China
25 Aug 09
i do wear seat belt when i am in a car,because it is not only a rule in our country,if you not obey,you should be ordered to pay extra charge.but also make us feel safety,so after a long time, we had made a habits to do that when we in the car, no matter i'm a passenger or driver. good luck and have a nice day.
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@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
25 Aug 09
Dear haiershen, It is indeed a good habit to wear the safety seat belt whenever you are in the car! Good, Keep it up.. You are definitely a person who treasure lives.. You are absolutely right, SAFETY COMES FIRST! In Malaysia, if we are caught not wearing seatbelt, we will be fine RM300.00 and certain number of points will be deducted! Tks for sharing and I really appreciate keep in touch
@cwong77 (2010)
• Malaysia
24 Oct 12
I always think people who violate the rules on the road is very irresponsible as they are not just risking their lives but others too! Whenever the country impose new ruling on road users, I will be happy to see them. Increase the fines, and put in more camera!
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@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
25 Oct 12
Absolutely agree with you in this matter. However, there are still many Malaysian who just refused to wear belts while in the moving cars. Recently I met a friend, she just do not bother to wear the seat belt at all. She said her whole family do not wears them at all. They will just pulled it if they see the traffic police on road blocks. So far the never got caught.
@squallming (1775)
• Malaysia
26 Oct 12
Yes, I do wear seat belt whenever I am in a vehicle and helmet whenever I got on bikes. I do not know much about the fine though. But I think it is RM300 or approximately 90 dollars for the first time you are caught. The fine or compound is actually good as they can encourage the wearing of seat belt and helmet to protect one's life. Most people just don't feel like wearing and when accident does happens, they put their life at stake.
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@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
30 Oct 12
You are absolutely right! Safety First In Malaysia, every passengers must wear seat belt when they are seated in the car. If not, the driver will be held responsible and be fined. Thanks for sharing.