Tattoos Are For Trashy People

United States
August 10, 2009 11:22pm CST
Controversial? Stereotyping? An unfair statement? According to my dad, that is the case..... I have 3 tattoos (and believe it or not, my dad doesn't know!) But I would really be ashamed to let him see them because I know how conservative he is and what he thinks of them. Our culture today is more "anything goes" than it has ever been. What do you think of tattoos? Do you think they are trashy? Do you have a tattoo or would you consider getting one? Do you think SOME tattoos are distasteful? What kind of ink do you find offensive or are there any?
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22 responses
@mzz663 (2772)
• United States
11 Aug 09
I used to stereotype people because of tattoos, it was my parents way of thinking. My neighbor was in a motorcycle gang and even though they were friends and he would visit often, my parents always had a way of making him look like a bad person to us kids because of the tats and bike (which made no sense to me, after all, they were good friends!) I want to get a tat, just too chicken after watching my daughter and niece get theirs. There are some that are distasteful, but the way I see it, it's not my skin and the person with the tat is the one that has to deal with it, hopefully they like it. I was helping my daughter change at the hospital not long ago and noticed she had a tat and said, oh, nice tat....I guess only certain people are s'posed to see that one! Did it hurt?! she just started laughing at me.....I'll have to tell you sometime about the belly button piercing thing I did with anyways, I guess it didn't hurt her but it most likely would have made me scream!
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• United States
12 Aug 09
Tattoos do hurt! Really bad if you choose to put it on a sensitive area. My lower back hurt immensely! It is my biggest tattoo, and the longest one time-wise, about 2 hours,. Those 2 hours, that pain never subsided, and it never went numb (which sometimes, after repeated stingking, your body will go numb with pain) I would NEVER get another one there again, so I am grateful it was a big one!! LOL
• Atlantic City, New Jersey
11 Aug 09
hahah mzz, I can vouch for the definitely hurt like H E Double Hockey Sticks...LOL. You also made me realize something- maybe it was my fear of needles that kept me from getting a tattoo until the age of 32. It could have been a subconscious thing.....interesting ;)
• Atlantic City, New Jersey
11 Aug 09
My First Tattoo - My first tattoo of a Puerto Rican/ Dominican Fairy/ TinkerBell
here is a pic of it in case you didn't see my first response to this discussion ;)
• United States
11 Aug 09
I have 16 tattoos (lol) but they are ALL tasteful. And yeah I do think some tats are really offensive and distasteful. When you go into a tattoo parlor and decide what to get you should keep in mind that it will be there forever, and you wouldn't want something offensive on you forever. Also, even though I have a lot of tattoos- they are all absolutely easy to cover up with a long sleeve shirt and pants... so that I don't have a hard time getting jobs. When I see people with tats on their face, neck, and hands it really makes me wonder what kind of life they have ahead of them. Don't get me wrong- I LOVE PEOPLE WITH LOTS AND LOTS OF TATS because the artwork has meaning no matter what. I just recommend going into getting ink done with some class and good taste. NO tattoos do NOT make you a trashy person; however, the wrong tattoos could make you appear to be trashy. Be Smart and Careful :)
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@Qaeyious (2357)
• United States
11 Aug 09
First of all, I am over 50 years old. And my opinions about tattoos and piercings are: 1) I will never get pierced; I have enough holes in my body, including my head 2) I will never get tattooed; I have enough lines ... and finally, 3) I will never understand why anyone would want to put another person's art on their skin. If I ever consider a tattoo, it won't be THEIR art, it will be MINE.
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@ds6413 (2070)
• United States
11 Aug 09
Hello, I have one tattoo. I don't think it is trashy. I showed my mother and she didn't say anything other than its my body.No one can see my tattoo unless I want to show someone, it is on my right hip next to a birthmark I have.I also have one bpdy piercing, my navel of course and no one see that either without my permission.I have three piercing im each ear but I got those when I was younger. The firstr ear piercing I got was when I was 3 years old because my dad dared me to get my ears pierced and he said he would buy my earrings so I got my ears pierced. My parents also have some tattoos which they did themselves when they were in high school.The tattoos are their initials, luckily they married and are still together. They are definately not conservative.
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• India
11 Aug 09
Actually tattoos mostly reflect the personality of a person.... Its good to show our point of view with pictures or art... Its cool and also the latest trend.
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11 Aug 09
My parents were totally against it when I got my first tattoo (on my wrist), but by the second time i got a tattoo, they were so tired of putting up with me they just let it go. I'm lucky my parents let it slide.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
12 Aug 09
Hmmm. Well, as far as government, I am conservative meaning that I don't want government involved in any choice people do or do not make for their own lives. As far as other things, ie stereotypes, I am against conservativism. I don't agree with those who think everybody needs to mind their p's and q's and address people with titles, that there is anything wrong with tattoos, piercings, or pink hair. To me, a tattoo is an individual form of self expression. Just in case anybody reading this missed the point, here it is again, an INDIVIDUAL form of SELF EXPRESSION. This means that it is nobody else's business whether someone gets a tattoo, 50 tattoos, or no tattoos. It doesn't mean anything nor is it okay to ASSUME it means anything. My blunt answer to your question is that anybody who believes 'tattoos are for trashy people' has a trashy attitude concerning the whole thing. Very very immature. Very very shallow. I try to avoid people like that. My own dad probably went to the same class yours did. The difference is, I am not afraid of the conflict and I'd let mine know what I think. I don't have tattoos, but if I wanted to get one, I would. I would also not have a problem showing it off to people, and if they had some sort of a problem with it, I suppose I'd like it even more - not because I actually enjoy that, but because I think they need to GET OVER IT ALREADY. I don't ever tell someone that they should or shouldn't get a tattoo. I don't think it is my business either way, and I really wish that OTHER people would be AS RESPECTFUL of others' choices. I don't necessarily like very very large tattoos that may cover most of someone's body, but that's because I wouldn't want to do that myself. It might suit the other person very well and they may LOVE it. A lot of tattoos that are personally designed have personal meanings, and if they could have multiple meanings, such as a quote or a certain word or title, I suppose it could be offensive if you don't know what it's referring to...
@glords (2614)
• United States
11 Aug 09
I personally have no problem with tattoos. Several of my friends have tatts, and I wouldn't be offended if my hubby wanted one as well. I would hope that it would be something of significance to him and appropriate. I have an ex who has tatts all over his body. His tatts depict people suffering, in flames and torment. I think its ridiculous, but he thinks they represent him because his middle class suburban life was too painful for anyone to endure. lol... like we don't all have problems. I don't think his tatts are socially acceptable. No one would want to hire someone with those types of images visible. To each their own, but I wouldn't be happy with my hubby or my kids if they got something like that done. I'm also going to comment on the lower back tatts that women sometimes get. Personally I think these are fine. They are easily hidden with clothing and they are usually elegant... the only reason that I bring them up is because they have such a bad reputation. They have been given derogatory names such as:"tramp stamp," "hoe tag," "a-s-s antlers", etc. I wonder why this tatt has been singled out. Do you think it is because it is predominantly a woman's tatt?
• United States
11 Aug 09
I don't know why that has been singled out. And by the way I have one there-LOL and I have had a couple people say goofy comments like that, but only in fun. I can say it hurt far worse than the other tattoos!! LOL You are right, it is a woman's "spot" to have it done there. I actually saw a guy with a tattoo there and I immediately thought it looked ridicualous and I was like huh-that's the first I have ever seen there on a guy. And have never seen once since!! Kind of like upper bicep tattoos used to be a "guy" things. I think if a woman has a tattoo there it definitely makes her look tough.
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
11 Aug 09
"Tattoos Are For Trashy People" I have heard of it many times from people. So it means whoever has tattoos on their body, they are trashy?I don't really agree with tihs statement. Some people acts really extreme about tattoos, when they see people who has tattoo, they will just convict them they are "trash". I think it can be considering as discrimination.
• Atlantic City, New Jersey
11 Aug 09
GREAT POINT Mermaid- labeling them as "trashy" is definitely a form of of discrimination...I never really thought about it that way...thanks for the insight :)
• United States
11 Aug 09
It is discrimantion I think too. My dad is very old school and very conservative. My dad does not have tattoos and we would never EVER considering one in a million years and I know that. I think it has a lot to do with culture and what not though. My dad is strict and a fairly spiritual man and in the Bible it states that anything you do to your body to deface it is considered destroying the temple of God, and I think that is the mentality behind his thinking.
@MissAmie (717)
• United States
11 Aug 09
That reminds me of something my grandfather said to me when I was a teenager. He said not to stay out late because "only the scum of the earth" is out that late. Well guess what, Grandad? I'm a night person. lol. Always have been too. I work nights and just generally feel better at night. I just can't function right early in the morning. And I have 4 tattoos too. Wow, your dad would really hate me. lol. To answer your question though, I don't think tattoos are trashy. Sure they can be, but not all of them. The ones I personally don't like are things like skulls, crap that everyone has (like the tribal tramp stamp...sorry if you have one of those! lol) or ones that are just plain ugly. My poor cousin got a butterfly on her arm and either it's because the top of her arm is fat or the dude that inked her messed up but it is crooked on her arm. I hate it.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
12 Aug 09
I don't have any tatoos but that is mainly because I'm afraid of needles. If I wasn't afraid I would probably have one below my belly button somewhere. My two grown daughters have I think 5 between them. I just don't like it when people have them all over their bodies or the sleeve type especially on a female. Otherwise I don't think people who have them are trashy. Its the "in" thing now and I don't think its going away anytime soon.
@doryvien (2284)
• United States
12 Aug 09
Hi princess, I remember my mother said once: Tattoos are for ex-convicts only...I don't see people with tattoos as trashy or anything like it, but I know I can't have them because 1) I have very low tolerance for pain, the process is too painful for me; 2) It's not allowed in my place of work (tho' some have them but not exposed for everyone to see; 3) I guess I'm too old for that, but even when I was younger I know it's my kind of thing, and I'll go back to my no. 1 reason. This world has changed a lot, societies are more permissive as compared to what I've been with during my time. And now freedom of expression has never been more free. Having tattoos is one way of expressing oneself and tho' the olds may wince at them, it's not viewed as taboo anymore.
@mequan (141)
• United States
11 Aug 09
You shouldn't have to hide from your dad that you have three tattoos on your body.Your father should respect your chose of having three tattoos because you are grown now.There is nothing that he can really do to you but maybe get mad for a while but he will get over it eventually.But it's your choice if you want to tell him.Good Luck.
• United States
12 Aug 09
I know because I am grown, and they weer my choices to have them done. But still-you don't know my father. LOL He has his ways and tones to get the point ot disgust or disappointment across, and I still hold my dad in the highest of authority. Maybe I am childish with my thinking, but to disappoint him is not something I ever want to do-even with this type of situation.
• United States
11 Aug 09
Tattoos are an art form of self expression. They don't need to make sense to anyone buy you. Tasteful or not they are as individual as you. My son actually bought me my first tattoo, we got them together, he chose a crucifix, I chose a Lion which I feel describes me. Don't let anyone tell you differently all that matters is how you feel about the matter. Some may be distasteful but everyone's opinion is their own and might not what others may think.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
11 Aug 09
Well, my mother got her first tatoo when she was 60, don't think I'd be calling her trashy, lol, I know better. Seriously, I do not think HAVING a tatoo is trashy, they are expression, art, individual markers and such. Tatoos can be trashy or tasteless, like any thing else. I have seen some pretty trashy ones and I have seen some that are absolutely stunning works of art. I don't have a tatoo myself, just haven't had the desire to get one is all.
@UK_Shree (3603)
11 Aug 09
I don't think that's a very fair thing to say and yes it is a stereotypical statement to make. Tattoos these days are the sort of thing anyone really might get done. I think maybe back in the 1970s or 1980s there was a rise in a particular type of person getting a tattoo done, but I think getting one done these days is much less controversial. I am quite surprised that you have three and he has never even accidentally seen them!
• United States
11 Aug 09
I have 3 tattoos that are all together. My dad is the one who hated when I got my first one. That was 5 years ago and he still asks me "why I wanted to scar my body for life?" But mine are symbolic to me. I have wolf prints (1st one), with a wolf cub beside them (2nd one), and my daughter's name and birthday below the cub. I think it really depends on what that tat looks like to depend on if it is trashy or not. As for the "tramp stamp", it's mostly called that because of where it is and where it draws attention to. If a guy is looking at that, then chances are he is looking at your butt. Mine are on my left upper arm just below my shoulder. I get a lot of responses along the line of "aww... that's so cute".
@jimeny (640)
• Israel
11 Aug 09
I would consider a lot before getting a tattoo, because it's a huge deal when you want to take it off. I don't think it's trashy, and each tattoo is different so I can't say anything about it w/o specifying a certain tattoo.
@pushkin69 (546)
11 Aug 09
Hi there. I have two tattoos. I had one done when I was 18 yrs old and I regret having it done. It is on my upper arm and as I have become older I just feel like it is out of place and doesnt represent my character any more. My second tattoo is on my lower back and means so much more to me. I had this done in my 20s when I was travelling around the world and reminds me of that free time in my life. I dont think they are trashy infact I think they can be very tasteful. I dont judge people by the way they look and have not found any offensive that I have seen. I do not agree with any tattoos that incite hatred of other races or cultures.
@thokius (426)
• Austria
11 Aug 09
Hello princess07031980, I think tatoos aren't bad if they have a purpose. I myself have tatoos due to religious reasons and fates. It is weird to have them for no reason/ just for fun... No offence . Cheers! Thok