Find a good way to remember the words

@Ruby722 (796)
August 11, 2009 1:23am CST
Maybe it's easy thing that remmeber words for you guys that who speak first language is English.For easy for me.I have a poor vocabulary .All right finally i find a good mathod to remember words.First changce the words become(imagine) pictures.then relate this pictures and put them together.It's a full word.we can named it" pictures of memories".It's more easy and you won't forget it.The scientist have tested that our mind it's more easier to record pictures.That why there has a genius who can remember all the name of station by three mintues.It's a big joob. For example it's talk about words Take the word"SUBJECT"You can imagine A(S)woman look at you and yo(U)r (B)aby (J) is one int(E)net take a (C)oca cola watching foo(T)ball.See? then you connection it in our mind.You will never forget it Lol it's my sercet method and i share with you guys.Hope you like it.. Have a nice day Ruby
5 responses
@kevchua (1004)
• Malaysia
11 Aug 09
That's called mnemonics - it means using a word to remember something else. For instance, if you want to remember the musical notes for each of the five lines on the bar, just remember Every Good Boy Deserves Food. Or if you want to know what coordinating conjunctions are in grammar, just remember FANBOYS - For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So. Mnemonics have been used for a long time and it's a very effective way of remembering things. You may check out my website in my profile if you want to learn more English :) Good luck.
@Ruby722 (796)
• China
11 Aug 09
Thanks Your mentioned Five line I play keyboard But i can't remember the five line well Do you have a good way? Help you can help me work this out. You method is great.I will see you website later Thanks for your responding
@rahulda (92)
• India
11 Aug 09
There is a new tool thats been developed here - They highlight words as you visit webpages. It also displays the meaning when u scroll over the word. But its only for the 3500word list for GRE exam. I am not aware if u could add more. I also use pictures to remember words. For my GRE I started with etymology. Its the best way to remember words for me.
@Ruby722 (796)
• China
12 Aug 09
Thanks for you recommend.I will check it later Have a good day
• India
11 Aug 09
You have given a very good method to remember words. Your method goes on lines with a method called mnemonics where we take the first letter of every abstract word and make a meaningful word instead which can be remembered very easily.
@Ruby722 (796)
• China
12 Aug 09
Thanks for you responding.
@cindyhxf (1446)
• China
12 Aug 09
hi ruby,thanks for sharing that how to remember the is helpful way as you said.well,i felt surprse that some people are good at reminding long words.i know they must have skill to remember.anyway,share more with us later.have a nice night.take care.
@jimeny (640)
• Israel
11 Aug 09
Thanks for sharing it. I'll be sure to use this method once I'll study a new language! Cheers!