So! You love to Write?

United Kingdom
August 11, 2009 7:46am CST
Hi fellow my lotters! This has been my first discussion that I have created in quite a while and I really just didn't know what to come up with. Well, I love to write and so I thought I would create something in relation to this. I still struggle with writing at the best of times. I have just logged out of the website Helium, I wrote two articles on that site today and it was based on reflections! I find it easy to write about this subject as it gives you the opportunity to get creative. So, you love to write? What do you write about? What feelings do you experience when you are writing? For me it's one word and you have probably heard this countless times: escapism! Escapism from reality! Is this a good thing? Well, everyone needs to escape from time to time and this definitely does it for me! Are you an author? Another common saying: a penny for your thoughts!!!! Andrew
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16 responses
@ricven (98)
• Indonesia
11 Aug 09
Hi.. I don't love to write.. hehehe.. For you, I have a site that paid you for stories that you wrote.. Interested?.. PM please.. hehehehe...
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• United Kingdom
11 Aug 09
Hi ricven, thanks for the information. I'm a member of quite a few different writing sites but I'm always interested in finding out about something if it is not on my list. Thanks. Andrew
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@ricven (98)
• Indonesia
11 Aug 09
Hi.. nice to know you.. thanks for the comment.. I've sent the link to your PM..just check it out.. :)
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• United Kingdom
11 Aug 09
Thanks, I'll check it out. Andrew
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@sweetie1026 (1718)
• Philippines
13 Aug 09
Hello, yes, it's really been awhile since the last time i saw you on here. I hope that all is well with you. Actually, i do not write, i make blogs about my thoughts and experiences,, i mean day to day things in life. Yes, it is a way of escaping from the real world. It can be fulfilling sometimes but i just make mine simple.There are times that i write about how i feel and about my frustrations in life. As well as my aspirations and dreams of becoming years from now. I have made a few blogs on other sites but i do keep a small notebook in my bag where i write things that happened in my lifie each day. Another for the messages i get from my friends, so when i want to look back then i can use it as a reference.
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• United Kingdom
13 Aug 09
Hi, yes I haven't been on My Lot for a while but I wouldn't give it up for the world! Everything is fine, thanks. That's great that you enjoy the writing process. I love this so much although I haven't done much in the way of personal blogs. I have my private journals obviously which I like to update from time to time so that I have something to look at in the future to see what I got up to in the past. I love writing on Helium though and I'm trying to build up the articles that I have published on that site. Well, good luck with your own writings. Andrew
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
12 Aug 09
I don't call myself an author but I do call myself a blogger. Even when I am writing for sites or etc, I still feel like in a way, I'm blogging. Writing has always been my passion, inclusive with other things. It gives me a pure elixir to release certain tension and to say what I mean inside from the bottom of my heart at times. It's great that we can use writing as a form of outlet of our own voice and to project to sites or our own blog so that when we are retired or just wanting to stop or slow down, these writings can be read again. I call these writings, even those on micro-blogging ones my snippets, entangled day by day..
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
16 Aug 09
I know what you mean there. The sites are always there, and sometimes to fill up those writing thoughts, need some disciplining to do, which I pretty lack a bit, LOL.. I'm trying to get more blog posts coming too.
• United Kingdom
12 Aug 09
Hi, yes blogging is another great form of writing. I am a member of the website the only thing is, I haven't created a blog as yet I have been struggling with this. The great thing about submitting any piece of writing online is the fact that it is going to remain there forever or for as long as the site is in existence. I love writing personal journals and they help me to release my thoughts on to the printed page, a great form of release. Andrew
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@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
12 Aug 09
i am also on writing sites, ehow, bukisa, triond, associated content and Daily Article. but i am currently dry of ideas and need to think of stuff to write. i recently wrote business articles. i also write fashion articles, green articles, natural remedies articles, and i went to a garden show recently to take notes about gardening and i wrote some gardening tips. so, my articles tend to vary. it depends what i come across and what inspires me. i need to brainstorm for some ideas right now. i have self published my first novel on it went smoothly, even though i had few writer blocks, did some brainstorm exercises, and then continued until the end.
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• United Kingdom
12 Aug 09
Hi, yes I'm familiar with some of those sites like Associated Content and Triond although I don't write for those two as much. It sounds like you do quite a bit of research before you start writing, I suppose that's a good thing, I don't do any myself as, at the moment I am concentrating my efforts on creative writing and I'm just trying to fish out whatever springs up in my mind! Good luck with your own writings. Andrew
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@kevchua (1004)
• Malaysia
11 Aug 09
I'm not an author, though I wish I could be like Rowlings and Tolkien...ya, dream on :) ..anyway, I write for a purpose. When I want to help, when I want to express my emotions or when I want to express my thoughts, I'd write like what I'm doing now. I'm responding to your discussion topic because I find it interesting. Escapism? Nah, i'm not escaping anything. Cheers!
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• United Kingdom
11 Aug 09
Hi kevchua, well you never know, you may become an author one day! I think they say if you love to write and you continue to write then you can only get better. I love writing on sites like Helium and Triond and perhaps Associated Content but with me living in the UK, it's not very feasible in terms of making any money on that site. Andrew
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@kevchua (1004)
• Malaysia
11 Aug 09
I'm a member of AC too, and have contributed some articles, but i haven't got anything - it's too slow to get paid. So I don't bother anymore. I'd rather stick to here where I get to meet people, and even help them while getting a bit of money. You're in the UK and it's difficult to earn? Well, I'm in Malaysia... so I know it's close to impossible to earn a few dimes in any paid sites. Sigh. We know who benefits most out of paid sites (no offense) hahaha... Hey, keep writing ok? And I'll do the same. If you find any good paid sites for articles, let me know. The AC one pays peanuts.
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• United States
12 Aug 09
Hi Andrew, Warm welcome to Helium! I created a Zone to help new writers get their quickest start to earnings on the site. I'm not allowed to post the link here, but you can write to me: As Helium staff I do not earn on any of my articles or Zones, so no self-promo in this. Many new writers have found this Zone helpful. My inbox is always open, as questions arise: Enjoy, Barbara
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• United Kingdom
12 Aug 09
Hello Barbara, that's interesting to read! Yes, I think I will contact you regarding this to try and find out what this is all about. I will get in touch. Thanks, Andrew
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• United States
12 Aug 09
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
17 Aug 09
Well, I Love to write and my dream would be to become a published author someday. For me having the Freedom to write helps me to be able to express my thoughts and feelings and share things about my life, etc. with others. Overall writing is a Great thing to do and where would the readers be if they did not have the Writers as well?
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• United Kingdom
17 Aug 09
That's one goal that I share with you! I would love to become the author of a published book! Still, I concentrate my efforts on the likes of Helium now! I also love to keep personal journals, I don't know where these will end up once I'm gone!! Andrew
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
11 Aug 09
I love writing, I find it very therapeutic, in the height of my depression I found that writing poetry helped, although some of my poetry was pretty dark and depressing I got the words out on paper. I used to write diaries to get my emotions and feelings out on paper, sad to say I had to stop when my ex read them and things turned mighty ugly. I have started writing a 'self esteem' diary, it's not a daily diary but I write in it when I need to, it's there for me. Even as a child I would always be writing, I have written books too, but never published because they are personal to me. I love writing and typing on the computer is just not the same. I would always like to use a fountain pen too. It's a great way of getting in touch with your emotions. As I find it very difficult to cry, maybe I should get back into poetry again. I would love to write a self help book so I can help others in life. I think what I've experienced in life could help others deal with emotional topics.
• United Kingdom
12 Aug 09
Hi wolfie, it's really good to hear from you! As you can see, I don't create many discussions!!! Well, I can definitely relate to what you say! I keep personal journals myself and they are really therapeutic, I don't know where I would be without them. It's only yesterday that I submitted another two articles on Helium, I'm pleased about that and I want to submit a whole lot more hopefully. Well, good luck with your writings as alwasys, I will speak to you soon. Andrew
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
12 Aug 09
I like to write, but it is mostly non fiction. I write freelance articles really often. I am a good writer, though, and need to get back to some that I am registered on. I would like to eventually replace my income offline with my income online.
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• United Kingdom
12 Aug 09
That would be a great thing to work at home and live off the income from your writings. I would love to achieve this but I just don't do enough writing and the sites that I write for don't pay that well. Anyway, I guess there's real pleasure to be had from having others read your work. Andrew
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@sidney2 (43)
• Italy
12 Aug 09
Hi Andrew, hi everybody, i love write! In the past, I writed a lot but I write little because I've a short free time: too much study, too much work. I've written short stories of love and adventure and articles of newspapers in my old school.
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• United Kingdom
12 Aug 09
That's great that you love to write. I can certainly understand the study thing taking up quite a bit of time, I study myself. It's good to write anyhow as you can be taken to places you never imagined! Andrew
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
11 Aug 09
Hi AndrewFreyne, I love to write short stories and hope to publish a book soon. I write for Triond and have published nearly a hundred articles, mainly short stories. I often write about happenings from my youth or stories that my parents passed on to me. I don't usually write the event exactly as it happened, but weave a story around it. I write because I love to tell stories, in fact I often think that's how I want to be remembered, as a 'storyteller'. Blessings.
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• United Kingdom
11 Aug 09
Hi pose, well that's definitely a lot of articles. I haven't ventured down the path of writing stories as yet although I would like to do something like that. I guess I have to start getting my creativity juices flowing. It's nice to have others read your work, there's a great sense of achievement in this. When you write stories, do you include characters? If so, do you find this easy? I have always struggled a bit with the creation of characters. Anyway, good luck. Andrew
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
11 Aug 09
Hi again AndrewFreyne, Yes I do include characters and I base them on People that I've known. It can be very interesting even if you don't make much money. Blessings.
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@di1159 (1580)
• United States
11 Aug 09
I've written a couple of things on Helium and I even got a consolation prize (10.00) in one of their writing contests, but I don't have any star ratings so I cannot collect. I have no idea how to get my stars so if you can provide any insight I'd really appreciate it!
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• United States
12 Aug 09
I write on Xomba and triond a lot in addition to my own blog. I love researching things, I love the knowledge I gain.
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• United Kingdom
12 Aug 09
That sounds like a good plan! I too write for Triond although not as much as I write for Helium. I like creative writing and so I mainly focus on reflections! It's nice when other people make comments on your writings, you can see how people respond and there's great feeling in that. Andrew
• India
12 Aug 09
i love to write mostly i love to write the techno news and mostly i read articles about it and news and technology of this so soon u can expect a website regarding it
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• United Kingdom
12 Aug 09
Hi, that's great, I am also interested in news relating to technology. I always have time to read news on the latest stuff coming out in terms of gadgets and things! Andrew
@AnythngArt (3302)
• United States
13 Aug 09
Actually many times, I think writing is difficult. It's only when I come up with something that I really like that I feel happy. Most of the time, it's sludging through the process of writing. Mostly I write to make money and express myself, but I never find it easy or escapist. If I want to escape, I read someone else's writing. And I find fiction is the hardest to write of all. I have a much easier time writing factual articles. It doesn't deter me from wanting to write the great American novel, but if I ever manage it, it will be a real struggle for me. You are lucky if writing comes easily for you!
• United Kingdom
13 Aug 09
Writing can be difficult at times! I've had that problem in the past but then I decided to start keeping personal journals and yes, a lot of the stuff in these journals was probably boring but the fact was, I was writing and I think they say, the more you write the better you become. Now I have turned my hand to creative writing and I have been submitting articles for the likes of Helium. Writings involving facts, these are good too! I have written some articles like this. Anyway, I like the idea of having others read your work and making comments. Andrew
@Citychic (4067)
• United States
13 Aug 09
So! You love to write? Hello Andrew!!! It sound as if you are the kind of writer that believe in putting a lot of thought into your writing. For me I'm more of a creative writer, I just start writing something and then I try to weed out all the kinks later. What comes to mind for me when I think about writing is freedom. I have complete freedom of expression. I guess that is why I love it so much. Most of the time I can simply write my tail off and not have to worry about being judged. Happy mylot! PS: Please add me as a friend, I am a up and coming Author and I believe that great things are on the way. It's so important that we writers stay connected. Wishing you a happy day!
• United Kingdom
13 Aug 09
Hi Citychic, that's great that you also love to write! I too enjoy creative writing and it's mainly this that I focus on when I am writing for the likes of Helium! I published two new articles on helium today in actual fact. There is just so much freedom to be had in writing as you mention. It is unfortunate that the writing sites don't pay much in the way of income but I guess we all have to start somewhere. Anyway, it's nice to hear from you and good luck with your own writings. Andrew