DoTA Addict?

August 11, 2009 10:30am CST
1st BLOOD!!! (excitements, thrills, adventures, challenges and so on...) These are the feelings that most gamers feel during playing DoTA. Honestly, I have experienced those things 'coz I really love to play the said game. In fact, it seems that I am really addicted and Almost everyday, I could not make myself stop from playing. So, I don't have no more choice but to play and play and play...
12 responses
@ajai88 (53)
• Malaysia
11 Aug 09
haha..the 1st blood sentences is normal, juz kill you ever heard when u or someone else, or my AI kill 3 times in a straight kill to get the monster kill title?very horrible sound u know.haha
• Philippines
12 Aug 09
Of course, that's really great specially reaching BEYOND GODLIKE!!! But playing with AI is really a good stepping stone to practice your skills and talents until you reach the stage of being a GOSU.
@ajai88 (53)
• Malaysia
12 Aug 09
GOSU?what's that?
• Philippines
15 Aug 09
GOSU - thats our term here in Philippines for EXPERT player in DoTA.
@angela018 (143)
• Philippines
17 Jan 10
hello louren007 well, dota is really a fun game. it really brings thrill, excitement and so on. but talking about addiction on the game.. well it's probably how will you manage your self on playing that game. how will you balance dota and in some things. dota is just a leisure but not an important thing in life. maybe focus on some things that will help your life. dota cannot..
• Philippines
17 Jan 10
I agree with your though angela018! :) it is still depend to the people if they will became addict to a particular game. But if they know how to manage their time. I believe there would be no slave of a game. But honestly, for me it's really hard to manage gaming and studying, that's why I go choose to study first and disregard dota for a second of time here in my life. It's for my own benefits!
• Philippines
5 Feb 10
yeah right! an intelligent man knows how to manage, balance and know where he wants to track on. but in some point, it is not wrong to play online games as long as you know how will you handle it, you know what will you prior.
• India
18 Aug 09
HA same here me too dota addict and the best thing is FIRST BLOOD !!!!!!!!! LOL
• Philippines
18 Aug 09
Yeah, it's really challenging to grab that FIRST BLOOD title until you reach BEYOND GODLIKE... lol
@trebliw0 (147)
• Philippines
1 Mar 10
hah! I miss playing this game! it's been months sinced I last played it, wonder what's new with the characters?
@r4v3n_ (178)
• United States
18 Jan 11
WOW youre a certified DOTA addict sir. But I cant blame you it's a very nice game. I can always feel the thrill everytime i play it. Especially when I'm with my friends. I enjoy trash talking with them as if we have no problems in life that we wrwe all so happy.
• United States
22 Dec 10
Dota was a great entertaining game for a very long time. The problem was that the graphics and everything stayed the same while other games have their graphics upgraded all the time. But Dota2 is coming out next year hopefully and I can't wait.
@LouieWpHs04 (4555)
• United States
17 Jan 10
Uhh, I know you probably won't like me for saying this but.. I absolutely despise dota. I tried playing it once, I got bored.. in like. five minutes. It just didn't appeal to me. Seemed too generic. I played WoW online on my friends account when he let me a LONG time ago and I played for two minutes. Just as horrible. I actually miss the oldschool games. Why did they ever decide to stop making them? *sigh*. All games lately are 90% horrible and a few gems here and there lately.
@May2k8 (18468)
• Indonesia
5 Sep 09
I love the game, but also maintain the area of our skills in playing. I almost could not stop playing, and sometimes the things that others simply forgotten. I really can not control myself when I was playing. No matter want to eat or drink, before the game finished. My abilities are still very weak, and trying to increase the level.
@online_jon (1476)
• Philippines
17 Jan 10
Honestly speaking? I really love playing dota-allstars because it gives bonding to my friends. Where we share laughters and a happy moments for every game. I agree on what you said! That there are so many feelings you will able to feel in this game. As i remember when I first made a divine rapier on a LAN GAMES. Well, that's really scary because my heart beat going faster and faster. I know that if I would drop that item even we are already in the winning condition things can be reverse and we will have a great chance to lose the game. It's good to remember that feeling my hands where it's became numb because of the coldnest of the airconditioner. How I wish? If I can able to play this game again. I can able to hold or made divine rapier again. Now, I'm too busy studying in school especially know that i'm in the third year college and we are already making our thesis, which really hard and need to give much effort to pass it. Then when I graduate I will go play dota again.
@rearm21 (53)
2 Nov 09
yes it was so addicting im playing dota everyday,1-5 hours a day and i cant stop my self to play haha
@UnD1n3 (37)
• Malaysia
16 Nov 09
i think i am the same lol. but then gotta learn to control not to waste too much time there haha. have u tried out HoN recently? u shud if u havnt=)
@ghieptc (2522)
• Philippines
17 Jan 10
It's normal to have first blood but you must kill first in DOTA. Monster kill it sound awesome if you hear it if you have a kill. Maybe at first you can be addicted until you learn the game and want another game to be explore!!!! Try Mafia Wars on Face book