Would you have gotten upset?
By firecracker
@sacmom (14192)
United States
August 15, 2009 6:05am CST
My oldest son and I went to the bank to deposit my husband's check. As it was Friday afternoon I didn't expect to find a parking space close enough to the bank, which I was okay with. However, to my amazement there was a vacant one right in front of the bank. I made sure no one was coming from the opposite direction and proceeded cautiously into it, parked, and went inside.
When I got back outside I noticed a car parked right behind my vehicle. This car was not only blocking my vehicle, but the one directly next to me, so neither of us could leave. My first thought as the guy behind me got out of his car was "great, someone who likes to double park so he can talk to his buddy (the other car that had been blocked in).
Well, it wasn't anything like that at all. Apparently the guy I thought was his buddy had overtaken the parking space that was next to me. The other guy was beyond pissed. Apparently he had been going for this same parking space, but the other guy beat him to it (I had still been inside the bank when this happened).
Once I got my son inside our vehicle I went around to the driver's side to get in. But I couldn't get in as the one that was pissed off had been blocking my way. He had gone up to the other guy (who was still in his car) and started cussing him out (this was actually when I realized what was going on). He didn't just cuss him out though, he went as far as to say how this guy was lucky that there was a lot of people around, or...
The words faded away, but it was obvious this guy was very upset. As I was next to him I was going to offer him my parking space, seeing as I was getting ready to leave anyway, but decided to stay quiet and not get myself involved. As the angry guy looked my way I gave him a quizzical look. He let get by and he moved his vehicle so I could leave.
The other guy didn't say a word. He moved his car out of that spot and the angry guy took it.
So, if you were going for a particular parking space and someone else beat you to it, would you be upset?What if that person cut you off in order to get it? Would you get mad then? Would you try to get it back? Why or why not?
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101 responses
@webearn99 (1742)
• India
15 Aug 09
Parking space is a major issue of contention in urban life. Ye if I were in the wrong end of such a situation I would be upset. The issue would be, was I a slow poke and did not get the space or was I crowded out or cut out of it. The second one is definitely an offense and I would be mad.
I have a space in the parking lot at office. It is at the end so I have a wall on one side and need to be very careful while parking. I usually park close to the wall as that gives me more space on the driver's side. On one Friday I found a car parked so close to mine that I had no way to get in! I waited a couple of hours and called the security. The other person as I was told, had gone for a weekend party and promised to remove the car on Monday. You have no idea how mad I was. I deflated both of the back tires, and called the tow. On Monday the offender came and, was told of the towing, paid his fine and claimed his wreck.

@latoyahall (835)
• United States
16 Aug 09
Wow!!! What a creative solution to your parking problem....I don't think that I would ever have the guts to do that.
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@webearn99 (1742)
• India
16 Aug 09
No, now people avoid my space like it was mined. As for the guy who got it, he was way below in pecking order to contemplate any thing. What rankled me is his unthinking nature and the gall to tell me to forget my car for two whole days.
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@ShirleyBillingsley (1544)
• United States
15 Aug 09
I just look at them crazy, and then park elsewhere. I only said something to one woman, and that is because she got so close that she almost hit me. I did mention that, and she was, of course, not friendly.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
16 Aug 09
I've done a similar thing too, though it wasn't over parking space, but it was in a parking lot. I had the right of way and some woman was trying to cut me off. So, I honked once at her to get her to stop, but she continued to cut me off anyway so I honked again. To top it off she had the audacity to get mad at me even though she was the one that was at fault.
Needless to say, I try to avoid hitting the horn now and just let it slide if a driver cuts me off as I don't want to go through that ever again!

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@fec139 (810)
• United States
15 Aug 09
Now that I don't have my health anymore, and am terminally ill and in a wheelchair, I reret all the times I have gotten angry over something so trivial as a parking spot. Now that I can't drive anymore, I would do anything to drive agan and look for parking spots. If someone takes your parking spot, wait for another one or go elsewhere in the parking lot and get another spot. And don't get into a fight because you never know what that can escalate into. You could end up very hurt, hurt someone, end up in jail, or worse. Over a parking spot. Think about it.

@fec139 (810)
• United States
16 Aug 09
Sometimes it is important to figure out what r eally matters and to look at what you are upset about and say "will this matter in 5 years? in a year? in a month? in a week? tomorrow?" I think the answer to the prking spot situation is : it won't even matter in an hour!
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
16 Aug 09
I would probably be upset but not done anything about it.....I recently saw something like this happen when I was visiting my friend in Wisconsin....we were sitting outside the restaurant making a list of what we needed to get at what store and a guy pulls up into the parking space ahead of us....another car comes up behind him and starts yelling and screaming if they had a handicapped sticker....the stall was NOT a handicapped stall! The guy yells back.....I don't need one.....the other car gets right up behind his bumper (we thought SHE was going to bump right into him with her car!)....it was a very uncomfortable situation...so I know how you feel....anyway the guy that parked in the stall didn't cut her off or anything.....but she was pissed....got out of her car and follows them into the restaurant yelling at him the whole time.....we left....so....I might be mad inside but it's not enough to make a scene about.
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
23 Aug 09
Wow. I wonder why she was so mad, if he didn't even do anything wrong. 

@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
15 Aug 09
Over here in Italy it's the same. Parking spaces are becoming the cause of many injuries due to rage and last month one poor indivdual was killed after being pushed by an angry person. He fell and hit his head on the pavement and he was not even partly involved in the squabble because he, like you, was just the third party. There is just no more respect for human life and it is appalling.
I have had the space that I was eyeing up taken by some idiotic driver who got in quicker in the past too. Like others have said above, I just move on and think of certain exclamations without saying them outloud. I dare not think of the consequences if I was overheard so I mutter and move on 

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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
16 Aug 09
It was very foolish of me to stick around, I know. I worried about the possibility of getting hurt or even killed. Fortunately it worked out in the end, otherwise my son or I may not have been so lucky.
I think I'm going to park where I normally do when I go to the bank from now on (at least during business hours anyway). It's further away, but at least people aren't feuding over parking spaces there as it's pretty much empty the majority of the time.
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
16 Aug 09
Your phrase 'feuding over parking spaces' conjurs up past and present and just show how trivial we have become nowadays 

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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
15 Aug 09
I think it is only natural to feel upset over incidents such as people stealing your parking space but to get out and confront someone who may or may not be stable is foolish in this day and age. There have been many reports of road rage and situations where people have been hurt. Personally I value my safety more than parking spaces so although unhappy I would quietly move on to another space and hope that Karma prevails!
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@markost (25)
• Malaysia
17 Aug 09
That is very sensible Paula, and I kinda believe in Karma too, hopefully, they'll learn the right lesson when it happens.
I'd also like to add that it's not worthwhile to lose our attitude for someone who obviously would not get our respect in the first place. Let's not ruin a good day or make a bad day worse by being upset over someone we hardly care about. Its better to ignore them.
Though that wouldn't stop me from telling them which body part of theirs seems prominent. Then I'd ignore them, completely.
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
17 Aug 09
I honestly don't get upset over a parking spot. Life is to short to fuss and carry on over something so petty as a parking space. Now I do get upset, when other people cut me off just to go slow. I use my blinker to let another driver know that I'm going for that spot. I feel bad for your son for having to see that some people needs anger management classes. In a way it's good that he saw that, that way he will be prepared for the real world when he leaves home. Sad that some people can get so upset over something so small as a place to park a car. Gees, what is this world coming to.
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
17 Aug 09
I couldn't agree more..
There had been worst road rage cases I've heard (though this could be categorized as car-park rage) and 1 guy ended up dying. Another case, going to prison. So many unfortunate things happening just because of anger like this. My exact sentiment; what's the world coming too..
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
15 Aug 09
If I had been cut off I would have been very pissed but knowing the world (and parking places) have their share of nut cases. I would not get out my car and put myself in potential danger (road rage). I would (and have done) given them the finger, muttered under my breath and moved on. To live and find another parking place.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
21 Aug 09
I would be angry. I was on my way to work as a supermarket cashier one Thursday night. I had allowed plenty of time to find a parking spot as it was always difficult. For some reason things were busier than normal. I followed some people with a trolley and waited while they unpacked it and then the lady carefully loaded her elderly parents into the vehicle it was taking close to 15 minutes when she started the car and began to back out. I had been waiting all that time with my indicator on. A woman drove past me and into the spot while I was waiting for the car that was parked to go round me. I was ropeable. I was now going to be late for work if I didn't find a spot close enough straight away. As the woman got out of her car with her young son she walked past my open window and laughed and said, "you have to be quicker than that."
About 20 minutes later she came through my checkout...a nice enough lady...I wasn't surprised that she was happy even though she basically ignored the person serving her. I had to seriously bite my tongue but I could not think of anything to say anyway. Even if I could I just had to keep my mouth shut or I would get the sack.
@kruser495 (3)
20 Aug 09
i would have jumped out of my car and beat the sh** out of this guy. lol people act retarted sometimes. but yeah i would have been pissed.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
15 Aug 09
What good does getting upset over having to walk a few more steps going to do? IN the time it too to do all their arguing and cussing, they both could have been in and out of the bank and on their way! I have been cut off for a spot before. Yeah, okay, annoying, but I have better things to do with my time that start a fight over it!!! They probably wasted 15 minutes of time over it and in the end.. they both got a space to park!! Good grief.. I'd a had a problme keeping my mouth shut and not saying.. "okay children...each of you go to your rooms and think about how stupid you are being. WHen I move my car, you both can come out and have your very own spot for your toys.".
I just think people spend so much time these days on being stupid and useless and doing stupid and useless things... just think about what could be accomplished if they'd take that energy and effort they just wasted on an arguement that didn't have a chance when it started, and put it toward something good. IT cost them 15 minutes of time with their kids... put them 15 minutes behind the time so that now they hit rush hour traffic and are in that traffic even longer. Could have enjoyed a favorite song on the radio and been in a better mood. The wife wouldn't have had to waste her time hearing all about it when they got home!!!!
But since you had a child with you... you did the righ thing by staying out of it!
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
17 Aug 09
"IN the time it too to do all their arguing and cussing, they both could have been in and out of the bank and on their way!"
Actually, probably not as it was crowded that day. I know what you mean though. All that time wasted could have been better spent waiting in line inside of the bank. Heck, it's even air conditioned.
"okay children...each of you go to your rooms and think about how stupid you are being. When I move my car, you both can come out and have your very own spot for your toys."
hahaha! I love it! Unfortunately I'd be too chicken to say something like that to someone who is so mad. Because anything that was said to them might be taken the wrong way. 

@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
15 Aug 09
see it all the time here, i would have asked the dude if he could please move his car so i could have gotten out.
but i dont get to upset over it if someone take my spot. i might just say thanks alot A$$ hole. but once at the gast station i kept having people cutting me off to get to a the pump, so i finally said screwed and cut someone else off. i told them loud enough for the other four people to hear just some rude a$$es around here isn't there.
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@iterjohn (34)
• India
20 Aug 09
See...its depends on our mood...if we are upset...then there may be no reason of getting upset and if we have cool at that particular time then we don't bother anyone..but its good to not to argue with anyone becoz today u know what the people are all about...if anger gets up into their mind then even human being becomes an animal...so its better to not to argue with anyone
@hmfryklund (389)
• United States
16 Aug 09
Honestly, I don't get as tipped off as that insane guy did in your story, but at times when I am in a really big hurry, normally on my way to work or something, and when I am stopping somewhere to either get gas or stop to grab groceries and someone flies in front of me as I am heading for a spot, I do get very irritated and I just sit there and shake my head and just glare at the person and I move to find another spot, in disbelief that people actually drive that crazy just for a dang parking spot lol. I can't believe that guy took it so far! He must be pretty high strong or something lol. I get irritated, but who doesnt? lol I wouldnt take it past the irritation though.
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
19 Aug 09
I would definitely not act like that. I mean if someone took the parking spot that I wanted I would let it go and find another parking spot it is not that big of a deal to go the extremes that that dude went to. I mean what is the point in getting angruy over something as small as a parking spot.
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@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
20 Aug 09
I must admit that if another car just came up after not waiting at all and attempted to get into a parking place which I have already turned my signal light on for when I had been vultching (acting like a vulture and waiting for a parking space to become available)in an aisle for a long time, I would be furious and I would do my best to glare my disapproval at him, honk and otherwise indicate that he had better back off.
If he had the gall to still enter that said space then I would glare at him as if he were a criminal who had just committed a horrible offense and I would probably mutter against him in my car calling him a creep and a couple of choice swear words that I normally would not say otherwise etc. I do not think that I would go to say anything to him in person because that would be inappropriate. I will say though that he would see my face, know that he had wronged me and that I was disgusted with him. And I must admit that I hope that he would feel guilty for it.
@peachmom2369 (131)
• United States
24 Aug 09
i would be a lil mad if i was there first and someone took it from me. but i wouldnt cause a big comotion about it or make a fool of myself i public id go find another space and keep my thoughts to myself is it really worth it just because of a parking space when there are plenty more eventhough they are not as close. i could prolly use the extra walking anyways.
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@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
15 Aug 09

@sacmom (14192)
• United States
16 Aug 09
Hmm, maybe
...though it couldn't have been that long as neither of them where there when I first got there. So, at the most it was 10 or 15 minutes, tops!
You could be right, maybe he was just having a bad day. Heck, everybody has them every now and then. But to make a threat is taking it a little too far, don't ya think? 

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@jenni147 (4)
• United States
20 Aug 09
Yes, I would probably would have been upset but I would have done nothing more than continue to look for another space while cursing them out (in my cars with windows up so they couldn't hear me of course). As others have mentioned people now-a-days are getting crazier and crazier, that seems to be especially true in my area, and you never know who is packing.
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