Another furbaby......gone

@Katlady2 (9904)
United States
August 15, 2009 6:11pm CST
Well everyone, my last feral baby, Spot, has gone over the Rainbow Bridge to join her beloved LittleOne. For those of you that haven't read my previous post here is the link: The last time I saw my baby alive was early Tuesday morning. She was laying out by one of my rose bushes looking worse than ever. I had my daughter take out some watered down canned food to see if she would eat any of it. When I went out later the food hadn't been touched and Spot was nowhere to be found. I didn't see her anymore after that. Friday, I started noticing a bad smell coming from the side of the house. I searched but couldn't find anything...but I just knew it had to be my baby. I went outside today and searched around again, and finally saw her partway underneath a tarp on the neighbor's driveway. And of course, I came unglued and couldn't stop crying. I feel so bad because I couldn't catch her and get her into the vet to be put out of her misery. I know she was in agony, because she was so wobbly when I saw her each time, and she refused to eat. I honestly think she went into a total depression when LittleOne was put down. Anyway, hubby was good enough to go to the neighbor's, pick her up, and put her in her little grave right next to LittleOne. And NOW, Spot's mama is back with 2 or 3 kittens that she had under my I need more cats. I'm going to call animal control and see if they can help me catch them because I just can't take this anymore. I just get so attached and then when something happens it just breaks my heart to pieces all over again. Thank you everyone for your love, support and caring. You all are the most awesome friends a girl could ever have.
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14 responses
@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
16 Aug 09
Spot went off to die so you couldn't watch her take her last breaths. Glad you found her and gave her a proper burial. Spot's mama needs spaying one way or another. I sure hope animal control or someone can help you catch her and the lil ones so you can get em all fixed and maybe shots. (((((((((((((((((((((Katlady)))))))))))))))))) take care, my friend.
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
18 Aug 09
I'm hoping that one way or another they can all be caught too. I have the feeling that mama is going to give me and animal control a run for our money though. She's a feisty one for sure. Thanks so much hon. HUGS
@AmbiePam (96740)
• United States
16 Aug 09
I'm so sorry. Animals can sense when the end is near. They always seek a place that is very private. I remember my grandmother's dog Pepsi dug a small place under their garage, and that is where he ended up spending his last moments. I know the pain is tremendous, but I'm glad that in life your furbabies had such a wonderful person caring for them.
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
18 Aug 09
Thank you so much hon. Big hugs
@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
16 Aug 09
I'm so sorry for your losses. Trust me, I know how hard it is. It's hard to believe that what some people think as merely "animals" can be so firmly implanted into your heart. My first reaction after losing a furbaby is to swear off them forever, but, for people like you, that's just not possible. You have so much love to give the little darlings, and in some cases, you're the only one that will. You're in pain now, but, they don't call you Katlady for nothin'.
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
18 Aug 09
There is no way I could swear off of kitties...although I admit I've threatened to once in a while, and everyone was like "yeah...right!" LOL! The people in my neighborhood have even nicknamed me Cat Lady. I love it! I'll wear that badge with pride and a great big smile. Thank you so much hon. HUGS
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
16 Aug 09
I'm so sorry to hear about Spot - that's so sad. I know what you mean about losing a beloved friend, even if they won't let you get too close. At least she's with her sister again
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
16 Aug 09
That's how I'm having to look at it. Thanks hon.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Aug 09 sorry to hear about Spot--I was hoping and praying that this wouldn't have happened when you first mentioned that Spot wasn't doing so well. Now she's in Rainbow Bridge happily playing with her sister and maybe even my furbabies who have crossed over.
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
16 Aug 09
I'm sure they are all frolicking together having a great time. Thanks so much hon.
1 person likes this
• Australia
16 Aug 09
Awwweee Im really sorry to hear that. I absolutely adore cats. I have 6 in the house and then 3 feral females in my barn. Ive had such trouble keeping cats in my barn though because my neighbours have these nasty half wolf bred dogs and they have caught a few of the cats and that was the last of them. Last year I also had two awesome female barn cats. They both had two sets of bunch in March and then one in August. After the second bunches of kittens were weaned and gone to their new homes we let the two mothers back outside(we had kept them inside with there babies so the little ones wouldnt get stepped on as I have horses(. Anyways the story goes on that the two females later took off about two weeks after we let them back out into the barn. One we found a couple weeks later behind the barn...she too had gone over the rainbow. The other we never saw again...I just hope she found a nice family to stay with. Its really sad to see them go and you can never stop thinking what happened to them so I share your pain somewhat.
@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
18 Aug 09
Yes it is most definitely hard when we don't know what happens to them. It's like there's no form of closure or comfort. I hope your baby is safe and sound and living a good life. Thanks so much hon.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
16 Aug 09
Sweetie I am so sorry to read this Now all I can hink of is that either they had Cat Pneumonia (I had to have a kitten put down for that ) or if they are from the Mother there is something up with the Mother that the Kittens are catching Cats will always go away to die if they can I have learned that with a couple of mine that passed away, they will hide and die alone Big warm hugs to you
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
18 Aug 09
Yes, that's what I'm thinking too. I'm just glad my other outside kitties have had their shots and are safe. Thank you sweetie. Big hugs back to you.
@cwilson26 (2735)
• United States
16 Aug 09
I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how it feels when we lose animals. It is one of the worst feelings there is. They are like children to us, especially those of us who cannot have children. I now have 7 dogs and 6 cats and one of my cats just had 3 kittens. It is her first litter and they are so small, I don't know if they will live. I know I need to get them fixed but coming up with the money is hard. Even having the Humane Society help, you still need to pay so much. I have two dogs that still need to be spayed and all of my cats need fixed. I know if I don't come up with the money soon, I am just going to keep having more dogs and cats around here and it is hard taking care of all of them. It costs so much to feed them. I am here if you need to talk. Hugs to you! :)
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
18 Aug 09
I know how that goes. That's how I've ended up with so many cats...being unable to afford the vet costs, even with the reduced fees for the weekend clinic. But I'm muddling through. I'm hoping to get these new ones to the shelter before they can begin having babies. Thanks so much hon. I'm here for you if you need me.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
23 Aug 09
Yeah, I think you need a break for a while...there is too much grief in your life lately. Give yourself a break to form the happy memories to overlap the bad ones. We are thinking of you, Banjo and I and sending loving thoughts and hugs .
@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
23 Aug 09
A big thank you and lots of hugs to both you and Banjo. My other kitties in the "herd" have been big helps too. KitKat is glued to me almost 24/7 LOL.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
16 Aug 09
Hey Kat, bless your sweet heart!! I'm so sorry to hear this!! You've really been put through the ringer, that's for sure. Try to think of it this way and see if it helps any, She's gone now and is in no more pain what so ever. Instead, she's having the time of her life with her new body and mind. She's running, jumping and having a good ole time! Her suffering is no more. She's very happy and healthy now and in the arms of Jesus!! It can't get any better than that!! Hugs to you sweetie!! Hugs to you!!
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
18 Aug 09
Yep...that's how I have to look at it for sure. She's happy now and I'm sure she and LittleOne are together all the time now. Thanks sweetie. You're the best!
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
28 Aug 09
Looks like quite a lot happened there Kat. Sorry for the recent loss. I can understand you're desire to not have this happen anymore, but at least understand that not all you get attached to have something terrible happen to them. Look at me, I've taken some hits but still ticking. Just as always Kat, you have treasured people and lives waiting for you.
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
1 Sep 09
Thank you so much for the encouragement hon. It's friends like you that make these things a bit easier to get through. Sending lots of hugs your way.
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
16 Aug 09
[b]Hi, hun. I saw your "thank you" post before I saw this. Reading it made ME want to cry. But, as young as these new kittens are, they stand a fair chance at the shelter. It's not a no-kill shelter, though, is it? I wish they all were!! There's a move in the US to make that happen. I read an article in Cat Fancy about it. You are heartbroken now, but give yourself time. You love kitties too much to swear off them forever. Someday, some whiskery little face will come up to you, & you will fall in love, like it or not. YOU KNOW how that happens! When it does, open your heart. Life is always temporary; don't deprive yourself of the best it has to offer you and that furbaby: Love. Meanwhile, perhaps you could channel some of your grief into starting a local movement to have a no-kill shelter, or at least become involved in a catch/fix/return program for ferals in your area. Whatever you do, take heart love, & come back here as often as you need for friendship! (And my phone number is still offered to you, if you write me privately!) Maggiepie "WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?"[/b]
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
18 Aug 09
Actually I believe the shelter here IS a no kill shelter. I'll have to find out for sure. I have 10 other kitties so there's no shortage of furry love there. Plus it turns out that the mama had FOUR kittens under my house! They are so darned cute too. But I don't need any more added to my herd now. LOL Thanks so much hon. You are an awesome friend.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
18 Aug 09
[b]Oy--didn't you know that ALL kitties are genetically bred to look cute to humans, & to tug on our heartstrings as a baby does? I've even read some scientists who say that a cat's soft cries closely resemble that of a human babies because it's effective in getting them adopted? It's deliberate! Why, those sneaky little...!! Not that I CARE, mind you. As I've often said, I'm a total sucker for anything furry with big eyes, whiskers & a meow! Anyway, I'm so relieved you have a no-kill shelter That means you can leave the new babies there, & know they'll be okay, Whew! Maggiepie "WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?"[/b]
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
16 Aug 09
You are one of those nice animal loving people. You care so much for these kitties and that is wonderful. I am sorry you lost Spot and I can appreciate how heart breaking this is for you; I don’t think I could do it anymore either but I think that because you are an animal person like me you will never stop caring. Perhaps sorting out the over population of cats may be a good idea for their sake as well as yours and so that the number of cats is not unmanageable. Spot is having fun at Rainbow Bridge with other fur babies now and she is very thankful to you, I’m sure. Hang in there Katlady you are doing a marvellous job!
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
18 Aug 09
Thank you so much for the encouragement hon. I'm hanging in there and actually doing pretty good. Now if I can just keep myself from getting attached to the new ones that are here now....LOL
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• China
16 Aug 09
I'm really sorry to hear that. Though I have never had a cat as a pet, I did once raised severel chikens, and I totally understand that kind of painful feeling when you have to watch you pet, who just like a best friend or a family member of you, dying but cannot do anything to prevent it. Hope you can get though this.
@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
18 Aug 09
I'm getting through it slowly but surely. It's comforting to know that my babies aren't in pain anymore, so that's a big help. Thank you so much hon.
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