Are we all Becoming Hindu?

United States
August 17, 2009 12:02pm CST
I was just reading an article about religios belives in US and they are claiming that people start viewing religion more and more often from Hindu prespective. One of the examples they gave is that more and more people think that it doesn't matter what religion you are, there are many ways to God, which is part of the teachings of Hinduism. Most other religions teach that their religion is right and others are wrong. In the bible for examply it says that jesus said Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me." according to 2008 survey 65% of people are not buying it any more, they think there are many ways to eternal life. 26% of Americans also belive in reincornation which is also a part of Hinduism. In cathlic religion it is tought that soul and body are one and together they form self and at the end of time they will be reunited in the Resurrection, i guess not as many people are buying it ether. More and more people are now also choosing to be cremated, although it's a part of many cultures, in this artical arthour also associates it with Hinduism. To be honest, I consider myself an atheist simply becaseu i don't belive in god the way it's petrayed im most religions, to me god is not up there in the haven, he is here, under our feet and in our hearts. The only gods i would ever belive in is mother earth and love. but out of all main stream religions i like Hinduism the most, to me it makes much more sence then other religions. So what do you think? are we starting to become more and more Hindu? Do you think Hinduism makes more sence then other religions? Here is a link to the article btw
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14 responses
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
18 Aug 09
Hello mrakobesie!!! I don't think most people are converting into Hindu religion as being prevailed in the world. But I can agree that many people are very much impressed with the teachings of the Vedh and have started thinking like the teaching in the Vedh. But the religious practice we can find in our society is almost totally different than what is written in the Vedh. Many people have never read the Vedh at all though being Hindu. People are just going on with the superstitions that come from the older generation and they are being transferring from generation to generation. While in the Vedh, there is no definition of multiple god, today you can find thousands of gods and goddesses in Hinduism. This I believe is the weak point of Hinduism. Me, born myself in a Hindu family, don't believe in the religious practices of Hinduism. It is just because the people have forgotten the real meaning of dharma. People pray, but pray for themselves, and not with the compassion for others, which is not the real dharma as described in the Vedh. My belief is more towards Buddhism, and that includes the reincarnation too. Actually Buddhism started with the backgrounds of Hinduism. By this statement, I mean that Lord Buddha, at that time learnt many things from the Rishis about the existence of life. But he was not completely satisfied. Hinduism was the real basis, and Siddharta Gautama started to search the truth by his own and finally got enlightened. And so there are many similarities in Hinduism and Buddhism like in the law of karma. Actually the difference is created by the present practices. I believe that the concept or logic in the Vedanta very much logical that catches our attention and allow us to think like the concept of emptiness of this world and we being just an excellent observers.
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• United States
18 Aug 09
Thank you for a very educational post, it's very interesting. though i must say, most christians didn't read the bible ether lol... I found some interesting information about relationship between buddism, hinduism and christianity btw. When jesus was around he was in exhile in far east where he learned about buddism and he was very inspired by it. actually the only writtings that could possible be from jesus or someone close to him teach many things that are very similar to buddism. So some of the aspects of the christianity most likely originated from buddism.
• United States
19 Aug 09
well, from what i''ve learned, they were changed. Jesus never said that he was the son of god, he never told anyone anything about god really, he only tought to love. But surelly it's not beneficial for clergy to have just love, so they changed many things in the saying of jesus to be able to benefit from it. jesus for example said that he didn't want to be a center of religion, he didn't want to be worshiped. In the bible however it says that jesus said that the only way to got is through him and that people should follow him to got. there is a reason the only writtings that could possibly be from jesus are banned from the bible. there were actually writings that were found if i'm not mistaken in china and it seems to be from jesus. he had almost the same name and he was a phylosopher. from the writings it looks like the autobiography is very similar to biblaical jesus.
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
19 Aug 09
I have also heard that Jesus came to asia and learnt the meditation techniques before he was enlightened. A question always come to my mind that, why the teaching of Jesus and the Buddha very much different. If we look at the sayings of many other enlightened people then you will find that it is totally similar to what Buddha had said. But the teachings of Jesus is very much different. So, I wonder that the teachings of Jesus have been changed intentionally in the timeline by the ones who want to rise to the power...
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• India
17 Aug 09
yes, hinduism is more great than other religions, and many people of other religions are starting to notice that, infact only in this religion, that there is tolerance, love, truth, etc., so hinduism is great,and it is the religion to be. you can be of any religion, but practice hinduism, hinduism does not say leave your religion, infact it says embrace all religion, thats hinduism.
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• United States
17 Aug 09
Yes, and it doesn't start all these fights over who's religion is wrong like so many others do. If only all other religions were as accepting of other religions as Hinduism there would be so very few wars.
• Malaysia
21 Aug 09
sorry .. i am hindu and i belive hindus fight among themselves over the followers of krishna and followers of shiva .. they forget that God is only 1 and takes different forms in order to diversify duty.
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• United States
21 Aug 09
Yeah, i guess they forgot what hinduism really teaches... that's sad. After all we shouldn't care so much what other person belives in, we are all peopel and we should love and accept each other, not fight because of something like that.
• Malaysia
21 Aug 09
hi mrakobesie .. i did read your feedback in some comments Hinduism is "way of life" towards GOD . It is more spiritual. In hinduism , the idol praying is a "practice" as it assists in the "sence of focus" - the idol also indicates spiritual hospitality hindus pray to "mother earth", "fire", "sun", "moon", "planets", some animals, some plants as they believe in "spiritual existence" in them The term "religion" is not there in "hinduism" The term "convert" is not there in "hinduism" The "way of life" thought in hinduism suits all walk of life Karma, decides the future and the journey of each soul Most 'westerners" are exposed to hindu practices such at "meditation" & "yoga" which awakens "spirituality' of a person
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• United States
21 Aug 09
Thx for this explination, must say i agree with most of the aspects, i learned alot about existance of spirit in animals and plants and although plant spirit is different from animal's, it exists. It appears that in animals spirit can be seen through colors, aka aura while in plants it's essence, smell. Animals can find out what each plant is by smell. I've seen my cats figure out what plants they can eat by simply smell and they have never seen or smelled that plant before in their life, so they couldn't know it from the past, they simply see the spirit of the plant instead of remembering every plant they see. From what i've read, in the past people could recognize herbal properties by just smell alone, but they lost this ability. I guess it works the same way as aura, you see a color and you know what person is all about, what person is feeling. meditation is a great practice, helps to develop own spirit and spiritual abilities plus through meditation it is possible to influence some aspects of life. There is a huge group of people who all meditate at the same time every day to bring peace to the world. People all over the world have been joining them because they belive the more people do it at the same time, the better it will work. yoga helps with both, spiritual development and healthy body, most people i know who tried yoga said that after doing it for some time they feel very relaxed and in peace. As for the planets and stars, i belive they are just as life as humans are, they can feel and understand what is going on. From what i've read Earth right now is changing it's vibration frequency to scare away all those who want to harm others because earth has been mutalated so much over the past few centuries, she is trying to save herself and all of the creatures that live on her.
• India
18 Aug 09
I am an SD-ite(that is Hindu for you)because I was born one. That is the way it is in Hinduism.In good old days when India was at the peak of her home-grown glory, many creeds and races came ointo the country. They saw the religion practiced here; first they might not have understood anything. They lived here picked up the ideas and merged into the majority. That is the only way one becomes a Hindu. There is no conversion ritual though one sect of Hinduism called the Arya Samaj has developed a full-fledged ritual for conversion. Since The Vedas-- the authoritative Scriptures of Hinduism are quite rich in ritual, it is no wonder that hey could "create" one for conversion. But this is only true of an extreme miniscule minority group. The mainstream doesn't still believe in conversion. Further, the complexity of this "religion" has made the remark, "Hinduism is not a religion, but a way of life." You would find many educated Hindus saying this. Perhaps this complexity is also responsible for the nebulous term "Hinduism".By comparative standards in every path fitting into the definition of a religion there is [B]one prescribed belief system[/B]. When you take a look at Hinduism that is simply not possible. This is the reason why most people have to come up with that statement. Not only in worship, but even in a defining philosophy Hinduism has such a variety that one is often baffled that how they can all coexist!?! This is the root of principle of tolerance. In short Hinduism accommodates right from the Atheist to the tough to grasp Philosophy of Monism(called Advaita Vedanta). You could have anything in between.
• United States
18 Aug 09
I think the fact that no one is trying to push hinduism on others is what appeals to people. No one wants to be told what to belive, i know i dodn't and i know people who became atheist just because they were pushed into a mold that religion created and they didn't like it, so they stoped beliving in god. I must say, i'm glad i started this discucion, i learned a lot from the rsponses. thank you for explaining it.
• India
18 Aug 09
You know waht hinduism taughts "It says that it doesnot not matter what you think or belief . If you are catholic then you belief yourself or you belief islam! It never says to convert yourself in Hindu . Be what you are!!!! This religion is only a way to your help. You will never find any preacher saying that be a hindu or something like that it just asks you to belief in this religion for your help." I dunno belief that changing religion is a way to your liberasim. Just be yourself and follow waht you like , since if you go deeply through it you will belief that it is based on whole science. well for your kind information i am a Hindu.
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• United States
18 Aug 09
I went through a long path in religion, it took me some time to find exactly the thing i belive. My believes don't fit into any religion, but what's great about hinduism is that it doesn't have to, it doesn't matter what i belive, i should be accepted by others regardless. this is the kind of thinking i like :) This is the kind of thinking that prevents conflicts instead of creating them.
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
17 Aug 09
Hi mrakobesie, u have to see any religion at close quarters to be disillusioned with it. :-) Well, for one I dont believe Hinduism is a relgion. It is a philosophy. Actually that is what I read somewhere. The philosophy states that there are many ways to reach god. So each way has to be respected. That is the reason the Hindus have so many gods, and each one is respected. They have also been linked with subsequently thought of stories. Unfortunately, the priests have a habit of confining the beauty of any religion. Hinduism also suffered the same fate. This is the reason scriptures, which are subjective versions, are something I am sceptical about. Just like u r sceptical about Christ being the only way to reach heavenly father. Does it really matter to which religion we belong, as long as we believe that somebody created life, and earth, and sun and moon, and us, and if we behave petulantly, he will give us some of the things we ask? Resurrection, or reincarnation is actually cryptical way of stating what our friend Einstein said. The other reason it could have come up is to give plausible explanation for some unfortunate happenings - "karma". In truth there is nothing like that. And the ritual of burning has two good logical reasons, first - it does not require costly land for burying. Secondly, there will not be any decomposed versions emerging like those in Michael Jackson's thriller. :-) I believe all religions are good and sane, sans the subejctive additions by the priests over the last several years.
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
19 Aug 09
For ur age, u seem to have a lot of knowledge on this religion. May be u had access to better teachers. I did read that line that it is a philosophy, and though the gods are associated with it, it is because the philosophy advocates respect for all gods. If I can locate that sometime, I will definitely let u know. And yes, religions are supposed to unite, instead they are dividing us. Who do u think is responsible? Ego that my religion is superior to urs? Who creates that ego? Why does he or she resort to such tampering? What is his or her benefit in that? These are all the questions that come up in my mind, and I find somewhere our priests are guilty of leading us astray. I wish they would adopt a more tolerant stance, as a few of more learned and modern preachers do. The learned ones are not able to connect to the lower strata in the society as their discourses are in English, or Hindi. They even study other religions and explain the contents with reference to other holy books. I for one find several discrepancies in our epics, i.e., Mahabharata, and Ramayana. That is the reason I dont accept the religion in toto. I believe in picking the good in those books, and discarding the rest. May be they are written to guide us on how we should behave and show us what could be the outcomes.
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• India
24 Aug 09
Oh yes, I read about this in the papers and on the net too and was no less amazed and amused than you are. From all that I come across here at mylot and read in the various newspapers, Christianity is safe and sound and Islam is spreading its wings with profligacy. Hinduism has always been a marginalized religion, confined only to India and Indians. Though I have seen groups like ISKON converting Christians to Hindu faith, my idea was that it was more an exception than the norm (and I still believe this). The main attraction towards Hinduism is its freedom and flexibility to choose your own path. And of course there are some extra benefits of Hinduism which are not religious but enormously beneficial…mainly yoga and meditation. Both these do not need the stamp of religion but they are associated with Hinduism so I think non-Hindus who practice meditation and yoga for physical and mental benefit, gradually get drawn to Hinduism in search of more mental and physical peace and proper balance. However, I think non-Hindu should be more cautious in their approach towards this religion coz its full of frauds too, who take advantage of the lose nature of this religion. Pure Hinduism is monotheist in nature, does not require any idol or temple, and is a study in nature and self…it is rather a self-awakening process without any fixed path. I think Hinduism is the most secure and confident of all religion and that is why it allows its followers to take any path they wish to.
• United States
25 Aug 09
I'm trully facinated by hinduist. The thinking behind it is simply great. Unfortunatley as every other religion it too was mutalated with time. I was just reading about religion in society earlier this morning and in some countries only monotheistic religions don't have to pay taxes. They basically are treating hinduist as something much less then other religions even though in truth it really is monotheistic. All the gods in it are actually one god, just in different forms as i just learned while other monotheistic religions are really polytheistic, such as christianity for example with the holy trinity and all the 1000+ saints. Isn't it scary how governments benefit one religion over another? and it's not the religions based countries ether, it's very well respected for their freedom kind of countries that do it. The scary part is that it's one of the most pecifistic religions that gets the blow, not one of the religions that can start a war just becaseu someone else has a different view of god.
• India
17 Aug 09
I am very happy that some people in USA have started noticing Hinduism. I am a Hindu from India, and please not that we do not convert people into Hinduism. You cannot convert into a Hindu, you have to be born as a Hindu. At the same time we are very happy if some follows our beliefs and cultures. I have not yet gone through the link which you have given, as it is night in India, and I hope to go through it maybe in the coming days. I am very happy that you like Hinduism, even though I am a Hindu, I know only a very few things about this great religion, but there are some very good scholors of Hinduism in Mylot, who will be able to tell you more about our religion.
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• United States
17 Aug 09
Hinduism is a very interesting religion, I love learning about different religions, but Himduism is very unique and very tolerant of other religions. Surely like other religions it has things i don't like about it, but at least it doesn't push people into wars because "we are the only once who are right and everyone else is wrong" thinking. Much more oppened to the views of other people.
@tonyllenium (6251)
• Italy
17 Aug 09
i don't know about us and hiduism new religioustrend in the us as the article speaks about!!In reality i liv ein europe and so here the percentage of hinduism is really low may be some people coming from india or asian countries can follow this religion but in other cases seldom we heard about hindu religion or mass-conversion as well!! May be some people can find more sense in this religion than others but i guess this is a personal choice and so everyone have own motivation to change or choose a religion or as you to be atheist!!
• India
24 Aug 09
Hinduism does not approve conversion simply because of its belief that the truth needs to be sought and not imposed on. Also for its belief there are many paths but the ultimate goal is the same (as mentioned by you).There is no founder in Hinduism...there are numerous sects and organizations each with its own beliefs and gurus but ultimately they are all Hindus.
• United States
17 Aug 09
Hinduism is not big on cenversion, and to be honest there aren't that many people who are Hindu here in New York ether, but i see more and more people who do think a lot like Hinduism teaches, they don't belong to the religion, and yet they unknowingly belive some of the aspects of this religion.
@vijayanths (7877)
• India
17 Aug 09
I agree with you that Hinduism tells that you can follow any religion or teachings to reach God. It does not compel any one to join this religion or even requests any one to join. That is why Hindus are broadminded in religious matters. This is perhaps one of the reasons Hinduism is not showing much progress as other religions.
• United States
17 Aug 09
I think hinduism is showing progress in the sence that more and more people ar starting to think the way Hinduism is teaching. Honestly, how many times did you hear someone say that there is only one god and it doesn't matter what religion you are? i hear it all the time from people who belong to different religions. The most important thing religions should teach is to love each other, and hinduism has been teaching to not just love each other but to love each other no matter what religion people are. and this is what is becoming more and more popular. Hinduism is progressing without being in the face. I had argumants with many peopel about religion, I have seen some very agressive about their religion being right, never had an argument like that with Hindus. I never heard hindu say that someonce religion is wrong and theirs is right. Never even heard a Hindu trying to convert atheists. If only everyone was like that when it comes to personal believes, we wouldn't have people dying every day for no good reason.
@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
17 Aug 09
I'm a proud Catholic who believes in the teachings of the Church; there is no way in the world you could ever mark me as being a Hindu or a member of some other faith. While I disagree with the mantra that there are many ways to God, I don't have the right to force someone to believe what I believe. All I can do is live my faith to the best of my ability because actions speak much louder than words.
• United States
17 Aug 09
Actions always speak louder. I hate to see people who speak all about doing good deeds in the name of god and then go ahead and kill, rob or scam people.
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
18 Aug 09
Your faith is itself the product of the faith around you, the faith that you have been hearing since the child hood days.
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• India
17 Aug 09
its great to be a hindu, to know about its greatness, one should just follow it, even not being an hindu, you could still follow and practice it., Thats hindusim
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• United States
17 Aug 09
And interestingly many people do follow Hindu teachings without even realizing it.
• India
18 Aug 09
Hello, It is a nice point you have raised. Myself being a Hindu I agree with your view point. Actually we can consider Hiduism to be more of a way of life than religion.Hinduism never says it is the only religion . It teaches tolerance towards all other religions. AS you have said it believes God is love and lives within each life. Happy mylotting
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• United States
18 Aug 09
Yes, love , love and nothing but love. Immagine if everyone in this world would stop fighting and start loving each other instead... how many problems would be solved? how many wars prevented? But for some reason even religios people who are supposed to be good pick up weapons because they disagree with someone's religion.
• Canada
17 Aug 09
Whether we are changing religion or changing our train of though, one thing is for sure...if you miss the train ride on this one, you may end up living a life of hellish regrets. Live for the moment with all your heart's intention focused on the good things in life.
• United States
18 Aug 09
yeap, the more you focuse on on the good things in life the more good things in life you will see. Beats the depression lol.