What the doctor said...
By ElicBxn
@ElicBxn (63831)
United States
August 18, 2009 8:32am CST
Now, besides the obvious... "you have cancer" "you need to make arrangements" and "I'm sorry, we've done all we can" what is the worst thing you've ever heard a doctor say...
Now, I've never heard the "cancer" phrase, but I have heard the other 2 so I know what they feel like - and I'm really not talking about anything quite that serious.
Personally, the worst thing I ever heard a doctor say was "How disappointing." This was RIGHT after he removed a bandage and I had caught a look at the fuzzy green hole where the skin graph was supposed to be.
Now, I want to say right up front, that I loved this doctor. He was Oriental, from the Philippines and he was just as cute as a button - old, but you know what I mean. I loved his wife too, she was Aussie. It was a little plastic surgery clinic, where a nurse at the hospital said they all loved him, that he was so good with the "tissue" while making funny gripping gestures with her hand.
My response to his was "I don't think I wanted to see that" and believe me, it has stayed with me too - its been 11 years, but I can still see it.
So, what, besides the obvious phrases, have you ever had a doctor say to you? - and I don't mean "oops" unless he really did say that
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30 responses
• United States
18 Aug 09
Thank God neither one of us have heard that phrase but i have known so many people that have. It is a very scary phrase. I guess the worst thing a doctor ever told me was that i had a brain aneurysm, survived that & then had a stroke a few years later & they told me i had a 90% blockage in my carotid & had to have surgery for that plus i had to quit work so bad things do happen to everyone seems like. Thank goodness i haven't heard oops, lol.
• United States
18 Aug 09
I'm so glad her mother is o.k. Hope yours is doing good to. Happy days to u.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
18 Aug 09
The worst was when the ER told me my son had appendicitis and they'd have to remove it. Duh! I told them that but they wanted to send him home, I insisted on more tests and wouldn't budge. It was close to bursting, btw! I knew those words were coming but hearing them just stopped my heart, my poor little boy! He's fine now, of course, ten years later!
"You'll have quite a big scar there" "Oh no, there's some infection here" "Just stuff the saline-soaked gauze in there and change it twice a day, that should help with the infection"
This citing my recent appendectomy where they couldn't do it laparoscopy style because of previous scar tissue there (what's with that?!), the wound was infected at my follow up visit and for 6 weeks I had to deal with a gaping hamburger-looking wound to care for all by myself.
I'm very blessed that that's the worst that's happened to me!
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
18 Aug 09
Yeah, BarBara, it was really gross. But you can get used to anything and after a few days it was like looking in a butcher's window, only it was my insides behind the glass!

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@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
18 Aug 09
yeah, that big "C" is a scary one, that's what killed my friend Elaine, my cousin, my great-aunts, my grandfather and my dad. My mom has had 3 bouts of skin cancer, not melanoma, and a lumpectomy that wasn't malignant but was pre-cancer.
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@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
18 Aug 09
Looks like your husband hit a home run. That is when my doctor told me I was pregnant.
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@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
19 Aug 09
I can't recall anything 'horrific' that a doctor has said to me. Could be I've blocked out the bad things in my life. My mind tends to do that when I don't want to remember something and only a 'trigger' will let me remember it briefly.
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@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
19 Aug 09
"So your the crazy one?" Ummm excuse me. Are you seriously coming in to the examination room and saying this to me. Yup that is what he said. I was having really bad ear aches so my fiance took me into the hospital. Yes had to go to the hospital for an ear ache because I don't have a family doctor out there and my doctor is over 2 hours away in the city. So went into the hospital. The nurse asked me what medications I was on and I told her. Well needless to say she wrote down the wrong medication which turns out that it is used for Schizophrenia. Something that I don't have and something my medication is way off on. So needless to say he walked in and said oh your the crazy one. And all this other BS. I was so mad at him for how he treated me I was about ready to beat him with one of the stirups on the table. After talking with others in town about this doctor he really has bad bedside manner and is a real egghead to say the least.
@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
19 Aug 09
I went to a hospital with an earache - of course, I was in Durango Colorado and my doc was in Austin Texas... At least he wasn't a bad doc.
Now, my dad's cancer guy had totally bad service, and a co-worker of mine later said she went to him once and would NEVER go back to him. I got to talk to his wife - turned out she knew my mom from their church and recognized my last name and she was very nice -
Have I mentioned that DESPITE the fact that I live in one of the 20 largest cities in the U.S. its still nearly a small town to me...?
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@dance4life (252)
• United States
29 Aug 09
I have found over the years that doctors and nurses have strange senses of humors. I think it's due to the fact they have to deal with disturbing things everyday. So what bothers you and me doesn't bother them in the least. I remember my mother making us watch someone being operated on during dinner time. She was the only one with a good appetite that night.
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@AmbiePam (96703)
• United States
18 Aug 09
I realize that people have life changing things said to them from doctors, and that mine is minor. I've had much worse diagnosis myself. But to me, the worst thing a doctor said to me, was when I was 22 years old. She said, "Your hair will never grow back, and a hair transplant won't work either." And that is part of the reason I have no mirrors in my house beside the one in the bathroom. Maybe it's vain, but I think women know how I feel.
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@caver1 (1762)
• United States
22 Aug 09
"Unfortunately" That's what I remember the doctor saying when he called with the results of my biopsy. "Unfortunately it is cancer."
I've had a mastecomy and am currently undergoing chemotherapy, then radiation.
I'm doing well and expect to live to see my kids graduate and hopefully some grandskids someday (not too soon though).

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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
23 Aug 09
My brother had glauceral neuphritis(spelling?)and the prognosis was that he could die. So when a doctor said, "You have blood in your urine," I thought I had that, too. So I was a teenager and I thought I was going to die. They just wanted to retest my urine. It was fine, just too close to that time of the month.
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@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
19 Aug 09
Once when I had just been operated on, still laying in the recovery room. The doctor "surgin" came in to check on me.
He had just taken out my appendix.
It was a sudden operation, because of the sudden pains. I did not even know I had an appendix. hahaha! I was 17 at the time.
Then the doctor stated:"One more day, and it would have been too late!"
They had squeezed me in between surgery. They had said they were going to operate the next day. But somehow they got me the same day.
The appendix was about to burst. When that happens, it is too late.
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@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
19 Aug 09
I waited to long to go to the doctor first of all.
Because I was always irregular with my monthly, I figured I was just getting my period. Seeing as I always had (have again)pains very heavily, I just took an aspirin and figured I could still sleep for an other hour before school.
Normally that would not have been a big problem.
As I lay back down the pains got worse. Seeing as the night before my mother had threatened to take her life, telling me not to blame myself but she just could not take it anymore. I figured the pains were worse because of the stress. (Something my Mom does not remember in this day)
So I went back down stairs and made myself some thee and sat there with my pillow on my stomach. I think at that time it was around 6am, I called the doctor and asked for pain stiller s because my period pains were out of control.
I could come get them at 9 am. In the mean time these pains are killing me, I am crying and crying and don't now what to do.
At 9 I walked (as well as I could ) to the doctor for the medicine.
Went back home, took one and for 30 minutes I was all right.
You are only allowed one every 4 to 6 hours. After 30 mins the pain came back, worse than before.
To make a long story short, at 15:00 I was brought to the hospital and in the evening they operated. It was not my period, it was my appendix

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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
20 Aug 09
[b]I can relate. My appendix burst, & it hurt far worse than my having given birth with no meds did!

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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
18 Aug 09
I dislike it whenever a doctor says try this prescribed medicine I'm giving and if the pain doesn't go away, to come here for a stronger dosage. I was like, why can't he just give me the strong dosage so that I'll be totally cured?
But I suppose doctors know best...or not at certain times.. LOL...

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@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
18 Aug 09
Well you knew it was a possibility of a c-section....
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@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
18 Aug 09
Staph - that's a scary one, and that you got there in time
Now, the former roommate went to the hospital in the middle of the night and they sent her home. She went to her doctor later that morning and he was calling them to find out WHY they hadn't admitted her and was sending her BACK!
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
20 Aug 09
How about "we don't like to see that" when doing the first ultrasound on my second pregnancy. Talk about giving a mom-to-be the warm fuzzies! Turned out it wasn't anything bad, it was a second baby. (Dawn kicking ob/gyn in butt for giving me a scare)...
@rhoday (152)
• United States
18 Aug 09
I never heard the doctor say to much to me personally, but my sister had her tube's tied, and after the operaton the doctor was looking over the paper's and said oop's. He then told her she would have to go back in because they didn't tie her tube's they took out her galbladder.
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@rhoday (152)
• United States
19 Aug 09
Yeah, luckily they did it the second time for free. Now there is one lady that was from Hemon that had a whole hysteractomy done, 3 year's later she had twin's. It was the same Doctor too. So it make's you wonder what he was doing when he was opening the women up. I know alot of women stopped going to him after that.

@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
24 Aug 09
I've been lucky, never to have had any real problems. The only real annoying thing a doctor ever said to me was when I was little, and had surgery on my legs. He said the stitches would wash out in the bath then I got the casts off, and then when it came time to get the casts off, he told me he had to take the stitches out. AARRGGHH!! That was painful because I was still tender, there.
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@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
19 Aug 09
The worst thing my mothers doctor told us when her chemotherapy was not working was that it was our fault because we did not choose the medication that would cost P1M per month. She said that if we chose that, her tumors would not grow or metastasize. I mean, why give us options if the only treatment that she thought would work was the one that we obviously could not afford.
We have never gone back to this doctor.
@horsesrule (1957)
• United States
19 Aug 09
Let's see, I had an emergency room doctor tell me that I had a large mass on my ovary and that it needed to be removed immediately. That was certainly the most horrible thing to hear. Now after the surgery and after I had gone home and got an infection in the incision, I went back to the doctor and they told me that they were afraid of this (because I have diabetes) and that I needed to go back into the hospital. Those were the worst two things I've had a doctor say directly to me.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
26 Aug 09
"Can you feel this?" as he stuck a needle into my foot to see if the anaesthetic was working. LOL...I nearly scared the pants off him when I squawked, jumped and rose about 2 feet off the table. That's when I found out I need 2 or 3 needles to numb an area where I'm having work done...LOL. I was having the outside edges of my big (ingrown) toenails removed in an effort to get them to grow right.
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@commanderxo (1494)
• Canada
25 Aug 09
The worst thing my doctor's ever said to me was;
..."oh by the way, this test is NOT covered under your current medical insurance plan."
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