Busy Writing not on myLot:(

Bridge in Michigan - One of 17 bridges at McCourtie Park (the Bridge Park)in Southern Michigan
@byfaithonly (10698)
United States
August 23, 2009 9:53am CST
I have been extremely busy writing – this is a good thing. Afraid however as some may have noticed have not been writing here on myLot for several weeks now. I have been on Twitter nearly every day and enjoying it. I’ve made lots of new friends, some friends from here on myLot are also there, and have networked with tons of Associated Content writers. Twitter doesn’t pay but you/I can post links which makes it great for sharing referral links or in my case most often links to articles were I get paid per views (AC, Helium, Examiner are main ones I see a lot on Twitter). I’ve found during the week when I’m too busy or too tired to do much of anything I can set a program to automatically post something (link or message) every few hours. Also with Twitter there is a 140 character limit so all messages are short and sweet ? While Twitter can be addicting it is a terrific way to network and promote at the same time – just don’t spam and make all your tweets just referral links ? I’ve also networked with several writers who don’t write for the online sites. I have not been just playing on Twitter though – have been tremendously busy with my writing for AC and working on my future book of short stories. National Grandparents Day & My Grandparents Mixed Flowers for Your Garden (slideshow) Jackson County Michigan Golf Courses (review) Bridge Park, Michigan (review) Bridge Park, Michigan (slideshow) one of the photos is featured on this discussion Improve Your Call Center Call (tips) Chasing Hot Air Balloons (tips) Cascades Civil War Muster (review) Ella W. Sharp Park (review) Ella Sharp Park Jackson, Michigan (3 slideshows) Friday Night at K-Mart short story Hot Air Balloon Landing (slideshow) "Just Another Storm" short story No writers block here – also have a list of over 2 dozen other articles and short stories to come in the near future. So, what have you been doing – catch me up myLotters!
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12 responses
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
23 Aug 09
Wow! You are a busy little bee. Great job. I am doing a lot of writing for AC right now. I haven't done much with anything else. I've read some of your articles and love your pictures. I will try to catch up with all the reading I need to do. LOL
3 people like this
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
23 Aug 09
Yep is a problem, emails :) My thing is by the time I get home from work I am physically, mentally, and emotionally drained (call center) so don't get much if any writing done during the week anyways so figure if I can do my networking and socializing - reading AC favorites stuff, playing on twitter, and some myLot during the week then won't feel so bad when I ignore everyone and WRITE on the weekends :)
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
23 Aug 09
Thank you dear for the complement and I can say the same for your writing - I too have been concentrating on AC, not going to get rich there but have met some great people, writers, who have helped me not only with my writing but also with ideas for more projects. I am trying something new this week and actually setting limits and goals as to what I am doing online and in life :) Example my goal is to respond to 10 myLot discussions a day at least 5 days a week - not much but staying in touch with my dear friends here :)
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@mommaj (23112)
• United States
23 Aug 09
That should keep you pretty busy in itself. I try to look at my emails before I start writing and I think that is a mistake. I find I get more writing done if I write first and then look at emails and what not. LOL
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
23 Aug 09
Hello Faith. Good to hear from you again. You have been a very busy lady and hope all your hard work is profitable. I am not a member of Twitter or any of the above mentioned sites. Didn't have the time or interest. I stick with myLot and Clixsense and that's about the extent of my online experiences. Have been doing alot of babysitting for our youngest grandbaby. Been a fun time. I did quit my part time job after 8 years of being unappreciated. It was just time to go! Will see what develops this winter if I have any time to write. Have written some little articles on Hubpages but the payout, using Kontera as the paying site, has been so minimal it's almost a waste of time to promote the articles. Much success to you, carolbee
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
24 Aug 09
I understand and it sounds like real good news.
2 people like this
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
25 Aug 09
:) sent you a pm :)
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
25 Aug 09
Got the pm and hope you got mine in return. I have problems sending those pm's.
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
24 Aug 09
Hey sissie, like you i have not been on Mylot much because of all the othr things i have been doing. now i found a new thing that pays. its a place you can add content from all of your blogs and all of your articles every where else. you can also add photos and documents. Kinda like another social network. but its pretty cool. if you would like the link. Feel free to im me anywhere. lol. Hugs sissie. miss you xxxxxx
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
25 Aug 09
Hey sis keep watching for you on twitter but seems we're off scheduals or something... Did get the link but will be weekend before I have the chance to check into it - I keep saying I'm not going to take on anything else but... hugs and kiss to you sis :) Hey pm me any details you can such as how it pays what and such :) priorities lets talk money :)
1 person likes this
• United Arab Emirates
4 Mar 11
Hey Gurls, good for you both that you are doing the things that you love and having fun doing it. Writing and also making money from it. Just so you know some upcoming or small time writers like me wouldn't mind sharing in the fun and also the networking. Would be glad if you could give me an in on the social networking site you found that pays. It going to be a good way to drive traffic to our articles. Keep doing it..you girls are great.
@BarBaraPrz (49031)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
23 Aug 09
Well, you've certainly been busy, haven't you... Hope it all pays off for you. I haven't been doing much of anything lately, though I did take a day trip to Niagara Falls with a girlfriend.
2 people like this
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
23 Aug 09
Oh I'm jealous - actually was checking map out a few days ago to see how far I was from Niagara Falls - have never been there and would sooo dearly love to go, figured I could drive it in a day so a long weekend would be possible but not sure I'll be able to do it this year.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
24 Aug 09
Oh wow that is a deal but you just gave me an idea - going to check out the bus price. Greyhound station is just a few blocks from my house :)
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@BarBaraPrz (49031)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
23 Aug 09
Well, not to make you even more jealous, but... My friend found this bus deal: $10 return to one of the casinos there, PLUS free buffet. How could we NOT do it?
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@Citychic (4067)
• United States
24 Aug 09
Hi there byfaithonly, it sounds like you've been quite busy. Well don't let me interrupt you but i would love for you to take a look at a few of my writings whenever you happen to get some spare time. Perhaps you can tell from my writing that I'm still fairly new at it. But there's no doubt that i have a love for writing that is unshakable. My hubby and several others in my life have told me that I need to be a writer. So I don't know about all of that because I started out just doing it because it's been a great hobby of mine. I hope you will find the humor in it when you read the one that I posted in a discussion of mine called. "If I were a Nursing home Administrator". Please prepare yourself because that one is kind of long. I've written several others and sometimes the ideas just seem to float to me from day to day. So I'm sure that this is only the beginning. Anyways it's good to be able to connect with others that share a similar interest. Cheers to our new friendship! May you have a prosperous future! Citychic
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
25 Aug 09
I love the poem - the humor yet seriousness all in one. You keep writing!
@shellyli (55)
• China
24 Aug 09
hello , yes, writting is a good thing . when we writting , we can memory what happen , what we done ,what we thougt and how do we do . you are so great , so busy and writting continue,.
2 people like this
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
25 Aug 09
I do love writing and sharing my experiences with other through my written words. By the way - welcome to myLot, I see you are fairly new. Hope you enjoy it as much as I have over the years :)
• China
25 Aug 09
thanks , i am a new member here , i knew mylot last week , and so learn good thing here .
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
25 Oct 09
Wow!! This is cool that you are doing things like this my friend. I have never checked out or become a member of Facebook or Twitter, and am only on here and AC. I have a whole bunch of stuff I have Wrote I need to try and submit somewhere and would Love to eventually get my own book or book with short stories, etc. published in time as well. Hope things are going Good.
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
22 Jul 10
I have been trying to get on here and AC and get some writing done, but just seems that I am not making much progress. There are a lot of things going on with summer upon us. Plus, I have my 25th class reunion this weekend and I have been helping plan it. ( Hard to believe that I am 29 and attending my 25th reunion. LOL!!) I have also been trying to get a blog setup since I am trying to help open a petting zoo for special needs childrren and we need donations and sponsors. It is just a very busy time for me. Faith, I always enjoy your writing and I would sure like to have your book of short stories. Keep up all the hard work!
@terri0824 (5034)
• United States
27 Aug 09
Well, I have gotten addicted to Face Book and spend most of my time there. SO I only respond to discussions every now and then here. I've been trying to locate classmates there and other places so that we can organize a 30th class reunion for next year.I did join twitter last week, but I don't know anything about it. By your list above, I sure would say you have alot of writing in the works. Keep up the great work!
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@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
5 Apr 11
While I know I could write if I wanted to, I just do not like to, I was always more inclined to do things with my hands, I could have been an artist I think but never persued that, I am good with technical stuff, maybe I should re-write some of the users manuals that come with electronics that you can nver understand. I have been entering some contests and had a little luck, nothing major, but a couple of iPod touches, a year's supply of iced tea, a few gift cards, and a few smaller prizes. I have bought a few lottery tickets, but I am not a millionaire yet. Nobody has noticed but I have not been around here more than a dozen times in the last year, I just do not seem to have the same enthusiasm, plus MyLot does not really pay very much and I need money. It sounds like you are doing what you love.
• United States
1 Jul 10
Sounds like you've been having fun. I wish I didn't have writer's block right now, or I'd be throwing up articles on Helium and lenses on Squidoo like mad. I really want to write - I just have no idea what I feel like writing. MyLot's helping a little, though! Even though I just joined, I'm already having a ton of fun - and earning a little money! This is a great site. I recently joined Twitter, too, trying to promote my blog. I'm not really addicted to it yet - I can't find too much to post! *sheepish* You're a member of AC, so do you mind too much if I ask you a question? I'm on AC, but I haven't written much on there... Still, I'm interested in writing more. My only problem is, I'm still only 17. Will they still pay me? Will they save my earnings and reimburse me when I turn 18? Or will they just start paying me when I turn 18 and ignore what writing I've done up until then? Thanks so much!
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
1 Jul 10
my understanding is you must be 18 in order to earn on AC so anything you write at this time would not earn - once you turn 18 then you would. I would suggest just do a few articles for them now and then until you can actually start earning. I have also written a few pieces for Helium but have only just this month earned my second out. I'm now writing mainly for Examiner where my earnings are much better than AC or Helium. Oh, and welcome to myLot - I'm still not very active here for some time but love the people and it is a great place to connect with other writers, LOL there are a ton of us here :)
• Austin, Texas
23 Mar 16
That was then. This is now. Do you have an update on your short stories collection?