The ugliest girl in my school is now a hottie 10 plus years later! w t f??

@MissAmie (717)
United States
August 23, 2009 10:37pm CST
So I'm going through people I went to high school with on facebook and this girl that we constantly made fun of (and I was a nerd too, but even nerds gave her a hard time) is totally hot now!! I was so surprised my jaw almost hit the floor. lol. I was thinking maybe she should go on one of those Jerry Springer shows where they have the nerds from high school all made over and pretty. HA! Have you ever looked up someone from years ago and suddenly they looked WAY good? Do any of your old classmates surprise you?
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7 responses
• United States
24 Aug 09
Just how it should be! I hated people like you (no offensee) that made fun of people in highschool. I'm glad things worked out for her but shame on you for joining in with the crowd and making fun of her!
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@MissAmie (717)
• United States
24 Aug 09
We couldn't help but make fun of her. She did some pretty insanely funny stuff. Like this talent show once...she totally forgot the words. I know we were wrong to do it but trhst me, I got my fair share too. I was a band nerd. lol.
• United States
24 Aug 09
You should have been able to help it! She probably has had to deal with alot of social anxiety from having to deal with her peers like you. And saying she did insanely weird stuff like forget words at a talent show. 0_0 Okay, weird would be something like a friend I had in High school who wore a tail to school. And while I stuck by her as a friend I can see that as being a little out of the norm. But you guys made fun of her for forgetting words at a talent show? That is just terrible. I'm sure she was already mortified for forgetting the words in front of her peers and then you guys made fun of her on top of it? I'm sorry but that is so wrong.
@melissau (56)
• United States
28 Aug 09
For some reason or another it looks like this is a very common thin, they are nerds, the ugliest pleople in school and after a couple of years they turn all the way around.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
24 Aug 09
I'm happy for that girl and hope she has a good life despite the horrible people like you who made her miserable.
@weasel81 (2496)
• Australia
25 Aug 09
yeah sound normal, we all mature different people, to what we were in high school. i don't talk to many i was at school with and they don't seemed to have changed much in looks at times. thou the girl i used to sit next to math, ended up becoming an accountant (what she wanted to with out going to uni) she's still the same person, that i knew but different at the same time.
• United States
24 Aug 09
Doesn't that just make you love the fact that you made fun of her and now she is probably further along then anyone else? I love how karma works and sometimes it takes moments like this to get people to realize how mean they actually are and how things will come together in the end. I'm just in college now but even before graduating I can say that there are many people that have surprised me. There were people that went arm forces whom I never thought could even do that because they were ditsy in high school and there are couples who are now married with 2-3 kids already. People change once they are out of high school. High school is like a playground - nobody was an adult, no one really knew where they were going, and the world was an open book - some people just get the best sellers while others are collecting dust.
@louren007 (122)
• Philippines
25 Aug 09
Well, thinking about high school days. That doesn't mean that we all just stop their. Of course, we will grow up and lots of changes will be expected to BOOM us. In fact, one of my old classmates before is not too hot but right now. Wit wew, she really awesome, pretty and sexy. Most of us really surprised on her changes. So, based from this experience... We, all should expect that after high school days lots of changes will occur in each and everyone of us. Even life is too short but let's live it well...
• United States
24 Aug 09
lol this totally reminds me of movies you see on tv! lol havent you ever noticed that, that this is how it always happens? I swear it always seems like the people that were the most nerdy or ugly back in school always end up the rich ones, successful ones, and the prettiest/handsomest lol. I have seen a few people I graduated with that have definitely changed in those ways, but it has only been a few years for me, so I will definitely have to keep my eye open in the future haha.