Please, can somebody lend me their shoulder to cry on! I'm so stressed I could!

United States
August 24, 2009 12:18am CST
I am a recent college grad looking for work. I know it's a recession and all, but this is right ridiculous! I know that I have put in at least 300 resumes and applications this summer alone. I have even gone so far as to find work in cities where I would HAVE to relocate and start over. It just makes me feel so pathetic and worthless to not have a job after I've gone through college for six years. It seems to me like my accreditations don't amount to anything. I figure the jobs I apply to would rather hire someone with experience than to spend time and money training somebody with less knowledge of that particular job. I have even tried my hands in some online work, but I can only find PTCs or surveys or that type of stuff. I thought it would be easy after school, but I see that's hardly the case. It's the same way for my BF. He just can't catch a break and it depresses him that he can't do much for our family. He tries his best to find work, but ends up with the same results as me. We are really suffering from a streak of bad luck this summer. It's down to the wire for me and my family. If I don't find work real soon, I don't know what I'm going to do. Please share some words of encouragement. I really need them. Thanks y'all.
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19 responses
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
30 Aug 09
Did you honestly expect to walk out of school and into a job? In these economic times? The reality is, finding suitable work is hard even in good times. You should have been figuring out where you wanted to work while you were still at school and groomed them for when you would be joining them. you need to be creative when finding work these's the 21st century, there are more people than jobs. You may need to just find an income if you have a family. There's no point stressing about how bad things are. Use your energy to form a plan of action plan the work and work the plan, don't expect anything to fall into your lap or be handed to you. Don't expect that just because you have a resume and a college degree that people will be lining up to offer you work. Be positive and happy. Figure out everything that you have that is good...each other, your kids, your health, your sense of humour, your skills and abilities. Focus on those positive things and work at being happy every single day. Read books on the power of positive thinking and remember the incredible world we live in is full of abundance and there is plenty for everyone.
• United States
3 Sep 09
This is true. Most colleges nowadays make it a requirement for you to go out and get an internship in your field before you can graduate in order to help you get experience. Most of the places that people intern for while in college also hire them after college or at least give them leads to other places that might hire you. Internships may not pay money, but it is experience and if you can find a part-time internship that is say 10 to 20 hours a week that is just enough to be able to add to your resume as experience in your field and having a family to support you would still have to find a job that does pay. Even if it isn't in your field at least it pays the bills. Nowadays, with the economy the way it is you should be thankful for ANY job that pays. You will find that when finding a job, be it gas station, fast food, or even receptionist that you will have to pretend you never even went to college. I actually had to dummy down my resume and pretend I only finished high school just to find a retail job so I could pay my already past due bills ( I was desperate for ANY job at that time,) because when I did list my college degree I was told I was "over-qualified". This really made me angry cause I worked really hard for my degree, but when you have a family and bills to pay you will take any crappy job to take care of them. So I pretended I was just a high school grad and then I was able to get a retail job that paid very low, but at least it brought some money in and with a strict budget, I was able to pay my bills and take care of my family along with government assistance.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
3 Sep 09
Like I said, expecting to walk into a job in your chosen field when you finish college is incredibly unrealistic. You are smarter than that aren't you? You may find you need more than one resume depending on the job you are going for. Are there job network places you can go to? Hang out there for a couple of hours once a week or a shorter time a few times a week. Talk to people, research interview techniques. Find out how to write a short, sharp captivating resume that will actually be read by someone who will then want to meet you, be it for a shop assistant, a waitress or whatever. Get used to the fact that the job you have now is looking for work. Treat it as a job and an investment of your time. Good luck.
• United States
3 Sep 09
I can understand your frustration. I graduated from college back in 2006 after 5 years and found it hard to find a job as well. I was told I needed experience. My question was "How are you to get experience if no one will hire you to be able to acquire that experience in the first place?". Well, I too ended up having to take a retail job even though I had a college degree. A year later I was able to finally get a foot in the door at a job in my field. I had a friend that hooked me up with a part-time job that was related to my field that was willing to give me a chance, but it was only 15 hours a week and the pay was VERY low. I took it anyway just o be able to have something to put on my resume and I worked at a gas station as well to make extra money. Then I started going to other places looking for part-time work related to my field. The pay and hours were pathetic, but at least it added to my resume and showed I had experience. The more crappy part-time jobs I got the more experience in my field I got to put on my resume. Also when writing my resume I never mentioned that I worked their part-time. In fact, I noticed that employers don't care about the details as long as you have experience. The next thing I knew I had a whole list of these little part-time jobs that I put down on my resume and employers saw I had experience in which I got my first full-time, good-paying job in my field. Also go to Temporary agencies...a lot of times they can help you find job in your field or closely related to your field that can count towards experience. You may have to have crappy jobs on the side as well to be able to pay the jobs, but in the end it is worth it. I hope that helps a bit. Freelance work online helped get me experience as well. I am a graphic designer so I used,, and to find jobs that I bid on and was able to add them as experience as well. Hope this helps out. Hang in there...this recession can't last forever and during this time do the best you can and never let it get you down.
• United States
26 Aug 09
I hope that things get better for you soon.
• United States
25 Aug 09
My husband graduate from college 2 years ago and has yet to be able to use his degree. The best he has found is going in through a temporary agency. But because he has been so faithful in his work with him even though he has been through several temporary jobs, they have kept him at the front of the list for most jobs coming in. So the best I can offer would be for you to do the same.
• Philippines
25 Aug 09
I Guess that makes two of us. i am also unemployed and doesn't have work. it's been hard for almost five months for me looking for a real job. but it's ok. a lot of people just like me doesn't have jobs as well. don't worry you'll find one, keep on trying and don't give up.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
25 Aug 09
Hi kendraijohnson My heart really goes out to you, it sounds to me like you have tried everything, only thing I can say is don't let it get you down, think positive, you are definately on the right path, believe that all will be well, and it will.I wish I could say something to get you through this, you have to believe, you are here on mylot, thats something right? you found your way here for a reason, who knows you may meet someone here that may help you find the work you are looking for, believe
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
25 Aug 09
hello, it is hard these days when you just graduate. Im sorry but it is just hard for everyone here... even business and even worker. But dont loose your hope yet, they will call soon. But just right now they dont have anything open yet, if they do im sure they will call you right the way. Keep up your hope and if you go anywhere, dont forget to ask and make friend with people cuz sometimes these people can get you a job
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Aug 09
my dear kendria cry on my shoulder as I hAve been there with'myson this blasted economy here in dear sunny old ca is tore my son and me apart,hes in a govpaid apartment with three other men all out of work,hes been out of work since last sept 2008 and he is like'you getting pretty depressed oh he gets umemployment insurance but thats not a job.we were sharing a two bedroom apartment when he was laid off and we actually became homeless.he put me here inGold Crest a assisted living place so I would have a home for now. I think that you and your boyfriend may be more lucky as you are a lot younger than my son plus the college degree should help he is A computer programmer and had a lotof experience but as he is fifty it doesnt seem to help too much. I hope you soon find something I know its so hard you just get demoralized.I know that online doesnt help much either.I do do mysurveys as they pay ten to twenty dollArs for them and added to what I make here I can come up with forty to fifty dollars a month but thats not a living. I wish I could tell you just where to find a really good paying job.I do want to encourage you but just dont know what to say except I willpray and hope you find an idea and out of that idea get a great job. try the hospitals for one thing they often have jobs that are nonmedical but Are sorely needed.hey also try your county library system as that is where I once got a job that lasted 23 years.hope this helps cry on our shoulders all you want.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
25 Aug 09
It's a horrible economy to be looking for a job, with or without experience. I hear there's a chance it will turn itself around early next year. I hope so. Hang in there and I hope it will get better for you!
@kevchua (1004)
• Malaysia
25 Aug 09
Time are hard now, and your experience probably shows that paper qualifications don't matter much these days when employment is scarce, and when employees could afford not to take you in. Perhaps both you and your boyfriend could start off a little business like selling hot dogs or home-made burgers in the neighbourhood. If you're good at handcrafts, you could sell them online. What's most important now is to get money, so it's not necessary that you get a 9 to 5 job. Try out my suggestion. Hope this helps.
@grace118224 (1038)
• China
25 Aug 09
It's true that no matter which country you are from it's hard for everyone to find a job now. I think there are a lot of young people have the same experience with you . I don't know how to make you feel happy because now we are really in bad economic situation. I guess about 50% of our college graduates in our country fail to find a job last year and this year. Anyway please do trust after the streak of bad luck good luck will come sonn.
@webearn99 (1742)
• India
25 Aug 09
Times are hard now and will be for some time to come. Yes you will get sympathy, but then it will not serve you any purpose except pushing you deeper into depression. Get a grip on yourself girl, and start looking bright. Hope and only hope will make you to break barriers and get what you want. Faith in yourself will tide you over. Such cries for help may satisfy you emotionally but won't find you a job. So keep your chin up and bash on nevertheless. I have a 22 year old son, a mechanical engineer who is in the same position as you are. So I know what I am talking about. The kid lost a chance because he pegged himself low. The reason was that he lost a chance at a similar position earlier. Utter stupidity, if you ask me! Sunny up and you will walk into a bright future. Best of luck!
• Romania
24 Aug 09
That's something "normal" in this time we are living. The economy is down and the emplyers are interested in getting the costs down. My advice for you is this : "Never let it go. Keep searching and trust your abilities. The employers need profesionals and you need to prove them that you are" Good luck!
• United States
24 Aug 09
Sorry to hear about the problem you're having finding a job. I know how you feel because I was laid off in January and after submitting my resume for hundreds and hundreds of job applications, I still cannot even get an interview. I have 30 years of experience that seems to account for nothing. It's not true though. The real problem is that we have so much competition out there since there have been so many people laid off from their jobs. You have to keep going and try applying for jobs in different fields. Also, never forget that you are not the problem. It gets hard to keep your self-esteem, but you have to remember, you're an intelligent person and you can prove it to them if they give you the chance. I took a part-time job just to try to keep my sanity and to get out in the world each day and be around other people. They say the best way to get a job is to network with everyone you know and meet. Someone will know someone that knows of a job that is open. Keep asking around and keep the faith!
@jujuby (62)
• India
24 Aug 09
Sorry to hear about you do not lose your confidence every thing is going to be fine,Let's hope for the best.I was a teacher for 8 years i resigned my job to join another school for better prospective , i passed the written test among 500 candidates and was selected top 50 for the post of science teacher 6-8std,passed the demo listed top ten for only 5 vacancies,passed the interview selected top 3 they asked me to wait to collect my appointing order,waited for more than 2hrs ,after long waiting they called only one candidate and told rest two us to please stay back for a week and they will let us know when to join,My friend this was on june 3RD till date they didn't call me i lost my earlier job , neither they called me ,i am waiting for a better opportunity,i felt they dont deserve me.Freind hope for the best.
@vandana7 (101438)
• India
24 Aug 09
Hi, I am sorry u r going thru so much at this young age. U could try doing some freelancing jobs thru net. Hopefully, some of them offer good recommendations, and u can tide through the rough period. Elance, and getafreelancer are two sites that come to mind offhand. I know Elance clients pay. Getafreelancer is something even I am new to. U could also try academia-research for some content writing works. I do some jobworks for addr. I dont know if u can do such works in ur country. U could try applying to them as well. If it makes u feel any better, I struggled thru such phase for over 10 years. And have now reached a position that I can afford to absorb such periods in my life. So u both definitely have some good times in store for u in future. Hang on. God only gives limited pain. :-)
@shellyli (55)
• China
24 Aug 09
i am also the fresh for working , and i work for here 5 months , now , i want to leave, i want to need the better job , try my life best . when i was looking for the work , i failure the interview many times , but i told myself every time, "i could not get the best ,the better is waiting for me ". so you must trut yourself and confidence. don't give up every thing you want .
@Jathop3 (42)
• United States
24 Aug 09
Trust yourself, you know more than you think you do. It is a hard time now, and I am sure you work so hard, so hard that you are feeling exhausted by now. Maybe it's not today, maybe it's not tomorrow, maybe it's not this week or month...but hey, nothing is completely useless in this world. It's hard now, and it might get even harder, but at one point things will work out. It might sounds ridiculous telling you that now, but it's more fortunate to believe it rather than always scaring yourself with bad thought, no? I also wish you'll find a good job soon. :)
• China
24 Aug 09
Next month it's time for me to go to college. Though I haven't experienced, the information I got showed me that it's really hard to find a job, especially a satisfatory job. Things are same in China. I don't know how to help you(Though I didn't know you before). What I can do is to encourage you. Pleas take it easy and believe yourself. I think if you really try your best, you can get the best result. Best wishes to you, you BF and your family