How do you handle criticism from friends??

Criticism from friends - friendship are tested by time and the object of criticism is an integral part of it. Something which may be challenge a friendship to break or unite by a reason with a common objectives. Criticism plays a vital role to make your friendship from worse to better, from heaven to hell or from happiness to sad. criticism may be a positive reinforcement or a negative feedback on a fiend performance which may hurt or annoy you.
August 24, 2009 3:55am CST
Their is an saying which says "you cannot please everybody" no matter the effort you put to build a friendship foundation stronger, like a house built with stronger materials it get to the point where it becomes weak, just like your friendship with your friends. You could not find any reasons why they always criticize you? They seem to find a hole to pin you down, but you never see those criticism as a threats. But, rather as a challenges..which propels you to move with your goals in life and become successful in your predicaments in life..Sometimes, you get annoy by your friends criticism, until you realize they get their own points. You see their criticism as a challenges as a positive reinforcement rather than negative feedback. Have you encounter a situation where you feel you are always being criticize by your friends, it seem they always find something wrong or imperfect with your life? How do you handle this constant criticism? Would you turn away/turn down your friendship with your friends or stay with them and think they are criticizing you, because they like you to improves or make a differences? What do you think about criticism from friends? How do you reacts?
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18 responses
@tintukm (1102)
• India
24 Aug 09
Friends are for everything,they supports you,make you feel good ,makes you relaxed,deals with all your problems and share everything good or bad.Also your friends are there to give you their criticism as their opinions and suggestions some which we may like as they would be real and some would make us bogged down because we would thought that was a quality in us and suddenly our friends make such a statement could embarrass us. We must always take our friends criticisms as something said for are good always,because our friends will ever let us down anywhere.
• Philippines
26 Aug 09
Real friends criticize to let a friend know the truth even it hurt to hear and know what friends are saying. It is important to listen to them to know the mistakes we done which need to be corrected at least they give an ideas on what to do. Some are only advices which may be need to be consider as additional guides but in extreme criticism, it becomes abusive when it lead us to harm or being hurt in the process of following or hearing them says some words which are disgraceful. This may be means this friends is a fake one and should be avoided. Friends who criticize too much without giving you some sort of calmness is an annoyance and even add some injury to an already hurt egos..
• Philippines
26 Aug 09
yeah, it is true advices are good but some are extreme cases that we should never go blindly in following it. As we have our own free will to decides after all your life which at stakes..and only you know which best for you..just follow your mind and what your hearts can takes it and everything will be alright..Have a nice day!
@tintukm (1102)
• India
26 Aug 09
No true friends makes the criticism take close to an abuse,if they do so then they are not the friends you are looking forward to.Those sorts of people would be just trying to be your friends by giving one all kinds of criticism.Still we must accept most of the advices because we ourselves don't know what are the feeling of others at instances like others do on watching us as live as possible.
@rosepedal64 (4188)
• United States
24 Aug 09
Before I made my comment I read some of the other comments. I feel that someone that is your friend and gives you some pointers or comments is not always criticising you. If they are true friends and you are their true friend then it should not be labled in that form. There is always exceptions to the rules. Most of my friends are true. It is the ones that I call acquantience is the ones that are doing the criticism on us. Have a good day and a better evening.
• Philippines
26 Aug 09
Some friends are criticizing me when they want me to changes my behavior or suggest me to do a certain things. Then, some tips and advices i follow. But, when they always do it,it is no longer good advices.I feel that I am already feed up with too much suggestion or advices that I need to make my own decision. I like to give my peace of mind and ability to think over without heeding or following always their advices. I see criticism as positive and negative. Positive criticism makes me think wisely and see the brighter sides but when it is always a constant reminders, their is a point in your life when you says to yourself that it is my life that matters. Friends advices may be good but when it is repetitive it may sounds irritating as you feel you are always brainwash to follow them making as the dominant correct and you appear as indecisive when it comes to decision making..
• Philippines
26 Aug 09
Some friends are criticizing me when they want me to changes my behavior or suggest me to do a certain things. Then, some tips and advices i follow. But, when they always do it,it is no longer good advices.I feel that I am already feed up with too much suggestion or advices that I need to make my own decision. I like to give my peace of mind and ability to think over without heeding or following always their advices. I see criticism as positive and negative. Positive criticism makes me think wisely and see the brighter sides but when it is always a constant reminders, their is a point in your life when you says to yourself that it is my life that matters. Friends advices may be good but when it is repetitive it may sounds irritating as you feel you are always brainwash to follow them making as the dominant correct and you appear as indecisive when it comes to decision making..
• Philippines
26 Aug 09
Some friends are criticizing me when they want me to changes my behavior or suggest me to do a certain things. Then, some tips and advices i follow. But, when they always do it,it is no longer good advices.I feel that I am already feed up with too much suggestion or advices that I need to make my own decision. I like to give my peace of mind and ability to think over without heeding or following always their advices. I see criticism as positive and negative. Positive criticism makes me think wisely and see the brighter sides but when it is always a constant reminders, their is a point in your life when you says to yourself that it is my life that matters. Friends advices may be good but when it is repetitive it may sounds irritating as you feel you are always brainwash to follow them making as the dominant correct and you appear as indecisive when it comes to decision making..
@srganesh (6339)
• India
24 Aug 09
If somebody is constantly criticizing you,he cannot be a friend.Of course a friend's duty is to push you up in life and he can criticize for that.But when you will not be able to reach certain goals he should sympathize with you and stop further criticism.That is nice for a good friend.Cheers!
• Philippines
24 Aug 09
A friend who is criticizing you frequently is like a sheep in a wolf cloth. He befriend you so that he could see more defects from what you are doing, the closer the more watchful he becomes. As other says may befriend you but the truth her friendship is fake and not have a real intention. So, its better to go away with this kind of friend and never let your positive disposition being shadow by their negative remarks.
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@srganesh (6339)
• India
24 Aug 09
Sure!We have to leave their friendship as it holds no value.Such persons are black marks for the qualities of a friend.He/she shall not be considered anymore in your circle as their real intention is not to understand and accept you in total.Real friends will not tease any body for mere fun.Hope you have good friends.Cheers!
• Philippines
24 Aug 09
hi, srganesh, that is really true..a real friend will always stays beside a friend not only in prosperity but also during the saddest moments in his life. You could really test their concern, sympathy and support you on whatever you doing inspire and never criticize every moment when you feel low..But, will never taken you for granted or turn down you, when you have nothing to gives. But, friendship should be unconditional and will share with you when you feel happy, sad or in love with life..
@daliaj (5674)
• India
24 Aug 09
I used to be upset while facing criticism from friends. I accpet that I had a closed mind. But, I have changed now a days and I am open to criticism. I realized the fact that it will help me to improve myself. I won't blindly take it if somebody cricizes. I will think about it and take necessary actions according to the situation.
• Philippines
24 Aug 09
yeah, that is really a positive thinking that will make you more a better person. If friends criticize you, they really mean it. because they find it useless to stay in friendship by being silence and blind to whatever are going in your life. if they see it as you are likely in troubles or in a bad company. It is right to listen to their criticism as it may be better but if you think it is misleading, then you still have your own mind to think to follow or reject their advices.
• Philippines
26 Aug 09
I experience the same things like my neighbor she praise me that my dress look good, then at the end she says, i met some girls who wear the same dress like yours, which blatantly praising you blindly but will leave a smirk in your face. This is the kind of person who think of herself as above the rest and keep on insisting that her style is better than yours, which really annoying. If she ever get the nerves to put you embarrass in front of other friends which she really have no right and much better if she busy herself with her own business than to make another person day bad..
• India
24 Aug 09
I know how it feels like. I used to be like that. I have always been open to criticism but not from people who are simply trying to put me down or discount my efforts. The other day, a person I know shot an unwarranted barb about my dress. I simply clamped up and ignored her for a while. She probably got the message because after that she did not pursue the conversation. :)
@tutor19us (455)
• India
24 Aug 09
I feel upset if a friend criticizes me unnecessarily. I am ok if the criticism is given to improve me. But If the person is saying things to spite me, I feel hurt. I do not react and keep quiet. I try to remain silent and understand what made them say what they said. If they have said it just for being nasty I ignore them. Else, I try to implement their suggestions.
• Philippines
24 Aug 09
Yeah, it really hurts and even makes a person becomes mad with a friend pestering you with annoying criticism. It makes any person day gloomy. But, if you let it pass and ignore it. They will stop to annoy you, unless you get back to yell at them. This is really a fair weather type of friends who will never criticize you if you have something to give and then constantly criticize you to even look worse, but a real friend gives good advices and even if their criticism hurts we may need to face it to makes us aware of the things we should change, add or do to make our ife more better..
• Philippines
24 Aug 09
That is really a bad attitude when a woman you know makes you as her scapegoat to escape from her troubles which she could not blame directly to her husband and instead she put on you. Which is not really good and ever your patience is long. it will likely end because of her abusive behavior. it is only right to cut your ties from her as receiving her constant accusations is annoying and will makes your life miserable. If the woman feel miserable with her life she should not blame others and even you , because you have no direct involvement with what happen to her life..She should acts more friendlier, to make the people around her understand her situation and may even receive good advices..Happy lotting
• India
24 Aug 09
Let me reinforce what I said with an example. There is a woman I know who has a habit of saying nasty things to me. I know her for the past 1 year and she always has something bad to say to me. I figured that she probably was having a bad day at home and had to take it out somewhere. But then every day she would single me out and comment on something: my dress, my weight, height, anything. After a point I simply quit trying. Then I heard that she was going through a messy divorce and had 2 children to support. Even then whatever barbs she threw at me were never warranted. I have now cut all ties with her and do not speak with her. :) I am happy now...
@vandana7 (101373)
• India
24 Aug 09
Actually, right now I do have a friend, who has criticised me for something I did not do, and things that she had implied I could do but is now unhappy that I did them. She has used words that have hurt me. I am just wondering whether I should let the thing be burried under the dust of time or pull out the conversation from emails, and chats, and forward to her - fighting it like an attorney. If I do that, I will surely lose her. She has not been very open to suggestions in the past. Do I want to lose her? She is going through a very tough phase right now, and is in a very fragile frame of mind. If I walk out, she may bottle up, leading to greater problems for herself and her child. I am not sure I will be able to forgive myself if something like that happened just because I couldnt ignore some slight. As it is, her marriage has broken because of betrayal of trust. If I do show understanding of her situation and ignore her comments, she doesnt really correct herself, does she? In every relationship she will continue to behave like that, and face more heart breaks. Now, how do I handle unfair criticism as in this case? I too want to know. As to fair criticisms, I hope I am open to suggestions. At times yes, at times no. If I think the person knows the subject better than me, then I am open. If I think the person is not qualified enough to criticise me, then even if he or she is right, I come up with counter arguments. That is the horrid me. :-)
• Philippines
26 Aug 09
Criticism may be of two types the positive and negative criticism which you may encounter with anybody, whether with friends, relatives, co-workers, neighbors or even with your own family. Such as with what you experience you feel very confused to turn down a friend who criticize you without valid reasons. Some people are really have that kind of attitudes if they fail miserable with what happen to their life. They are going to find a person to blame or at least have a share of their pain which you may unknowingly no direct involvement with her problems. She may feel miserable and this is her way to lessen her burden blaming her misfortunes to other people which is not the right attitudes. i think the woman is really in need of sympathy and a lot of understanding. That is why she is acting like it and want you to notice her. maybe she is really in dire needs of assistance and it is the way she do it. It may look like an abuse, but with proper discussion with her. Hopefully everything will be clear out between you and her. She got a problems and you have sympathize with her. You are right to listen only to good criticism but when criticism is directly insulting you, then it is better not to let yourself get affected. As long as you know from yourself that you are doing right without doing something bad, then just continue whatever you are doing. You are on a good path and every blessing will be yours..
@vandana7 (101373)
• India
26 Aug 09
Thanks, neelianoscet, I came to know the exact path I should be following with her. I do value her much. And there would indeed be no point in both of us being unhappy over loss of our friendship. It is a bad patch in her life, and if I fail her, I dont really qualify as a good friend, do I? Thanks for bringing clarity to the situation. :-)
@vandana7 (101373)
• India
24 Aug 09
Slight correction in the first and second sentences. ... and things that I did because I received her consent in an implied way. Now, she is unhappy that I did them.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
3 Sep 09
I think constructive criticism from a true friend is okay because they are only looking out for your best interest. I do not like it if they criticise me, only to make fun of me though or hurt me.
• Philippines
3 Sep 09
yeah and it is good to make a changes of attitudes or plan because of their good advices or suggestion to be a better person while destructive criticism never do any changes but it encourages hatred..making fun out of being criticize is a bad feeling and should be discourages to be done to anyone, especially to a friend, t is very disappointing consequences brought by wrong judgment.
• Philippines
1 Sep 09
My friends are like my family. I much appreciate friends if they will criticize me. If a friend criticize a friend, it not only mean they are against what a friend is doing, but they are giving their friends an option regarding a decision. Just recently I had shared to my friends I want to enter a business. I explained to them I don't want to be an employee forever. Of course they criticize me. They told me it is very risky, before I jumped into a deep water make sure that I know how to swim they added. Of course, I answer, it is a step by step process I explain. I make sure I am financially literate and ready for it before entering it. for my reason, they allow me, they told me that if things go wrong they are there for me. I love them, If they will criticize me over a decisionI felt their care to me. They are only thinking the consenquences of my acts. I believe they also benefited from it because if I will succeed or fail, I will share my experience to them and they will learned from it also.
• Philippines
1 Sep 09
yeah, you are right friends criticize are called constructive criticism that encourages growth and development in your disposition in life. Friends are here to inspire and will criticize when they think you are following a wrong path, but sometimes they do it to make you aware of the outcomes of your decision. Criticism becomes bad when the main purpose is destructive..Criticism in a final sense is good when it encourages productivity and inspired you to become more intelligent and mature..
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
28 Aug 09
It depends on the criticism. If it's asked for, if it's kindly said, if it's helpful, I generally don't mind. If it's said in a negative or unfair manner then it bothers me, sure. It's all in the approach...
• Philippines
29 Aug 09
Positive criticism encourages productivity while negative criticism encourages desperation..and a real friends prefer the first options..
@clorissa123 (4926)
• United States
3 Sep 09
I would rather take it like a positive encouragement, to reinforce myself to improve and do better in the future. I am just a human beings, and I believe that I always make mistakes constantly. I would rather have some good friends point them to me, So I would know myself. It would be just like a mirror, to see it through yourself. If they would make sarcastic comments rather than positive criticism, I would rather leave them in distance.
• Philippines
4 Sep 09
right, everyone makes mistakes as nobody is perfect but will have to act fairly to get closer to that category. it is nice to have honest friends who will criticize you for the purpose of making you more a better person and to the destructive criticism, the best way is to ignore them..
@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
11 Sep 09
they should leave it to decide their fiends have their own mind better than them. Some friends are stupid adviser they think they are perfect but in fact the biggest liars. i hate people pretending to be kind but a traitor to their friend. if she never likes a friend she should say in private than making an issues making her friend appear foolish..
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
hi flower, yeah some friends think they are perfect but they have their own shortcomings. Friends like that is like a wolf in a sheep clothing like doing crocodiles tears to get your attention but the true intention is to lure you as his potential victims. Friends comes in different images, some are fake and some are real.
• United States
25 Aug 09
I never take it personally. Sometimes I think about what they say if what they said is true, I feel everyone will live their own life though and make their own decisions.
• United States
3 Sep 09
well, as a friend, they have responsibility to guide you to a right way instead of sarcastically comments on your shortfalls. They might give you harsh advise, but you should take it as an criticism in constructive way. Don't let yourself down.
• Philippines
26 Aug 09
That is really important to think of yourself as the ultimate decision maker when it comes to your own goals to finish what you desire and never depend on any friends to decide for your own future. What really matter when your happiness is at stake, never let a friend make a decision for your own destiny, as you are the one who know which best are in for you..
@advokatku (4033)
• Indonesia
4 Sep 09
hy neelianoscet ... huu ...this real your name ? I want just say, criticism is ill but a good friend does not just say yes it. A good friend should be able to remind. So, if I get criticism from my frien, I try to first heard. Ill ? of course, but it's better than you'll always be the one to one continuous
• Philippines
4 Sep 09
hi, advokatku, i think your name isn't? well, criticism deserves a attention and reaction. To the receiver of criticism it make him think and to the sender it makes him inform the person whom the object of his critic to make an effort to react either heeding his suggestion or violently ignores him entirely..
• China
29 Aug 09
Well, for me, I would calm down firstly and balance whether his critisim is appropriate or not, if it is reasonable then I would like to accept his critisim, and do my best to make a change. While if not I might deny that and directly talk to him what he has criticaled is unreasonable and I would not take his suggestion.
• Philippines
30 Aug 09
That is the right attitude everything could be easily understood if all the parties concern have a calm and nice behavior. aggression could only hamper good negotiation and any compromises which are result of conversation is only at risk of being a failure. Finally, it is only necessary to think first of a better method to dig deeper the root causes of misunderstanding before judging a friend mischievous attitudes which could affect your friendship..
@jezzmay (1845)
• United States
24 Aug 09
I do not have a lot of friends, I am more of a loner. When a friend tells me something I listen, but I do not do it unless it is something I feel like doing. Just the other day a friend told me she thought my hair would look better another way. Well I do not see that, I just did not pay her any mind. Have a great day.
• Philippines
26 Aug 09
It is better to remain that way as you are not only one who knows which best for your own life, unless you are feeling confused. You may decide o ask for a friends or rather to a close family members who could give you better advices which you trusted and not misleading..
• United States
24 Aug 09
I remain friends with them. It's my own problem when I let it affect me. Usually when I get angry or upset over a friend's criticism, it is because I'm insecure over that part of my life myself. Sometimes I think a friend doesn't have my best intentions in mind when criticizing me like that but I would force myself to be strong and not let it affect me. My best friend does this a lot and I think it is partly because she is insecure herself so I do not blame her
• Philippines
24 Aug 09
Some friends find it enjoyable to criticize friends not in a way that it will really feel bad or hurt your feelings. But, they do it with a purposes to make you changes or rather to inspire you to take their advices as a positive feedback. Sometimes just in my case I misinterpret them and becomes feeling a little bit mad. But, i keep calm and like you never get those things affected you, which is a good things as you know you are in right track and will never go wrong with the path you take.
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
24 Aug 09
it depend how they are doing it, if they keep respectful then often i am good. but if they are being rude or just trying to make me look dumb then i get upset about and often will tell them straight up. my little brother used to try to make me look bad by asking question about history or whatever. i finally told him i felt like he's trying to make me look dumb in front of people he needs to stop
• Philippines
26 Aug 09
Very true, I too experience it and it is really annoying making you look dumb while the other person makes you the object of laughter, saving his self from disgraces. Then, the master of all this schemes make a point to make him appear more smarter and witty. If the target of his bullying never ever reacted he keep continuing his criticism as he know your weaknesses, but if you fight back or talk to him. He may stop bullying you and if he continue it, despite your talk, he is the wrong one. This may only be corrected if you stand on your ground and explain to him fully that you never like his behavior. Then, he may understand your situation that it is not a good joke to make fun of of you when a situation is uncalled for..
@John4Christ (1597)
• India
24 Aug 09
It really depends on how I would react to certain criticism, sometimes people criticize you out of jealousy, pride or some kind of ego that they have, so now I cant really go after them and howl at them saying "how dare you say this to me" I take criticism from people whom I think are really saying it for my good, like in my work environment there are people who are more experienced than me, so if they say I am not doing that particular thing properly and that I can still do better then I would certainly take it as a piece of advice, afterall it is me who is benefiting out of this...... Coming back to my first point, I would say if we really concentrate on the criticism by these category people then we may end up on a wrong note, these days you cant really say who criticizes you for good and who for should be just as you want it to know when you do things right and when you do things wrong...... Have a nice day !!!!
• Philippines
24 Aug 09
The good things to be consider of prime importance is no matter what your friends or people says to you. You remain stand strong on your own grounds and you perform your work right without anyone being hurt in the process. patience is the key and all those criticism will all fades as time goes by. And, when a friend see you in your ways to success they will still criticize you but, this time you will have more high confidence to face them to prove that they are being wrong in criticizing you. Because, instead of a fall down, you rise against all odds and ends up as more confidence person who really know where you are heading for...