Are you a list writer?

United States
August 24, 2009 9:46am CST
Do you write lists for the grocery store? Things that need to get fixed or replaced? "TO DO" lists? Wish list? I usually write a grocery list though I don't know why cause I usually loose it before I get to the store or even leave it in the car *LOL* I make hubby a "Honey Do" list of things he needs to work on around the house, he hates that list.... and tries to ignore it most of the time. Once in a while I"ll write a wish list of things I"d like to have done or buy for our house or even just for ME! Though I know most of those won't happen either.
24 responses
• Ireland
24 Aug 09
I am obsessed with writing lists!! My family think i'm really weird for doing it but i cant help it. It makes me feel like im organised!
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
24 Aug 09
I'm with you. I definitely feel organized with my lists which makes me happier.
@Eisenherz (2908)
• Portugal
8 Sep 09
Yeah, I do make supermarkets list weekly. Actually, I'm going to be original and share my last one with you, since I was told you're special. - Eggs. - Milk. - Water - Fish - Meat - Din mamma. Jes. There you go ;)
@Chevee (5905)
• United States
25 Aug 09
I do make a list of things so that I won't forget what I need when I go shopping. If I give out of something I write it on the list right then so I don't have to look and see what I need. It will already be on the list. Sometime I write a list of things that I need to do if I am not going to do it right then. I am a list writer.
• United States
30 Aug 09
I love writing lists for everything. Not just TO DO lists, but also items, chores, tasks, appointments, goals, etc. Mostly my lists do go ignored or forgotten as well, but the point is I make them I guess. I like to brainstorm often. Like yesterday I brainstormed goals for myself and daily tasks I can do to achieve each goal every day. It's something that has been important to me for some time now. Let's see if I can actually follow through with it though.
@chi2nasrin (1101)
• Malaysia
25 Aug 09
I do that sometimes. Grocery list and to do list. I only go to the grocery stores once in a while so I wanted to get anything that I needed rather than going back again because I forgot to buy one particular thing. It is also to avoid me buying unnecessary items and wasting money. The to do list is to remind me because I always forgot things that needed to be done or what had been. List is just making my life easier,
• United States
25 Aug 09
List making is practically my hobby. I love lists.
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
25 Aug 09
Um, not as a rule. But I do make at least one list a year. Grocery, camping, to-do, christmas list, or otherwise. Usually the things on the lists do get done or gotten, or packed, so it's usually not a bad thing when I do make lists.
@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
25 Aug 09
yes, otherwise I would forget my HEAD!
• China
25 Aug 09
Hi friend, it sounds that you have a good habit, on the contrary, I don't have the habit of writing lists, I'm afraid that I'm not highly organized, I will do when I feel energetic and forced, otherwise I will just ignore it, most of the time I just don't care about those things very much.
@uicbear (1900)
• United States
25 Aug 09
I am not much of a list writer. I will make a grocery list if i have to pick up several things. I only do this because I hate forgetting one item that I really need and then have to truck back to the store so that i can go ahead and pick it up. But, as far as, "to do" lists or wish lists, those I tend to stay away from. I have a pretty good handle on what I need to get done and right now finances are so tight that my wish list might actually depress me.
• Philippines
25 Aug 09
Hey 3SnuggleBunnies! I write wish list for my birthday and for Christmas. I also write a list of what I would want to buy in the future and other stuffs like that. I think I do it because I want to remind myself that I need to be successful to have those things that I want. I also write grocery list! I always forget things so I really need to list them. There's just so many list I could write. I just gotta jot down lists! LOL. Happy lotting!
@webearn99 (1742)
• India
25 Aug 09
I am a mite forgetful so, yes I make lists for all my activities. It does help in keeping track of all thing I am doing and so I feel in control in situations. There were times when I used to go to the grocers and browse around, buy thing, while forgetting the ones I came for. Once my wife made me return some goods. Now, that was embarrassing. Actually it pays to be organized. You save a lot of time and money. You avoid hassles. Best of all you do, what you meant to do. Sometimes this habit got me in trouble, like the time I made a list of all the gifts I wanted to buy, my wife got that somehow and started a loud discussion on the expense, choice, dicount, keeping it simple and all that. No surprised faces that year!
• United States
25 Aug 09
I'm an obsessive list maker!! To Do, To Buy, To Pack, To Get Ready For Tomorrow, Cleaning, Wish Lists, Party Planning, Grocery Lists... it makes me feel more organized, and I think it makes me feel more accomplished and like I know what I did with my time because I cross things off as I get them done.
• United States
25 Aug 09
I wouldn't say I'm a list writer per se. I'll end up losing or forgetting the list. I have to write with pen on my hand to remember anything, really. :)
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
24 Aug 09
I certainly keep a "to do" list. But, not on a daily basis. Things to do over the coming weeks and over the coming months. Because, when I get too busy with my office work, I tend to forget the personal things, like doctor's appointment, car insurance, etc. Some of them I put it online, and I check them every once in a while.
@drdivu (1011)
• India
24 Aug 09
lol..I too m list writer..I love to write long lists and then scratching those which i have done..!! It gives immense pleasure completing stuff..!! i write list whether for grocery or for calling helps not missing anyone at all..!!
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
24 Aug 09
Hi snugglebunnies, before driving up to town for food shopping I always write a list which usually covers three different stores as I know what I buy in each one and which has the freshest stuff or the cheapest. I can't leave it to chance that I forget something I need as its an hours drive each way and if I'm forced to buy it locally instead it's going to cost me probably 3 times as much.
@agirnow (157)
• France
24 Aug 09
I write lists when I have a lot to do or when I am overwhelmed. It helps me center myself if I can see what I need to do, what has been accomplished and when things need to be accomplished by. I really really like to cross things off my list, lol. It makes me feel triumphant!
@realan (518)
• United States
24 Aug 09
I write lists for everything. I feel if I write it down, then I will remember it. Doesn't always work. And the problem is that sometimes I don't remember where I put my list. LOL! I'm going to have to start writing lists on where I put my lists! Ugh!
• United States
24 Aug 09
oh my gosh I so am. I make a list of things I should make a list of. That's how bad I am. LOL