Do you talk to yourself?
By DCLehnsherr
@DCLehnsherr (1037)
August 24, 2009 11:13am CST
I was once told that 'everyone talks to themselves' I wanted to see if this was actually true to:
Do you talk to yourself, in what way, and how often? And if you want, have you ever felt odd for talking to yourself?
I talk to myself as one would talk to friends, as well as when puzzling things through, or complaining. There have been times though when I both used to think it meant that I was special - and idea my mum quashed when I was young! - and then I thought it was bad/stupid. I still get that one sometime. I will be in the middle of an amazing conversation, laughing and joking, when all of a sudden I will get a dose of reality from out of nowhere and will instantly stop what I was doing and feel kind of pathetic. I am not sure if I should feel that way or not though, and resent the fact I do. But it is from this feeling that the desire to know to what degree other people talk to themselves comes from, and how it makes them feel.
Well, all the best and many thanks for your answers :)
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32 responses
@gie_anne16 (3)
• Philippines
25 Aug 09
Oh, I couldn't just imagine how do I look like when I do the crazy-serious thing! Yes, as everyone sometimes do, I often talk to myself, orally. Well, if that's how am I going to be effective in expressing myself, why be conscious. How could I just be so lucky that every time I used to talk to myself, I am alone. Besides, everybody, especially among with the group of peers, is already accustomed to this childish habit of mine. But for the benefit of those who are still acquaintances to me, just be used to. That's the real me, just get used to it. Most of the times that I talk to myself were probably when I react at a sudden event or surprise or anything that is unexpected, or maybe when a flash of thought just emerged through my thinking and then I would just shake everybody's feet into a great and loud voice of what I wanted to say and how I wanted it to say. And, oh, just to add, talking to myself has always been part of my wild imagination, especially when I get too excited at one particular thing or I just wanted to say a complement or critic to somebody, I just say what's in my mind, but with tactfullness and wit. Of course, I also consider the fact that the listener might only have two ways to respond on my expression-be glad or sad.
Or other ways, sometimes, I used to talk to myself to open a conversation or to deliver a query in different style or if I wanted some information to gain.
But it really feels good when you have expressed well yourself in a way that it adds confidence and boosts your personality the way you deal with certain happening.:-)Gie
@DCLehnsherr (1037)
25 Aug 09
Wow, I think that you are fantastic, just being yourself around your friends and seeing if they accept you like that, and if not then not caring. I tend to hate being social purely because I feel I have to hide the side of me that likes to talk and joke with myself. I fear that people will get a touch creeped out or brand me 'weird'. The fact you have been able to do this, and still have friends is really cool though, and makes me wonder about starting to live that way myself, without fear.
Were you always that way, so open about yourself, or did it start when you got acceptance from your friends? I am glad to hear that it worked so well for you, and made you so confident, it really does give me hope.
Thank you for those fantastic words Gie, and happy mylotting :)
@angelajoy (1825)
• Philippines
25 Aug 09
Oh I am so guilty of this! I frequently talk to myself. Lots of people don't usually notice and think that I'm just humming tunes when they see me doing it, and the only one who usually catches me is my boyfriend. But he doesn't find it freaky at all. He just laughs when he sees me doing it. When I'm alone at home, that's when the weirdest conversations with myself happen. I find that I talk to myself more when I'm frustrated, angry, or happy. In short, I do it most often when I'm feeling particularly high emotions. I don't think it's unhealthy, and I also don't think that people who do this are insane. It's perfectly natural, so don't be ashamed. Just don't do it in public or people will really think you are crazy.
@DCLehnsherr (1037)
25 Aug 09
Aww I love that your boyfriend likes that side of you and just finds it funny rather than creepy. I was always nervous around my ex in case I ended up chatting to myself around him as I don't imagine he would have got it. (That was probably one of the reasons I ditched him in the end lol!) I love the idea that you have weird conversations too, those are always the best (and probably most fun to listen to if you boyfriend is ever around at the time lol).
Many thanks for this wonderful response, and if I ever feel ashamed in the future I will remember that I am probably not the only one having odd conversations anymore, and will just continue to enjoy the moment instead lol!
Happy mylotting,
Dranz :)
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
25 Aug 09
I talk to myself, and I answer myself all of the time. For example, earlier today, I was working and jarred my back. I said to myself, "Gee, wasn't that smart?" My reply (to myself, of course) was, "Yep, sure was, genius!"
I spend a lot of time doing things alone, and I have found myself having conversations with myself a lot, especially when I forget something.
@DCLehnsherr (1037)
25 Aug 09
I have to say that it sounds like you would be fantastic to listen to when you are alone, you have a fantastic sense of humour.
That is what I like best about conversations alone, the odd jokes and not worrying if someone will get them as you know will (most of the time anyway lol). It is neat to know someone else does that at times.
Many thanks for the response, and happy mylotting :)
@rosepedal64 (4188)
• United States
25 Aug 09

@DCLehnsherr (1037)
25 Aug 09
The comment about the old lady turning around and asking if you were talking to her was fantastic, I loved that, though if it happened to me I would probably have run out of the department store, or quickly whipped out a mobile and make up some form of excuse about how I was talking on it and how could she not see it before now lol!
Many thanks for sharing that experience and happy mylotting :)
@Robin114 (23)
• United States
25 Aug 09
I talk to myself, I think talking to myself is really cool, when I am feeling down I like to talk to me self, I have done this since I was a child, I don't laugh and joke, I will look in the mirror and imagine myself talking with someone what I will say when I see them, things like that.
@DCLehnsherr (1037)
25 Aug 09
I like the fact you think talking to yourself is cool, I need to do that sometime it sounds very liberating! I have tried talking to a mirror too, but that actually made me really nervous, so whenever I am talking near a mirror (cleaning it for example) I have to stand at an angle so I can't see my face, it ruins the illusion for me I guess lol!
Happy mylotting, and all the best for the future :)
@requital (41)
25 Aug 09
I do sometimes talk to myself. I don't actually have a proper conversation with myself, like two people talking. When im alone I sometimes just say out loud what i'm thinking. I don't really consciously do it, it just kind of happens. I quite like it when it happens, things are easier to figure out and I get more ideas about things if I say things out loud.
Can I ask a question? When you speak to yourself, do you talk as a monologue or are you talking as two different people. I'm no phychiatrist, but if you talk as two different people it kinda sounds like you may have mild schizophrenia.
@DCLehnsherr (1037)
25 Aug 09
I would love to be able to say I actually did it as two different people, but my problem is that I can't. I have much too good a grasp of sanity (though that is not much by choice lol). My brother and dad have both often joked that it sounds like two people, but I don't know if they are serious or not so tend to believe that they weren't. From a psychiatric point of view the fact I say it is me all means that I am classified sane (for now anyway lol)
Many thanks for the response, and the question too actually, that is officially the first time it has happened lol! May talking to yourself continue to help you as well, and happy mylotting :)
@dianmelydia (2269)
• Indonesia
25 Aug 09
I think it's just about self motivating. Sometimes, especially on unconfidence people, they usually talk to themselves. Perhaps in our perspective it's a silly thing. But for them, it's a good motivating method. On other way, self talking is like telling ourself a story. Also, sometimes we can spontanious talking to ourself because of self expression about our happiness, sadness, or anything related to our feelings at that time. Such thing usually happened to people who are on confussing mode. So, before we judging someone because of he/she selftalking, i think better we try to understand the situation. Have a nice day and happy mylotting.
@dianmelydia (2269)
• Indonesia
25 Aug 09
I think it's just about self motivating. Sometimes, especially on unconfidence people, they usually talk to themselves. Perhaps in our perspective it's a silly thing. But for them, it's a good motivating method. On other way, self talking is like telling ourself a story. Also, sometimes we can spontanious talking to ourself because of self expression about our happiness, sadness, or anything related to our feelings at that time. Such thing usually happened to people who are on confussing mode. So, before we judging someone because of he/she selftalking, i think better we try to understand the situation. Have a nice day and happy mylotting.
@Sleepingcap (149)
• Estonia
25 Aug 09
I do discuss ideas, projects, plans and stuff alike with myself aloud, but never in the vicinity of other people. I dont want them to think im crazy or something.
Yes, my precious, we are not crazies (stop! Gollum time!)
I find it
@imonlyanne (8)
• Philippines
25 Aug 09
Hi DCLehnsherr!
I often talk to myself, too. Well, not that often but sometimes. I talk to myself when I feel sad, angry, confused or even when I'm happy. There are times that I talk to myself when I'm walking on the streets. I cover my mouth with a handkerchief so that people wouldn't notice that I'm talking to myself. It sounds weird but by talking to myself I somehow feel relieved. Relieved from the pain, from the thoughts and from my emotions. There are just times that we don't have anyone but ourselves.
Happy lotting!
@DCLehnsherr (1037)
25 Aug 09
I used to try talking to myself when holding my mobile phone against my ear, but I started feeling silly so whenever I did it on the street I would hope that passers-by or motorists (mostly motorists as I would do it quietly when a person walked part me) would figure I was a secret agent, or had a tiny blue tooth headset, and not think I was too weird lol. The handkerchief is a neat idea though, do you remember how you came up with it?
Many thanks for the response and I am glad that chatting to yourself has given you relief from the pain, it is awesome when it does that :)
@webearn99 (1742)
• India
24 Aug 09
I think everybody does it! And its good too. It does look foolish if you do it in public as sometimes I do!
I was a tongue tied kid, being the last on the totem pole my concerns, however rarely expressed, were fawned with a hug, a kiss and some baby talk. Imagine baby talk at 5! Not done! Then my sister came and finally I was a man! That 'thing' took away all the attention and I was back to square one!
I saw my father talking to himself and asked him what he was doing. He was actually going over the next day's lecture. He said that he was angry as my mother was not giving him a cup of coffee. He was putting a curse on her! That got him the coffee and a dark scowl. That liberated me. From then I talked to myself loudly putting make believe curses on everybody and feel proud and happy about it.
Come to think of it it was a good release to me. Over a period time the cursing became the reasoning, counseling, the pep talk, friend, the foe, the guide and the conscience to me! I am lucky I have a family and relatives who supported me through good and bad, the first among these is this habit.
As for you, don't feel pathetic, feel proud! You just stopped yourself from being a complete fool! You are doing good! Hone this habit. Give it the edge to hit you earlier! you will then firmly be in limits.
@DCLehnsherr (1037)
25 Aug 09
I really enjoyed your account on how you came to talk to yourself, it sounds fantastic, though I don't think I would ever have the courage to wonder around muttering curses about people lol. I have commented about people at times, especially when they insult/misunderstand me, but I only usually do that when they are well out of the way so they can't start a fight with me! I am delighted to hear that talking to yourself has helped you so much too, I definitely know the counselling and best friend thing, as well as the foe (though I didn't like that version much lol).
Many many thanks for the response and kind words, and may you continue to be sure a joy to have in your life lol :D
@AeriaGloris (28)
• United States
24 Aug 09
I do talk to myself at times. I mostly do it as a means of vocalizing issues that I am having. I find that I am better able to focus on the problem and sort of discuss it more thoroughly than I would have if I had a silent conversation in my head. I tend to learn through hearing so I think my talking to myself is an extension of that. I am better able to deal with issues or concerns when I voice them, and can hear it.
When I was younger I would daydream out loud. This made the daydream that much more real and it was fun for me. I still daydreamed out loud up until college. It helped me relieve some stress that I would have and in the comfort of my own car where no one could hear me.
Of course though I do get teased by my family but I think that's simply part of it all and they never did it out of malice.
@DCLehnsherr (1037)
25 Aug 09
I think the idea of daydreaming out loud sounds fantastic. It is something I have never managed to do since I tend to use my thoughts inside my head to try and create images and landscapes and such things. That and I think I would find hearing my own voice while daydreaming a touch distracting since I don't much like my voice lol. I love the idea though and I am glad it works for you, though wouldn't it be dangerous in a car? I tend to end up getting too distracted to do anything when I manage a decent daydream and always figured it would something I would have to stop when driving lol!
The mention about learning through hearing was interesting too, did you used to revise out loud, like reading your notes to yourself in order to remember them? I am thinking I should have done that now too, I used to just read them in my head so it never worked!
Many thanks for the response, and continue the daydreaming, it really does sound like fun :)
@kima22 (3)
• United States
25 Aug 09
I talk to myself at least a couple times a day. I talk to myself when I'm alone, frustrated, working on puzzles, complaining, or when I'm really hyper. Sometimes I would carry a little conversation with myself and laugh here and there. I've never really felt odd about it or anything like that. I guess I just don't care what others think. Though I think it creeps people out around me, like they don't do it, but then I laugh about it later.
@DCLehnsherr (1037)
25 Aug 09
I just have to say that I both applaud and envy your ability to be yourself without worrying what other people think. That is something I am striving to manage sometime, but I find it insanely hard at times. About the only time I can manage it is when I am hyper as well (or drunk, but then I tend to be too tired to manage much chatting to myself lol). Was it something you had to work on, being yourself without caring, or did it just come naturally?
However it came about, I hope that that that freedom to be yourself will long continue :)
Happy mylotting,
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
25 Aug 09
Well I talk to myself so much that I think its almost a disease with me. I don’t talk loudly but silently and continuously I am at conversation with myself. Sometimes I get distracted and sometimes I am OK.
• China
25 Aug 09
I talk to myself in some occassions.When I am sacared,I will convince myself to calm down.When I am sad,I will encourage myself and tell myself that tomorrow is another day and get over difficulties bravely.Sometimes it is effective.It's like the hint.Once you take the hint,things become easy to deal with.It does benefits to me.
@suneethamalathi (34)
• India
25 Aug 09
Hi, i talk to my self all the time, i even talk back myself and some times i argue with my self. each and every minute we have think our inner and some discussion i finished with some other person then automatically i revise that what the discussion going on between both of us. Some time i pose questions to my self and some time i sang a song, and some time i corralled about myself.I am not sure if i should feel that way or not though, and resent the fact i do. some time i am going and talk with alone then that time some another people saw me and they discussed about me only, but i don't care to saw those persons.
@wlyatshu (18)
• China
25 Aug 09
Yes, i did exactly the same as you do when i feel alone and nobady around me for me to have a talk! When worry trouble and something make me feel unconfortable occurs to me, i will try to find another "me" inside myself to let the trouble stuff go away from me,and find the time of relief. But, i never do this thing all the time,because escape from the reality all the time will hurt you in this sorft and slow way in the end!
@uchihamadaraXXX (117)
• Philippines
25 Aug 09
I do talk to myself sometimes but mostly when i am afraid and in certain cases, i don't.