If you could change anything about the way your partner dresses??
By ilyzium
@ilyzium (1197)
August 24, 2009 7:35pm CST
When I first met the husband I thought he was really hot looking but had some really strange clothing choices, so I made it my mission to "revamp" him. There is a problem if a 30 something guy is dressing like his 60 something father, and he was wearing very age inappropriate clothing. I remember one day when he was just kind of lounging around his place, he was wearing these short grey jogging pants pulled up so high, with this "old man sweater" and those "old man slippers". I called his pants his "peewee pants" reminiscent of Pee Wee Herman, lol Anyway, one day after spending the night at his place, he had an errand to do so I found some big garbage bags, went through his closet and gave a ton of his clothes away to a homeless person. He was shocked about it but had a laugh about it. Today he dresses even better than me and thinks nothing of spending $1000 on a coat, and his designer clothes. Miracles do happen...:)
13 responses
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
25 Aug 09
I think you are very lucky. If I had been he, I would have sent you out on an errand and then cleaned out your entire wardrobe!
Amazing how many females think the guy is so hot but that he needs to be re-vamped. Guess he wasn't near as hot as you thought he was

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@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
25 Aug 09
Oh I know I'm very lucky and I've found a keeper, but the husband says he's the luckier one! :) Aw you mean you would have really cleaned out all my clothes? Even if you liked them? ;)
The funny thing is that after I cleaned out the wardrobe, the hubby mentioned to me that he didn't actually mind it because he knew his clothes were a bit old, and plus he tends to be quite the "pack rat" and will never throw a darn thing out! :( My husband was also previously married, anyway he was such a pack rat that he even kept a few of his former wife's clothes, asking me if I wanted them? Um no thanks... that's just WEIRD!! The other thing is that his mother also got on his case after that telling him that I did him a service by throwing out his outdated clothes. To this day I still tease him about it and he just laughs.
@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
25 Aug 09
I'm shocked..;)I guess that means you wouldn't have bought me new clothes then? ;) Do you want to know the funny thing that happened after I threw out his clothes & helped him buy all new clothes? He kept getting tons of compliments on his new look & grudgingly thanked me for helping him. lol Success....

@rameshkumaar57 (5908)
• India
25 Aug 09
Hey I am from India, and you must be aware that most of the woman in India wear a saree.The saree is a beautiful garment and if worn propely, it can be the most sexiest dress in the world. Some of my Indian friends will vouch for it.
Now coming to the point, my wife who is quite pretty, never drapes her saree properly, and her way of draping the saree is like, how a old woman does. I had asked her many times to change the way she drapes her saree. Unfortunately even after 20 years it is the same way she drapes her saree.
When we got married, I was dressing like your husband, with a flowered shirt and checked pants etc. She made me to change my way of dressing and today as you have mentioned, I am spending a lot on designer wear.
Even though my wife also goes in for designer sarees, till today she refuses to change her way of dressing and this is one thing I would like her to change.

@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
25 Aug 09
Hello rameshkuaar,
I absolutely agree that sarees are really hot!! Now, I have a few Indian friends myself and have been invited to Indian weddings, which I love because it gives me the chance to wear a saree which I own. There's something about putting that on, you just feel so unbelievably glamorous. Is your wife in pretty good shape physically? Maybe she drapes it higher because she thinks it might cover a problem area or something? You know how women are about their bodies...Have you asked one of her friends or relatives to show her how to drape it? Oh so you're also a "stylin" dresser too, Rameshkumaar! Good for you....
@MachaMongRuad (191)
• United States
25 Aug 09
Oh, I see Indian women here in the US wearing those sometimes. I really wish I could wear one because they always look so comfortable and pretty at the same time, but I think I would feel a little strange since I'm not Indian. Plus, I have no idea where to get them or how to properly wear them/put them on. And I don't really have any Indian friends I could ask about it. Ah well.

@Wizzywig (7847)
26 Aug 09
I wouldn't dream of even telling anyone what they should or shouldn't wear much less taking it upon myself to clear their wardrobe &, if anyone did that to me, they could put themselves into the garbage bags too. I wear what I'm comfortable in and I dont give a monkey's what other people think of it so I don't judge their clothing either. "Age inappropriate"????? What is that and why would it be a problem as long as the person wearing them was happy?
@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
26 Aug 09
Hi Wizzywig,
And that's why we're all different and isn't it a great thing? If we were all the same, life would be boring.:) I like that you think that way. ;) For the record though my husband is an entrepreneur and quite often meets "high rollers" so being stylish & well dressed reflects well on him. He often says that I did him a favor because he likes to look good and didn't realize that he was wearing "outdated clothing". We all tease him now and call him the "fashionista" lol

@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
25 Aug 09
I don't have one of these "partners" at the moment but last guy I dated dressed in stuff you see older people wearing and even styled his hair like he was born in the 50s or something. We are not that far in age but people were always mistaking me for his daughter and when he turned 29 someone wished him a happy 40th birthday.

@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
25 Aug 09
cupkitties hi,
I was laughing when I read your comment because it reminded me of a guy I dated once. Ok he was in his early 30's but dressed like an old man, wearing these "old man cardigans", these sensible shoes, even his shirts and everything in general screamed "old man". Now, don't get me wrong her, I'm certainly not insulting old men or anything like that, but the importance of dressing for your age! He was an example of someone dressing age inappropriately like the guy you dated. Hey, did your guy get the message when someone wished him a 40th Bday? That's hilarious btw!
@MachaMongRuad (191)
• United States
25 Aug 09
Sounds like your guy might be into the rockabilly scene.

@MachaMongRuad (191)
• United States
25 Aug 09
The pants he wears. The pants by themselves aren't bad, but he seems to insist on wearing pants that look too small for him. He says they feel fine and fit, but it looks like he has trouble putting them on and like they cut into his waist. I can't understand how that isn't uncomfortable for him. And he's not even a really big guy or anything. He weighs less than I do. But when he tries on pants that I think look like they fit, he says that they feel like they're going to fall off. It's annoying.
@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
25 Aug 09
Hey machamongruad,
Has he gained weight or something and is maybe in denial about it, maybe refusing to give up his old clothes? Ok now I can see wearing say tight jeans for men, but tight pants in general? I do like to see fitted pants on men because it shows their body, but not when it looks ridiculously small, or even worse, short! You know sometimes you see those people that looks like they're getting ready for a flood!? Ooh that's my pet peeve! :(
@MachaMongRuad (191)
• United States
25 Aug 09
Yes, he has gained a little weight, so that's part of it. But it's not just wanting to continue wearing the clothes he already has. I've gone out shopping with him and watched him try on new things and it's the same way. If it looks to me like it fits properly, he says it feels like it's going to fall off.
@amyson (3498)
• Philippines
12 Oct 09
well,i dont really judge what my partner dress but he ask me if if his shirt is good or or his pants match to his shirt.i love but he dress and his very neat.we dont have any problem of buying clothes because his there always with me when doing shopping.it gives us bonding time a lot..we even share ideas..

@anne12d (676)
• Philippines
25 Aug 09
Honestly, I dont have anything against my boyfriends way of dressing himself. Before when we are still friend and studying, he usually dress up rugged, black, rock, punk, etc. but he can carry himself even he looks a bit dirty
. Now, he is working to a company and dress up appropriately clean, respectful and according to his age. He also dress up according to ocassion. Even at home, he dress nice and always smells good and it lasted long and it even remains on my clothes when we part. I'm really proud when we are together because I'm not humiliated by my boyfriend's way of dressing. That I can walk straight and proud that I'm with someone I love and happy to be with him.

@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
25 Aug 09
hello anne12d,
I don't know about you but I think it's the absolute turn-on when your partner looks good and smells even better. You're another lucky person anne!! I know I even think to myself that sometimes my partner looks even better than me because he's always such a stylin dresser and I joke and call him my little "fashionista" lol
@anne12d (676)
• Philippines
11 Sep 09
I envied my boyfriend sometimes because he really stand out and look even better than I'am but I'm really proud when we are together and when people recognizes his looks and the way he dress up. Whenever we are going out, we planned what clothes are should wear and if it looks nice and according to weather or occasion. Now we often buy couples shirt or we coordinate our clothing.
@aprces (1082)
• China
25 Aug 09
I always want to change my GF dresses,because I always think her dresses are too exposed.Although I know every girls want to dress up well,but sometimes they are too much to bear.Actually What clothes they want to take on is a private thing with their own willpower,no one has the rights to interfere,but there really has some certain people who want to decide someone to dress what according to their own desire,just like you & me
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
25 Aug 09
Honestly, I think that I would just like to see him dress up once in a huge while. Even every few years! I've never seen him in a dress shirt or slacks since we've been together, and haven't even seen photographs of him dressed up. That aside, not a darn thing. If I did, he wouldn't be him :)
@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
25 Aug 09
hi Zoey,
Well, have you tried taking him shopping and making him try on the clothes you'd like to see him wear? Or maybe just buy him some nice clothes that you'd want him to wear. In the beginning when I was changing my partner's wardrobe, I would really compliment him by telling him how good he looked, and how I couldn't keep my hands off him. That part REALLY worked...;) Try that part at least - what do you have to lose?
@phoenix1344 (698)
• United States
25 Aug 09
lol wow, I'm not sure how I would handle my bf if his clothes were more fashionable then mine. As for your actual question though, I really don't think I would change how my bf dresses. Infact when we first met I loved how he dressed. This was back in Highschool and he dressed like.. the first word that comes to mind is 'rogue'. He stuck to dickies and steel toed boots and he wouldlayer his shirts :p Like he would have along sleeve under his short sleeve. And would always have a jacket tied around his waste. He always looked like he was ready for an adventure (which he used to explore and hike all over the wilderness around our city. It was so hot. Now he dresses more normal but still hot and in his own way :p
@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
25 Aug 09
See as long as you like the way he dresses then you don't have a problem like I did. Some of his clothes were quite old, outdated, too small, etc. I do remember that look that you're describing, some people called it the "lumberjack look" or something like that. At one point back then I think he was even dressing like his brother, because one day we were going out and I told him to wear something nicer. His response was: what's wrong with this? My brother has the same outfit. I told him that no offense but your brother is not the world's best dresser and does not look the way you do. Yeah it's funny we'll be getting ready to go out to dinner and sometimes I almost don't recognize the husband - he looks really fine...
@pphelan (17)
• United States
25 Aug 09
Well I think it would be nice if my fiance could dress a little more classy. She tends to wear a bunch of stretchy pants that remind me of sweats and they are not flattering. She has a good shape about her and would benefit from some stylish clothing that hug her curves and not leave her with flat bottom.
@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
25 Aug 09
Hi pphelan,
Ooh no the flat bottom look isn't good. I don't know if you've ever seen the show What not to wear where they makeover people? Well, anyway they say to take the person shopping and get them to try on all kinds of clothes they normally wouldn't try. Or maybe buy her a really nice outfit and really compliment her, telling her how gorgeous she looks, how you can't take your eyes off her, or whatever you would normally say.
@webdesignsbyaw (74)
• United States
12 Oct 09
Your lucky that he allowed you to revamp him. Most guys don't do that. Well, my guy always dresses like a model, but sometimes I think it's...a bit too feminine. That's okay though, sometimes it's good to leave them how they are.
Happy to hear he is looking better though for your sake.
@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
12 Oct 09
Hey webdesignbyaw,
Oh I know I'm lucky that he let me give him a makeover, because yes I'd gone out with men in the past that didn't dress very well and it just drove me nuts, kind of a deal breaker with me. At the same time though I don't want a guy who is way too stylish that he's become "metrosexual". But yeah it's funny because today he's become the better dressed out of the two of us, I still dress really well but I think he outshines me! lol
@winddancer1323 (162)
• United States
12 Oct 09
I tell my boyfriend what to wear, because if I don't, he will look like a fool. He realizes it too, and because he is a businessman who has to deal with people everyday, he has to look good so he relies on me for that. Before i met him, he was wearing capris, ridiculous scarves, unbottoned dress shirts with ties on his bare chest, feather boas (!) and cowboy hats...so ridiculous. Thank goodness I came into his life, haha
@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
12 Oct 09
Ooh yeah it's a good thing you changed his wardrobe then. Couldn't quite picture a businessman wearing cowboy hats, and you said boas? Now that's a new one...lol Well, I hope he was grateful for your advice.;) Well, like I mentioned my husband who's an enterpreneur/business man was in the same boat when we met, and I tease him now and call him my
"fashionista". lol lol lol