Beggars cannot be Choosers!

August 24, 2009 9:02pm CST
I was walking down the streets earlier today and I noticed a beggar sitting right outside of the convenient store and he had a sign that said "homeless and hungry" I took pity on this man so I went into the store and bought him a tuna fish sandwich and an orange juice. I went over and gave it to him and he asked me "what's in the sandwich?" I said "tuna fish salad" and he said "sorry I don't like fish and I prefer you get me a beer than a stupid juice" WHAT?? I said to him that I thought you were hungry and homeless so I'm giving you some food and now you're being fussy?? and then he started to swear at me and said "you rich b**** why don't you stick that sandwich up your a***?? I was so shocked and upset and I went into the store and told the security guard what had happened. The guard came out and chased him away from the store. I used to feel sorry for beggars but after this I am soooo not interested in them anymore and as far as I'm concerned they can continue living their miserable lives! Have you ever met an odd beggar before? Personally I think it should be deemed a crime to beg now...
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19 responses
@shhheila (1845)
• Philippines
25 Aug 09
beggars also come house to house, one time we gave him rice, he complained, just rice??? duh... so demanding...
@agv0419 (3021)
• Philippines
25 Aug 09
Personally I don't give money to the beggars because sometimes they are involved in syndicate they are using by them. They are a victim and I'm also pity them but sometimes I wonder they are not invalid why they don't find work to support themselves. Children are often victims of these syndicates I believe that they are still existing like what I have watched in Slumdog Millionaire. They taking advantage of the poverty to beg. They don't need to be choosy because they are hungry and homeless they should be thankful that someone is concern and gave them something.
• Indonesia
26 Aug 09
I have had those kinda thing before, and more than once. That happened when i went out to eat with my friends. And suddenly out of newhere, came this stupid beggar. She asked for money and it's me get the bad luck. I refuse her, and what happened next??? She "accidently" kick me and then leave. WHAT THE HELL????
@CORDALE (866)
• United States
25 Aug 09
As ungrateful as this idiot was please dont ever let this experience keep you from helping others. your heart was in the right place and you still did the right thing. you will have good karma as a result from it. and it seems you are patient too my first reaction from reading this was shove the sandwich in his face and pour the juice on him. but you see you have patience.....LOL.... Continue as the good samaritan you are! Namaste'
@bigplay (212)
• United States
26 Aug 09
You are absolutely right, if someone needs help, they should not be choosers. They should graciously accept your offer and thank you, if was nice enough for you to do what you did, i saw a homeless person on the streets asking people for money, even a younng teenage boy.
• United States
25 Aug 09
That is what i would do food or clothing instead of giving them money...the reason being is not because i care what they would spend the money on...i do it that way because there are some folks nowadays that drees in rags and sit on the street and beg all day then jump in their cadilac and go home....i have seen it on the news more than once and even 60 minutes did a story on it once a long time ago.... Also i was homeless a long time ago and so i can pretty much tell you someone who really is in need would be happy to have anything you give them...that guy you ran into may have been one of the people who prefers to beg instead of work and thats why he reacted that way....but there are a lot of people out there who really do need the help and so just because you ran into one like that i hope you will reconsider not helping anyone again... You did a kind thing and the world needs more of that...
• United States
26 Aug 09
ha ha man... I wish i had a tuna salad sandwich right about now. damn begger doesn't know whats he missing.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
25 Aug 09 ungrateful. I don't think I've ever encountered something like this before.
@coolcat123 (4387)
• India
25 Aug 09
those beggars are ridiculous and they dont deserve to get anything from the public. instead they should be beaten up and the police should catch them for forcing the public to give them something. I always check the person whether he is needy or not, old or young and on that basis i give him the deserved money.
@gary1125 (173)
• Australia
25 Aug 09
I dont know what had happened when you were so kind and nice but that beggar did such a mean thing. I paied no pitty on those beggars, because most of them beg for money not for surviving. There are so many charity organisations from church and government, they dont need to beg, or should find a way to support them self.
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
25 Aug 09
yeah i agree with you he shouldn't have been picky you were nice enough to buy him something to eat and he should have been greatful for it, this is why i dont help them out too much. working in washington dc i've seen to many time where the homeless would get all mad because someone wouldnt give them more money or something. i tell them to get stepping away from me real fast. here's a story for you, i went to dc for a job interview and i was sitting at a red light this dude walked up to my car and asked if i had some extra money. so i looked at him shook my head and told him, dude i am here looking for a job, i got my good clothes on and you are dress better then me, i think you should give me some money hell. he first got upset and then he laughed. i was like dude for real look how you are dress compear to me. not happening have a nice day
• India
25 Aug 09
I have seen perfectly healthy men and women begging. I feel like telling them "why don't you do some work and earn you living instead of begging, you lazy bum." Then their response could be like the one you heard. So I just ignore them. There are genuine beggars who are hungry and will take the food you offer them. You just happened to meet a stupid beggar. A black sheep among the beggars Certainly you can't stop being charitable because of one incident.
@John4Christ (1597)
• India
25 Aug 09
Yes i have had similar experience, when I got something for the beggar to eat and he insisted i give him some cash......and that like pissed me off and then I never helped any beggar, offcourse if he had some disability and was seriously in need I dint bother...... To be honest in my country begging is just like another business some people just take it as a big corporate world, now you may just laugh at this......but trust me it is........small children are made blind, they are made to beg, they are given dirt clothes to wear, their hands and legs are chopped off so that they get gangrene.... These people beg all day long on the roads and then they give an account of it to the boss or the chief(I don't really know how they address that person) and then that money helps them get some food and also shelter maybe, but on a whole they are badly exploited......and hence I thought if I give alms to these beggars then I am kindda promoting this business and it would never end and probably may get even worse..... and I really appreciate your kind hearted behavior towards this beggar but then he dint really deserve it, so let it be....don't take it personally you did what you could......cheers to that !!!!
@Sandra1952 (6047)
• Spain
25 Aug 09
Wow, Jelly, they always s to find you, don't they? I'll occasionally put a few coppers in a busker's hat - after all, they're doing something to earn a little money. I was put off giving to beggars on holiday in Turkey. We were eating in a pavement restaurant, and this beggar came by with her child, although she looked more like the kid's grandmother. Our friend gave her a piece of bread for the kid, and the woman ate it herself! I've never given to beggars since.
• Japan
25 Aug 09
Hi, you are great initiative in helping beggar or poor, i appreciate you very much, in Japan there are many people indifferent towards the beggars, they thought that many beggars were lost in bad management and business scandal, so they prefer looking down on the losers or to be ashamed to get along with them, Japanese don't forgive lazy and lost man in tradition, your good deed encourage me to learn respecting and helping the poor. Well, i think there are some problems in your behave, before you buy food to give that beggar, why don't you ask him which food he wants to eat at first? when the beggar dislike this kind of food, you say to him "...I'm giving you some food and now you're being fussy??" he misunderstands that you are insulting hime, and he gets angry, it is no wonder that the the beggar's pride is too big and you talk with him with careful words. Buddy.
@tutul0045 (2630)
• India
25 Aug 09
Hey Jelly, Sorry to hear what happened to you. At times you are going to meet some weird people and then again u will meet some really needy person too. Its becoz people like him the real needy person dont get the money or food. I instead of giving money to beggers, I try to help the poor. Its like if i c a poor man selling something and i feel he is in real need of money, I pay him some extra money of what he is selling. I also some times donate money to charitable organisation which helps women and children who are vicitms of domestic voilence. There is an organization called CRY and its for education of small children. People should donate money to such places. I request you to not stop donating as there are genuine people who need help. Cheers, Tutul
@rsa101 (38248)
• Philippines
25 Aug 09
The nerve of that beggar! I think he deserves where he is right now because of that callous attitude. I think not all beggars are like that, you just happen to meet this kind of a person. I think the beggar is expecting money not food and drink. Very few people does that and I think that you just made a good gesture and you should not be discourage in helping others because of that incident. In our place we have lots of street children that begs for money. There are times when my wife would just share food with them and they would gleefully accept it and feelt grateful for that treat.
@ayenacsi (910)
• Philippines
25 Aug 09
It is sad that how one experience can totally change one's perspective. I hope that you will continue to be compassionate and sensitive of others who need help. Don't let this one bad experience ruin it for others who truly need help and would be most grateful for it.
@doryvien (2284)
• United States
25 Aug 09
Hi jellymonty, You're right, beggars can't be choosers. In this case, the option you gave was actually a better one - just taking the effort to buy him a sandwich and juice, enough to make him last until the next meal - it was to me going the extra mile. A pity the beggar didn't appreciate it and it turned out a sandwich was the last thing on his mind. We do have a lot of beggars in my country too and yes, some are choosy as to what kind of alms they are willing to take. Some even demand for a certain amount, and will curse you if you give less than what they expect. However there are also those that are really in need, these are the ones I am willing to share my blessings with.
@bigjim59 (32)
• United States
25 Aug 09
I lived in Vegas for 8 years and one thing I learned is NEVER give a beggar money. So you did right. Sorry about the experience. Most of these people have substance abuse problems,and that's why they are homeless, and they seem to like it that way. Some of these folks are mentally ill. Most of the truly honest homeless are in some kind of program and trying to do something about their plight. Don't feel discouraged. Usually, on occasion you might find someone who you truly think needs compassion & help. It's best to talk with these people first and find out where their head is at. Then ask them if they are hungry, and suggest a couple of things you are willing to buy them to eat. That way if they have a food allergy, you are not wasting your time or money. Never give these people money. If they have a substance abuse problem, the money you give them goes to support it.