Laser Eye Treatment

United States
November 13, 2006 2:52pm CST
Has anyone considering or have done laser eye treatment. I'm thinking of doing it. I can't stand wearing my glasses anymore.
5 responses
@taby00 (827)
• Pakistan
13 Nov 06
• United States
13 Nov 06
why not
@paulnet (748)
• India
17 Mar 07
LASIK is the most commonly performed refractive surgery procedure. LASIK has advantages over other procedures, including a relative lack of pain afterward and the fact that good vision is usually achieved by the very next day. If you are considering LASIK eye surgery, your first step is to choose a good surgeon. Your doctor will also look for signs of dry eye disease, which must be treated and cleared up before LASIK can be performed. Finally, the doctor will find out from you any health problems you have or medications you take. Some health conditions will disqualify you altogether for LASIK, but others may just postpone the procedure until a later date.
• United States
13 Nov 06
I have heard too many tales of failure to consider it. BLindness, extreme pain. No way.
@_hope_ (3902)
• Australia
13 Nov 06
go for it you won`tbe sorry my husband had it done five years ago as he was sick of wearing heavy glasses and he has never looked back it was the best decision he said he has ever made . i wish you all the luck if you decide to go ahead with it
@hdbueg (611)
• United States
13 Nov 06
I am considering it too. I don't like to wear contacts or glasses.