Are you in any way affected by the GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISIS?

August 27, 2009 9:02pm CST
Are you in any way affected by the crisis? How do you handle it? Is your business or employment status affected by this?
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6 responses
• United States
28 Aug 09
I can't find a part time job.
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@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
28 Aug 09
The financial problems of the world have caused me to lose a couple of clients, but other than that, I have been very fortunate employment wise. Personally, I have cut back on some things and try to be a bit more conservative than I was before. I look at the state of the economy as a time of opportunity to allof us who have ever wanted to work for ourselves. In my opinion, now is the best time to try that thing you have always wanted to but were not able to.
@Juli_angel (1063)
• Israel
11 Sep 09
I didn't think I was affected by it, but apparently I was. a close account with interest was affected since for it to gain money it was placed in the stock market (or something of the kind..) and we ended up losing 11k. shame, but we move on. this is a wakeup call to anyone who's sure there is no way he will ever be effected by the matter.
@claire87 (131)
• Australia
5 Oct 10
My partner lost full time work over a year ago because the company went bust and he has only been able to get jobs with labour hire since. we were very close to buying our first home but now it's ruined!
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• Philippines
23 Jan 12
Most of us are truly affected by the global financial situation. It may take years before we can truly recover. Nevertheless, we should continue to work hard and earn money as much as we could. This is the only way to turn things around.
@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
28 Aug 09
Here in Iowa, USA: My company has cut hours, costs are creeping up, jobs are next to impossible to find. Sadly, though, this "economic crisis" is bullsh**--if anyone would care to research how such entities as the IMF and the Federal Reserve operate. (Read the book, "The Creature from Jekyll Island" for starters. DR...