Do you think third trimester abortions should be banned and illegal?

United States
August 27, 2009 10:41pm CST
A bit on the controversy side but I'm just curious about the general poll. For me, I don't think abortion should be legal and I do think it is up to the woman to make that choice, though I don't personally think its right way to go. But I do believe women should have that choice. With that said, I completely disagree with 3rd trimester abortions. Because in this scenario I truly believe it is murder. There is no way anyone can argue that it is just a 'cell' or not yet a 'baby' because it comes out alive. And can technically survive at that age. It is rare that they do but the point that they can and they have is enough for me. It is my beleif that if a woman waited up until the third trimester to decide whether or not she wants a abortion, she should go through with it and put it up for adoption. Because by then her choice was practically made. Its utterly wrong. But tell me mylotters, what is your opinion?
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12 responses
@JodiLynn (1417)
• United States
28 Aug 09
3rd trimester abortions are NOT elective surgeries. Almost all women having them are in extreme medical need, as in 'gonna die soon' if no intervention is taken. Many are suffering from eclampsia, abruptio placenta, amnionitis, premature rupture of the membrane, an incompetent cervix, or problems clotting blood. so yes, they should be available (and legal for all) to these women who are already grieving and experiencing devastating loss.
• United States
28 Aug 09
Not every woman that has a late term abortion is doing it for health reasons. I understand that there are reasons a mother has to abort the baby due to health risks but I still think there should be a ban. I think the ban should come with very strict exceptions though. See, I don't think it should be legal for all because not every woman should have the 'choice' to abort late. But I do feel that obviously there are exceptions and due to health risks for the mother's safety it should be okay. But otherwise I strongly agree it should be banned. At that point everyone should be happy, because why else would a mother want an abortion if it is not a health risk? Obviosly it happens and women should not have the choice after the third trimester has started.
@Koriana (302)
• United States
28 Aug 09
Seems to me, that those pregnant women who wanted an abortion would have had it by the third trimester, at least in those countries where it's easily obtainable. So, it's more likely that the women had already opted not to abort, but things went badly sometiime through the pregnacy. Although I agree with the basic moral idea that it's wrong to needlessly abort in the latter months of a pregnancy, I also think it is very, very wrong to deny those women who really have a medical reason this option. Nobody, but the mother, can decide weather or not she should sacrifice herself for her child! Poland has a rather strict abortion law, you have to prove that your health is in danger to get it. One women had something like three doctors claiming she could lose her eyesight if she was forced to carry the child. It was denied her, and now her sight is serverely impaired. She was the single mother of two children before she had this one. So, well, how does a blind person take care of three kids? This decision not only effected her eyesight, but it also effected the lives of two kids that were already in this world. Some claim that there are thousands of women who should be eligable for abortion in Poland that have been denied. Thousands of women who were forced to sacrifice their life, their health, for another life. Recently, there was a young girl, I believe she was something like nine years old, who was raped by her father and became pregnant with twins. The discussions raged on the internet forums about this girl. The doctors were saying there was no way she could physically carry these twins to full term without suffering severe health problems...and yet, there were many on those forums that would have denied her the abortion. The doctors lie!!! So, how do we ban it, and still be able to guarentee that those who really need it, are able to have it? I don't think we can!
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@klaudine (3650)
• Indonesia
28 Aug 09
I completely agree that the woman should have the right to choose whether she want or not, giving birth to the baby. And for me, the freedom to choose would be forever from the first trimester to the last trimester. It is back to the reason why, and how she would abort the baby. I always believe everybody has their own reason, which for some people reasons is not acceptable, but for me, every reason was made because of another reason. I think if we would not ban abortion, so we have to let every abortion to be done. The side effect, of course would occur, and one of them is the third trimester abortion which you disagree with.
@klaudine (3650)
• Indonesia
28 Aug 09
It's okay to have different opinion and point of views, right? And I also appreciate your opinion about that. But then again, I have my own reason, just like those women who abort the baby... What about financial problems? What about the lack of knowledge the women has? I mean, maybe in wealthy country where the health and education is free women can have what they need and they can take the fast decision. But in my country here, it is not so easy to do that. Many people doesn't have enough education, so that they don't know anything about pregnancies. Those who doesn't have education also have financial problems, which we know that abortion would need lots of money. They need time to collect money, maybe... That's why I always wanted to hear the reason for everything... I wouldn't judge people if I haven't heard a reason.
• United States
28 Aug 09
See I disagree. I think the woman has a choice for the first three months and I think that is plenty of time. She needs to take responsibility for her actions and if she doesn't abort within the first three months she should have to carry on with the pregnancy. The only time I think the woman should have a choice is if a health issue arises because obviously the mother's life at that point is much more important. But really? There have been women that aborted 8 months in. At 8 months that baby could have survived! It's murder. I mean, I believe anything before 3 months is a cell and a woman has the right to abort. but by 6 months it is a baby. It has a heart beat, it has hands and feet, its a baby. So I strongly believe that unless its a health issue the woman really has no right to abort that in. She just doesn't. But I value your opinion, thank you for responding.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
28 Aug 09
My thinking is very much like your own. It is a difficult choice, I know but it is one that needs to be thoroughly thought out and a decision made right away. If a woman waits until the third trimester that tells me that she had enough doubt about the abortion itself. At that point, I honestly don't know how she could have the heart to go forth with it and I don't understand how any doctor could go along with it. I watched a documentary put together by a nurse that used to work in a clinic that did this type of abortion. It made me sick. It made her sick which is why she got out of that work and was now speaking against it. All the methods were cruel but the cruelest of all was when the baby was born alive and cuddled and held while they let him die of starvation. There is no question in my mind that it is legalized murder.
• United States
28 Aug 09
I've never heard of that one?? They just let it die of starvation? That is completely unhumane! I've heard of different ways, such as when the doctor leaves the head in the uterus and stabs them with along pair of scissors and sucks out the brain. God, and that one is just terrible as well! Why not just birth the baby there?? But I never heard of letting it die of starvation. Why would anyone be able to work in this field? Thank you so much for your insight and your response.
• Philippines
28 Aug 09
I love anything that have heartbeats in all living things. And, abortion is the worse alternatives in cutting a precious which have just begin. It is a sad truth but abortion is legal in other countries. In my own view point, abortion is a sinful things anyone with a right frame of mind to do. If a woman get pregnant it is her own obligation whatever the means she get pregnant by her own doings with or without her consent. The life in her wombs have a right to be born. And, if a woman get pregnant, because of her neglect to use contraceptives. And, once you are involves in a relationship, pregnancy is possible and should not be an excuses..I had watch the silent scream documentary videos. I have seen footage of abortion. It is very cruel to take innocent life and in the highest degrees I pity those women who gives consent on their physician to abort their babies,Because they going to suffer endless guilty thoughts having done terrible things in their own flesh. I also protest the abortionist methods. They should stop this practices is sinful and it should be banned, mercy over the innocents if they could only speak about their selves it is painful being inside the womb being pull by catheter and suction inside the woman wombs. it is both painful experiences to the mother and to its baby..whether it is a fetus or a 6 moths baby. No to abortion, Yes to adoption..
• United States
28 Aug 09
I completely agree with most of what you said. I mean, in the first 3 months of the pregnancy, while I don't think its right by any means, I think the woman should have the choice to abort. But anything after 3 months should be illegal completely. I also don't understand how the doctors that abort 3rd trimester babies can do it? They must be completely cold hearted to kill something that is alive in their hands. It makes me sick. Thank you very much for you opinion and your reponse :)
@shhheila (1845)
• Philippines
28 Aug 09
abortion should be banned!!! in the end u will feel guilt when u see other mothers hugging and carrying their babies, and blame urself in the end... its GOd given and it has a life already even its just an egg in ur embryo... it has a heartbeat so it has LIFE... adoption? if the baby has grown up and found out that he or she is adopted they will somewhat rebel and blame the real parents for giving him or her to others just like a thing and will curse and hate u forever...
@master101 (223)
• Indonesia
29 Aug 09
Hi very good notion there. And I couldnt agree more. Every words u say were correct, in my opinion. 1. I didnt agree with abortion 2. But I do too think that it is women's right for abortion 3. Trimester abortion indeed close to murder (I never heard such though, other than for medical reason). About the legality, that I rather different from u, I think it is necessary to make abortion legal. I know some researcher stated that the numbers being exaggerated, but I came across some legitimate sources about how it is in few countries the relation between mother's mortality and abortion being illegal are pretty much strong. So I think, people must stop being hypocrite by avoiding the word legal tagged to abortion. We are not supporting abortion, we legalize it so that it could prevent the negative impact coming from it.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
28 Aug 09
I was offered an abortion at 36 weeks pregnancy with my baby boy. I said no way. He is now a happy little toddler. He has spina bifida and hydrocephalus. My son spent three weeks in the special care baby unit. In there were some tiny premature babies. I liked reading the success stories at the entrance. I believe life begins at conception. I liked looking at diagrams of a baby in a womb week my week when I was pregnant. I thought that the speed of development was rapid in the first twelve weeks. After that the baby grows and gets ready to be born. I am pro-life and don't agree with abortions. I feel sorry for rape victims that get pregnant. I suggest the morning after pill might make such a lady feel slightly better after such a horrific attack. I feel sorry for ladies that find their life is at risk during a pregnancy. I found out I would have a disabled baby but I knew whatever he was like I would still love him. Abortion is cruel and I feel sorry for the innocent babies. The later in a pregnancy the more shocking the way that poor baby is aborted. It is murder in my point of view.
• United States
28 Aug 09
By far it is murder to abort during the third trimester. As a parent of children who where preemies and an aunt of a micro preemie (born at 23 weeks not even 3rd trimester yet) all alive and healthy happy kids, I cannot believe some one could kill these kids. I believe that these people do not understand exactly what they are doing or to what they are doing it to.
28 Aug 09
I'm a little confused about the thrid trimester thing as third trimester beings at 26/27 weeks and in the UK the legal limit is 24 weeks, so if someone could explain that to me i'd be grateful? Otherwise i will answer as best as i can, i am on the whole against abortion be it early or late but i think the limit does need to be brought down, to at least 20 weeks. Although i think 20 weeks is still too late for an abortion i have to look at it from the medical side and from the side of people that do believe in the practice. I think the ideal would be 16 weeks at the latest but 20 weeks would be more likely. What about people who dont find out they are pregnant until 14/15 weeks? You have to find a little compassion somewhere even if you dont agree with it in my opinion. I think its very sad that someone feels that they have to have an abortion, but it does happen and i wouldnt judge someone who had one, because i know if i were in that position it would be hard enough without people judging me.
@mdrgsm (61)
• Ukraine
28 Aug 09
I believe that ALL abortions should be banned and made illegal in all states and in all countries! Being a christian I believe that once the egg and the sperm connect and form a pregnancy, he/she is a living creature. Whether people call it a cell or not, it's still living, therefore murder if terminated. If you don't want to get pregnant, than make the neccesary precautions. Now if it is a situation you couldn't prevent like rape or molestation, then there are other alternatives you can persue. But under no circumstances should the baby have to be terminated! They are completely innocent. Besides the fact that it is wrong in God's eyes, abortion also can cause other complications in your life. You can possibly be permantely damaged from having children and the psychological problems are endless. I know many women who are in counseling and support groups trying to overcome the psychological ramifications of the decision to have an abortion years ago. Now that they are believers, they are now having to try to forgive themselves for what they went through in their past, and sort out all the feelings that were as a result of it. There are so many families out there that desire children and can't have them, it just seems so unfair that out there woman are killing the babies that could have been given to deserving and loving families. Great Discussion, controversial or not. Sometimes it just has to be discussed! Have a Blessed Day!
• Indonesia
28 Aug 09
i think the idea of abortion is not good at all. we can say it as the other way to killing people. but in some case (seduction), it should be legal if the woman dont want to have a baby from a stranger.
• Philippines
28 Aug 09
Its a murder... Im a medical worker and I'm pro-life.. even a few days of conception , the embryo develops the heartbeat.. and so its a human being , its already a murder for me , not unless of course it would cause the life af the mother or perhaps the baby that abortion would be necessary, otherwise its murder..