Do we ever stop learning?

@x_Jo_x (1040)
August 28, 2009 7:24am CST
From the moment we are born we learn. Learn to talk, learn to walk. We are constantly learning life lessons and new things. As we get older we learn more and more, discovering new things all the time. Do we every reach a point when we have nothing else to learn?
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11 responses
@cloudi (330)
28 Aug 09
I don't think anyone can ever reach that point. Not only are we constantly discovering new things but there is just too great an amount of knowledge out there for u to ever know everything.
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@x_Jo_x (1040)
28 Aug 09
Yeah there is so many unanswered questions in the world. Things that we dont understand or explain
@malamar (779)
• Canada
17 Sep 09
You would never reach a point where you have nothing else to learn. Although our capacity to absorb and retain information may decrease in our more senior years, there still would never be a time we have nothing left to learn. It would be absolutely impossible for man to reach a point in life where there is nothing left to learn.
@abanerji (1026)
• India
15 Sep 09
human life is a leaning process. if we stop leaning then our life would become stagnant and we would become obsolete. things and technology are changing every moment, so we must keep learing all that we can take in.
• India
7 Sep 09
Yeah. when we grow older and we are very old at that time we start forgetting things and our capacity to learn decreases.
@GHUNZ999 (19)
• United States
31 Aug 09
you never stop learning before we came to this earth we been learning and after we leave we will still be learning. this is the souls journey, to gain experience through time and space and take it with us on our infinite journey in this omniverse this physical shell we occupy while on this planet has an expiration date but our souls doen't and this earth is just one of our stop on a journey to oneness so enjoy it and experience all you can learning is infinite.
@chinlynn (21)
• China
1 Sep 09
the most important thing we live in this plant is learning to survive
@abanerji (1026)
• India
28 Aug 09
from the day we are born to the day we die, there is no single day when we don't learn. we kep learning voluntarily and unvoluntarily. the day an stops learning, man's life would become stagnant. man would become obsolete if man stops learning. even the most learned man on earth has to keep learning new things every day. there is always scope for learning and one should be open to leaning good things from anybody. when it comes to learning something then the ego should not come in between.
• United States
29 Aug 09
No. I believe we are always learning new things because our world is constantly changing.
• Philippines
28 Aug 09
unless you wanted to stop, learning is an never ending process. some people even old mylotters here surprised me that they have learned something from the newbies, but that's just rare,most of them time, it's the newbies who learn from other old users.the hard way
• Philippines
28 Aug 09
Dude, you will never stop learning because you will never know all of the things in your entire life. I mean a human life is not enough to know everything so learning is a process that is really endless
• China
30 Aug 09
What a pity if someone had nothing to learn. He or she would lose lots of joys of life.Learning is a process filled with challenges and pleasure.