How often do you write new post in blogs?

August 29, 2009 6:51am CST
How often do you write new post in blogs? Is it once a week, once a month, everyday, or other? For me, it depends on my mood, and what comes inside my head on what to write. So, how about you?
4 responses
@DeenaD (2684)
• United States
30 Aug 09
I have two blogs and I try to write new posts every day, but actually there are days when it's very hard to come up with good content. I think I'd rather skip a day than have my blog be filled with boring posts.
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
30 Aug 09
i am on writing sites, so i try to write at least one a day because i need to build my writing sites. but other blog sites that dont pay, i blog when something interesting comes in my head too, which is not all the time. i am usually dry of ideas.
• United States
29 Aug 09
I do it on a daily basic or at least a couple times a week - I blog about frugal living, using freebies to save money and stuff like that - and dont want to miss any goodies out there. I dont request any and all free stuff if I have no use for it, but most stuff.
@colydf (913)
• China
30 Aug 09
I notice that I do not write new post in blogs very often. And if I am very happy or very sad, I will do so. What is more, if I feel very boring and having nothing to do, I will write something in my blog. Have a nice day!